
ISDA program helps smaller meat plants

In June 2020, Bruce Kettler, director of the Indiana State Department of Agriculture, saw a good challenge coming. He anticipated receiving roughly $4 million from the federal CARES Act passed to aid in COVID-19 relief.

“We considered ideas, and assisting meat processors in the state soon came to the top of the list of things we should do,” Kettler says. “Many smaller meat-processing operations in Indiana were adversely affected by the COVID-19 shutdown. This looked like an opportunity to help them recover, upgrade equipment, perhaps expand and, at the same time, improve conditions for worker safety.”

The money came from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act, and in a few short months, the Indiana Meat Processing Expansion and Development Program through ISDA became reality. But it wasn’t an easy process.

“We had to put together a program, promote it and get the money actually spent by Dec. 30, 2020,” Kettler says. “That’s a large undertaking when you are talking about a grant program.”

Several divisions of state government played a big role, including the lieutenant governor’s office and the Office of Management and Budget, Kettler says. They also worked closely with the Indiana Meat Packers and Processors Association. Darla Dewig, whose family owns a meat processing facility in Gibson County, Ind., is the executive director.

“We were happy to come alongside and get this program going for our members,” she says. “There were real needs for more capacity, and for upgrading facilities to enhance worker safety.”

Successful rollout

It was September 2020 before all the details were worked out for the grant program. Nevertheless, ISDA received 60 applications from Indiana meat processors, requesting $6,810,732. Forty projects were approved and completed, with the state investing $3,784,293.74. Indiana in turn received the money from federal funds through the CARES Act.

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