
Engaged Citizen Corner: 316 years and counting

League of Women Voters of Brookline, Diana McClure  |  Wicked Local

What is now known as Brookline was once part of the Algonquian territory. First settled by European colonists in 1638, it was part of an outlying section of the colonial settlement of Boston, known as the hamlet of Muddy River. Incorporated as a separate town on November 13, 1705, it has remained a town for 316 years. 

Cities and towns are creatures of the state; the only distinction between the two is the form of government. Towns always have a Select Board (three or five members) and a Town Meeting (open or representative). Cities always have a city council, varying greatly in size, with either an elected mayor or an appointed manager, or some hybrid – e.g., Cambridge has an appointed City Manager with a “weak” mayor appointed by the City Council, with some political authority and discretion. 

Prior to the Home Rule authority granted to cities and towns by the state legislature in 1966, cities and towns received their right to organize from the state and had to act only in ways granted by the General Court (Legislature), or as implied by powers conveyed. Home rule in general provides much more governing autonomy for cities or towns and allows communities to enact charters (through a charter commission process), without state approval. 

Usually, a municipal government is defined by a single charter, some 25 to 50 pages long, laying out all the roles and responsibilities of the city or town. 

Brookline, though, does not have a single legislative act constituting a charter. The town operates with a combination of default state laws relating to local government organization, adoption of optional state laws, and enactment of our own home rule bills requiring adoption by the state legislature. Keeping track of 316 years of state laws and going through the home rule process can be…

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Delaware Tribe

Bartlesville Radio » News » 2021 Operation Clean House a Success, to Return in 2023

Operation Clean House (OCH) has served as an environmentally-friendly beacon in Washington County for 32 years, and 2021 was no different.

Operation Clean House was held on Saturday, Sept. 18 from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Liz Campbell, the Lead Director of OCH, says they collected a ton of hazardous waste and electronic waste at their Bartlesville and Dewey locations this year. Campbell says they took in 14,600 pounds of hazardous waste such as household chemicals and pesticides. She says they collected 38,000 lbs. of electronic waste (i.e. computers, televisions, VCRs, etc.) and over 650 gallons of oil as well.

The oil was re-used at the Washington County District Two barn two miles to the east of Dewey on West 1500 Road.

Almost 100 gallons of anti-freeze was collected during OCH. Campbell says there were even three dump trucks full of appliances that were properly disposed of as well. She says it was amazing to see how much material they prevented from being taken to the landfill this year.

Since 1989, Operation Clean House has collected 367,000 lbs. of hazardous waste. A total of 765,000 lbs. worth of electronics and 11,069 gallons of oil have been taken in over the years as well. These numbers include this year’s totals.

A total of 927 vehicles made their way to the two OCH locations this year. Campbell says there were just over 680 cars that came to drop off waste at the Phillips 66 parking lot in Bartlesville. She says they saw 245 vehicles come through the Dewey location.

A significant number of Washington County citizens participated in the event. Campbell applauds the volunteers that came out to help make our neck of the woods cleaner and safer for all to enjoy….

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Marquette adopts land and water acknowledgement

Located along the southwest shores of the Michigami, at the intersection of the Milwaukee, Kinnikinnick and Menominee river sits the city of Milwaukee. The area that was once known to various nations is now currently a part of Marquette’s campus. Marquette’s new adopted Land and Water Acknowledgment aims to recognize that history.

“We are mindful that our campus and Milwaukee are the homelands and waters of the Menominee, Potawatomi, Ho-Chunk, Fox, Mascouten, Sauk and Ojibwe nations, who have known these lands and waters as relatives for millennia and whose descendants alongside many other tribal nation members remain our hosts,” University President Michael Lovell said when announcing the acknowledgement’s adoption. 

The news of the adoption of the Land and Water Acknowledgement was received positively by some of the Indigenous students on campus. Clare Camblin, a junior in the College of Communication and member of the Osage Nation Eagle Clan, was one of those students.

“I texted my grandparents right away, it felt so good. I was very excited that they did that,” Camblin said. 

The acknowledgment was officially adopted Oct. 7 and is available in both written and oral versions. It was developed with Indigenous student leadership, including the Native American Student Association and faculty advisors. 

Some of the goals of the land and water acknowledgement are pay respect to elders of the past as well as continuing to develop good relations with sovereign Indigenous nations. Acknowledgements like these help to strengthen relationships between communities and develop a “condition of hospitality” for Indigenous students and community members.

Marquette’s council on Native American affairs was also involved in the development process. In addition to Lovell, the Land and Water Acknowledgement was approved by Provost and Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs Kimo Ah Yun.

“They pretty much told me they wouldn’t be opposed…

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Woman who died hiking at Mohican State Park from Columbus

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Lenni Lenape

Cherry Hill East over Lenape

For NJ Advance Media

For NJ Advance MediaDavid Gard | For NJ Advance Media

Evan Pfeiffenberger scored one goal and assisted on the other to lift Cherry Hill East to a 2-1 win over Lenape in Cherry Hill.

Adam Blumenthal also scored and Eitan Volodarski added an assist. The game was tied at the half but Cherry Hill East netted the only goal after the break.

Robert Fleisher made 10 saves for Cherry Hill East, which improved to 5-10.

Patrick Caulden scored for Lenape (4-10) off an assist from Landon Friedman.

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Donald Edward Tingle Sr., DelDOT retiree

Donald Edward Tingle Sr., 83, passed away in the care of TidalHealth Nanticoke in Seaford Friday, Oct. 15, 2021. He was born Dec. 31, 1937, to the late George Tingle and Pauline E. Wootten in Delaware. 

He married Doris J. Tinley in 1973, and together they raised four children. He was a hardworking man who always put family above all else. He believed the most valuable thing ever given was time well spent, and one of the ways he enjoyed spending time was working on cars and tinkering around. He was a quiet, peace-filled soul and a man of few words which were worth paying attention to.

Donald served in the Army, and after his honorable discharge, he worked for 1st State Chevy, formerly known as Burton’s Chevrolet and Oldsmobile, for 25 years, then ultimately retired from DelDOT.

Donald loved his family above all else. He is preceded in death by his beloved wife of 48 years, Doris J. Tingle. Donald is survived by his sons: Donald Tingle Jr. and partner Kelly Stong of Georgetown, and Dwayne Tingle and wife Lisa of Greenwood. Also surviving are his stepson: John Wyatt Jr. and wife Cammy of Milford, stepdaughter Nancy Scott and partner Ronald Hawkins Jr. of Frederica, and 11 grandchildren: Shawna, Jimmy, Donald III, Avari, Kielei, Cotter, Jamie, Jason, Michael, Jennifer and Jonathan. There are six great-grandchildren: Trenton, Isabella, Leyna, Hazell, Silas, and Mason.

A pass through viewing will be held Saturday, Oct. 23, at Watson’s Funeral Home, Millsboro, at 10 a.m. Immediately following will be a graveside service in Carey’s Cemetery on Conaway Road, Millsboro, at 11:30 a.m. with Pastor Curtis Jones officiating. This will be a double Celebration of Life for Donald and his wife Doris, who passed one week prior. 

Electronic condolences to: 

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Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment and FanDuel Group Launch Mobile Sports Betting and Casino Platforms in Connecticut

Mohegan Sun Casino and FanDuel Sportsbook are Now Available in Connecticut

Published: Oct. 19, 2021 at 9:03 AM CDT|Updated: 5 hours ago

UNCASVILLE, Conn., Oct. 19, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Today, Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment (MGE) and FanDuel Group, the premier online gaming company in the United States, launched a fully integrated, real money online gaming experience for residents and visitors to the state of Connecticut. Starting today,, the Mohegan Sun Casino app and FanDuel Sportsbook app, are now available in the state of Connecticut on iOS and Android.

Launching today in Connecticut, MGE in partnership with FanDuel, will launch a standalone Mohegan Sun Casino app for iOS and Android. New online Mohegan Sun Casino players can play their first day risk-free up to $1,000. The new Mohegan Sun Casino experience will include a number of key features including:

  • A robust offering packed with incredible slots and table games including a multitude of recognizable slots that you might find at Mohegan Sun’s massive gaming floor as well as blackjack, roulette and video poker.
  • The ability to securely and quickly cash out winnings, with the same level of guest service, convenience, safety and security that customers have come to expect from FanDuel and Mohegan Sun.
  • The opportunity for new customers to receive 100% back on their net Casino losses incurred in their first 24 hours of play, up to $1,000! Site credit will be automatically applied to new users accounts within 72 hours of the end of the bonus period.
  • Numerous account protections will be available to players, reflecting the strong shared commitment to responsible gaming by Mohegan Sun and FanDuel.

In addition to the standalone app, a version of the Mohegan…

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O, the possum

The white-faced, gray marsupials with almost human-like hands and prehensile tails are Virginia North American opossums, so named by English colonist John Smith of the Jamestown colony in 1610. It is the only marsupial native to the Highland Lakes and North America. It is not, despite popular belief, a possum, which is only found in Australia. In fact, the Australian possum, also a marsupial, was named after the North American variety, whose moniker comes from the Algonquian word apasum, meaning white animal or white face. Possums without the “o” do not have white faces.

And, no, the “o” is not silent. The correct pronunciation is uh-pa-sum, although not many put the “uh” in front anymore.

Opossums have been around for millions of years, evolving from the age of the dinosaur. They are sometimes referred to as living fossils because they have retained many of the same features from the earliest-known marsupials. Their large, strong jaws and teeth as well as the female’s marsupial pouch are a few of their more primitive features.

Male opossums are known as jacks, the females jills, and the young joeys. Jills give birth only 12 or so days after fertilization. The young are only half-baked at this point and far from being fully developed. The newborn, hairless, and blind joeys have only front legs and a mouth and are about the size of a honeybee. They crawl directly into the marsupium, or pouch, and remain firmly attached to the mother’s milk supply for eight more weeks of development. Even after that, they remain in the pouch for another month or more. The young also ride on the mother’s back during this time, watching and learning in preparation for life on their own.

Opossums are opportunistic omnivores: They eat anything. Adaptable and excellent survivors, they are…

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Retail Sports Betting to Begin at Connecticut Casinos on Sept. 30

Online sports betting and internet gambling in the Nutmeg State will still have to wait until early October, pending certain regulatory approvals.

Posted: Sep 29, 2021 6:36 PM ET Updated: Sep 29, 2021 6:36 PM ET Read Time: 2 min

Retail sports betting will begin in Connecticut on Thursday — as long as gamblers drive out to a casino to make their wagers. 

The Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation and partner DraftKings Inc. announced on Wednesday that starting on September 30, players will be able to place bets at a temporary sportsbook and kiosks at Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, CT.

A permanent sportsbook is “currently in the final stages of construction,” a press release said. 

Likewise, the Mohegan Tribe and partner FanDuel Group are launching retail sports betting on Thursday at the Mohegan Sun in Uncasville, CT. Wagers will be able to be placed at four live betting windows or via 50 self-service terminals at the casino.

Online sports betting and internet gambling in the Nutmeg State will still have to wait until early October, pending regulatory approval, the DraftKings-related release noted.

The Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection has been tasked with overseeing that licensing and review process for sports betting, and approved the licenses needed for on-reservation wagering to begin at both casinos on Thursday. 

“We are still working to finalize the details for the soft launch of statewide retail and online sports betting, and have not yet set a date for that,” DCP spokesperson Kaitlyn Krasselt said in an email. 

However, the Mashantucket Pequot and Boston-based DraftKings aren’t wasting any time with their retail launch in Connecticut. Notice of the U.S. Department of the Interior’s approval of an agreement between the tribe and the state to amend gambling-related…

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