Lenni Lenape

Disney Princesses Flock to Doylestown Restaurant for Upcoming Meet-and-Greet

By John Fey

Published: 12:26 pm EDT March 22, 2023Published: March 22, 2023Updated: 1:25 pm EDT March 22, 2023

Bucks County restaurant

Image via Eventbrite.

The event will give young local resident she chance to spend time with their favorite Disney characters.

For parents who want to introduce their young children to Disney’s most beloved characters, a Bucks County restaurant has you covered.

Chambers 19 Bistro & Bar, located at 19 North Main Street in Doylestown, will be hosting a Princess Meet and Greet Pancake Breakfast on March 25 from 8 – 11 AM.

The event will give young Bucks County residents to meet some of their favorite Disney characters. Proceeds from the event will go on to benefit the choir program at the local Lenape Middle School.

“Princesses, princes, and additional favorite characters will be there to serenade your table, take photos, and sign autographs. Guaranteed appearances by Elsa, Anna, Cinderella, Snow White, Belle, Rapunzel, Ariel, Jasmine and more,” event organizers said online.

Known for their food and drinks, the bistro and bar has become a popular spot for locals and residents to enjoy fun atmosphere.

Read more about the upcoming event at Lenape Middle School.


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Pantaleano triples in Game of Claims Series

WILKES-BARRE, PA – On a warm April afternoon at Pocono Downs at Mohegan Pennsylvania, harness racing driver Jim Pantaleano won three of Tuesday’s (April 4) five $20,000 divisions of the first preliminary leg of the Game Of Claims Trotting Series for $25,000 base-tag horses, including two horses trained by Scott Betts.

Manofmanymuscles and driver Jim Pantaleano (Curtis Salonick Photo)

Pantaleano/Betts produced the fastest GOC winner in the Muscle Massive gelding Manofmanymuscles, who led the entire last half in lowering his mark by two seconds to 1:54.2 for owner Timothy Betts.


The trainer/driver team also posted a victory with Worthy Of Honor (Cantab Hall), who covered the mile in 1:56.3.

Pantaleano’s other winner was Nice Stuff (Yankee Glide), now two for three in 2023 after a 1:56.3 success for trainer Laura Angle. The other two GOC winners in the initial prelim were It’s A Horse (1:54.3 for a new mark while handled by Matt Kakaley, who led the drivers overall with four victories) and Elegant Dulupin FR (1:56.2, Mark MacDonald).

None of the five winners was claimed out of the first leg; in fact, there were only two horses who changed hands in the five races, although that total will likely grow in subsequent rounds now that owners and trainers have seen a Pocono race from the horses, many of whom shipped in from points throughout the eastern half of North America.

The Bobby Weiss Series for developing three-year-olds, named after the legendary longtime Pocono trackman, get underway with a bang on Pocono’s next card of action, Saturday at 1 p.m. The three-year-old pacing colts, who will have their preliminaries and Championship on Saturdays, go in five $20,000 divisions of their first prelim; also Saturday this week will be…

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Local Author Anita Wills to Host Book Reading & Signing of Minqua Unami Okehocking & the Down River Nations

Author Anita L. Wills

Author Anita L. Wills

Author Anita wills returns to Hometown for Book Reading and signing of latest book Minqua Unami Okehocking & the Down River Nations

Minqua Unami Ockehocking & The Down River Nations tells of the Indigenous People who occupied the North and Southeastern regions of what is now America.”

— Anita L. Wills

WEST CHESTER, PENNSYLVANIA , UNITED STATES, April 7, 2023/ — Minqua Unami Okehocking & the Down River Nations is a Non Fiction Historical book, detailing the lives of Natives residing throughout the Eastern WoodlaCnds. Ms. Wills researched and documented her family history which spans thousands of years in America back to Spain in Europe Mali in Africa Canada and South America. In the pages of Minqua Unami Okehocking is a continuation of the history and historical figures entangled in her lines. Her lines are Native European and African. Ms. Wills Ancestors were the indigenous occupants of the region for at least 10,000 years before Colonization. In over 30 years she traced her Native African and European Ancestors back thousands of years to Africa Spain and throughout Europe. She utilized a combination of DNA and Research using the Oral History passed to her by her mother.

The book reading and signing will take place from 6:30 to 7:30 pm at the Chester County Historical Society at the West Chester Friends Meeting House. Ms. Wills will be reading excerpts from her book and the presentation will include a Power Point Presentation. She will be available to answer questions and sign copies of the book after the presentation. Ms. Wills will also sign previously purchased books which are available through and Barnes & Noble.

Ms. Wills was born and raised in…

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Street retires from Nanticoke museum

The longtime curator of the Nanticoke Indian Museum in Millsboro, Delaware’s only museum of its kind, retired last week in his humble way, without fanfare, leaving the position he assumed in 2011 in the hands of June “Morningstar” Robbins.

“I’m 80 now and my blood pressure is high. I don’t need any more stress. It will be better for my health. It will seem funny not coming back here but I have gotten to the point where I can’t talk as long as I used to when I give tours. I get hoarse. I do a lot of presentations,” Street told Coastal Point the afternoon of Friday, March 31, as he sat at the front desk, welcoming visitors and waiting for a visit from Nanticoke Chief Avery Johnson.

“Today I have been gathering files that I made over the years. I have been gathering them and I am taking them home. I still work on the family farm in Harbeson, the farm we have had over 100 years. That’s my second passion,” said Street, a Millsboro resident whose Indian name is Earth Keeper because of his love for gardening.

Nanticoke elders bestow Indian names during special ceremonies, he explained.

He will miss talking to visitors who have arrived at the museum from all over the world, as far away as India, Greece and Turkey.

“They read about the museum in tourism magazines and they come to Delaware and they want to see it,” Street said.

“What was interesting to me was finding out indigenous people from other countries have the same items we have here, indigenous people from Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, the same beadwork and woodwork. The same utensils. They had to survive by using natural things just like we did, to drink from, to sail in, so the items are the same,” he…

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Jefferson Starship – Northstar Mohican Casino Giveaway

[] = 768 ? ‘de’ : ‘mo’, } }); ]]> Jefferson Starship – Northstar Mohican Casino Giveaway | WFRV Local 5 – Green Bay, Appleton 2&&void 0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:1,r=arguments.length>3&&void 0!==arguments[3]?arguments[3]:”/”,o=new Date(*n*60*1e3).toUTCString();document.cookie=e+”=”+t+”; expires=”+o+”; path=”+r},window.getCookie=function(e){for(var t=e+”=”,n=document.cookie.split(“;”),r=0;r2&&void 0!==arguments[2]&&arguments[2],d=arguments.length>3&&void 0!==arguments[3]&&arguments[3],l=arguments.length>4&&void 0!==arguments[4]&&arguments[4];if(i(this,e),this.apstagSlots=[],this.prebidSlots=[],this.prebidData={analytics:[],priceGranularity:{},sizeConfig:[],slotMap:{},userSync:{}},this.lazyloadConfig={},this.device=””,this.pageType=””,this.googletag=t,this.isApsEnabled=o,this.isPrebidJSEnabled=a,this.slotsInitialized=d,this.lazyloadConfig=l,this.pageType=r(),this.device=s(),this.readMoreArticle=this.isReadMoreArticle(),this.setUpSlot=this.setUpSlot.bind(this),this.refreshSlots=this.refreshSlots.bind(this),this.refreshSingleSlot=this.refreshSingleSlot.bind(this),this.isPrebidJSEnabled){window.pbjs=window.pbjs||{},window.pbjs.que=pbjs.que||[],window.prebidData&&(this.prebidData=window.prebidData,window.NXSTdata&&window.NXSTdata.content&&window.NXSTdata.content.pageDcode&&this.prebidData.slotMap&&Object.keys(this.prebidData.slotMap).forEach((function(e){n.prebidData.slotMap[e].filter((function(e){return”rubicon”===e.bidder})).forEach((function(e){e.params.inventory={d_code:window.NXSTdata.content.pageDcode}}))})));var u=””;window.isGdprPrebidEnabled&&(u={gdpr:{cmpApi:”iab”,timeout:8e3,defaultGdprScope:!0},usp:{cmpApi:”iab”,timeout:1e3}}),window.pbjs.que.push((function(){window.pbjs.setConfig({realTimeData:n.prebidData.realTimeData,sizeConfig:n.prebidData.sizeConfig,priceGranularity:n.prebidData.priceGranularity,userSync:n.prebidData.userSync,consentManagement:u,targetingControls:{allowTargetingKeys:[“BIDDER”,”AD_ID”,”PRICE_BUCKET”,”DEAL”]},yahoossp:{mode:”all”}}),window.pbjs.aliasBidder(“aol”,”verizon”),}))}}var t,n,a;return t=e,a=[{key:”apstag”,value:function(){return window.apstag||null}}],(n=[{key:”setUpSlot”,value:function(e,t,n,i,o,a){var r=this;this.pushCmd((function(){var n=null;if((n=t.is_oop?r.googletag.defineOutOfPageSlot(i,e):r.googletag.defineSlot(i,t.size,e))&&(o&&Object.keys(o).forEach((function(e){n.setTargeting(e,o[e])})),t.sizes.length&&n.defineSizeMapping(t.sizes),t.is_companion&&a&&n.addService(r.googletag.companionAds()),n.addService(r.googletag.pubads())),n){var s=[];if(n.getSizes?s=n.getSizes(window.innerWidth,window.innerHeight).map((function(e){return[e.getWidth(),e.getHeight()]})):t.sizes.length&&(s=Object.values(t.sizes.reduce((function(e,t){var n=e;return t[1].forEach((function(e){n[e.join(“,”)]=e})),n}),{}))),s.length&&(s=s.filter((function(e){return!(88===e[0]&&31===e[1])}))),s.length){var d=o&&o.pos,l=[n.getAdUnitPath().split(“/”).slice(0,3).join(“/”),d].join(“/”);if(r.apstagSlots.push({sizes:s,slotID:n.getSlotElementId(),slotName:l}),r.isPrebidJSEnabled){var u=r.getPrebidBidsForSlot(d);d&&u.length&&r.prebidSlots.push({code:n.getSlotElementId(),mediaTypes:{banner:{sizes:s}},bids:u,ortb2Imp:{ext:{gpid:l,data:{pbadslot:l}}}})}}}}))}},{key:”getPrebidBidsForSlot”,value:function(e){return e&&this.prebidData.slotMap&&this.prebidData.slotMap[e]?this.prebidData.slotMap[e]:[]}},{key:”initVisibleSlots”,value:function(){this.slotsInitialized=!0,this.refreshSlots()}},{key:”isReadMoreArticle”,value:function(){var e=”mobile”===this.device;return window.isMobileReadMoreEnabled&&e}},{key:”showHiddenSlots”,value:function(){var e=this;this.readMoreArticle&&this.pushCmd((function(){var t=window.googletag.pubads().getSlots();(t=function(e){return e.filter((function(e){return-1 Continue reading

Lenni Lenape

Crew regatta renamed to honor former St. Augustine rower

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Concert previews of Abraham Alexander, Shinedown, Tiffany and more [Seven in Seven]

Welcome to Seven in Seven, where we look at shows coming to the region over the next week. As always, whether your musical tastes are rock and roll, jazz, heavy metal, R&B, singer-songwriter or indie, there will always be something to check out.

Here are seven of the best on the docket for the week of April 7:

Abraham Alexander — Friday at World Café Live

Singer-songwriter Abraham Alexander comes to town Friday in support of Wilder Woods, another stop on his journey from modest musical beginnings performing at open mics in Fort Worth, Texas, to recent stints on the road opening for Leon Bridges, Black Pumas and Mavis Staples. Born in Greece to parents of Nigerian descent, Alexander moved to Texas with his family at age 11 to escape the racial tensions they faced in Athens. And while the lyrics on his debut LP, “SEA/SONS,” arriving April 14, speak to pain and trauma and life-changing loss, he instills his music with a joyful passion and irrepressible spirit, ultimately giving way to songs that radiate undeniable hope.

Monterey Jazz Festival on Tour — Saturday at Verizon Hall at The Kimmel Center

As one of the world’s longest-running and most iconic events, the Monterey Jazz Festival celebrates its 65th year with a must-hear once-in-a-lifetime ensemble that organizers have put out on the road for those who can’t make it to the Bay Area. The MJF on Tour this time around features Tony- and Grammy Award-winning NEA Jazz Master vocalist Dee Dee Bridgewater alongside Grammy Award-winning vocalist Kurt Elling and critically acclaimed rising star saxophonist Lakecia Benjamin. The band will be directed by visionary pianist Christian Sands and anchored by his longtime rhythm section, bassist Yasushi Nakamura and drummer Clarence Penn.

Kind Hearted Strangers — Saturday at 118 North, Wayne

Hailing from…

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Look Back: Nanticoke graduate pinned by King of England in 1919

Mar. 26—Wonder if any other Greater Nanticoke Area graduates met English royalty?

Among the 13 graduates of Nanticoke High School in 1906, one would be awarded the British Military Cross for bravery during World War I.

U.S. Army Lt. Dr. James Elmer Croop received the honor for “gallantly on the field when the Germans attacked the British lines at the commencement of the Second Battle of the Marne,” according to the Evening News on March 27, 1919.

Croop received the decorated citation from King George V on Feb. 22, 1919.

“I want to thank and heartily congratulate you for the valuable service rendered to my troops for one and one-half years,” the King of England said to Croop, as the Evening News story reported.

Croop was a 1906 graduate of Nanticoke High School having resided with his parents Mr. and Mrs. James Croop on South Hanover Street, Nanticoke. During the commencement ceremony, the graduates were required to perform a musical number, dance or give a speech.

Croop gave a speech about the preservation and protection of Niagara Falls from commercial and industrial development. As he had a fascination of the Great Lakes, it was no surprise Croop established a medical office in Erie, Pa., in 1912.

After graduating from Nanticoke, Croop elected not to work in the coal mines or railroads but attended and successfully graduated from Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia.

With World War I underway in Europe and the United States entry into the Great War in April 1917, Croop enlisted his services on June 26, 1917, and was immediately commissioned as a first lieutenant in the U.S. Medical Corps.

Croop was called to active service Aug. 7, 1917, and after three weeks of military combat training, he sailed to England in September 1917, and was stationed for several months at a military hospital in Canterbury until…

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It’s all guns blazing on LEGEND this April

It’s all guns blazing on LEGEND this April!

Saddle up for a weekend of wild-west adventures on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th of April, headed up by the Channel premiere of Roger Corman’s directorial debut feature FIVE GUNS WEST. Other highlights include THE GAMBLER, the first in a series of five American Westerns starring Kenny Rogers, Sergio Mimica-Gezzan’s early-life depiction of THE LEGEND OF BUTCH AND SUNDANCE, True Grit sequel TRUE GRIT: A FURTHER ADVENTURE, starring Warren Oates, and the 1977 movie LAST OF THE MOHICANS, based on the novel The Last of the Mohicans by James Fenimore Cooper.

Full film details in transmission order:

Saturdays & Sundays from Sat 8 April – WESTERN WEEKEND

Sat 8 April @ 13:00 – FIVE GUNS WEST *Channel Premiere

Five outlaws are promised a pardon if they’ll take on a mission for the Confederacy. They arrive at a desert stagecoach station to await a gold shipment they plan to rob, but the men begin to fight among themselves. Set during the American Civil War, this gritty Western is directed by Roger Corman, his first feature film as director.

Sat 8 April @ 14:35 – TRUE GRIT: A FURTHER ADVENTURE (1978)

Whiskey-swigging, one-eyed Rooster Cogburn (Warren Oates) and his young friend, Mattie Ross (Lisa Pelikan) find themselves without funds on a trek west. Cogburn is enlisted by the local mine owners to catch robbers who have been stealing gold shipments. Can he save the day?

Sat 8 April @ 16:30 – THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS (1977)

An American scout and a Mohican Indian form a special bond as they accompany two women to Fort William Henry in this classic saga of the French and Indian War. Based on James Fenimore Cooper’s novel “The Last of the Mohicans

Sat 8 April @ 18:30 –…

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Delaware Tribe

KU First Nations Student Association’s powwow and festival to bring full day of celebration, ceremony

KU First Nations Student Association’s powwow and festival to bring full day of celebration, ceremony – The Lawrence Times
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