
Tesla to use tribal land loophole to finally operate in Connecticut

Tesla is going to use the loophole of operating on tribal land to finally operate in Connecticut, a state that has been aggressively blocking Tesla from operating sales, delivery, and service centers for years.

There are a few states in the US that have laws prohibiting direct sales of electric vehicles to the public without going through third-party dealerships.

These bans come from old laws that were meant to protect car dealers from their own automakers supplying the vehicles.

The idea is that automakers couldn’t open a company-owned store next to a third-party dealer after they have made the investment to sell and service their cars. It would be unfair competition.

Now, however, car dealerships are using those old laws to prevent automakers that never had deals with third-party franchise dealers, like Tesla, from selling their vehicles to the public, even though it’s fair competition. Tesla has been fighting those laws in many states with some success, but there are still a few states that are abusing these laws.

Connecticut has been one of them.

Tesla has made several different efforts to support its customers in the state, but it has found strong opposition from the legislation and the Connecticut Automotive Retailers Association (CARA), which finances state legislators.

At one point, Tesla opened a “gallery” in Connecticut. In that gallery, Tesla claimed that it didn’t have sales operations and would only educate the public. The auto dealer association managed to have Tesla’s “gallery” shut down through an effort that involved sending “secret shoppers” to try to make Tesla staff talk about sales and shut down the gallery.

After the latest efforts to change the laws were shut down by state legislation, Tesla has decided to change its strategy.

In New Mexico, Tesla found an…

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Water main break disrupts services in Nanticoke, leaves residents and businesses high and dry

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Tesla works around direct sales ban in Connecticut with plans to open showroom on Tribal land

0x0-Sales_03Credit: Tesla

Tesla is working around antiquated dealership laws again, this time in Connecticut. Mohegan Sun, a popular casino and resort, has announced the opening of a Tesla Sales, Service, and Delivery Center later this year, marking a “first-of-its-kind venture” in the state operating on Sovereign Tribal land.

For years Tesla has been working to overturn legislation in Connecticut that only allows vehicles to be delivered to customers through a third-party dealership. This poses a problem for Tesla since they sell their cars directly to consumers, something that simplifies the buying process and avoids the need for a middle man, and all of the strings that come attached with that business model, but it also means customers can’t take delivery within the state.

Teslas most recent attempt to overturn the law was last year, and like it’s previous attempts, the bill failed to pass. Now Tesla is taking matters into their own hands, and opening a delivery center on tribal land.

“We’re really excited about this new Tesla EV Showroom opening this fall at Mohegan Sun. This endeavor with Tesla marks an electrifying milestone in Mohegan Sun’s commitment to fostering impactful relationships, promoting environmental sustainability, and offering cutting-edge experiences for our millions of annual guests, each of which are core goals of Mohegan Sun and the Mohegan Tribe,” said Jeff Hamilton, the president and general manager of Mohegan Sun.

According to The Mohegan Sun, the showroom will be located across from Todd’s English’s Tuscany, and deliveries will be handled at the nearby Sky Tower valet. the Mohegan Sun already has five Tesla charging stations.

Tesla has used this strategy of working around dealership laws in other states. The automaker has opened two location in New Mexico, and has plans to open a location in Oneida, New…

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Search warrant served in fatal ATV hit-and-run crash

Aug. 7—NEWPORT TWP. — An avid all-terrain vehicle rider died Saturday from injuries sustained in a hit-and-run crash near Alden Mountain Road on July 30.

James “Jimmy” Edward Thiemann, 26, of Warrior Run, died at Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center in Plains Township.

Luzerne County Coroner Jill Matthews on Monday said no autopsy was planned. When asked for the cause and manner of death, Matthews stated there were no reports to release at this time.

District Attorney Sam Sanguedolce said the crash is being investigated by Newport Township police and the Pennsylvania State Police, Troop P, Forensic Services Unit. An assistant district attorney has been assigned to assist in the investigation, Sanguedolce stated.

State police served a search warrant on a 2004 Hyundai Sante Fe registered to a man in Nanticoke on Aug. 3. The driver of the Hyundai that struck Thiemann fled the scene after the crash, according to the search warrant affidavit.

Thiemann was with a group of other ATV riders traveling south on Alden Mountain Road as the Hyundai was behind them. The driver of the Hyundai attempted to pass the ATVs by driving into oncoming traffic and struck Thiemann’s ATV pushing it sideways for a distance, the search warrant affidavit says.

The driver of the Hyundai briefly stopped before fleeing the scene, according to the search warrant affidavit.

Police in Newport Township recovered the Hyundai after the crash and had it secured at a garage.

State police said there were tire marks on the pavement indicating the sideways ATV being pushed by an accelerating striking vehicle.

An inventory receipt with the search warrant says state police obtained a DNA swab from the steering wheel, a fingerprint from the driver’s side door and photographs of the Hyundai.

No charges have been filed.

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Lenni Lenape


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Dyer backs experience in Darwin Cup

Kyneton trainer Neil Dyer is backing Kaonic’s experience to land him his fourth Darwin Cup win on Monday.

Dyer will also saddle up recent stable addition Mohican Heights, who he also believes has the talent to be a factor.

“They are both going well but Kaonic has done his apprenticeship up here in this race,” Dyer said.

Dyer’s confidence-building reference with Kaonic is his efforts in the past two Darwin Cups, which have produced a fourth and a second.

Last year, Kaonic was runner-up behind Playoffs, who set a course record in winning the race.

Dyer said Kaonic followed the favourite Living The Dream in last year’s Darwin Cup but got held up behind him in the run.

“We got held up and then ran on for second behind Playoffs, who ran a track record, so it was a pretty good run.”

Dyer also pointed out that Kaonic comfortably defeated this year’s favourite Noir De Rue last year and meets him 4.5kg better.

Dyer said Kaonic had been trapped eight and 10 wide at his past two starts, which have produced fifth placings over 1600m at Darwin, and Kaonic had finished strongly both times.

“He’s looking for 2000m; I’m quite upbeat about his prospects,” he said.

Dyer has turned to former Victorian jockey Stan Tsaikos to ride Kaonic.

“He’s ridden him twice for a win in the Toyota Cup last year and a third before that.”

Dyer said he expected Mohican Heights to improve on his debut for the stable and also in Darwin when he finished eighth.

“He’s had multiple gear changes and his jockey Aaron Sweeney has trialled him and said he’s adjusted.”

“He hasn’t had the racing up here, but he’s done plenty of other work. He’s an athlete and he can run those distances, but he doesn’t have the experience of Kaonic up here.”

Dyer has won the race three times,…

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Pocumtuck Homelands Festival considers how history ‘ties together’

TURNERS FALLS — Organizers of the Pocumtuck Homelands Festival celebrated a decade of bringing people together to learn about Native American culture and history over the weekend.

The 10th annual festival, put on by the Nolumbeka Project with help from RiverCulture, reprises the 12,000-plus-year tradition of Indigenous peoples from all over the Northeastern United States gathering at the site, according to event coordinator Diane Dix. Organizers continued this tradition by fostering a feeling of togetherness to help people heal from a history of violence and tension between tribal and non-tribal peoples that impeded such congregations.

Not only is the site of the festival significant as a historical gathering place for Indigenous tribes, but it is also held across the river from the site of the Great Falls Massacre of May 19, 1676. The incident is considered to be the turning point of King Philip’s War, when 300 women, children and elders were killed during an attack by Capt. William Turner and colonial militiamen.

Today, the Pocumtuck Homelands Festival brings together a lineup of historians, storytellers and musicians, as well as more than 30 vendors and artisans selling a variety of goods relating to Native American culture.

“Usually, I have to travel many hours to be with the Native community, and I’m seeing a lot of friends and acquaintances here,” said Jennifer Lee, who sits on the Nolumbeka Project’s board of directors. “There’s a lot of love and camaraderie. A lot of these people … wherever we are is my home.”

Lee said the guest speakers drew the most interest of any facet of the festival. She highlighted Mohawk elder and spiritual leader Tom Porter as particularly captivating.

“Tom Porter is a gem,” she said. “He’s really from tradition and cultural knowledge, and he’s so welcoming to everybody.”

Evan Pritchard, founder of the national Center for…

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Tesla Sales and Delivery Center opening at Mohegan Sun

new Promise((resolve) => { if (window.__uspapi && ‘function’ === typeof __uspapi) { __uspapi(‘getUSPData’, 1, (uspData, success) => { if(success) { const consent = uspData.uspString.split(”)[2]; if (consent === ‘N’) { resolve(true); } else { resolve(false); } } else { resolve(false); } }); } else { resolve(false); } }); // Dispatch event for user consent window.OneTrust?.OnConsentChanged(({ detail }) => { const nxsConsentEvent = new CustomEvent(‘nxsConsent’, { detail }); dispatchEvent(nxsConsentEvent); }); // groups the user has consented to window.nxsConsentGroups = window.OnetrustActiveGroups; }) ]]> Continue reading


Nanticoke to put fate of term limits on ballot

NANTICOKE — City Council on Wednesday approved two ordinances that will give voters the option this fall to eliminate term limits for both city council members and the mayor.

Ordinances #4 and #5 were given final approval by the Council with a vote of 3-2. Councilman Mike Marcella and Vice President John Telencho, who also voted against the move at the July 19 meeting, cast the dissenting votes.

Voters can now expect two questions to appear on the Nov. 7 municipal election ballot asking if they want to delete Section 2.10 and Section 3.09 of the city’s Home Rule Charter, which will eliminate the provisions which prohibit council members and the mayor from serving more than three elected, consecutive terms.

According to City Council Solicitor William Finnegan, the paperwork will be filed with the Election Bureau tomorrow and the bureau will ultimately decide how the questions are worded on the ballot.

During the meeting, Telencho once again expressed his opinion that eliminating term limits would discourage people from running for office.

Telencho also took issue with the fact that during the last meeting, Councilman Joseph Nalepa said there was little to no interest from the people in the community in wanting to hold a seat on the council.

“In 2019, there were eight people who ran for four seats. In 2021, there were four people running for three seats,” said Telencho.

Nalepa argued that everyone who ran in the last two election cycles were “already elected.”

“They were all involved with politics already,” said Nalepa. “There’s nobody outside of this realm, this political realm, that is running.”

Telencho pointed out that that wasn’t necessarily true, since he and Marcella ran and were elected for the first time in 2019.

Nalepa then doubled…

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