
Jordan Abel’s debut novel Empty Spaces reframes The Last of the Mohicans through an Indigenous lens

Empty Spaces by Jordan Abel. A black book cover with a circle of colours in the centre. A portrait of an Indigenous man standing on a path in the forest.Empty Spaces is a novel by Jordan Abel. (Sweetmoon Photography, McClelland & Stewart)

The Next Chapter13:22Jordan Abel’s debut novel Empty Spaces is a trippy, genre-bending subversion of The Last of the Mohicans.

The acclaimed Edmonton-based writer dissects and disassembles the classic story and reframes it into a powerful Indigenous account of location, identity and agency.

On Sept. 30, Canada will mark its third National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, as well as Orange Shirt Day, a time to commemorate children who died while being forced to attend residential schools, those who survived and made it home, their families and communities still affected by the lasting trauma.  

In his newest book, Jordan Abel experiments and reimagines a known 19th century story from an Indigenous lens. Throughout Empty Spaces, he examines settler colonial ideas of land and how Indigenous peoples resist them through their story and their existence.

Empty Spaces is a reimagining of James Fenimore Cooper’s book The Last of the Mohicans from a modern urban perspective. Abel explores what it means to be Indigenous without access to familial territory and complicates popular understandings about Indigenous storytelling.

Abel is a Nisga’a writer from British Columbia. He is also the author of the poetry collections The Place of Scraps, Un/inhabited and Injun. In 2017, he won the Griffin Poetry Prize for Injun.

Abel spoke about his writing and inspiration with Ryan B. Patrick on The Next Chapter.

Empty Spaces is an experimental novel. It remixes and reframes the novel The Last of the Mohicans by James Fenimoore Cooper. Let’s start there, what got you interested in this book?

I read this book…

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Lenni Lenape

“On Lenape Land” Exhibit at Tulpehaking Nature Center

“WHEN THE SHADBUSH BLOOMS, THE SHADFISH RETURN”: This acrylic on paper work by Susan Hoenig is featured in “On Lenape Land,” on view October 1 through December 31 at the Tulpehaking Nature Center in Hamilton.

“On Lenape Land,” an exhibition of paintings and forest compositions by Susan Hoenig, will be on view October 1 through December 31 at the Tulpehaking Nature Center, 157 Westcott Avenue, Hamilton. An opening reception is on October 1 from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m.

The artist states: “The land upon which we gather is part of the traditional territory of the Lenape, called Lenapehoking. The Lenape people lived in harmony with the land for thousands of years.

“Crosswicks Creek and the Bordentown Bluffs are at the edge of the Abbott Marshlands, an area in New Jersey that was the largest site for Middle Woodland occupation in the Northeast. For at least 13,000 years Native Americans were drawn to the Bordentown Bluffs overlooking the flood plains around the wetland margins, on the banks of the Delaware River. They often built their settlements on the bluffs; fish and the plants of the marsh areas were an important reason why they came. The size of the groups the Native Americans lived in varied significantly over time. They tended the natural plants on the land and gathered them for food and medicine for thousands of years before they started to plant corn.

“I took many Friends for the Abbott Marshlands walks led by Charlie and Mary (Allessio) Leck to observe avian and plant life. In the spring of 2021, Mary Leck, botanist and emeritus professor at Rider University, invited me to accompany her with naturalists and conservationists to walk the trails along the Bordentown Bluffs edge, 60 feet above Crosswicks Creek. Mary pointed…

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What a catch! Bridgeville man lands Delaware record blue catfish

Delaware State News

SEAFORD — Bridgeville’s Chris Andrews hooked a state record blue catfish that weighed in at 48 pounds, 7.2 ounces and was 42.5-inches long in the 2023 Delaware Sport Fishing Tournament.

The catch marked the fourth state record fish of the year for the year-long tournament sponsored by the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control’s Division of Fish and Wildlife.

Mr. Andrews caught the record blue catfish while fishing in the Nanticoke River on his personal boat at night with friends who helped him land his massive catch.

Mr. Andrews said it was just another quiet end of summer evening on the water until he felt a strong tug on his fishing line.

“Fishing is a big part of my life — I go out about three times a week, so I guess you’d say I’m an avid fisherman,” Mr. Andrews said, in a press release. “I knew it was a big one, just not how big.

“I got the fish up and close to the boat multiple times, but it would just take off pulling my drag. I had a smaller net than usual, so it took multiple tries (to get it into the boat). After about a five-minute fight, the fish was landed.”

The record catch was weighed at Taylored Tackle Shop in Seaford and certified by Sgt. Nathan Evans, of the Delaware Natural Resources Fish and Wildlife Police.

Mr. Andrews’ blue catfish eclipsed the previous state record set in 2022 by James Lord, by only 4 ounces  — but as Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control Fisheries biologist Devon Scott, who recorded Andrews’ catch in the Delaware Sport Fishing Tournament, noted, “They’re both behemoth fish.”

A list of all Delaware Sport Fishing Tournament state records is available at the Division of Fish and…

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JOURNEY with VERY SPECIAL GUEST TOTO coming to Mohegan Sun Arena at Casey Plaza




Public On Sale begins Friday, September 29


September 25, 2023 – Following the success of the 2023 Freedom Tour, legendary rock band JOURNEY has announced a new round of shows for their 50th Anniversary Freedom Tour 2024 featuring very special guest TOTO.

JOURNEY – Diamond-selling Rock & Roll Hall of Famers – will take the stage in 30 cities across North America with their catalog of global chart-topping hits, including “Don’t Stop Believin”, “Any Way You Want It”, “Faithfully”, “Lights” and more.


Presented by AEG Presents, JOURNEY Freedom Tour 2024 begins Friday, February 9 in Biloxi, MS – making stops in Raleigh, Louisville, Omaha,Las Vegas and more – before wrapping April 29 in Bridgeport, CT.

Citi is the official card of the JOURNEY 50th ANNIVERSARY Freedom Tour 2024. Citi cardmembers will have access to presale tickets for the U.S. dates beginning Tuesday, September 26 at 10am local time until Thursday, September 28 at 10pm local time through Citi Entertainment (excluding Canada and Sioux City shows). For complete presale details visit A limited number of exclusive VIP Packages are also available. These exceptional offers can include an amazing selection of reserved seated tickets, custom merchandise and much more.

Tickets go on sale to the public Friday, September 29 at 10am local time.

JOURNEY features founder Neal Schon (lead guitarist), Jonathan Cain (keyboards, backing vocals), Arnel Pineda (lead vocals) Jason Derlatka (keyboards, vocals), and Deen Castronovo (drums, vocals) and Todd Jensen (bass). Neal Schon is a 3x Hall of Fame inductee, having been inducted to the Oklahoma Hall of Fame, Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and the Grammy Hall of Fame. Jon Cain is a recipient of two BMI songwriter awards and…

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Lenni Lenape

Concern over mine proposal in Bradford County

BRADFORD COUNTY, Pa. — “We need the trees to breathe, we need to save our mountain, Thank you”. Said Athens Township resident Kristine Litleer. Pollution and dust were some of the concerns residents say is all thanks to a controversial gravel and sand mine looking to set up shop in Athens Township.

The Department of Environmental Protection held a final hearing at Athens Area High School Tuesday night where township residents and even members of Lenape tribes came to say there is no need to open Minard Mine, a 350-acre piece of land located on the southeast side of the Chemung River.

“If we’re going to build something, let’s build an environment that is healthy. Let’s build an environment that is not filled with pollution or noise”. Said Samuel Savon, a member of the Lenape Tribe. 

“I understand aggregate is important to the production of a nation and the production of a community, and so are good jobs, but so is clean air and the safety of our children are important.” Said J.C. Christiansen of Athens Township. 

For three years, Bishop Brothers Construction out of Towanda has been acquiring permits to lease the farmland that the company says holds rock material sought for large-scale construction projects.

“Well, it’s going to benefit the area because of all the aggregates that our local municipalities and contractors need.” Said Dustin Bishop, Vice President of Bishop Brothers. 

Bishop says his company owns several other mines similar to the one proposed.

He listened to many of the complaints and said being someone who grew up in the township, he would never do anything to destroy it.

“So we’ve been working on this for a little over three years doing our due diligence to get through the process The right way to causes as little of an impact on the local resident as possible,”…

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Chaplains’ Corner: Spiritual richness and sharing our gifts with others

Chaplains’ Corner: Spiritual richness and sharing our gifts with others – The Williams Record Continue reading


State record blue catfish caught in Nanticoke

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11 Best Romantic (Weekend) Getaways in Ohio

Best Romantic (Weekend) Getaways in Ohio:- From miles of Erie coastline to bustling metropolises, sprawling parks, and impressive museums, Ohio has it all. Although Ohio may not be the first state that comes to mind when you think of romance, it has plenty of offer for an unforgettable romantic getaway. 

Whether your idea of a romantic retreat involves rejuvenating amidst nature, partying through the night, exploring museums and art galleries, or catching a sports event together, the Buckeye State won’t disappoint.

You’ll also find a range of accommodations here from cosy bed and breakfasts to opulent resorts. 

Planning a weekend romantic getaway with your special someone in this incredible state?

Choose from our list of the best romantic (weekend) getaways in Ohio: –

1. Inn & Spa at Cedar Falls: Logan

Rejuvenate your senses amidst scenic natural surroundings at this beautiful property. Boasting an impressive woodland setting, it is sprawled over 75 acres.

Best Romantic (Weekend) Getaways in OhioBest Romantic (Weekend) Getaways in Ohio, Image source:- Facebook

There is a variety of accommodation options to choose from, including a yurt, cottage, geodome, private lodge, or a lavish log cabin. For those who are seeking a glamping experience, a yurt or geodome is the perfect choice.

Each of them gets ample sunlight and features a full bathroom, a kitchenette, and a king-size bed. If you go for a cottage, you can make use of a private deck, and an in-room whirlpool tub. 

What’s more?

You can enjoy a couple’s spa session, go for a romantic drive, or hike through Hocking Hills State Park, there is plenty to keep you engaged here. When hunger strikes, relish delicacies in the cosy tavern, rooftop garden, or…

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Legendary rock band Journey to stop at Mohegan Sun Arena with Toto

WILKES-BARRE – Following the success of the 2023 Freedom Tour, legendary rock band JOURNEY announced a new slew of shows for their 50th Anniversary Freedom Tour 2024 featuring special guest, TOTO.

Diamond-selling Rock & Roll Hall of Famers, Journey take the stage across North America with their catalog of global chart-topping hits including “Don’t Stop Believin”, “Any Way You Want It”, “Faithfully”, “Lights” and more.

Presented by AEG Presents, Journey Freedom Tour 2024 begins February 2024. The all-star rock band comes to the Mohegan Sun Arena at Casey Plaza on Saturday, April 27 at 7:30 p.m.

Citi is the official card of the JOURNEY 50th ANNIVERSARY Freedom Tour 2024. Citi cardmembers will have access to presale tickets for the U.S. dates beginning Tuesday, September 26 at 10:00 a.m. local time until Thursday, September 28 at 10:00 p.m, local time through Citi Entertainment. For complete presale details visit

Tickets for the Wilkes-Barre performance go on sale to the public on Friday, September 29 at 10:00 local time online only at

Since the group’s formation in 1973, Journey has earned 19 top 40 singles, 25 gold and platinum albums, and has sold over 100 million albums globally. Their song “Don’t Stop Believin’” has been streamed over one billion times alone. And, they’re still out touring the world 50 years later.

Journey’s band lineup currently features founder Neal Schon (lead guitarist), Jonathan Cain (keyboards, backing vocals), Arnel Pineda (lead vocals), Jason Derlatka (keyboards, vocals), and Deen Castronovo (drums, vocals) and Todd Jensen (bass).

Of the tour, Neal Schon says, ““We are looking forward to hitting the road again with our very good friends Toto! Come join us for a special evening full of fun and rockin’ good memories. See you soon, friends.”

Jonathan Cain adds, “Honored…

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