
Howard E. Vanderslice, 80

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Howard E. Vanderslice of Bethel passed away on Dec. 22, 2023 at TidalHealth Peninsula Regional. Howard was born on Nov. 18, 1943, to the late Howard B. Vanderslice and Jennie Shiles Vanderslice. He retired as a Director of Research and Development in the agriculture industry. 

After retiring, he volunteered with the Nanticoke Watershed Alliance conducting creek water checks and was a beloved substitute teacher for the Laurel School District for over 10 years, where the students called him Mr. “V”. He greatly enjoyed gardening, cooking, dancing with his wife, traveling, decorating the outside of his house for Christmas with his scenes and lights and cheering on the Philadelphia Phillies with his family, but his most favorite pastime was spending time working out with his grandson and best friend Cade. 

Howard is survived by his loving wife, Donna Jean Vanderslice; sons, Patrick Vanderslice and his wife Susan, and Donald Vanderslice; granddaughter, Brendyn Vanderslice, grandson, Cade Vanderslice; aunt, MaryAnn Williams; nieces, Suzanne Glaspey and Julie Vanderslice-Schmidt. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by their infant son, and his brother, Robert “Bob” Vanderslice. 

A visitation was held on Tuesday, Jan. 2, 2024, at the Hannigan, Short, Disharoon Funeral Home Inc. in Laurel with a funeral service following. Pastor Dean Perdue officiated. Interment was held privately. Contributions may be sent in honor of Howard Vanderslice to the Bethel Historical Society, P.O. Box 224, Bethel, Delaware 19931 or the Nanticoke Watershed Alliance, 113 Old Ocean City Gateway, Vienna, Maryland 21869. Online condolences may be sent to the family by visiting Arrangements are in the care of the Hannigan, Short, Disharoon Funeral Home in Laurel.

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John Kirk Named Director of Casino Marketing at Cache Creek Casino Resort

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Home People John Kirk Named Director of Casino Marketing at Cache Creek Casino Resort John Kirk

BROOKS, CA – Cache Creek Casino Resort has announced the appointment of John Kirk as the resort’s new Director of Casino Marketing. With three decades in the gaming industry at numerous prestigious resorts, Kirk will lead player development efforts and casino services teams. Kirk will be instrumental in transforming the casino resort through guest-focused relationship marketing.

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Lenni Lenape

Pound Ridge ES Students Explore Artifacts & Learn About Lenape Culture

This post was contributed by a community member. The views expressed here are the author’s own.

“Wait, this is actually bear skin?!” a Pound Ridge Elementary School fourth grader asked incredulously. The student was petting the soft fur but pulled back her hand quickly when she realized what it was. On display tables around her, there were a variety of artifacts made from animals and other natural elements: a piece of deer jaw that was used to take off corn kernels, a fishbone necklace, a turkey bone whistle.

The artifacts were brought to PRES by Carla Messinger, a Lenape descendant from Pennsylvania, to teach students about Native American culture in celebration of Native American Heritage Month and as part of the fourth-grade curriculum.

“The Lenape people were incredible recyclers,” Messinger told students. “They used and reused everything they could.”

Find out what’s happening in Bedford-Katonahwith free, real-time updates from Patch.

She told students how the Lenape used animal bones for everything from instruments and jewelry to spoons. They used hollowed-out and dried squash to create drinking vessels similar to today’s sports bottles. They even used the fluffy part of cattails to stuff diapers.

Messinger also spoke about how the Lenape and colonists influenced each other’s cultures, showed traditional clothing, explained how the Lenape were a matriarchal society and so much more. After her talk, students were able to explore all the artifacts she brought with her and ask questions.

Find out what’s happening in Bedford-Katonahwith free, real-time updates from Patch.

A couple of the girls in Randi Neglia’s class were incredibly interested in something called a rain stick. While it looked like a piece of a branch, if you moved it around, there was a tumbling sound inside of it. As the students explored it more, they tried to figure out what could possibly be…

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Nanticoke man sentenced for online child solicitation

 			 				 Sean Lewandowski shown when he was arrested by Kingston Police Detective Stephen Gibson in October 2021. Ed Lewis | Times Leader

Sean Lewandowski shown when he was arrested by Kingston Police Detective Stephen Gibson in October 2021.

Ed Lewis | Times Leader

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WILKES-BARRE — A man from Nanticoke who believed he was conversing online with a 15-year-old girl and asked if she was into “kinky stuff” was sentenced in Luzerne County Court Thursday.

President Judge Michael T. Vough sentenced Sean D. Lewandowski, 52, of West Noble Street, to nine-to-23 months in state prison for criminal attempt to commit unlawful contact with a minor and consecutive three years probation for corruption of minors. Lewandowski pled guilty to the charges June 12.

Kingston police with information provided by a cooperating witness charged Lewandowski in October 2021, part of a sting operation of online child predators.

According to the criminal complaint:

An unnamed cooperating witness provided online chats Lewandowski had with someone he believed was a 15-year-old girl.

Lewandowski asked the girl if she had ever been with an older man, asked if she ever had sex, and suggested performing sexual acts, asking the girl if she was into “kinky stuff,” the complaint says.

Lewandowski also asked the girl if her parents would call police if they ever found out.

Lewandowski was confronted by the cooperating witness, believing he was meeting the teenage girl.

Lewandowski is required to register his address as a sex offender for 25 years under the state’s Sex Offender Registration and Notification…

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UN Mission: We will visit Suleiman Ahmed as soon as possible

Today, lawyers for journalist and editor of the Arabic section at Roj News Agency, Suleiman Ahmed, who was kidnapped by Kurdistan Democratic Party security on October 25 at the Fish Khabour crossing and whose fate remains unknown, met with the head of the United Nations Assistance Office for Iraq (UNAMI), Carolina Moreno, and discussed Suleiman’s case.

One of journalist Suleiman Ahmed Nariman Ahmed’s lawyers spoke to Roj News Agency about the meeting with the head of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) and stated that the meeting lasted for more than an hour and a fruitful meeting was held about the case.

Nariman Ahmed added; He said: “During the meeting, we talked about the obstacles faced by journalists and civil society activists in the Kurdistan region by the political authorities, as well as violations of freedom of thought and violations of human rights and freedom of the press.”

Nariman Ahmed noted, “During the meeting, we talked about the case of journalist Suleiman Ahmed, who was kidnapped by the security forces of the Kurdistan Democratic Party on October 25, 2023. We stressed that since then, despite all the efforts made by his family, lawyers, activists, journalists, organizations and unions at the local and international levels, but his fate is still unknown. In addition, a statement was issued by Dohuk security after pressure from public opinion. We also talked about the fact that Suleiman Ahmed is in prison and accused of spying for a political party.”

Regarding the legal status of journalist Suleiman Ahmed, his lawyers shared this information with the official of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq: “Suleiman Ahmed was not a member of any political party. He is an independent journalist and works with Roj News Agency, which is an official and well-known agency licensed in…

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Indy Q&A: Head of Virgin Hotels LV management is ‘guy that brings everyone together’

Among his first acts after being named president of the management company that oversees the Virgin Hotels Las Vegas in August, Cliff Atkinson wanted to meet jointly with representatives from the 29 entities that operate businesses inside the off-Strip resort.

What might have first seemed like herding cats became a rally session as Atkinson, 49, jumped into a familiar role — ensuring the diverse companies overseeing the hotel, casino, restaurants, bars, lounges and retail inside Virgin were working in harmony to make the most of the huge business opportunity roughly three months away.

Virgin’s location along Harmon Avenue — less than 1 mile east of the Formula One Las Vegas Grand Prix headquarters — was an opportunity that wasn’t around when the property reopened in March 2021 following 20 months of renovations. The $500 million Grand Prix building was the centerpiece for the three days of racing, with high-priced grandstand seating, luxury suites, the start-finish line and pit row garages.

“We knew there were going to be 50,000 people. That was almost the size of Allegiant Stadium less than a mile from our front doors,” said Atkinson, who previously served as president of Luxor Hotel and Casino. “We needed to have the property ready for that event.”

Virgin’s rideshare lot at Harmon and Paradise Road became the pickup and drop-off location for Grand Prix attendees. Space in the property that housed the center bar when the building was known as Hard Rock Las Vegas was “reactivated” from 10 a.m. to 4 a.m. daily with DJs and renewed energy. Atkinson said Virgin rented several golf carts to help shuttle guests between the resort and the race facility.

In addition to paddock area skybox suites, Virgin had grandstand seating access at the start-finish line.

“We kind of went for it. We sponsored…

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2 arrested in shooting death of 23-year-old soon-to-be father in Cleveland on New Year’s Day

A 17 and 28-year-old were in police custody Wednesday. Police have not confirmed, but a family friend says the victim was meeting to sell a bike when it happened.

CLEVELAND — Two people were arrested Wednesday, after a 23-year-old soon-to-be father was shot and killed at a Cleveland park on New Year’s Day.

The two people in custody include a 17-year-old boy and 28-year-old Austin Mueller, according to the Cleveland Division of Police.

The shooting happened just off Triskett Road in the parking lot of Mohican Park on Cleveland’s west side. Police said at around 5:30 p.m., the victim was shot multiple times. He was taken to the hospital where he was pronounced dead.

Police have not released the victim’s name, but his girlfriend and a family friend identified him as 23-year-old Enrique Dudenas. They said he has a baby on the way.

Balloons and candles honored his memory near the spot where the shooting happened.

“He was so loving & caring, did whatever he could for his friends and family,” the victim’s girlfriend wrote in a message to 3News’ Matt Rascon. “Definitely was a family man and worked so hard for everything he wanted in life.”

“They should be investigating this. This is a murder. This ain’t no, ‘Somebody’s purse got stolen’; somebody got killed,” said one family friend who did not want to be identified. 

“I knew him as a kid. He was a great kid. I’m sure he was on his way to be a great father,” he said.

Police have not released any more details about the circumstances, but the family friend told 3News Enrique was meeting some potential buyers to sell his dirt bike at Mohican Park Monday when the shooting happened.

“I’m sure [the family] is throwing themselves on the couch together, crying….

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O’Connor appointed to Nanticoke council seat

NANTICOKE — Mark O’Connor was appointed to council during Tuesday’s combined reorganization, work and regular meeting to fill the council seat vacated by his wife, Lesley Butczynski, who was declared ineligible to serve a fourth term due to provisions set in the Nanticoke City Home Rule Charter.

Despite being elected to another term in November’s general election, Butczynski was found to be ineligible to serve due to Section 2.10 of the charter, which states members of City Council may not serve more than three elected, consecutive terms.

As stated in Resolution No. 1 of 2024, her council seat was declared vacant through forfeiture, which occurs when a member of council lacks the qualification of the offices as defined by the charter.

Butczynski was first appointed to Council in 2012, when she filled the seat vacated by Councilwoman Margaret Hydock, following her resignation.

Butczynski then won a one-time, two-year term in 2013. She subsequently won a four-year term in 2015 and a second four-year term in 2019.

Butczynski’s ability to retain her seat was called into question last summer as it was unclear under the current charter provisions whether or not the one-time two-year term counted toward her total number of terms served.

Before the council meeting on Tuesday, Council Solicitor William Finnegan told The Times Leader that because the drafters of Nanticoke’s Home Rule Charter did not make a distinction between that one-time, two-year term and a regular four-term and only spoke of terms “generally,” it was ultimately concluded that Butczynski had already served the maximum amount of consecutive terms allowed by the charter.

Residents voted to keep term limits in place for both council members and the mayor back in November’s general election.

During the…

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GoLocalProv | Politics | 5 Reasons for New Year’s Optimism in 2024

Tuesday, January 02, 2024

Rob Horowitz, MINDSETTER™


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Bruce Springsteen PHOTO: File, Mohegan Sun, 2014

For the past eleven years, I’ve written a New Year’s column listing reasons for optimism. Click and see how I did last year.  This year, I do the same. It remains the nature of news and opinion writing that positive developments get short shrift.

As we begin 2024, 5 reasons for optimism are outlined below:



·      Nearly 200 nations agreed to accelerate the transition away from carbon-producing fossil fuels at the recently concluded COP 28 UN Climate Summit. This sends an important market signal, likely increasing the already robust investment in renewable energy worldwide—and hastening the retreat of capital from the fossil fuels industry. Speeding up the phase out of fossil fuels is essential to limiting the increase in global temperatures to the 1.5% Celsius or 2.7 Fahrenheit that scientists tell us we must to avoid the worst consequences of climate change.


·      Violent crime is on a welcome, strong downward trajectory, returning to the lower levels it was at pre-pandemic.   When the final numbers are totaled, for example, the homicide rate is expected to be 13% lower in 2023 than it was in 2022.  The nation’s cities are experiencing particularly pronounced drops as stepped-up investments in crime prevention, taking illegal guns off the streets, and community policing are paying dividends.


·      Latino immigrants show the same patterns of assimilation as previous large-scale groups of immigrants, such as Italian, Irish and Eastern European emigres. As with previous waves of immigration, today’s immigrants come to our nation to seek a better life for their children, succeed in doing…

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Lenni Lenape

Methodists embrace pilgrimage of pain

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