Dec. 31—At 10 a.m. on Jan. 4, 1926, the Borough of Nanticoke became the City of Nanticoke.
“Nanticoke with its population of approximately 28,000 inhabitants contained within three and three-quarters square miles, since 1874, a borough, will become a city with the reorganization in the city building of its elected city officials,” the Wilkes-Barre Record reported Jan. 4, 1926.
Nanticoke is derived from Nentego, a Native American tribe that settled along the banks of the Susquehanna River possibly in 1748 where shad was prevalent along with an abundant amount of game in the forests to hunt.
Originally part of Hanover Township, the land was given to Capt. Lazarus Stewart, William Stewart and others for their effort to protect the area for the Susquehanna Company, settlers from Connecticut that spawned the Pennamite-Yankee Wars of 1769-1770 and 1774.
William Stewart divided the land into plots he sold and he also ran a ferry across the river that resulted in the eventual founding of Plymouth.
“The first 136 logs laid out by William Stewart sold for $10 each, and these were located along what is now Spring, Walnut, Pine, Broad, Market, Chestnut and Walter streets,” the Record reported Jan. 4, 1926.
Original settlers of Nanticoke derived their living through cultivating the soil and hunting. Most of the houses were one-story log huts. There was no fuel other than wood. Each householder was constructor of his own furniture. Oxen were used for farming and hauling, the story reported.
“Hunting was especially good in vicinity of Nanticoke as there were ample deer, bear, turkeys, wild pigeons, pheasants, geese, squirrels and beaver. Wolves also were plentiful and the early settlers were obliged to nightly house their stock for protection. The falls in the Susquehanna River below Nanticoke furnished good fishing,” the Record reported.
Records show that in 1796, there were 86 taxable persons in…
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