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Month: March 2024

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ASHEVILLE, N.C. (WLOS) — The Oscars honor those who bring our favorite stories to life on the big screen. You know the actors, but what about the thousands behind the scenes who make movie magic happen?
Two such people with resumes that could fill a textbook got their start at home in the mountains of Western North Carolina.
“My mom called me and said that they had placed a classified ad for hairdressers for a movie that was coming to Asheville,” Deborah Ball, a Haywood County native, said.
Ball and her friend, Gail Hensley, spent a career working in salons before the production of “The Last of the Mohicans” came to their doorstep.
“The salon, with contemporary work, can become boring for an artist,” Ball said. “I found the challenge in film work. Not only in the research, but also in the construction of these pieces.”
A three-decade journey of hair and wig work began for Ball and Hensley on the set of the Daniel-Day Lewis-led, Oscar-winning movie.
“(An) unbelievable opportunity crossed our way,” Hensley, a West Asheville native, said.
Winning a Golden Globe on the TV show “Homeland” and a career of opportunity working on films like “Titanic,” “The Patriot,” “The Help”, and “Lincoln” involves quite a lot of research.
“You have to start thinking about, ‘Well, how did they manage their hair back then?'” Ball asked.
Research which took two months to thumb through in their latest film, Oscar-nominated “Killers of the Flower Moon.”
“We had traditional Osage, the men and the women, and the men wore the two braids, and the ladies had the one braid,” Hensley said. “Then we would have to transition them into the 1920s as they progressed in the time period when they became wealthy Osage.”
Hensley, who…

After a busy day Friday with four non-public state championships, we turn our focus to the public state finals. Stay tuned all day long as we bring you highlights from both the boys’ and girls’ Group 2 and Group 4 state championships!
After a wild few days headlined by controversies on the court and decisions made in courtrooms, the Panthers dominated on the big stage to win their 13th overall state championship. Camden (30-2) led Arts (24-9) wire to wire and controlled the game from the get-go. Emmanuel Joe-Samuel led all scorers with a game-high 23 points. This game came just a few days after the controversial ending to the Group 2 state semifinal – Manasquan defeated Camden on a last second buzzer-beating shot but the basket was overturned, thus awarding the Panthers the win and a trip to the final.
JSZ’s Jay Cook has the highlights:
The Warriors are back on top in Group 2 for the second time in three seasons after a dominant effort in the state final against the Dodgers. Bucknell commit Hope Masonius poured in a game-high 18 points to lead the Warriors to its ninth state championship in program history. UPenn commit Katie Collins went for six points, nine rebounds, and six blocks for Manasquan (26-5). Charlotte Tuhy finished with a team-high nine points for Madison (24-7).
JSZ’s James Mooney has the highlights and reaction:
Jersey Sports Zone’s coverage of Manasquan is made possible by Ramapo College.
Elizabeth defeated Lenape 57-41 for their second Group 4 State Championship since 2022. A quiet first half would see The Minutemen leading 19-11 at the break, but a wild third quarter would see Lenape go on…
Victories in the Round of 16 for Lake-Lehman’s Alahna Morris and Nanticoke Area’s Sierra Ripka highlighted the day for the Wyoming Valley Conference as the PIAA Wrestling championships opened Thursday at the Giant Center in Hershey.
Four other WVC girls wrestlers will be back on the mats when the first round of consolations picks up on Friday morning, while Morris and Ripka will head to the quarterfinals and remain in the hunt for a state championship.
On the boys’ side, all three WVC wrestlers that qualified for the Class 2A and 3A tournaments were knocked out of championship contention, and only Dallas’ Lucas Tirpak remains alive in the consolation bracket after picking up a win in the first round of consolations on Friday night.
Two weekends ago at the District 2 tournament, Morris etched her name in the books as the first WVC wrestler to win a District 2 Girls wrestling title. In Hershey on Thursday, she did it again, picking up a victory in the Round of 16 to become the first WVC wrestler to win a Girls state tournament match.
Morris went up 2-0 in the first period after a takedown and held on from there, holding off Pine Grove’s Eva Kurtz to win by a 2-0 decision and advance to the 148-pound quarterfinals, where she’ll take on Charlotte Gilfoil from Central Dauphin.
Ripka would follow suit shortly after in the 170-pound field, in dominant fashion: Ripka pinned her opponent in just 42 seconds to earn her spot in the quarterfinals to face Big Spring’s Sarah Lynn.
Wyoming Valley West’s Isabell Seip and Brooke Long, Crestwood’s Rachel Shoemaker and Hazleton Area’s Miah Molinaro were all defeated in their Round of 16 matches and will drop into the first round of…
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Brooklyn hiking label Outlandish has partnered with Utah-based sporting gear brand Pingora to create the Hudson Valley Lucid 13 Pack: a hiking bag that serves to celebrate the Lenape Nation’s legacy as the first inhabitants and caretakers of the Lenapehoking.
The bag, equipped with an ergonomic harness, durable Nylon 210D ripstop and adjustable straps, features petroglyphs that were drawn by the Lenape on the ridge of the Delaware River, roughly 3,000 to 5,000 years ago. The carving is the largest Lenape petroglyph to be discovered, with illustrations of lizards, dragonflies, deer, bears, a man with a bow a crescent moon and a shaman.
“We’ve been here this whole time. We’re still here,” Que
Powell, a member of the Ramapo Lenape Nation who became a thoughtful collaborator on the project, said in a statement. “We’re mountain people, and sometimes known as an Afro Indigenous tribe, amongst other things.” The tribe is a subcategory of the Lenape, whose land previously sprawled from Albany, New York to the Raritan River North, New Jersey. Today, the Lenape encompass a seven-mile radius in the foothills of the Ramapos Mountains, on the border of New York and New Jersey.
“Respect for nature is the biggest element–how we watch nature as a way to be better ourselves,” Powell, who models the bag on a hike in the campaign, added. “For example, learning to flow like a river. Don’t try to go upstream. Go where it goes and make the best of where you land.”
Outlandish added, “The hope is that the product will play a small role in helping New Yorkers carry Lenape art, storytelling and heritage forward as we explore landscapes they originally cared for.”
The Hudson Valley Lucid 13 Pack will be available to purchase online via Outlandish in the coming days. All…
UNAMI/OHCHR Report Calls for Further Measures to Address Domestic Violence in Iraq
Baghdad, 07 March 2024 – Ahead of the International Women’s Day, the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) have jointly released a comprehensive report entitled “Accountability for Domestic violence in Iraq: Promoting justice and non-discrimination.” EN/AR
The findings of the report are derived from a comprehensive analysis of data, including a review of 100 domestic violence court cases in Baghdad, Kirkuk, and Mosul, trial hearing observations, examination of court judgments and meetings with judges, lawyers, prosecutors, government officials, survivors and their families, as well as civil society. A draft of the report was shared with relevant government ministries through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and their comments have been taken into account in the final version.
UNAMI/OHCHR recognize that Iraq has implemented several positive measures to address domestic violence, such as the adoption of two national strategies and the establishment of the Directorate of Family and Child Protection against Domestic Violence, as well as the assignment of specifically nominated judges in misdemeanor courts for domestic violence cases.
However, the report underscores how domestic violence remains a form of discrimination that significantly hinders women’s enjoyment of their rights and freedoms, and emphasizes the impact of social stigma and other barriers preventing survivors from reporting incidents. The report further highlights the limited scope and effectiveness of investigations, which often result in a lack of justice, remedy, or protection for survivors. The absence of a legal protection framework, particularly a law on domestic violence in conformity with international standards, exacerbates the lack of awareness among the public and law enforcement agencies and poses substantial challenges in addressing criminal violence within homes.
In light…