
Relax, Float, & Repeat On One Of Ohio’s Most Scenic Rivers

When the summer heat kicks in, there’s nothing quite like spending a day floating down the Mohican River in Ohio. This scenic waterway offers the perfect backdrop for a fun-filled adventure, whether you’re tubing, kayaking, or canoeing.

Let’s dive into what makes the Mohican River a must-visit destination and how you can plan the perfect day out on the water!

Why the Mohican River is a Must-Visit

rafting mohican adventuresvia Facebook

The Mohican River, located in north-central Ohio, stretches over 40 miles and is renowned for its natural beauty and tranquil waters. Designated as a “scenic” river by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, it’s a haven for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers alike.

The river’s gentle flow makes it ideal for a variety of activities, ensuring that everyone from families to solo adventurers can enjoy a day on the water.

Mohican Adventures: Your Starting Point

If you’re ready to explore the Mohican River, Mohican Adventures in Loudonville is your go-to guide. They offer everything you need for a day on the water, including rentals for tubes, kayaks, canoes, and rafts.

Their trips range from a quick 3-mile float to a more extended 7-mile journey, catering to different preferences and schedules.

  • 3-Mile Trip: Perfect for families or those short on time, this trip takes about 1-2 hours in a canoe or kayak, 2-3 hours in a raft, and 2-4 hours in a tube. It’s a leisurely float that lets you soak in the scenery without committing to a full day.
  • 7-Mile Trip: For those looking for a longer adventure, the 7-mile trip is a fantastic option. This journey typically takes about 2-3 hours in a canoe or kayak, 4-5 hours in a raft, and 5-6 hours in a tube. You’ll…
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    7 of the Most Charming Towns in Delaware

    John James Ingalls, the 17th-century politician, once quipped, “Delaware is a state that has three counties when the tide is out and two when it is in.” Despite its diminutive size, the First State in the Nation is a prime example that good things come in small packages. This compact landscape is a fundamental part of its charm. Home to over 300 of the Fortune 500 businesses in the country, due to its tax-friendly status, employment opportunities abound. With a robust history going back to its Nanticoke and Lenape roots to the comforts of modernity, its appeal is universal. Uncover a few of the most charming towns to explore!

    Bethany Beach

    Coastline at Bethany Beach, Delaware.Waterfront in Bethany Beach, Delaware.

    Located on the Atlantic Coast, this white sandy oasis was originally home to the Nanticoke people. Settled as a Christian campsite in 1901, it has become one of Delaware’s most sought-after family-friendly beaches.

    Less crowded than its counterparts, Rehoboth Beach and Ocean City, Maryland, it attracts families with its boardwalk and arcades, including the Shore Fun Family Center. The adults will enjoy visiting the nearby Salted Vines Vineyard & Winery. It offers tours, and the tasting room is the ideal place to chill out and sample its award-winning cabernets.

    Everyone should head over to the James Farm Ecological Preserve. A short drive from Bethany Beach, locals refer to it as a wildland oasis. Walk the trails covering multiple types of habitats.

    New Castle

    Booth House Tavern, New Castle, Delaware.Booth House Tavern, New Castle, Delaware.

    Founded in 1651 by Dutch settlers, New Castle is considered part of the Philadelphia Metropolitan area.

    Placed on the National Historic Registry in 1967, this sought-after region has a…

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    10 Hudson Valley Non-Profits Get An Infusion Of New State Funds

    HUDSON VALLEY, NY — Albany has made funds available to help struggling Westchester and Putnam County residents thrive.

    NYS Senator Pete Harckham announced that in an end-of-year resolution in the State Senate, $464,500 was set aside for youth workforce training and community programs in Westchester and Putnam Counties.

    “The investments we have made in these important community programs are the result of hearing from different municipal officials and nonprofit stakeholders about the necessary resources required to support the work they are doing,” Harckham said. “Many of these nonprofit organizations operate on shoestring budgets—and yet accomplish so much; they are on the frontlines in so many important areas. I am glad to have secured this funding because these programs will help empower residents and benefit them in so many ways. Each of these recipients is deserving of our support, and I thank Majority Leader Stewart-Cousins for acknowledging the impact of their work in our communities.”

    The recipients of the funding are:

    • CAREERS Support Solutions: $85,000 for Operations and Educational Programs
    • Sickle Cell Awareness Foundation Corp. International: $80,000 for Operations and Research
    • Neighbor’s Link, Inc.: $57,500 for Legal Services to Immigrant Community
    • City of Peekskill: $50,000 for Workforce Training programs focusing on young adults and gun violence prevention
    • Hope’s Door, Inc.: $50,000 for Crisis Response, Outreach Expenses
    • Putnam / Northern Westchester Women’s Resource Center: $50,000 for Advocacy Outreach
    • My Brother Vinny, Inc.: $50,000 for Operations, Storage Costs and Vehicle Maintenance
    • Ossining Padres Hispanos, Inc.: $25,000 for Operations and Vocational Training
    • Prevention Council of Putnam, Inc.: $7,000 for Operations and Educational Programs
    • Washington Rochambeau Revolutionary Route – NY, Inc.: $10,000 for Rochambeau Festival in Yorktown’s Rochambeau Park

    The funding comes from several areas in the enacted FY2024-2024 State Budget, including the Division of Criminal Justice Services, the Division of Housing and Community Renewal, the Department of Health, the Department of Labor, the…

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    Anglers Cast Their Lines at the 3rd Annual Nanticoke River Invasive Fishing Derby

    WICOMICO COUNTY, MD – Fishers cast their lines at the 3rd annual Nanticoke River Invasive Fishing Derby at Cherry Beach Park in Sharptown on Saturday.

    The free annual event, presented by Salisbury University, looks to combat invasive species in local waterways. During the derby, fishing hobbyists and professionals alike caught blue catfish and northern snakeheads. 

    The derby kicked off at 5AM and participants fished until weigh-ins at 1:30PM. The event included awards, data collection, invasive species educational lessons and more. 

    Dr. Noah Bressman, an assistant professor of biology studies at Salisbury University organizes the event every year. Dr. Bressman says that “We really want to spread awareness in local waterway communities about what fish are invasive, and how they can minimize the population to relieve some pressure from striped bass and blue crabs, whose populations are on the decline”. 

    A portion of all the blue catfish and northern snakeheads caught in the derby were provided to Dr.Bressman’s lab so continued research can be done to learn more about their effects on the local ecosystem. Their research includes growth speed, reproduction rates, and focusing on diet. 

    Third time Invasive Fishing Derby participant, Kristen Lycett spoke to WBOC about the importance of the tournament. Lycett said she knows her rod alone won’t catch all of the invasive fish, but the recent increase in tournaments is exciting for fishers. She said, “we’ve seen an increase in invasive species tournaments and this is one of the first ones that I knew about. I know this year there have already been several and there are still more to go this year so that’s awesome.” Lycett also discussed how the event is fun for anyone looking to get out on the water, “this is a low-stakes fun way to get involved in competitive fishing”…”this is a great place to get started if you’re…

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    Lenni Lenape

    Perkasie opening ‘The Spine’ at Lenape Park Skate Park July 26 with skate night event, outdoor movie

    Perkasie Borough is thrilled to announce the opening of “The Spine,” the highly anticipated update to the Lenape Park Skate Park, with an exciting inaugural Last Friday Skate Night program and a late-night outdoor movie.

    Scheduled for 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Friday July 26, 2024, this special event will mark the beginning of a new era for skate enthusiasts in the community, providing an exciting new single coping double mini half pipe and a full reconstruction of the park’s asphalt pad.

    Last Friday Skate Nights are planned for July through September and are meant to invite and include skaters of all ages and skill levels.

    The inaugural Last Friday Skate Night on July 26 promises an evening filled with music, food, games, giveaways and a celebration of skate culture, and is followed by a FREE outdoor showing of “School of Rock” (PG-13) at the amphitheater in Lenape Park. The movie will begin at around 8:30pm and has a run time of 1 hour and 48 mins.

    Lauren Moll, Perkasie’s director of Parks & Recreation said, “The skate park is one of the Borough’s most-utilized facilities and it’s wonderful to have been a part of this project. It feels very appropriate to host this event in July, which is National Parks & Recreation Month. We’re hoping everyone comes out to watch the skaters, enjoy the park and stay for the movie. It’s going to be an awesome evening in the park.”

    Attendees at the event can purchase hot dogs and snacks and Hickory Stick ice creams, and pick up free giveaways provided by event sponsors and the Perkasie Police Department.

        Perkasie Borough   

    Perkasie Borough is grateful to the event sponsors, including the Perkasie Rotary Club, K-Squared Landscaping, MLC Mechanical, Screen…

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    It’s all the big things this week in CT from blink-182 to Phish to Jerry Seinfeld

    The 1960s British teen idol Peter Noone is now a septuagenarian. So is Vicki Lawrence, who has been playing one (“Mama”) since the 1970s.

    Also in Connecticut this week, a Sammy Hagar/Loverboy tour recalls the 1980s. Southern California skate punks blink-182 evoke the 1990s and 2000s. Then there’s Phish, whose jams have gone on for decades.

    The music goes round and round right up to up-and-comers like Tracheotomy and newly minted arena-filling stars like Billy Strings.

    On the comedy front, besides Lawrence there’s Jerry Seinfeld and what might be the last live stand-up go-round for Bill Maher.

    You might forget what year it is, but you’ll have a great week.

    Hartford HealthCare Amphitheater, 500 Broad St., Bridgeport

    The Pennsylvania rockers whose song “Love Bites (So Do I)” won a Grammy is at Hartford HealthCare Amphitheater on July 23 at 6 p.m. with I Prevail, Hollywood Undead and Fit for a King. $46.15-$347.

    { if ( undefined !== renderError ) { console.error( ‘DFM CNXPS Player – Render Error!’, renderError ); return; } console.log( ‘DFM CNXPS Player – Successfully rendered player!’, playspaceApi.getStoryMetadata() ); } ); } );]]>

    Mohegan Sun Arena, 1 Mohegan Sun Blvd., Uncasville

    The supreme Northeast jam band always has busy summers, but for this tour the pride of Burlington, Vermont also has a new album to promote in “Evolve,” released earlier this month. July 23 at 7:30 p.m. at Mohegan Sun Arena. $119.25-$216.20.

    The iconic Vermont-rooted jam band Phish is at Mohegan Sun Arena July 23. (Rene Huemer)

    Rene Huemer

    The iconic Vermont-rooted jam band Phish is at Mohegan Sun Arena July 23. (Rene Huemer)

    David Cook
    Katharine Hepburn Cultural Arts Center, 300 Main St., Old Saybrook

    Singer/songer David Cook won the seventh season of “American Idol” in 2008 and had a chart hit that same year…

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    Captured Cambridge fox heading to rehabilitation facility

    A fox caught in a trap by a Preston resident is waiting to be sent to a rehab facility in Nanticoke

    Foxes have been a recurring sight over the past few weeks in the Preston area.

    Just last night, Connie Bickford posted in the Preston Ontario Facebook group that she had trapped one.

    “Unfortunately there are quite a few of the notorious mangy foxes roaming around the Preston area,” Bickford wrote on Facebook.

    “We are trying to catch more but have only had luck with this one. We will move the trap and keep trying for next one. Keeping fingers crossed!”

    The “mangy” comment refers to people thinking the foxes have mange, an infection that involves mites burrowing into the skin.

    The Cambridge and District Humane Society confirmed the capture and is preparing to send the fox to Hobbitstee Wildlife Refuge in Nanticoke for rehabilitation.

    “It was tracked last night, so in those cases, the service confirms with me if we can accept it,” Chantal Theijn, authorized wildlife custodian at Hobbitstee, said.

    “It should arrive here today by way of a volunteer driver and then we’ll go through its health issues.”

    Theijn said mange is typically a health condition that is secondary to another underlying problem, which her team will evaluate once the fox is in their care.

    Rehabilitation can take around eight weeks and then the animal will be released back into the area in which it was found.

    “For adults, they get released in a suitable habitat that’s within one kilometre,” Theijn said.

    “For babies, it’s within 15 kilometres. Cambridge animal services will provide the location to us.”

    The Cambridge humane society is urging residents not to approach sick or injured wildlife.

    To report an animal in distress, call Animal Services Cambridge at 519-623-7722 extension 231.

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    Lenni Lenape

    Hike the Mills Reservation in Cedar Grove

    Along the Lenape Trail.

    This easy two-mile hike loops around the 157-acre Mills Reservation in Cedar Grove, Essex County, New Jersey. It runs above an old quarry and affords panoramic views of the New York City skyline. Situated atop the Watchung mountain range, the park is maintained in its natural state, with a network of woods roads and footpaths.

    The hike loops around the reservation on footpaths, following the yellow-blazed Lenape Trail for most of the way and returning on the blue-blazed Eastview Trail. It should take about 90 minutes and dogs are allowed on leash. A map is available online at (please note that the Mills Loop Trail and the Mills Gate Trail are not blazed on the ground with the colors indicated on the map).

    To get there, take Route 4 West to the Garden State Parkway South and follow the Parkway south to Exit 154 (Clifton). Bear left after the toll booths, following the sign to Route 46, and continue west on Route 46. In 1.2 miles, take the exit for Great Notch Road. Bear right at the fork and turn right onto Great Notch Road. At the traffic circle at the bottom of the hill, turn right onto Valley Road. Proceed south on Valley Road for 1.1 miles. Just beyond the entrance to Montclair State University, turn right (at a traffic light) onto Normal Avenue. Cross the railroad tracks, continue uphill for another 0.3 mile, and turn left into the parking area for Mills Reservation at the top of the hill, just past the intersection with Granite Drive. GPS address: 31 Normal Ave/, Cedar Grove, New Jersey. The park is about 15 miles from Teaneck and it should take about 25 minutes to get there.

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    Boston Rocks first at Pocono Tuesday – U.S. Trotting News

    Boston Rocks first at Pocono Tuesday

    July 16, 2024, by PHHA for Pocono Downs at Mohegan Pennsylvania

    Wilkes-Barre, PA – A fierce summer storm swept through northeast Pennsylvania just before the $17,000 featured pace at Pocono Downs at Mohegan Pennsylvania Tuesday(July 16) afternoon, causing a delay before the race. But when the feature field did come to the track, the Boston Red Rocks sophomore colt Boston Rocks showed no ill effects from being kept waiting, coming his last half in :54.4 to lower his mark to 1:51.4 despite the “sloppy” going.

    Boston Rocks came home powerfully to win Tuesday’s Pocono feature. Curtis Salonick photo.

    Last year’s New York Sire Stakes champion went to the front for driver Jason Bartlett nearing the :27.3 quarter, and against a hard wind backed the half down to :57. The tempo picked up as the winner’s main rival Arbitrage Hanover, off a 51-day layoff, made an uncovered move to go at the leader to the 1:24.3 three-quarters, but around the far turn the first-over horse made a break, and Boston Rocks put in a :27.1 last quarter to win by 7-1/2 lengths. Mike Deters trains the winner of $435,467 for owners Rick Berks and Peter Blood.

    The rain soon let up, but it had fallen so hard so fast that after only one more race the track was declared not safe for racing, wiping out the last three races of the day.

    Back before the moisture came down, a pair of 3-year-old pacers, the Captaintreacherous gelding Vengeance Blue Chip and the Stay Hungry filly Staying With Emily, won $15,000 co-features in the identical time of 1:52.

    Both sophomores won by a nose – Vengeance Blue Chip just catching Dublin…

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