
UWinnipeg faculty receive $750,000 in research funding

Six University of Winnipeg faculty members have each been awarded a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Insight Grant for 2024, totaling more than $750,000 in research funding.

Insight Grants support research proposed by scholars and judged worthy of funding by their peers and/or other experts. These grants support research excellence in the social sciences and humanities, and provide stable support for long-term research initiatives, which is central to advancing knowledge.


Mary Jane McCallum

Professor, Canada Research Chair in Indigenous People, History and Archives, Mary Jane McCallum, received $334,884 for the project, Legacies of Colonial Violence: Munsee Land and History in Southwestern Ontario.

The voices of the Munsee Delaware Nation (MDN) are currently missing in Canada’s national heritage environment.

This project will build a two-year exhibition at the Canadian Museum of History (CMH) that centers family history within the larger history of the MDN.

The project will address the ongoing misrepresentations and exclusions of Indigenous Peoples and history within the heritage sector. It will also provide an enhanced understanding of Munsee history in Canada and the local experience and legacy of colonial violence in southwestern Ontario.

This exhibit will have broad educational benefits, and can help change attitudes, policies, and beliefs about First Nations people and history that that impact Indigenous communities daily, including our experience of heritage sites.


Sharanpal Ruprai

Associate Professor and Chair of Women’s and Gender Studies, Sharanpal Ruprai, received $94,368 for the project, Desi+: Digital Artistic Productions by Queer Sikhs.

Sikh Canadians have made significant contributions to literature, film, and most recently social media; however, many of their contributions are under-examined and are not valued as sites of socio-political change and cultural expression.

To widen collective understanding of Queerness and the impact it has on socio-political change, this research looks…

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BBQ and Bonfires to benefit Mahican District of Scouting

Get your taste buds ready! On Friday, Sept. 27, at 6 p.m., Round House BBQ in Trenton will team up with the Michigan Crossroads Council of Scouting America to host BBQ and Bonfires.

BBQ and Bonfires will take place in the restaurant at 2760 W. Jefferson. This is an exciting opportunity to gather with friends, enjoy delicious BBQ, taste featured bourbons, and support a great cause—the Mahican District of Scouting.

Mahican District Vice President and Round House BBQ co-owner Brad Alderman said attendees will be treated to a savory, slow-smoked BBQ dinner and a flight of handpicked bourbons perfect for the occasion.

“The evening will be filled with live music, laughter, and the warmth of a bonfire under the stars,” he said, adding that there will also be yard games—such as cornhole—to spark some friendly competition. “With its combination of great food, bourbon tasting, and a crackling bonfire, this promises to be an evening of unforgettable camaraderie and fun.”

The event is exclusive to adults aged 21 and over, with a minimum donation of $100 per person. The donation covers the BBQ dinner, bourbon tasting, and all the evening’s activities, but guests should note that a cash bar will also be available. The attire is casual.

“We will also have several raffles; each quest will receive a keepsake-tasting glass,” he said.

For those interested in supporting the cause further, sponsorship opportunities are still available.

“Proceeds from the evening will go directly toward benefiting scouting initiatives in the local area. These funds will help provide essential resources such as camping programs, premier camp properties, training for volunteer leaders, staff support, and the operation of the Scout Shop,” said LaKeisha Steckler, District Executive, Michigan Crossroads Council.  “It’s a great way to give back while enjoying an incredible evening.”

Lincoln Park Scouts and leaders enjoy an afternoon of racing...
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Lenni Lenape

Football roundup: High Point wins 3 in a row

High Point defeated Kittatinny, 36-21, there Saturday, Sept. 14.

It was the Wildcats third win in a row this season.

Jerron Martress made three touchdowns for the Wildcats (3-0) and Landon Sorenson made two. Jacob Woods kicked four extra points and Martress made two extra points on a run after his first touchdown.

Jaden Roberts, Mike Strong and Niko Martinez each scored a touchdown for Kittatinny (1-1), with Lucas Inglima kicking three extra points.

High Point quarterback John Elko completed 15 of 17 pass attempts for a total of 196 yards. Martress rushed for a total of 169 yards.

Kittatinny quarterback Jack Brex completed six of 20 pass attempts for 109 yards. Roberts rushed for 114 yards.

Patriots beat Braves

Lenape Valley defeated Newton, 19-7, there Friday evening, Sept. 13.

It was the first win of the season for the Patriots (1-2).

The Braves (1-1) scored first, with a touchdown by Braxton Guerra on a pass from Matt Ellsworth in the first quarter. Guerra also kicked the extra point.

Lenape Valley’s three touchdowns – by Jakob Bell, Tanner Gaboda and Colby Van Tuyl – came one each in the next three quarters. Van Tuyl scored on a 50-yard interception return.

Newton’s Anthony Tudda rushed for 106 yards.

Wallkill Valley wins

Wallkill Valley defeated Kinnelon, 28-6, there Sept. 13.

The Rangers (2-1) scored four touchdowns, made by Ryder Accardi, Zach Clarken, Luke Bolich and Connor Hoebee. Three of those were on passes from Clarken, the quarterback. Cole Bolich kicked four extra points.

Quarterback Zach Grande made the only touchdown for Kinnelon on a 62-yard run in the first quarter. He rushed for a total of 114 yards during the game.

Wallkill Valley’s Clarken completed 11 of 14 pass attempts for a total of 156 yards. Barlow rushed for 134 yards.


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Remo Moscatelli | Island Free Press

October 4, 1933 – August 31, 2024

KITTY HAWK — Remo Moscatelli, age 90, of Kitty Hawk, NC, passed away peacefully on August 31, 2024. Born on October 4, 1933, in Nanticoke, PA, he lived a life dedicated to his faith, family, and community.

Remo served his country honorably in the United States Navy during the Korean War. His professional journey began with delivering telegrams on a bicycle for Western Union and concluded with a distinguished tenure at General Dynamics, culminating in a career spanning over 50 years.

An active member of Still Waters Baptist Church in Nags Head, NC, for the past 20 years, Remo was a previous member in Maryland at Maryland Avenue Baptist Church, First Baptist Church of New Carrollton, and Grace Baptist Church. His contributions were numerous, ranging from welcoming newcomers to leading bible studies and Sunday school classes. As a dedicated deacon and participant in visitation ministry, Remo’s commitment to his faith was unwavering. He was also instrumental in the establishment of Camp Wabanna, providing young people with a biblical foundation and an enjoyable environment.

Remo was bold about his faith in Jesus and never missed an opportunity to share how his life changed in 1956 when he met his wife, received his discharge from the Navy, and turned his life over to the Lord.

He was preceded in death by his parents Columbia Pasquale and Remo Moscatelli, and son-in-law, Jeff Locker.

Remo is survived by his beloved spouse of 68 years, Alice Marie Flowers Moscatelli; his son, Steven Moscatelli (Teri) of Bowie, MD; his daughter, Denise Moscatelli of Kitty Hawk, NC; his grandchildren, Lauren Nguy, Melanie Wooldridge (Jeff), and Christina Moscatelli; and his great-grandchildren, Kaelyn Avery Nguy and Harper Grace Nguy.

A memorial service will be held at…

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A Kamala Harris crowd: Big and happy

A KAMALA HARRIS CROWD: BIG AND HAPPY. Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania — In the days before Vice President Kamala Harris came here, on Friday the 13th, some Trump supporters in this northeastern Pennsylvania town speculated that she would have trouble attracting a big crowd to her rally. Even when attendees began to show up, the detractors said the number was small and perhaps they had been paid to attend.

Former President Donald Trump himself promoted the idea a few days earlier at his debate with Harris. “People don’t go to her rallies,” Trump said. “There’s no reason to go. And the people that do go, she’s busing them in and paying them to be there.”

The idea of the Wilkes-Barre rally was for the Harris campaign to go into a Trump stronghold. The former president won surrounding Luzerne County by 14 points over Joe Biden in 2020 and by 19 points over Hillary Clinton in 2016. The point was not to win Luzerne County in November but to make progress there as part of winning Pennsylvania overall.

Trump has paid a lot of attention to the area. He has held rallies there several times, most recently on Aug. 17 at the Mohegan Arena, which can accommodate somewhere between 8,000 and 10,000 people, depending on how it is set up. Some accounts called Trump’s August crowd “near capacity” — the exact crowd size has gotten caught up in a lot of trolling from the Harris campaign and some media outlets. But Trump undoubtedly drew a lot of people.

Entering Republican territory, Harris set a lower bar for herself, holding the rally at the McHale Athletic Center at Wilkes University. It’s a good deal smaller than Mohegan, and not designed to accommodate arena-size crowds. Harris filled it up; local news reports said…

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Lenni Lenape

UPDATED: Football roundup: High Point wins third game in a row

High Point defeated Kittatinny, 36-21, there Saturday, Sept. 14.

Jerron Martress made three touchdowns for the Wildcats (3-0) and Landon Sorenson made two. Jacob Woods kicked four extra points and Martress made two extra points on a run after his first touchdown.

Jaden Roberts, Mike Strong and Niko Martinez each scored a touchdown for Kittatinny (1-1), with Lucas Inglima kicking three extra points.

High Point quarterback John Elko completed 15 of 17 pass attempts for a total of 196 yards. Martress rushed for a total of 169 yards.

Kittatinny quarterback Jack Brex completed six of 20 pass attempts for 109 yards. Roberts rushed for 114 yards.

Patriots beat Braves

Lenape Valley defeated Newton, 19-7, there Friday evening, Sept. 13.

It was the first win of the season for the Patriots (1-2).

The Braves (1-1) scored first, with a touchdown by Braxton Guerra on a pass from Matt Ellsworth in the first quarter. Guerra also kicked the extra point.

Lenape Valley’s three touchdowns – by Jakob Bell, Tanner Gaboda and Colby Van Tuyl – came one each in the next three quarters. Van Tuyl scored on a 50-yard interception return.

Newton’s Anthony Tudda rushed for 106 yards.

Wallkill Valley wins

Wallkill Valley defeated Kinnelon, 28-6, there Sept. 13.

The Rangers (2-1) scored four touchdowns, made by Ryder Accardi, Zach Clarken, Luke Bolich and Connor Hoebee. Three of those were on passes from Clarken, the quarterback. Cole Bolich kicked four extra points.

Quarterback Zach Grande made the only touchdown for Kinnelon on a 62-yard run in the first quarter. He rushed for a total of 114 yards during the game.

Wallkill Valley’s Clarken completed 11 of 14 pass attempts for a total of 156 yards. Barlow rushed for 134 yards.

Sparta wins

Sparta (2-1) defeated Roxbury, 42-6, at home Sept. 13.


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H.S. Football: Allen’s late touchdown lifts Nanticoke Area to victory

On a Friday night under the lights in Tunkhannock, the visiting Nanticoke Area Trojans completed the comeback late with a go-ahead, goal-line touchdown run with just 66 seconds remaining in regulation to seize their first victory of the season, beating the Tigers 14-12.

The Trojans bounced back in a big way in Week 4 after losing their first three contests of the season to North Pocono, Carbondale, and Pittston Area, respectively, following the sudden death of coach Scott Dennis last month.

Coach Ron Bruza, who rejoined the staff after the start of the season, was proud of his team’s effort and showing what it means to have heart through adversity after losing Dennis just three days before the season opener.

“No one knows what these kids have gone through,” Bruza said. “They fight and come to practice every day. Most of the time they’re outmanned, they’re outgunned, but they come to work everyday.

“Coach Dennis did a great job in the offseason, instilling that Trojan heart into this young football team. A lot of these guys never even put on a uniform before. … This is Coach Dennis’ team, Coach Dennis’ program and I think we had a little help from that guy upstairs today and these kids played their butts off for him.”

Nanticoke Area got on the scoreboard first, capitalizing on a Tunkhannock fumble before senior Tyler Skordensky took it almost to the house for a lightning quick 57-yard run that would set up the Trojans at the goal line

Tailback Treston Allen plunged into the end zone from 3 yards out and fellow senior Manny Sosa converted on a two-point rushing attempt to give their squad an 8-0 advantage with 6:58 left in the opening quarter.

However, after Tunkhannock…

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Local Event: The New England Chamber Orchestra Opens 2024-2025 Season with Mahler’s Symphony No. 4

New London, CT – The New England Chamber Orchestra (NECO), a dynamic new ensemble dedicated to reimagining chamber orchestral repertoire, proudly announces the opening of its 2024-2025 season with a performance of a reduced version of Gustav Mahler’s Symphony No. 4. This concert will take place on September 22, 2024, at 7:30 PM at Evans Hall at Cummings Arts Center in New London, Connecticut.

NECO aims to bring a unique and meaningful interpretation of Mahler’s Symphony No. 4 to audiences. Under the visionary direction of Artistic Director Shou-Ping Liu, the orchestra will present an arranged chamber version of this monumental work, making it more intimate while preserving Mahler’s lush and evocative soundscape.

“Mahler once said that ‘A symphony must be like the world. It must embrace everything.’ Because of this, we tend to interpret this to mean that the bigger the sound is, the better. If one studies closely, however, Mahler has many chamber-like passages in his symphonies. This is especially true of the Fourth Symphony.”

The concert will feature Lithuanian Soprano Jurate Svedaite alongside a carefully selected ensemble of 20 musicians, drawn from the finest talent in the region, ensuring a vibrant and engaging experience. “Klaus Simon’s version of Mahler 4 is the most performed version because it stays true to Mahler’s sound world,” Liu says,” while asking fewer players to deliver the same vision. Only the best musicians are able to accomplish this.” This reduced arrangement allows the musicians to highlight the symphony’s delicate nuances and emotional depth in a way that resonates profoundly with both seasoned aficionados and new listeners.

Performance Details:

– Date: September 22, 2024

– Time: 7:30 PM

– Venue: Evans Hall at Cummings Art Center, 270 Mohegan Avenue Parkway, New London, CT 06320

– Tickets: Available at or at the…

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Lenni Lenape

Hit Hard by Hurricane Ida, South Perkasie Covered Bridge Is Coming Back

Repairs will start in October to restore the South Perkasie Covered Bridge.

Image via South Perkasie Covered Bridge, YouTube.

Repairs will start in October to restore the South Perkasie Covered Bridge.

Repairs are starting on one of Bucks County’s most iconic covered bridges after Hurricane Ida ripped it from its concrete supports three years ago, writes JD Mullane for Bucks County Courier Times.

The Perkasie Borough Council voted Sept. 3 to award a $195,030 engineering and rehab contract to Wood Research and Development for the 200-year-old South Perkasie Covered Bridge.

The repairs begin in early October and are expected to cost about $1 million, covered largely through federal and state grant money.

The repairs will finish in January 2025 and the bridge will reopen to the public in August 2025.

The South Perkasie span is unique because it sits in Lenape Park, on land.

The bridge was built in 1832 to span Pleasant Spring Creek but it was condemned in the late 1950s when it couldn’t handle increased traffic volume.

Locals rallied and saved it, and it was relocated a mile to Lenape Park.

“It is the third-oldest Town Lattice style covered bridge in the United States and a special example of an original covered bridge,” said Scott Bomboy, chair of the council’s historical committee and the Bucks County Covered Bridge Society.

Read more about this unique covered bridge in the Bucks County Courier Times.

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