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Month: September 2024

Two first-half goals canceled each other out as Wyoming Area and Greater Nanticoke Area ended in a 1-1 tie Friday in Wyoming Valley Conference Division 2 play.
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How to Watch the WNBA Today

How to Watch the WNBA Today | September 1
Published 9:48 pm Saturday, August 31, 2024
Today’s WNBA slate features five games, including the matchup between the Seattle Storm and Connecticut Sun.
The WNBA is streaming on Fubo, Paramount+ and Prime Video this season – use our links so you don’t miss any of the action! Sign up for WNBA League Pass to get access to live out-of-market games and tons of WNBA content.
How to Watch Today’s WNBA Games
Seattle Storm at Connecticut Sun
How to Watch
- TV Channel: NBA TV, NBCS-BOS, FOX13+, and Amazon Prime Video
- Live Stream: Watch this game on Fubo (Regional restrictions may apply)
- Live Stream: Watch this game on Prime Video (Regional restrictions may apply)
- Game Time: 1:00 PM ET
- Venue: Mohegan Sun Arena
- Location: Uncasville, Connecticut
Get tickets for WNBA games at Vivid Seats, StubHub and Ticketmaster
Chicago Sky at Minnesota Lynx
How to Watch
- TV Channel: BSNX and The U
- Live Stream: Watch this game on Fubo (Regional restrictions may apply)
- Game Time: 3:00 PM ET
- Venue: Target Center
- Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Indiana Fever at Dallas Wings
How to Watch
- TV Channel: NBA TV, BSSWX, and BSIN
- Live Stream: Watch this game on Fubo (Regional restrictions may apply)
- Game Time: 4:00 PM ET
- Venue: College Park Center
- Location: Arlington, Texas
Watch the WNBA on Fubo, Paramount+ and Prime Video
Las Vegas Aces at Phoenix Mercury
How to Watch
- TV Channel: AZFamily, Mercury Live, and Silver State Sports &…

PLYMOUTH — The Ashtabula County Historical Society celebrated Log Cabin Days Saturday and Sunday afternoon at Blakeslee Log Cabin.
The celebration included historical re-enactments, food, presentations and exhibits on county history.
Members of the United Eastern Lenape Nation had a tent at the festival, where they educated attendees on the history of the nation in the county.
Alvin “Iron Horse” Zatezalo, a member of the Lenape Nation, said there is a lack of awareness of them among county residents.
“On a scale of one to 10, it’s probably about zero,” he said. “We’re just not out there. We’re just not on top of things. You don’t hear about us in the news.”
Kenkouxwe, another member of the Lenape nation at the festival, said many people have the misconception there are no more Native Americans.
“A lot of people think we’re extinct. They really do,” she said. “Most of it is a lack of knowledge. I’ve spoken to many people, and they have no idea.”
Log Cabin Days was also filled with people reenacting history, such as Patrick Martin, who dressed in late Victorian-era clothing. Martin does re-enacting at many county events, sometimes riding on a high-wheel bicycle.
Martin said he loves reenacting because of its antiquated uniqueness.
“I’ve always been fasciated by history, and specifically the Victorian Era, and reenacting takes me and others back to a time. It’s kind of antiquated. It’s something people don’t see everyday,” he said. “I love what I do, so, it comes naturally … the hardest part is finding things for my outfit to make it as accurate as I can.”
Claar Butcher, a blacksmith for more than 30 years, demonstrated his work at Log Cabin Days. Butcher said he had an interesting reason for going into blacksmithing.

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YATESVILLE — Matt Walter. CJ Pietrzak. Lucas Lopresto.
Nanticoke had no luck dealing with those three weapons Friday night.
Pittston Area used the talents of its three offensive leaders to run past Nanticoke 55-0 Friday night at Charley Trippi Stadium.
Walter, Pietrzak and Lopresto were collectively responsible for 30 of those points.
“In this conference and district, you’ve got to be able to run the football, so I think we’ve been doing that pretty well the last two weeks,” Pittston Area coach Joe DeLucca said after posting his first football head coaching victory. “We’ve got to continue buttoning some things up on the offensive side of the ball.”
Just about the only blemish on the Patriots’ side of the boxscore was the penalty column, which showed seven for 60 yards.
Pittston Area got off to a hot start, scoring touchdowns on two of its first three drives. Both of those scores came courtesy of quarterback Walter, who scored from 9 and 10 yards out.
Pietrzak took over in the second quarter, which is where Pittston Area’s dominance on the night became stark. The Patriots scored 31 points in the second frame, with Pietrzak scoring on runs of 1 and 50 yards. In between, Walter hooked up with Lopresto for a 40-yard strike. And, with a minute left in the quarter, Aidan Brody expanded the Patriots lead to 47-0 on, appropriately, a 47-yard dash to the end zone.
Special teams played a big part in the first half. Kicker Gavin Wolfe routinely pinned the Trojans offense inside the 20 with his booming kickoffs after each score. Wolfe tacked on a 31-yard field goal later in the midst of Pittston Area’s second-quarter onslaught.
The game also featured a safety, which spouted from a broken fourth-down play. Punter Chris Julian was swarmed by…
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PERKASIE — Perkasie borough has selected an engineering firm to oversee the return of its historic 1832 covered bridge to public service in Lenape Park.
On September 3, Perkasie Borough Council awarded a contract to Wood Research and Development LLC, of Jefferson, Oregon and Jacksonville, Florida, for engineering and design consultation services for the rehabilitation of the South Perkasie Borough Covered Timber Bridge, announced a Perkasie borough press release.
The remnants of Hurricane Ida in September 2021 swept the covered bridge off its abutments during historic flooding in Lenape Park. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) along with the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) awarded grant funds in June 2023 for repairs to damage caused by the flooding. Prior to Hurricane Ida, the Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission and the Perkasie Historical Society contributed funds to a project to rehabilitate the bridge.
The South Perkasie Borough Covered Timber Bridge prior to Hurricane Ida. (Courtesy of Scott Bomboy)
Seven engineering companies made qualified proposals for the task of restoring Bucks County’s oldest covered bridge during a two-month proposal process. The other companies were from Pennsylvania, Indiana and Virginia. Perkasie Borough Council’s Historical Committee, with input from borough management, selected Wood Research and Development using judging criteria required by FEMA. Council unanimously approved the selection, said the release.
“We were fortunate to have some of the best firms in the country interested in the project, because of the South Perkasie Covered Bridge’s unique status,” said Scott Bomboy, chair of the Council’s Historical Committee. “It is the third-oldest Town Lattice style covered bridge in the United States and a special example of an original covered bridge. We intend to keep as much of the bridge intact as possible,…

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Crestwood lost to Tunkhannock back in September of 2021, but they didn’t allow them the same satisfaction on Friday. The Crestwood Comets claimed a resounding 55-15 win over the Tunkhannock Tigers on the road.
Jaden Shedlock went supernova for Crestwood, rushing for 140 yards and a touchdown on only five carries, while also throwing for 138 yards and a touchdown. Shedlock got the majority of those rushing yards when he took off on a run and that went for an incredible 75 yards. Gio Barna was Shedlock’s top target, rushing for 68 yards and two touchdowns on only six carries, while also picking up 31 receiving yards.
Barna wasn’t the only one working in the rushing yards department: Crestwood was unstoppable on the ground and finished the game with 366 rushing yards. That strong performance was nothing new for the team: they’ve now rushed for at least 179 rushing yards in three consecutive games.
Crestwood’s first victory this season bumped their record up to 1-2. As for Tunkhannock, their defeat was their fifth straight at home dating back to last season, which dropped their record down to 1-2.
Both squads are looking forward to the support of their home crowds in their upcoming games. Crestwood will host Western Wayne at 7:00 p.m. on Friday. Western Wayne will roll in looking for their fourth straight win, something Crestwood surely won’t give up without a fight. As for Tunkhannock, they will look to defend their home field on Friday against Greater Nanticoke Area at 7:00 p.m. Tunkhannock is facing Greater Nanticoke Area at the right time seeing as Greater Nanticoke Area is stuck on a three-game losing streak.
10 Darling Small Towns in Ohio

Naturally, big cities like Cleveland and Columbus come to mind when considering traveling to Ohio. However, the Buckeye State is home to darling small towns that have, for a while, remained under the radar. These hidden gems offer a pleasant respite from busy urban areas and provide a more intimate look at Ohio’s cultures, rich histories, and exquisite nature.
From picturesque villages along the shores of Lake Erie to rural enclaves with artistic heritage, these locales have their own brand of Midwestern charm in the United States. Between the gorgeous outdoor scenery in Yellow Springs and the easygoing vibe in Marblehead, these charismatic small towns in Ohio deserve wider recognition as ideal getaway destinations for those seeking authentic local experiences off the beaten path.
Ferris Wheel Near Lake Erie In Geneva On The Lake, Ohio.
Escape the chaos in Cleveland to revel in the serenity of this laid-back community on Lake Erie’s southern shore. Geneva-on-the-Lake is about easygoing vibes, picturesque water views, and great-tasting wines. Visiting the 698-acre Geneva State Park exposes you to the majesty of Lake Erie’s shores, where sandy beaches present the ideal setting for lazy hiking, picnicking, camping, and sunbathing. Families can also access unadulterated fun for all ages at the Adventure Zone. This fascinating facility provides 6 acres of straight-up fun, from go-karts and climbing walls to bumper boats and a carousel.
A bustling local wine culture promises newcomers pleasant tasting adventures across the many wineries dotting the community. While there is no shortage of options, the Lakehouse Inn Winery crafts sweet grape wines and provides a cozy accommodation experience at its gorgeous lakefront location.
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