
Indians 101: Traditional Shawnee religion

“Our Grandmother,” Kokomthema, is the Shawnee female Creator. In their book The Encyclopedia of Native American Religions, Arlene Hirschfelder and Paulette Molin report that Kokomthema is:

“The female deity of the Shawnee people who gave them a code of laws and most of their principal religious ceremonies.”

Arlene Hirschfelder and Paulette Molin also report:

“It is believed that Kokomthema sometimes appears on earth to observe the performance of Shawnee religious ceremonies.”

Hunting was a vital part of Shawnee subsistence, and religious rituals were an important part of hunting. In his book The Shawnees and the War for America, Colin Calloway writes:

“In the Shawnee world, humans and animals communicated, hunters dreamed the whereabouts of their prey and offered prayers to the spirits of the animals that gave their bodies so that the people might live.”

In order to maintain the harmony between humans and the animal people, and between humans and the plant people, it was necessary to conduct certain rituals to keep the world in balance.

Among the Shawnee, boys would go out into the woods to fast and to seek a spirit helper at the age of 12-13. According to James Howard, in his book Shawnee! The Ceremonialism of a Native American Tribe and its Cultural Background:

“The spirit helper would give the faster instruction in some area, which was usually healing, and also would promise aid in future years if the faster would call upon it in the proper manner.”

The Shawnee were originally given their bundles by Our Grandmother at the time of creation. Since that time, items have been added to the bundles. According to James Howard:

“Each of the sacred bundles is assigned to the care of a designated custodian, who is always a man,…

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Domestic violence charges dismissed against Nanticoke councilman

Assault charges have been dismissed against a Nanticoke city councilman accused of hitting his wife during an alcohol-fueled domestic dispute, according to court records.

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Rewind, Review and Re-Rate: 1992’s ‘The Last of the Mohicans,’ a Cinematic Masterpiece

R | 1h 52min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 1992

Epoch Times PhotoEpoch Times Photo Hawkeye (Daniel Day-Lewis) leads an attack, in “The Last of the Mohicans.” (20th Century Fox)

Filmmakers who attempt to make historical dramas have to walk a careful tightrope when attempting to appeal to a mass audience. On one hand, if they focus on too much historical accuracy, the action can become bogged down to the extent that you feel like you’re watching a rather dry documentary. And, on the other hand, if they play a little too fast and lose with historical accuracy, their projects won’t be taken seriously.

Based on an 1826 novel by James Fennimore Cooper and directed by Michael Mann, 1992’s “The Last of the Mohicans” not only successfully traverses the aforementioned tightrope, it does so with self-confident assurance.

This is a bold, visionary film the likes of which one sees only once in a while. Although Cooper’s book has been adapted on the big screen numerous times, this version has the most historically accurate feel to it, and features some gorgeous outdoor photography and a highly memorable score to boot.

The film is set in 1757, during the onset of the French and Indian War (1754–1763). The British and French are viciously vying for control of eastern North America and both countries utilize Native Americans to bolster their armies. While the Mohican tribe is allied with the British, the Hurons side with the French.

Epoch Times PhotoEpoch Times Photo Hawkeye (Daniel Day-Lewis, L) showing why he’s so named to adoptive brother Uncas (Eric Schweig), in “The Last of the Mohicans.” (20th Century Fox)

The film opens up…

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Lenni Lenape

Lenape Nation Makes Stops in Bucks County During Its Rising Nation River Journey in Quest for Recognition

By John Fey

Published: 5:10 am EDT August 15, 2022Published: August 15, 2022Updated: 2:39 pm EDT August 16, 2022

Image via Lenape Nation of Pennsylvania Cultural Center

The Lenape Nation’s event seeks to bring recognition to their storied history in the Bucks County area.

The Lenape Nation made stops in Bucks County this weekend as part of its Rising Nation River Journey that aims to bring attention to its quest for official recognition. Damon C. Williams wrote about the Nation’s endeavor for the Bucks County Courier Times.

The journey started in New York. From there, the Lenape Nation members paddle and hike through and along the Delaware River. istThe quest culminates with the Lower River treaty signing in West Cape May, New Jersey.

“(The River Journey) brings so many important things together,” said Lenape Nation member Adam Waterbear DePaul. “First, it raises awareness about the Lenape people, which is so important to us because we’ve been so erased here.”

The journey also “brings together commitments to serve as good stewards for the environment, our homelands, and the Delaware River,” he added.

Pennsylvania is the only commonwealth that does not officially recognize indigenous people, including the Lenape Nation.

Unlike the state, Bucks County has officially recognized the Lenape people as being the first inhabitants of the lands that currently make up its boundaries.

Read more about the Lenape Nation in the Bucks County Courier Times.

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Party with Gronk: Mohegan Sun to host NFL star’s retirement party

[] = 768 ? ‘de’ : ‘mo’, } }); ]]> Party with Gronk: Mohegan Sun to host NFL star’s retirement party 2&&void 0!==arguments[2]&&arguments[2];i(this,e),this.apstagSlots=[],this.prebidSlots=[],this.prebidData={analytics:[],priceGranularity:{},sizeConfig:[],slotMap:{},userSync:{}},this.googletag=t,this.isApsEnabled=o,this.isPrebidJSEnabled=a,this.setUpSlot=this.setUpSlot.bind(this),this.refreshSlots=this.refreshSlots.bind(this),this.isPrebidJSEnabled&&(window.pbjs=window.pbjs||{},window.pbjs.que=pbjs.que||[],window.prebidData&&(this.prebidData=window.prebidData,window.NXSTdata&&window.NXSTdata.content&&window.NXSTdata.content.pageDcode&&this.prebidData.slotMap&&Object.keys(this.prebidData.slotMap).forEach((function(e){n.prebidData.slotMap[e].filter((function(e){return”rubicon”===e.bidder})).forEach((function(e){e.params.inventory={d_code:window.NXSTdata.content.pageDcode}}))}))),window.pbjs.que.push((function(){window.pbjs.setConfig({realTimeData:n.prebidData.realTimeData,sizeConfig:n.prebidData.sizeConfig,priceGranularity:n.prebidData.priceGranularity,userSync:n.prebidData.userSync,targetingControls:{allowTargetingKeys:[“BIDDER”,”AD_ID”,”PRICE_BUCKET”,”DEAL”]},yahoossp:{mode:”all”}}),window.pbjs.aliasBidder(“aol”,”verizon”),})))}var t,n,a;return t=e,a=[{key:”apstag”,value:function(){return window.apstag||null}}],(n=[{key:”setUpSlot”,value:function(e,t,n,i,o){var a=this;this.pushCmd((function(){var n=null;if((n=t.is_oop?a.googletag.defineOutOfPageSlot(i,e):a.googletag.defineSlot(i,t.size,e))&&(o&&Object.keys(o).forEach((function(e){n.setTargeting(e,o[e])})),t.sizes.length&&n.defineSizeMapping(t.sizes),t.is_companion&&n.addService(a.googletag.companionAds()),n.addService(a.googletag.pubads())),n){var s=[];if(n.getSizes?s=n.getSizes(window.innerWidth,window.innerHeight).map((function(e){return[e.getWidth(),e.getHeight()]})):t.sizes.length&&(s=Object.values(t.sizes.reduce((function(e,t){var n=e;return t[1].forEach((function(e){n[e.join(“,”)]=e})),n}),{}))),s.length&&(s=s.filter((function(e){return!(88===e[0]&&31===e[1])}))),s.length){var r=o&&o.pos,d=[n.getAdUnitPath().split(“/”).slice(0,3).join(“/”),r].join(“/”);if(a.apstagSlots.push({sizes:s,slotID:n.getSlotElementId(),slotName:d}),a.isPrebidJSEnabled){var l=a.getPrebidBidsForSlot(r);r&&l.length&&a.prebidSlots.push({code:n.getSlotElementId(),mediaTypes:{banner:{sizes:s}},bids:l,ortb2Imp:{ext:{gpid:d,data:{pbadslot:d}}}})}}}}))}},{key:”getPrebidBidsForSlot”,value:function(e){return e&&this.prebidData.slotMap&&this.prebidData.slotMap[e]?this.prebidData.slotMap[e]:[]}},{key:”initVisibleSlots”,value:function(){var e=this;this.hiddenAds=[],this.visibleAds=[],this.firstRefresh=!1,this.adsHidden=!1,this.pushCmd((function(){e.googletag.pubads().getSlots().forEach((function(t){var n=t.getSlotElementId();n.includes(“_ab”)?e.hiddenAds.push(t):(e.visibleAds.push(t),e.pushCmd((function(){e.googletag.display(n)})))})),0Continue reading


Here’s why Menominee Nation’s bid for a casino in Kenosha is drawing both support and opposition from tribes in Wisconsin

KENOSHA – The governments of two tribes in Wisconsin have expressed support for a Menominee casino in Kenosha while the Potawatomi Tribe strongly opposes the endeavor.

“The Oneida Nation has a successful history of working with other sovereign nations to build and support Indian gaming and other enterprises across the nation,” read a statement from the Oneida Nation Business Committee this month. “Oneida can be proud of supporting the common goals of self-sufficiency, economic expansion and diversification and advocation for tribal sovereignty.”

Officials with the Stockbridge-Munsee Mohican Nation, whose reservation is adjacent to the Menominee Reservation, expressed support for a Menominee Kenosha casino on Saturday.

“The Menominee are our neighbors and share many ties and many of the same needs as our community,” said Stockbridge-Munsee Mohican Nation President Shannon Holsey in a statement. “We fully support their efforts to find the resources to address those needs, which can only help the larger tribal, regional and state communities.”

RELATED: Menominee tribe teaming up with Hard Rock in another bid to open an casino in Kenosha

RELATED: Bristol Village Board approves the $15 million sale of land to company potentially interested in opening a casino in Kenosha

Officials from the Oneida and Mohican tribes cite the fact that the Menominee Nation is one of the poorest tribes in Wisconsin and revenue from a Kenosha casino would allow the tribe to invest in health and education needs and reduce high levels of poverty, hunger and unemployment on the Menominee Reservation.

The Menominee Nation is partnering with Hard Rock International, which is owned by the Seminole Tribe based in Florida, in the Kenosha casino project.

The casino would be on about 60 acres of land on the east and west sides of 122nd Avenue in Kenosha.

The village of Bristol last month agreed to sell the…

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Obituaries in Binghamton, NY | Press & Sun-Bulletin

Roger H. Calice of Nanticoke, NY, went to be in the arms of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on Monday, August 8th, 2022, at age 79. Roger was born at Binghamton City Hospital, in Binghamton, NY to Amos & Cecilia (Karhan) Calice on September 8, 1942. He graduated from Johnson City High School June 27th, 1960. At the same time, he had enlisted in the United States Navy for 6 years, where he proudly served 2 years of active duty as a Radarman Seaman Apprentice (E-2) aboard the USS Massey, and 4 years in the US Naval Reserves. Roger never boasted about his service in the military or considered himself a “Veteran” he said it was a privilege and an adventure and those that fought in a war, or risked being in danger, they deserved the title of “Veteran.” He was honorably discharged October 15, 1965. After his return from sea, Roger attended Broome Technical Community College where he met the love of his life, received his AAS Degree in Civil Technology and began his career as a Civil Engineer working for McFarland – Johnson, Inc. On August 27, 1966, Roger married his college sweetheart Ann (Fritchley) at Blessed Sacrament, in Johnson City, NY. Their life together was a true blessing and example to all of those around them. On August 8, 1967, Roger began his 36-year career with the NYSDOT. He began in Construction and continued through his career in Design and retired March 27th, 2003, in Right of Way Mapping as a Civil Engineer I. Roger and Ann enjoyed their early years camping, boating, and fishing around New York State and the Thousand Islands in the US and Canada where they made many lifelong friends. They lived in the Binghamton and Chenango Forks area early in his…

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Lenni Lenape

Group pushes to re-designate Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area

A committee of the Sierra Club in PA and NJ chapters is pushing to re-classify the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area as a National Park.

DELAWARE WATER GAP, Pa. — The Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area hosts millions of people every year, and now, even more people may look to come as the Alliance for the Delaware River National Park and Lenape Preserve, a committee of the Sierra Club’s Pennsylvania and New Jersey chapters, looks to re-classify it as a national park.

John Donahue is the former superintendent of the National Recreation Area and a spokesperson for the New Jersey Sierra Club.

“This place is very special. It’s a sacred place for the American people, and it deserves to be one of our American cathedrals and a larger part of our American backyard,” Donahue said.

This map shows how the more than 70,000-acre national recreation area would be broken up.

Donahue says 56,000 huntable acres would be the Lenape Preserve.

The remaining 9,700 would be The Delaware River National Park.

The park would straddle the river and include Dingman and Raymondskill Falls.

But Joel Penkala, who lives on the New Jersey side, doesn’t think it’s a good idea.

“Mr. Donahue wants to bring prestige to the area. But prestige means people, and people means a million people. You know, we’re talking about a large number of people coming to the area. The environmental impact of that alone is distressing,” Penkala said.

Those who oppose the idea believe the way you use the park could change.

“I see it kind of as a diversity and equity issue. Right now, you can do the most different activities in this park at the least cost,” Penkala said. “I look at it and say if it becomes a park, there’s going…

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Rob Gronkowski hosting ‘retirement party’ at Mohegan Sun

Fans can party with “Gronk” at this exclusive celebration, which includes drinks, music, entertainment, and the “Gronk Smash Burger.”

MONTVILLE, Conn. — Get ready to “Gronk Spike” with number 87 himself.

Former NFL player Rob Gronkowski is celebrating the end of his professional football career with an official “retirement bash” hosted at Mohegan Sun.

“Gronk,” as fans have come to call him, will celebrate at his official retirement party on Saturday, September 10 at the Mohegan Sun FanDuel Sportsbook.

RELATED: Former UConn star makes season debut with Minnesota Lynx weeks after the birth of her daughter

The exclusive, ticketed party is for guests 21 and older, featuring the four-time Super Bowl-winning tight end, who played 11 seasons with the New England Patriots and Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

Mohegan Sun says the party will feature drink specials, complimentary appetizers, music from DJ Whoo Kid, and the debut of what’s being called the “Gronk Smash Burger.”

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Following the retirement party, Mohegan Sun will also host an After-Party at the resort’s nightclub venue, Avalon.

Tickets are on sale for the event on Ticketmaster and at the Mohegan Sun Box Office. Mohegan Sun says ticketholders will also receive a commemorative gift bag.

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Gronkowski was drafted by the New England Patriots in 2010, and quickly became a star player, and a fan favorite, on the team.

“Gronk” won three Super Bowl titles with the Patriots before announcing his retirement from the NFL at just 29 years old.

About a year after announcing his retirement, Gronkowski joined the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, and his longtime quarterback, former Patriots QB Tom Brady.

The duo would win another Super Bowl championship together with the…

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Police searching for missing endangered man

[] = 768 ? ‘de’ : ‘mo’, } }); ]]> Police Searching for Brian Rogozinski | Eyewitness News 2&&void 0!==arguments[2]&&arguments[2];i(this,e),this.apstagSlots=[],this.prebidSlots=[],this.prebidData={analytics:[],priceGranularity:{},sizeConfig:[],slotMap:{},userSync:{}},this.googletag=t,this.isApsEnabled=o,this.isPrebidJSEnabled=a,this.setUpSlot=this.setUpSlot.bind(this),this.refreshSlots=this.refreshSlots.bind(this),this.isPrebidJSEnabled&&(window.pbjs=window.pbjs||{},window.pbjs.que=pbjs.que||[],window.prebidData&&(this.prebidData=window.prebidData,window.NXSTdata&&window.NXSTdata.content&&window.NXSTdata.content.pageDcode&&this.prebidData.slotMap&&Object.keys(this.prebidData.slotMap).forEach((function(e){n.prebidData.slotMap[e].filter((function(e){return”rubicon”===e.bidder})).forEach((function(e){e.params.inventory={d_code:window.NXSTdata.content.pageDcode}}))}))),window.pbjs.que.push((function(){window.pbjs.setConfig({realTimeData:n.prebidData.realTimeData,sizeConfig:n.prebidData.sizeConfig,priceGranularity:n.prebidData.priceGranularity,userSync:n.prebidData.userSync,targetingControls:{allowTargetingKeys:[“BIDDER”,”AD_ID”,”PRICE_BUCKET”,”DEAL”]},yahoossp:{mode:”all”}}),window.pbjs.aliasBidder(“aol”,”verizon”),})))}var t,n,a;return t=e,a=[{key:”apstag”,value:function(){return window.apstag||null}}],(n=[{key:”setUpSlot”,value:function(e,t,n,i,o){var a=this;this.pushCmd((function(){var n=null;if((n=t.is_oop?a.googletag.defineOutOfPageSlot(i,e):a.googletag.defineSlot(i,t.size,e))&&(o&&Object.keys(o).forEach((function(e){n.setTargeting(e,o[e])})),t.sizes.length&&n.defineSizeMapping(t.sizes),t.is_companion&&n.addService(a.googletag.companionAds()),n.addService(a.googletag.pubads())),n){var s=[];if(n.getSizes?s=n.getSizes(window.innerWidth,window.innerHeight).map((function(e){return[e.getWidth(),e.getHeight()]})):t.sizes.length&&(s=Object.values(t.sizes.reduce((function(e,t){var n=e;return t[1].forEach((function(e){n[e.join(“,”)]=e})),n}),{}))),s.length&&(s=s.filter((function(e){return!(88===e[0]&&31===e[1])}))),s.length){var r=o&&o.pos,d=[n.getAdUnitPath().split(“/”).slice(0,3).join(“/”),r].join(“/”);if(a.apstagSlots.push({sizes:s,slotID:n.getSlotElementId(),slotName:d}),a.isPrebidJSEnabled){var l=a.getPrebidBidsForSlot(r);r&&l.length&&a.prebidSlots.push({code:n.getSlotElementId(),mediaTypes:{banner:{sizes:s}},bids:l,ortb2Imp:{ext:{gpid:d,data:{pbadslot:d}}}})}}}}))}},{key:”getPrebidBidsForSlot”,value:function(e){return e&&this.prebidData.slotMap&&this.prebidData.slotMap[e]?this.prebidData.slotMap[e]:[]}},{key:”initVisibleSlots”,value:function(){var e=this;this.hiddenAds=[],this.visibleAds=[],this.firstRefresh=!1,this.adsHidden=!1,this.pushCmd((function(){e.googletag.pubads().getSlots().forEach((function(t){var n=t.getSlotElementId();n.includes(“_ab”)?e.hiddenAds.push(t):(e.visibleAds.push(t),e.pushCmd((function(){e.googletag.display(n)})))})),0Continue reading