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Author: jeff
Just east of the Toronto-Mississauga border is 340 Mill Road where a proposed infill building will replace a surface parking lot. Designed by BDP Quadrangle, the proposed 60.9-metre high building will be massed as a 5-storey podium above which another 14 storeys will rise. The new building has been designed to function as an integrated development with the 19-storey apartment building on the lot that was constructed in 1970s. The new building will add 191 purpose-built rental units to the site, while expanding the underground garage to serve both buildings.
Overview of the site the intersection of Burnhamthorpe Road and Mill Road, where there is an established cluster of residential buildings ranging in height from 12 – 22 storeys. Image via Google Maps.
The rezoning of the site was approved by City Council last week. As part of the zoning approval, the City and site owner Mohican Holdings negotiated a Section 37 funding of $1,500,000 to be put by the City towards improvements to Centennial Park (about a kilometre to the north) and/or to connect cycling infrastructure on Burnhamthorpe Road from Mill Road to the Etobicoke Creek west of which there is already cycling infrastructure in Mississauga. If the money is not used within three years, it can then be redirected by the City to another purpose that benefits the surrounding community.
New rendering of the proposed building, image courtesy of Quadrangle Architects.
The City is also requiring that the existing 225-unit apartment building’s units remain renat controlled for a minimum of another two decades, and that its residents be given full access to all of the new indoor and outdoor amenities of the proposed building at no extra cost. According to the proposal, these amenities could include a gym, rooftop patio, lawn, pet relief area. Current tenants of the existing…
First team: Skyler Venezia, Delbarton senior; Noah Pit, Mendham senior; Brendan Cox, Randolph senior; Zach McFarland, West Morris senior; Julian Radossich, Delbarton junior; Nate Pluviose, Pope John junior; Ryan Leskauskas, Chatham junior
Second team: Matt Silvey, Sparta senior; Sean Leonard, West Morris senior, Mike Atta, Pope John senior; Mike Ewing, Mendham junior; Cam Rooney, Chatham senior; Derek Lagios, Delbarton senior; Ryan Kress, Randolph sophomore
Honorable mention: Mike Vaccaro, Delbarton junior; Kyle Davison, Randolph senior; John Coleman, West Morris senior; Brian Walsh, Mendham junior; Mike McGovern, Sparta senior; Nurell Miranda, Pope John senior; Danny Morton, Chatham junior
Division champion: Delbarton
Sportsmanship: Sparta and Chatham
First team: Zion Baitey, Morristown junior; Wes Nardolillo, Morristown senior; Mike Rustad, Morris Knolls junior; Justin Clawson, Morris Hills junior; Pat Ferrare, Montville junior; Julio Tatis, Parsippany Hills sophomore; Donovan Rauh, Mount Olive senior
Second team: Nick Gleichmann, Morristown senior; Luke Schabel, Roxbury senior; John Walsh, Montville senior; Simeon Washington, Parsippany Hills sophomore; Chase Ingram, Morris Knolls senior; Tony DelVescovo, Mount Olive senior; Andrew Piombino, Morris HIlls junior
Honorable mention: Quinn Gannon, Morristown senior; Sean Harris, Mount Olive senior; Ryan Sislin, Morris Hills senior; Zach Bolcar, Parsippany Hills junior; Nick Russo, Montville junior; Justin Hanson, Morris Hills freshman; Matt Collins, Roxbury sophomore
Division champion: Morristown
Sportsmanship: Morris Knolls
First team: Jayson Eisele, Jefferson junior; Darien Santos, Hackettstown junior; Chris Ross, Wallkill Valley junior; Darrell Mims, Newton senior; Ethan Almeida, Hackettstown junior; Jake Studnick, Jefferson junior
Second team: Brandon Kubiak, High Point senior; Jack Young, Newton senior; Daniel Falk, Wallkill Valley senior; Andrew Carida, Hackettstown junior; Travis Osterhout, Jefferson junior; Chris Greene, Wallkill Valley senior
Honorable mention: Will Weihmiller, Jefferson senior; Max Miller, High Point junior; Jake Benitz, Newton junior; Divine McNeil, Hackettstown senior; Shane Nugent, Wallkill Valley junior
Division champion: Jefferson
Sportsmanship: High Point
First team: Japhet Santiago, Hopatcong sophomore; Patrick Terebecke, Hopatcong senior; Aahil Jubair, Morris Tech senior; Troy Brennan, Lenape Valley junior; Jesse Griner, Sussex Tech senior; Craig Shipps, North Warren junior; Matt Russell, Kittatinny senior
Update on alleged father son murder
Update on alleged father son murder | WOLFPlease ensure Javascript is enabled for purposes ofwebsite accessibility-1; } // command = ‘getUSPData’, version = 1, callback = function(uspData: uspdata, success: boolean) window.__uspapi = function (command, version, callback) { if (command === ‘getUSPData’ && version === 1) { if (isFullMeasure() || getPrivacyKVP()) { // enable via KVP or if the site is fullmeasure.news // check trustarc for privacy info var uspString = getTrustArc(); if (uspString) { // if the uspString was created and returned properly // Then perform callback with correct object var uspData = { version: version, uspString: uspString }; return callback(uspData, true); } } } // Case where command !== getUSPData || uspString returns null || version !== 1 || !usPrivacyEnabled // call callback with uspData = null and success = false return callback(null, false); } function getTrustArc() { if (window.truste && window.truste.cma) { // if the trustarc object and methods are available var url = location.protocol + ‘//’ + location.host; // Get consent decision by calling trustarc api var consentDetails = window.truste.cma.callApi(“getConsentDecision”, url); /* returns consentDetails: {consentDecision:$integer, source:”asserted”} consentDetails.source can be “asserted” or “implied” – ignore for our purposes consentDetails.consentDecision can be 0, 1, 2, or 3 0 – no decision (closing banner without making a decision) 1 – required – “opted out” 3 – advertising – accepted */ var uspPrivacyString = formatUSPrivacyString(consentDetails.consentDecision); return writeUSPrivacyString(uspPrivacyString); } else { return null; } } // Handle getting the value of the notice_behavior cookie (provided for us by trustarc) function getCookieData(name) { var value = ‘; ‘ + document.cookie; var parts = value.split(‘; ‘ + name + ‘=’); if (parts.length === 2) { return parts.pop().split(‘;’).shift(); } return null; } function getNoticeBehavior() { var cookie =…
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Kevin Parker brought Tame Impala‘s Slow Rush Tour to Uncasville, CT on Saturday for a show at Mohegan Sun Arena. Junglepussy got the show started and pumped up the crowd with a rap set that included her most well-known song “Trader Joe”. She’s undoubtedly a great entertainer, full of raw, unapologetic emotion and lyrics. While it certainly seemed like an odd pairing at first, the energy was right.
By the time Parker and his touring band hit the stage for their first-ever show in Connecticut, the 7,000-plus fans in attendance were ready to explode. Despite being an almost sold-out arena, it felt about as intimate a setting to catch Tame Impala as you’ll find anymore when compared to other big-city arenas the Australian psych-rockers are hitting.
Related: The Wiggles Top Australia’s Hottest 100 With Cover Of Tame Impala’s “Elephant” [Videos]
The setlist remained unchanged from his entire tour, leading off with “One More Year”, the dancy jam to set the energy, before transitioning into the disco-infused “Borderline” and then psychedelic, bass-infused “Nangs”. By the time Tame Impala’s trademark confetti and lasers were on full display, every fan young and old was up and dancing. Parker certainly isn’t the most animated performer, but his music and production carry him to the very top of today’s touring acts.
Scroll down to check out a gallery of images from Tame Impala at Mohegan Sun Arena on Saturday courtesy of photographer Brent Goldman. A collection of fan-shot videos is also available from YouTube user relentfx. Next up for Tame Impala is a two-night run at Brooklyn, NY’s Barclay’s Center on March 14th and 15th. For tickets and a full list of tour dates click here.
Setlist: Tame Impala | Mohegan Sun Arena | Uncasville, CT | 3/12/22
Set: Intro [1],…
Many businesses and organizations are having to make changes to the way they operate.
NANTICOKE, Pa. — Stan Gorgas spends a lot of time behind the wheel as a delivery driver for Brick House Pizza in Nanticoke. He’s been keeping a close eye on the price at the pump.
“I went to work and watched as I drove back on different deliveries, and the price just kept going up, up, up. It was $50 one week. Now we’re spending $80.”
The owners of Brick House Pizza started paying the drivers extra money out of their own pockets to offset high fuel costs.
But drivers say the majority of their tips are still going toward filling their tanks.
“Some days, they’ll do 50 to 80 miles on their own car,” said co-owner Ken Hillman.
So Ken and Debbie Hillman decided to tack on a $1 delivery charge that will go directly to the drivers.
“We held off as long as we could with raising our prices, and for two years since we opened, we were doing free delivery,” Debbie said. “But the gas prices are just sky-high now, and it doesn’t seem like it’s gonna end any time soon.”
Kevin Young sometimes travels more than 60 miles round trip to deliver pet food to people in need.
He’s the president of Pawsitively for the Animals, a nonprofit based in Scranton that provides financial assistance and supplies to pet owners.
The organization can’t afford to spend money on gas.
“So my wife and I are eating this bill. We always have. But when we started the program, gas was $2.20 a gallon,” Young said.
Young decided to limit deliveries to one day in Lackawanna County and one day a week in Luzerne County. He’s trying to consolidate as many deliveries as he…
WILKES-BARRE, Pa. – The Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Penguins defeated the Laval Rocket, 6-2, during the team’s annual Star Wars Night at Mohegan Sun Arena at Casey Plaza.
No Jedi mind tricks were necessary for rookie Sam Poulin to score the first hat trick of his career. His three goals on Saturday night helped secure the win for his club and improve Wilkes-Barre/Scranton to 24-23-4-4.
It didn’t take long for the two teams to switch the offense into hyperdrive. Poulin tallied his first of the night with a wicked shot on the rush at 1:14 of the opening frame. However, the Rocket responded with a goal by Joël Teasdale 26 seconds later.
Poulin found twine again four minutes into regulation, and Chris Bigras lifted the Penguins to a 3-1 lead at 12:12 of the first period.
After a quiet second stanza, things opened up again in the third. Alex Nylander notched a power-play goal less than two minutes into the final frame, putting Wilkes-Barre/Scranton ahead, 4-1.
Now turned to the Dark Side, former Penguin Jean-Sébastien Dea cut the Rocket’s deficit back down to two by setting up Raphaël Harvey-Pinard for a backdoor tap-in during a four-on-three man advantage. But this time it was the Penguins’ turn to strike back in swift fashion. Félix Robert converted on a breakaway 1:12 after Harvey-Pinard’s power-play goal.
Poulin rounded out the scoring and completed the hat trick with an empty-net goal with 1:57 left in regulation.
Goaltender Louis Domingue turned in a stellar performance for the Penguins, as he made 37 saves to earn the victory.
L-P Guindon started the game in net for Laval, but was pulled after allowing three goals on six shots faced. Kevin Poulin steered away 20 of the 22 shots he…
Bernadine Ann Eppolito
Burlington – Bernadine Ann Eppolito, age 86, passed into Eternal Life on Wednesday, March 9, 2022 at the Masonic Village. She was predeceased by her husband, James J. Eppolito.
Daughter of the late Walter and Anna (Magaleski) Viniarski, she was born in Nanticoke, PA. She graduated from Nanticoke High School, received an A.B. from Misericordia University, Dallas, PA, and a Master’s Degree in Sociology from Catholic University in Washington, D.C.
From 1952 until 1970, she was a member of the Bernardine Franciscan Sisters and taught in PA, NJ, and MD. Her teaching career spanned 41 years and she retired in 1995 from the Willingboro School District where she was employed for 25 years and taught first at John F. Kennedy High School and then Willingboro High School in the English and Social Studies Departments.
In her retirement years, she was an active member of Sacred Heart Church, Mt. Holly, NJ, participating in Eucharistic Adoration, in the adult and bereavement choir, serving as a Lector, and from the time of its inception at Sacred Heart and was actively involved in the St. Vincent de Paul Society. She was a member of NREA, NJREA, BCREA, and WREA.
Brothers Chester, Norbert, and Eugene predeceased her. She is survived by her sister-in-law, Jill (Metcalf) Viniarski of Mountain Top, PA; step-daughter, Shirley Olef Cannon of Luville, FL; step daughter-in-law, Barbara Eppolito of Marlton, NJ; many nieces, nephews, and step great-grandchildren.
Relatives and friends may attend her viewing on Friday, March 18 at Perinchief Chapels, 438 High St., Mt. Holly from 9-10 AM. A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at 10:30 AM at Sacred Heart Church, 260 High St., Mt. Holly. Interment to follow at Sacred Heart Cemetery, Hainesport. In Bernadine’s memory, donations may be made to St. Vincent de Paul Society, 260 High St., Mt. Holly,…
Sunday’s Entries; Post time: 5 p.m.
First w4-7PM $17,000 Trot
1. Castyourcrown (Ma Kakaley) 4-1
2. Divine Spirit (Ge Napolitano Jr) 5-1
3. Focus Pocus (Ma Miller) 9-2
4. Bc’s Rose (An Napolitano) 3-1
5. Moon Bridge (Br Boyd) 10-1
6. Cupid Hanover (Ja Pantaleano) 7-2
7. Tricky Dick (Ja Morrill Jr) 12-1
8. Dagon Hanover (Ty Buter) 8-1
Second nw4PM FM $15,000 Pace
2. Brookdale Jessie (Ma Kakaley) 10-1
3. Gettin Gone (Ja Morrill Jr) 8-1
4. Some Kinda Angel (Ge Napolitano Jr) 7-2
5. Catie Faye Hanover (Ji Taggart Jr) 5-1
6. Tsm Princess Teddi (Ma Miller) 12-1
7. Make A Scene (An Napolitano) 9-2
8. Elegant Blue (Ja Bartlett) 4-1
Third Game17.5CL $12,500 Trot
1. Prescott (Ma Miller) 6-1
2. Horns For Three (Ge Napolitano Jr) 9-2
3. Mosconi Hanover (Si Allard) 7-2
4. Master Class (Ma Kakaley) 3-1
5. Buzz (Ja Pantaleano) 5-2
6. Piercewave Hanover (An Napolitano) 8-1
7. Vanishing Act (Mc Sowers) 12-1
Fourth Mnw3300L5 $7,000 Pace
1. Juxta Cowgirl (Br Boyd) 5-2
2. Silverhill Misty (Ty Buter) 4-1
3. Blood In Blood Out (Ja Morrill Jr) 12-1
4. Kck Girlies (Ma Kakaley) 5-1
5. Bullvillekarla (Ma Miller) 10-1
6. Morrockin K (Ge Napolitano Jr) 7-2
7. Sweet Rockin Gia (Re Morales III) 6-1
8. Yes Double Down (Ja Pantaleano) 8-1
Fifth Game17.5CL $12,500 Trot
1. Nice Stuff (Ma Miller) 6-1
2. Willie B Worthy (Ty Buter) 9-2
3. Mayday Volo (An Napolitano) 5-2
4. Puerto Rico (Ja Pantaleano) 12-1
5. Prime Power N (Si Allard) 3-1
6. Scirocco Patrick (Ja Morrill Jr) 7-2
7. Voss Volo (Ma Kakaley) 8-1
Sixth nw1PM CG $12,000 Pace
1. Hunting For Miles (Ja Morrill Jr) 12-1
2. Bullville Frank (Ky DiBenedetto) 10-1
3. Brave Element (Ja Bartlett) 9-2
4. Party Central (Ge Napolitano Jr) 4-1
5. Huntsville Place (Ma Miller) 3-1
6. Captain Cook (Ma Kakaley) 7-2
7. Gibor (Th Jackson) 8-1
8. Greg The Leg (Ma MacDonald) 5-1
Seventh Game17.5CL $12,500 Trot
1. Daytona Dreamin (Ge Napolitano Jr) 6-1
2. Lionbacker Kidd (Re Morales III) 8-1
3. B Yoyo (Ma Kakaley) 7-2
4. Powerful Yield (Ty Buter)…
NJAC-South Boys
First team: Jack Konrad, Chatham; Tyler Polacheck, Montville; Eli Kaufman, Montville; Evan Spitzberg, Montville; Ryan Sylvester, Montville; Jack Sherman, Montville; Samuel Engel, Morris Hills
Second team: Brandon Chang, Montville; Eric Hay, Montville; Cade Krajsovics, Morris Knolls; Alex Furman, Morris Hills; Joshua Estrin, Morris Hills; Anthony Reale, Delbarton
Honorable mention: Jacob Krijger, Morris Hills; Marc Almanzar, Madison; Steven Zavala, Dover; Jake Stevenson, Morris Knolls; Nate Olsen, Morris Tech; Jason Spitzberg, Montville; Scott Sanczyk, Kinnelon; Kevin Willmot, Chatham
Division champion: Montville
Sportsmanship: Morris Hills
NJAC-South Girls
Amanda Granata, Morris Tech; Amelia Lemanowicz, Morris Tech; Aubrey Schwager, Morris Tech; Sammy Glunk, Chatham; Julia Obser, Morris Hills
NJAC-North Boys
First team: Justin Rizzo, Sussex Tech; Nick Nolan, Wallkill Valley; Brian Hall, Walkill Valley; Ryan Locasio, Vernon; Joshua Powers, Wallkill Valley; Elias Kerim, Sparta; Colin Walker, Sussex Tech; Anthony Putrino, Sussex Tech
Second team: William Gunderman, Wallkill Valley; Nate Miller, Sparta; Vinsent Mabee, Newton; Gavin Zinck, Sussex Tech; Christian Baldicanas, Jefferson; C.J. Costanza, Lenape Valley; Nick Aparacana, Jefferson; Joe Haas, Wallkill Valley
Honorable mention: Cyril Tabaranza, Newton; Michael Amore, Sussex Tech; Brian Lewis, High Point; Evan Krapohl, Sparta; Kiko Mina, Jefferson; Dan Loeffler, Vernon; Jimmy Birchenough, Wallkill Valley; Travis Beeh, Hopatcong; Dylan Cupen, Hopatcong; Majd Othman, Lenape Valley
Division champion: Sussex Tech
Sportsmanship: Vernon
NJAC-North Girls
First team: Leah Decker, Jefferson; Kazzandra Higgins, High Point; Haylee Rossi, High Point; Stephanie Cubberly, Sussex Tech; Kiera Lewis, High Point
Second team: Mackenzie Genung, Newton; Eliza Longcor, High Point; Rachel Porzilli, Newton; Hannah Pak, Lenape Valley
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