Contributed to the Coshocton Tribune
COSHOCTON — Jack Walker III took first place in the 2021 Mary Harris Prizes essay contest for non-fiction writing.
The awards are annually sponsored by Scott Butler and are to encourage the study and better understanding of Coshocton’s frontier history. It’s open to persons of any age who reside or work in Coshocton County, including students whose permanent home is in the county. The essays are judged double-blind by Butler and an out-of-state panel of individuals.
In Walker’s “A Living Document,” he describes the importance of avoiding personal bias when it comes to writing non-fiction. He also explores the need to accept that revisions and objectivity are needed when it comes to writing non-fiction, a task that can be difficult when facing history that has been accepted as the truth for long periods. Walker weaves this into his journey of researching his family’s genealogy. Ultimately, he describes history as a living document, something that is always open to change as discoveries are uncovered.
Second place was split between three entrants. Robbie Khel’s “The Bug” detailed a string of fires in Roscoe in 1912. Martha Richardson’s “John Chapman: Pleasure or Profit?” questioned the motivations behind the actions of the man known as Johnny Appleseed. Jennifer Wilkes’ “Pike Township, Coshocton County: A History” tells the story of the southwest corner of Coshocton County from the frontier and its wildlife, the first settlers, to the growth of the township.
Four essays received honorable mentions. They were Annalissa Hankinson’s “The Delaware Tribe of Coshocton County,” Dana M. Kittner’s “Human Trafficking in North American: A firsthand account by John Leith,” Verlyn Miller’s “Religious History of the Delaware and Moravians” and Christine Sycks’ “Where Paths of Others Lead.”
Submitted by Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum.
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