Lenni Lenape


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Lenni Lenape

Baseball photos: Ocean City vs. Lenape, April 28, 2024

Our HS sports photos like the ones above put you right up close with the action and the whole experience. Check them out by clicking anywhere in the collage above to open the photo gallery.

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Kevin Minnick can be reached at Follow him on X (formerly Twitter) @kminnicksports

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Lenni Lenape

Throwback Thursday: The real story of Bowling Green’s name

Throwback Thursday this week takes a deep dive into the history of Bowling Green’s name. While we’ve mentioned Bowling Green Park in New York City a few times over the years, we’ve also played around with the lawn bowling games the city’s founding fathers, the Moore brothers, were known to have played at their home near modern day Downtown.

But this reporter went to New York City in person to get a better look at the original Bowling Green Park herself. This charming little patch of grass, passive seating area and fountain, are but a stone’s throw from the New York Stock Exchange and Fraunces Tavern, where George Washington bid farewell to the Continental Army.

Bowling Green Park is the oldest park in all of New York City. According to the NYC Parks Department, they say this spot was hallowed ground where the Lenape tribe held Native American council meetings. Important tribe matters were often settled here on this sliver of land. Just like Peter Minuit, the Governor of New Amsterdam who settled this area, was noted for conducting the major purchase of buying all of modern Manhattan from the Lenape tribe for the equivalent of just over $1,000 modern day dollars in 1626.

The Dutch colonists used the space for meetings, parades, and cattle markets. It marked the beginning of Heere Staat, or High St., also known as modern day Broadway. Then in 1686, the site became public property when the city put all “vacant, waste, and unappropriated lands” under public domain.

Travelers will notice a plaque on the fence of Bowling Green Park, showing that the park was officially leased in 1733 as a true “bowling green” for a single peppercorn per year. A peppercorn is basically…

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Lenni Lenape

Baseball Recap: Kingsway extends home winning streak to eight

Kingsway put another one in the bag on Wednesday to keep their perfect season alive. They put the hurt on the Deptford Spartans with a sharp 18-4 win. Considering Kingsway has won eight contests by more than five runs this season, Wednesday’s blowout was nothing new.

Joey Fanelli looked comfortable as he pitched four innings while giving up just one earned run off four hits.

At the plate, Tommy Popoff was incredible, going 2-for-4 with five RBI, two runs, and a double. Another player making a difference was Ian Monteith, who scored three runs while getting on base in all four of his plate appearances.

Kingsway’s victory was their eighth straight at home dating back to last season, which pushed their record up to 10-0. As for Deptford, their defeat dropped their record down to 3-7.

Both squads will have to hit the road in their upcoming games. Kingsway will take on Lenape at 4:00 p.m. on Friday. Kingsway’s pitching crew has only allowed 2.4 runs per game this season, so Lenape’s hitters will have their work cut out for them. As for Deptford, they will head out on the road to square off against Haddon Township at 4:00 p.m. on Friday.

Article generated by infoSentience based on data entered on MaxPreps

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Lenni Lenape

Connecting community to the land: Earth Day on 52nd Street centers Lenape practices and stories

The West Philly community gathered Saturday under the protection of a tree older than any of those in attendance, and Krista Nelson played her original song “Malcolm X Park” on her Native Turtle Island flute. Attendees closed their eyes, and could feel the nature that constantly surrounds people, even in the city.

To Nelson, a sixth-generation Lenape grandmother and Lenape language keeper, a land acknowledgment is more than just ticking a box or noting the origins of the Lenape land Philadelphians stand and live on. It’s about understanding the deep history of the Indigenous people and that they are still here with us today.

» READ MORE: On Native ground: As ‘land acknowledgments’ proliferate, Indigenous peoples want actions, not words

“The Lenape people saw everything, every being, as kin,” she said. “The trees are kin, the ground is kin, the space that we’re in is a relative. The stones beneath our feet are kin.”

This message is what organizers from Get Fresh Daily, Friends of Malcolm X Park, The Enterprise Center, and Painted Bride Art Center wanted to share with the community of West Philadelphia this Earth Day — green spaces are sacred places of rejuvenation.

Saturday’s programming, which was kicked off by Nelson’s land acknowledgment, was focused on highlighting Indigenous communities and giving them space to tell their stories.

After Nelson called to the five elements — earth, air, fire, water, and space — she began a more interactive portion of the land acknowledgment. Children were offered maracas and bells to play music, and were asked to call out their favorite animals and creatures.

“I like possums,” one of Nelson’s grandchildren called out.

“And rainbow fish,” another child added, providing comic relief.

The interactive and detailed land acknowledgments went on for 30 minutes, discussing Wissahickon Park tours that tend to erase Lenape history, a…

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Lenni Lenape

Organizers: Porchfest “effectively” canceled by Perkasie

John Anastasi

Uncertainty now surrounds the upcoming Perkasie Porchfest live music event, typically held on residents’ front porches throughout the borough after an apparent breakdown in negotiations between event organizers and Perkasie Borough officials late last week.

While organizers and officials issued somewhat conflicting statements regarding what went wrong, one thing is for sure — the May 11 event won’t go on as planned.

Some borough homeowners may independently opt to host bands on May 11, but event organizers seem to be working primarily to connect acts with potential venues located outside of the municipality.

Perkasie officials on Saturday afternoon posted an announcement on the borough’s official Facebook page that suggested Porchfest organizers had withdrawn a necessary special event permit application.

The Perkasie Porchest Facebook page fired off its own statement 20 minutes later accusing the borough of attempting to have the organization scale the event back significantly from what took place last year with fewer vendors, businesses and hosts, plus a much-shorter 4-hour run time.

“We would not budge on so many things being removed,” the Facebook post said. “It was not sustainable for the future.”

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The borough’s official post, attributed to mayor Jeff Hollenbach, said the town was making an effort “to address numerous documented public safety concerns from the previous year’s event.

Porchfest organizers Corey and Heather Armideo put out an additional statement Saturday evening laying blame at the…

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Lenni Lenape

City Life Org – Museum of the City of New York Presents “We Are Still Here! Lunaapeew/Lenape Celebration Weekend”

Courtesy of Red Blanket Singers

Special Two-Day Event to Take Place on May 4th and 5th

Museum of the City of New York, NYC’s storyteller for the past 100 years, in collaboration with the Eenda-Lunaapeewahkiing (Land of the Lunaapeew) Project, proudly announces “We Are Still Here! Lunaapeew/Lenape Celebration Weekend.” This two-day event will take place on Saturday, May 4th and Sunday, May 5th from 11 am to 4 pm, inviting visitors of all ages to delve into the rich heritage and enduring spirit of the First People of the New York City region. Coinciding with the 400th anniversary of Dutch settlers’ arrival in New York City in 1624, “We Are Still Here!” pays homage to the resilience of the Lenape and the creativity of Indigenous communities today while honoring their fundamental role in shaping the city and nation.

At this inaugural weekend gathering, attendees will experience the diversity of Lunaapeew/Lenape culture through vibrant musical and dance performances, interactive craft workshops, engaging discussions led by Indigenous speakers and artists, and more.

Highlights of the event include:

  • Southern-style drum songs performed by the Red Blanket Singers
  • Tales from master storyteller Tchin
  • Musical and dance performance by We Are Seeds
  • Wampum-Making Demonstration with Chief Mark Tayac (Piscataway)
  • Hands-on Workshop with Master Artist Denise Bright Dove Ashton-Dunkley (Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape)
  • Lenape Language Workshop with Kristin Jacobs (Eelünaapéewi Lahkéewiit)
  • Panel Discussions with Lenape Knowledge Keepers and community leaders
  • Traditional Lenape Games led by Lenape Youth Leaders
  • Craft workshops
  • And more!

Admission to “We Are Still Here!” is pay-what-you-wish, inviting everyone to join in this celebration of Lenape culture and resilience.

“The ‘We Are Still Here!’ weekend in May –along with our related programming and exhibition slated for 2025 — represents MCNY’s commitment to engagement and reparative…

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Lenni Lenape

Canada’s UNPFII Delegation Pushes for More Indigenous Inclusion

New York, NY – Unceded territory of the Lenape – Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada

The strong voices of Indigenous youth are changing communities, challenging the status quo, and taking the lead in building a better, fairer, and more sustainable future for all people in Canada. Today, Indigenous leaders, youth, and community representatives, alongside Canadian federal officials and those from member states from around the world, came together for the opening of the 23rd session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII).

Over the span of 10 days, participants will gather as part of an ongoing international dialogue on Indigenous rights and issues across the globe. The Honourable Gary Anandasangaree, Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations, led Canada’s delegation to UNPFII, which includes First Nations, Inuit and Métis Elders and youth. This year’s theme, focused on emphasizing the voices of Indigenous youth, provides the opportunity for an inter-generational dialogue on a variety of topics, including the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Advocacy at the United Nations (UN) by Indigenous youth is essential given their diverse and valuable perspectives in areas such as enhancing the participation of Indigenous Peoples at the UN. Canada continues to support the goal of creating a new category for Indigenous participation at the UN since the issue was last negotiated in 2017.

To highlight the importance of dialogue, Minister Anandasangaree, the Tŝilhqot’in Nation, and the Indigenous Coordinating Body on Enhanced Participation co-hosted an event between Indigenous leaders and youth from across the globe. This event highlighted current efforts being made to promote the inclusion of Indigenous Peoples in global policy and decision-making and to ensure that the unique perspectives, knowledge, and wisdom of Indigenous Peoples, including Indigenous youth, are brought to the forefront of…

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Lenni Lenape

Boys Tennis photos: Lenape at Cherry Hill East on April 15, 2024

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Lenni Lenape

High school schedule for Saturday, April 13, 2024

[]Lenape Sprints at Lake Lenape

[]Bridgeton Relays at Bridgeton H.S.

[]Cherokee Challenge at Cherokee H.S.

[]West Deptford Relays at West Deptford H.S.

[]Comet Relays at Hackensack H.S.

[]Lenape Girls Invitational at Lenape H.S.


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[]Varsity Tournament at Eastern Reg.

[]Moorestown Invitational at Moorestown H.S.

[]Pleasantville at Moorestown

[]Varsity Tournament at Overbrook

[]Millville vs. Gloucester City

[]Cedar Creek vs. Overbrook

[]Autism Awareness Tournament at Holy Spirit H.S.

[]Ocean City vs. Toms River North

[]Egg Harbor Twp. vs. Lenape

[]Holy Cross Prep at Holy Spirit

[]Bridgeton at Lower Cape May

[]Kingsway Reg. at St. Augustine

[]Woodstown at Egg Harbor Twp.

[]Lacey Twp. at Long Branch

[]Millville at Camden Catholic

[]Cedar Creek at Gateway Reg.

[]Sterling at Our Lady of Mercy

[]Toms River South at Southern

[]Egg Harbor Twp. at Marlboro

[]Middletown North at. Pinelands

[]Ocean City vs. Rumson-Fair Haven


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