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Category: Lenni Lenape
How Deep Is the Long Island Sound?
The Long Island Sound is a marine sound that lies between Connecticut and Long Island, New York. This sound has a long, rich history and its waters are incredibly deep. In fact, the Long Island Sound is 230 feet deep at the deepest point. The sound is brackish, a mix of freshwater from rivers and saltwater from the Atlantic Ocean. This article explores Long Island Sound including the history of Long Island as well as the ecology and recreation activities available on the sound.
The Long Island Sound is home to beautiful, sandy beaches and an abundance of wildlife.
©Joe Trentacosti/Shutterstock.com
The Founding of Long Island
Long Island was first inhabited by the Lenape people, who were later called the Delaware people by Europeans. The ancestral lands of the Lenape people include parts of present-day Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and New York, including the Long Island Sound. Lenape people practiced hunting, fishing, farming, and herbal medicine.
The first European to document an encounter with the Lenape people was Giovanni da Verrazzano, an Italian explorer, in 1524. Later, in the 17th century, the island was settled by Dutch, English, and Swedish people. A peace treaty was negotiated between the Lenape people and the Europeans, organized by the English Quaker William Penn. However, the arrival of tens of thousands of new colonists during the next decades reduced the hunting grounds of the Lenape people, disrupting their lifeways. Then, in 1758, the Lenape people signed the Treaty of Easton and moved west to Ohio. The Lenape people moved several times after that, ultimately settling in Oklahoma.
In 1788, New York ratified the United States Constitution, becoming the 11th U.S. state….
20 Secrets of NYC’s Coney Island
20 Secrets of NYC’s Coney Island – Untapped New York 18;h=63&d>>12;k=63&d>>6;d&=63;g[l++]=”ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=”.charAt(e)+”ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=”.charAt(h)+”ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=”.charAt(k)+”ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=”.charAt(d)}while(cb;b++)f[“ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/”.charAt(b)]=b;for(c=0;d>c;c++)for(b=f[a.charAt(c)],g=(g<<6)+b,e+=6;8>>(e-=8))||d-2>c)&&(h+=k(l));return h}b64e=function(a){return btoa(encodeURIComponent(a).replace(/%([0-9A-F]{2})/g,function(b,a){return String.fromCharCode(“0x”+a)}))}; b64d=function(a){return decodeURIComponent(atob(a).split(“”).map(function(a){return”%”+(“00″+a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-2)}).join(“”))}; /* */ function ai_run_scripts(){var ai_cookie_js=!0,ai_block_class_def=”code-block”; /* JavaScript Cookie v2.2.0 https://github.com/js-cookie/js-cookie Copyright 2006, 2015 Klaus Hartl & Fagner Brack Released under the MIT license */ “undefined”!==typeof ai_cookie_js&&(function(a){if(“function”===typeof define&&define.amd){define(a);var c=!0}”object”===typeof exports&&(module.exports=a(),c=!0);if(!c){var d=window.Cookies,b=window.Cookies=a();b.noConflict=function(){window.Cookies=d;return b}}}(function(){function a(){for(var d=0,b={};d
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Roy Ziegler
Throughout history new roads have been catalysts driving the economic and social development of towns and cities around the world.
So, when the original direction of Old York Road was changed, making New Hope (Wells Ferry) — and not Centre Bridge (Reading’s Landing) — the new midpoint of the journey from Philadelphia to New York, the small village along the Delaware River was changed forever.
John Wells, a carpenter from Lower Dublin Township (now part of Northeast Philadelphia), outwitted a clever, powerful politician and entrepreneur — Thomas Canby, of Solebury Township — in purchasing the Ferry Tract from Richard Heath’s heirs.
He obtained a license to operate a tavern — now the Logan Inn on West Ferry Street in New Hope — in 1727 and a ferry. Wells Ferry was born.
Most probably, Wells was influential in having the direction of Old York Road changed to favor his venue, but certainly the horses had a lot to do with it as well.
Route 263 (the original route) posed a severe challenge to those otherwise reliable animals purveying travelers and goods from New York and New Jersey as it climbed the steep hill from the flat road at Dilley’s Corner to Lahaska. Old York Road opened to New Hope in 1741.
Four years after the road opened, Benjamin Canby, one of Thomas’s 17 children, avenged his father’s failure to obtain the tavern and ferry rights, purchasing them from Wells’ heirs, and the town became known as Canby’s Ferry.
Much of the road followed an old Lenni-Lenape trail used for hunting and traveling between New Hope and Philadelphia.
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Bushy Run battle reenactment draws crowds for living history education 0)&&(width <728)){type = "Mobile";} else if ((width>=728)&&(width<1024)){type = "Tablet";}else {type = "Desktop";} var BigBox_ATF_1size; if (type == "Mobile") {BigBox_ATF_1active = 1;BigBox_ATF_1size = [300,250] ; } else if (type =="Tablet") {BigBox_ATF_1active = 1;BigBox_ATF_1size = [300,250]; } else if (type =="Desktop") {BigBox_ATF_1active = 1;BigBox_ATF_1size = [300,250]; } else {BigBox_ATF_1active = 0;BigBox_ATF_1size = '300x50,300x100,300x250';} if (BigBox_ATF_1active > 0){ slot11 = googletag.defineSlot(‘/207845991/BigBox_ATF_1’, BigBox_ATF_1size, ‘div-gpt-ad-1380843670843-11’).setTargeting(‘test’, ‘lazyload’).addService(googletag.pubads());} /* var BigBox_BTF_1size; if (type == “Mobile”) {BigBox_BTF_1active = 1;BigBox_BTF_1size = [300,250] ; } else if (type ==”Tablet”) {BigBox_BTF_1active = 1;BigBox_BTF_1size = [300,250]; } else if (type ==”Desktop”) {BigBox_BTF_1active = 1;BigBox_BTF_1size = [300,250]; } else {BigBox_BTF_1active = 0;BigBox_BTF_1size = ‘300×50,300×100,300×250’;} if (BigBox_BTF_1active > 0){ slot17 = googletag.defineSlot(‘/207845991/BigBox_BTF_1’, BigBox_BTF_1size, ‘div-gpt-ad-1380843670843-17’).setTargeting(‘test’, ‘lazyload’).addService(googletag.pubads());} var Sponsor_ATF_1size; if (type == “Desktop”) {Sponsor_ATF_1active = 1;Sponsor_ATF_1size = [224,90]; } else {Sponsor_ATF_1active = 0;Sponsor_ATF_1size = ‘224×90’;} if (Sponsor_ATF_1active > 0){ slot5 = googletag.defineSlot(‘/207845991/Sponsor_ATF_1’, Sponsor_ATF_1size, ‘div-gpt-ad-1380843670843-5’).setTargeting(‘test’, ‘lazyload’).addService(googletag.pubads());} */ var Sponsor_BTF_2size; if (type == “Desktop”) {Sponsor_BTF_2active = 1;Sponsor_BTF_2size = [224,90]; } else {Sponsor_BTF_2active = 0;Sponsor_BTF_2size = ‘224×90’;} if (Sponsor_BTF_2active > 0){ slot9 = googletag.defineSlot(‘/207845991/Sponsor_BTF_2’, Sponsor_BTF_2size, ‘div-gpt-ad-1380843670843-9’).setTargeting(‘test’, ‘lazyload’).addService(googletag.pubads());} var Leaderboard_ATF_1size; if (type == “Mobile”) {Leaderboard_ATF_1active = 1;Leaderboard_ATF_1size = [[300,50],[320,50]]; } else if (type ==”Tablet”) {Leaderboard_ATF_1active = 1;Leaderboard_ATF_1size = [728,90]; } else if (type ==”Desktop”) {Leaderboard_ATF_1active = 1;Leaderboard_ATF_1size = [728,90]; } else {Leaderboard_ATF_1active = 0;Leaderboard_ATF_1size = ‘300×50,320×50,300×250,468×60,728×90’;} if (Leaderboard_ATF_1active > 0){ slot35 = googletag.defineSlot(‘/207845991/Leaderboard_ATF_1’, Leaderboard_ATF_1size, ‘div-gpt-ad-1380843670843-35’).setTargeting(‘test’, ‘lazyload’).addService(googletag.pubads());} /* var Leaderboard_BTF_2size; if (type == “Mobile”) {Leaderboard_BTF_2active = 1;Leaderboard_BTF_2size = [[300,50],[320,50]]; } else if (type ==”Tablet”) {Leaderboard_BTF_2active = 1;Leaderboard_BTF_2size = [728,90]; } else if (type ==”Desktop”) {Leaderboard_BTF_2active = 1;Leaderboard_BTF_2size = [728,90]; } else {Leaderboard_BTF_2active = 0;Leaderboard_BTF_2size = ‘300×50,320×50,300×250,468×60,728×90’;} if (Leaderboard_BTF_2active > 0){ slot42 = googletag.defineSlot(‘/207845991/Leaderboard_BTF_2’, Leaderboard_BTF_2size, ‘div-gpt-ad-1380843670843-42’).setTargeting(‘test’, ‘lazyload’).addService(googletag.pubads());} */ var Leaderboard_STF_1size; if (type == “Mobile”) {Leaderboard_STF_1active = 1;Leaderboard_STF_1size = [[300,50],[320,50]]; } else if (type ==”Tablet”) {Leaderboard_STF_1active = 1;Leaderboard_STF_1size =…
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NEW HOPE, PA — First Fridays are back in New Hope.
The Greater New Hope Chamber of Commerce will hold First Friday in New Hope Borough on Friday, August 4, and again on Friday, Sept. 1 with fun, music, and summer fireworks over the Delaware River. The festivities kick off at 5 p.m. at Lenape Park at 54 West Ferry Street.
Here’s what’s in store:
- Enjoy a chilled beverage at a beer garden located in Lenape Park.
- Explore creative works from local artists and vendors on Stockton Street, which will be closed to traffic between Ferry and Bridge.
- Groove to live music from the talented Matt Borish at the park.
- And be amazed by the stunning fireworks display beginning at 9 p.m. over the Delaware River between New Hope and Lambertville. The fireworks are presented by the Greater New Hope Chamber of Commerce and New Hope Celebrates.
Organizers recommend arriving early to #ExploreNewHope and “discover the incredible shops and delightful restaurants that our beautiful town has to offer. Spend the day, enjoy the night (or even spend the night at one of the town’s Bed and Breakfasts), and make memories to last a lifetime.”
Parking will be available at the New Hope-Solebury High School and at Union Square on Bridge Street. Some locations may require a fee to ensure quality and security.
Beginning at 2 p.m. Stockton Avenue will be closed between Bridge and Ferry and will only be open to pedestrian traffic.
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