Lenni Lenape

Atlantic County regatta on Sunday highlights area crew

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Lenni Lenape

Bristol’s indigenous mammal returns to Silver Lake Park in the township

Bucks County Courier Times

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Video: Chemical spill in Bristol causes alarm throughout Philadelphia region

A chemical spill Friday night sent some 8,100 gallons of water and polymer solution into the Otter Creek, which feeds into the Delaware River

Bucks County Courier Times

My recent column (“Beavers, the historic dam builders, make a comeback” published March 17, 2023) drew the interest of Clarence King. The Northampton resident is a knowledgeable expert on the origins and ecology of Silver Lake Park in Bristol Township.

“Excellent article on beavers. You have returned back into my little world again,” Clarence began. “Bristol has a Beaver Street which extends into Bristol Township as Beaver Dam Road. I have no idea when that road received its name, but the road has been there since 1696. You have to assume the beaver dam in the road’s name is for a beaver dam north of Silver Lake or somewhere on nearby Mill Creek.

“My family, the King family, have been living along Silver Lake for four generations since 1850.  Research I have done suggests that beaver along the Delaware River were mostly gone by the time William Penn arrived in 1682. They had all been trapped and the furs sent to Europe. From information fed down through my…

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Lenni Lenape

Prisoner dies in custody at HMP Barlinnie as probe launched

A PROBE has been launched after a prisoner died in Scotland’s largest prison.

Richard Reston, 46, died at HMP Barlinnie, nearby Glasgowon April 29 of this year.

Richard Reston died in Barlinnie on April 29th


Richard Reston died in Barlinnie on April 29thCredit: PA

Jail Bosses confirmed an investigation into a fatal accident is being launched in response to the death.

Reston was on trial in October 2022 on charges attack And robbery an 81-year-old woman in a church.

Pensioner Mary Mclhinney was attacked by Reston at the Church of Christian Brethren in the town’s Anniesland on January 12, 2020.

Court According to papers, he grabbed her bag and dragged her down a flight of stairs to her injury.

The principal has resigned after failing to respond to staff Husband dies and wife fights for life after'gas leak' on honeymoon

The prosecution went on to say that he robbed Miss McIlhinney of her bag and its contents.

A SPS spokesman said: “Richard Reston, 46, a prisoner at HMP Barlinnie passed away on April 29, 2023.

“He was convicted by Glasgow and Strathkelvin Sheriff Court in 2022.

“Police Scotland were discussed and the matter reported to the public prosecutor.

“An investigation into a fatal accident will be conducted in due course.”

We pay for your stories and videos! Do you have a story or video for The Scottish Sun? Email us at or call 0141 420 5200

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Lenni Lenape

PennDOT Announces 2023 ‘Innovations Challenge’ Statewide Winner

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation announced that a team of students from Lenape Technical School in Ford City, Armstrong County, has been selected as the statewide winner for the 2022-2023 Innovations Challenge.

Mentored by Jason Zimmerman, a teacher at Lenape Tech, team members include Elijah Mumau and Robert John. The team’s proposed solution to this year’s challenge, addressing the shortage of truck parking along Pennsylvania’s critical cargo arteries, included a plan for affordable, eco-friendly, and innovative rest stops called Eco-Stops. To offset cost and minimize their environmental impacts, Eco-Stops would be constructed using a recycled asphalt lot and concrete printed facilities and be powered via solar panels. The team’s presentation included an example location, cost breakdown, and a plan for adding EV charging options.

“It’s incredible to see the next generation of problem solvers at work trying to address a real transportation issue that we are currently facing,” said PennDOT Secretary Mike Carroll. “These young minds have been hard at work, and it’s encouraging to see their commitment to working on these issues. The future is in good hands.”

Nine regional winners were selected earlier this year and invited to present their solutions to the PennDOT acting secretary and a panel of judges in Harrisburg last month to determine the statewide winner. For this year’s challenge, the Associated Pennsylvania Constructors (APC) and the American Council of Engineering Companies of PA (ACEC/PA) will provide a combined total award of $4,000 to the statewide winning team. 


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Lenni Lenape

Pow-Wow Book Archive – Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape Tribal Nation

Pow-Wow Book Archive – Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape Tribal Nation ]]> Skip to content






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Lenni Lenape

Men’s college post-season honors: Wray (St. Joe’s) is A-10 Coach of Year, Ivy League gives awards

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Lenni Lenape

South Jersey Pops’ May 21 Concert is “Top Secret”

Shhh! The South Jersey Pops, the region’s own non-profit orchestra, concludes its 51st season with a “Top Secret” performance May 21, 2023 at Lenape High School in Medford, N.J.

The 60-piece ensemble will salute spies, secret agents and heroes on a mission in popular culture, ranging from Mission: Impossible and Peter Gunn to James Bond and The A-Team.

“The music of secret agents has become some of the most identifiable and oft-heard melodies in contemporary music, appearing in all aspects of life. Who doesn’t think about the exploits of 007 the moment you hear John Barry’s classic strains?” said Robert Bradshaw of Audubon, the Pops’ conductor and musical director. “This orchestra has accepted the mission to summon those memories, and to add in a few surprises befitting the genre.”

(Photo provided)

Master spy James Bond himself will be ever-present during the concert, with the James Bond Theme and music from several movies including Skyfall and The World is Not Enough.

His satirical alter-egos, Inspector Clouseau and Maxwell Smart, will also be highlighted with the classic Pink Panther and Get Smart themes. Along the journey, the audience will also be treated to iconic music accompanying other spies, heroes and their television shows, including Marvin Hamlisch’s upbeat The Glove, from The Sting.

The orchestra’s own Emma Gibbins will be featured vocalist, and Charlie Hannagan from Wilmington, Del., will once again return as guest singer-guitarist.

Ticket Information

“Top Secret” begins at 3 p.m. May 21; doors open 30 minutes before the performance. Admission is $15 for adults and $5 for children under 12. Children under 2 are free.

Lenape High School is located at 235 Hartford Road,…

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Lenni Lenape

Lenape Regional High School District Sports Roundup – April 22-29


Washington Township 12, Seneca 5: Kyle Crozier (3-for-4, double, 6 RBIs, 2 runs) belted two home runs as visiting Washington Township (5-3, 3-2) handed Seneca (2-6, 1-2) its fourth straight loss in a nonleague game April 22.

Jake Christopher had two hits, including a double, and scored a run for the Golden Eagles.


April 22, Tabernacle

Washington Township 12, Seneca 5

Township – 431 004 0 – 12 15 1

Seneca – 040 100 0 – 5 9 1

WP: Luke Linden; LP: Kyle Trzaskawka; 2B: WT-Chris Smith, Mike Schuck, Kyle Crozier; S-Redsy Klein 2, Brayden Davis, Jake Christopher; HR: WT-Crozier 2.

Cherokee 4, Cherry Hill East 1: Brandon Patrick had two hits and two RBIs as visiting Cherokee (8-4, 2-2) defeated Cherry Hill East (8-5, 2-1) in an Olympic Conference American Division game April 24.

Brett Chiesa had two hits, including a double, and scored a run as the Chiefs notched their second win in the last three games.

Brett Gable allowed an unearned run on six hits and two walks with six strikeouts in six innings.

Olympic American Division

April 24, Cherry Hill

Cherokee 4, Cherry Hill East 1

Cherokee – 000 040 0 – 4 6 1

C.H. East – 000 010 0 – 1 6 1

WP: Brett Gable; LP: Ethan Gwara; 2B: C-Evan Brown, Cameron Della Vecchia, Brett Chiesa.

West Deptford 4, Lenape 3: Grant Hunter (2-for-4, 2 RBIs, run) homered for Lenape (6-5, 2-1) in a loss to West Deptford (5-4, 2-3) in a nonleague game April 24.

Corey Baglivo’s three-run double highlighted a four-run sixth inning for the Eagles, who won for the third time in the last four games.

Tommy Kohler struck out five in 5 1/3 for the Indians, who saw their four-game win streak snapped with the loss.


April 24,…

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Lenni Lenape

Pennsylvania lawmakers called on to recognize Lenape Nation

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Lenni Lenape

Reconnecting with the culture of the Hudson Valley’s native inhabitants 

The front entrance to Wild Hudson Valley’s Eco Camp and Forest Farm in Cairo, NY. (Photos courtesy of Wild Hudson Valley)

At their 95-acre forest farm and camp near the Greene County town of Cairo, Justin Wexler and Anna Plattner are re-creating the landscape as it was known to the native inhabitants of the region. Each weekend throughout the summer, they invite visitors to the property, Wild Hudson Valley, to learn about edible plants, medicine, folklore, history, and both ancient and modern forest farming practices.

Guided nature walks and workshops are geared toward all ages. Programs for families help kids and adults connect with nature. For an even more immersive experience, visitors can stay overnight at one of four eco-campsites. 

Unlike most nature education programs, Anna and Justin emphasize the role of native peoples in relating to the land. Justin’s fascination with the natural world began when he was a child growing up in the Hudson Valley.

Anna (and Corinna) with July’s Wild Harvest Box.

“I realized by time I was eight or nine that the people who would know the land best were the people who lived here for generations but were driven out of their homeland,” he said. By his teens, he was trying to visualize the life of the Lenape, who inhabited the area before they were displaced by European settlers. 

As he researched the history of the Hudson Valley and its occupants, Justin made connections with descendants of the Lenape, now dispersed to communities in Ontario, Wisconsin and Oklahoma. After befriending residents of those communities, he hosted Lenape people who came to visit their homeland. He continues to make links with organizations that would help represent their culture and history.

Anna also grew up in the…

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