
Mohegan Scrambles After Japanese IR Partner’s Unexpected Exit

Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment (MGE) has been put between a rock and a hard place as it competes to be the casino operator of an integrated resort (IR) in Nagasaki, Japan. Its local partner, Oshidori International Development, just withdrew itself from the partnership, with MGE now having to find a new one, and quickly. Oshidori is reportedly not at all pleased with how Nagasaki plans on overseeing its IR and doesn’t want to be any part of the operations.

MGE Loses Nagasaki IR Partner

At the end of this past January, MGE announced that it had partnered with Oshidori, a subsidiary of Hong Kong-listed Oshidori International Holdings, as it competed to be among the first to enter Japan’s IR market. Everything seemed to be running smoothly and, at the end of July, there were indications that everything was on track. However, everything suddenly changed at the end of last week when Oshidori announced that it was exiting the partnership.

The unexpected departure has nothing to do with MGE’s efforts; instead, it appears the company is unhappy with the way Nagasaki wants to run its IR project. According to the company’s announcement, Oshidori asserted, “Unless there are certain changes to the developmental and operational rules imposed by the Nagasaki Prefecture, and unless the RFP (request for proposal) process is conducted in an ethical manner, it is withdrawing from participating in the RFP for an IR in Nagasaki.”

Oshidori didn’t lay out what changes it wants to see or what issues it may have uncovered, but added, “The restrictive and unreasonable rules imposed by the Nagasaki Prefecture make it impossible for Oshidori to conduct business in a prudent and efficient manner. In addition, Oshidori has encountered several incidents that make it question whether there have been serious ethical irregularities in…

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Connecticut’s Foxwoods casino requires all employees to wear masks


fter the recent recommendations from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Foxwoods Resorts Casino has updated its COVID-19 protocols. 

As the CDC recommended during the last week of July, people in areas with “substantial” levels of community transmission should wear masks indoors, regardless of their vaccination status. The entire state of Connecticut now falls into that category.

President and chief executive officer of Foxwoods, Jason Guyot, said as a result of that guidance that the casino will now require all employees to wear facial coverings (masks). This move comes despite the fact that more than 75% of the Resorts and Casino’s employees are fully vaccinated. 

Guyot said that fully vaccinated guests are also encouraged to wear masks, but will not be required to put them on.

According to Norwich Bulletin, the company’s CEO said that “we still request non-vaccinated guests wear facial coverings for their own safety. We’ll continue to monitor and adjust our safety guidelines as needed to ensure a safe environment for all.”

Connecticut’s other casino, the Mohegan Sun, does not require vaccinated staff or guests to wear masks for the time being.

Last week, it was announced that guests and staff at Calder Casino, in Miami-Dade County, and at The Casino at Dania Beach, in Broward County, Florida, would have to abide by the same policies after a rise in COVID-19 cases due to the Delta variant. 

MGM Resorts has requested that employees present proof of their vaccination status at the end of July. If they refused to do so, they would have to pay for $15 weekly Covid tests.

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Pop-up Vaccine Clinic Opening in Mohegan Lake

On Saturday, the Town of Yorktown, in partnership with Save Mor Pharmacy and the Community Food Pantry at St. Mary’s, will open a one-day COVID-19 vaccination clinic in Mohegan Lake.

The August 7 clinic will operate from 9 a.m. to noon at the pantry, located at 1836 E. Main St. The inoculations will occur in conjunction with the pantry’s normally scheduled distribution of food.

According to Yorktown’s Community Impact Dashboard, the 10547 zip code has one of the town’s lowest full-vaccination rates. As of August 2, only 61.4 percent of eligible residents in the 10547 zip code had received two vaccine doses.

“We know the vaccine works. It is the best tool we have against this terrible virus,” said Supervisor Matt Slater. “We appreciate the assistance of our community partners in bringing this vital medicine to the different hamlets of Yorktown.”

The vaccines are available for residents 12 and older. The inoculations are free for the uninsured, but a valid identification is required.

Residents interested in receiving a vaccine should visit the town’s vaccine clinic web page. Appointments are made on a first come, first serve basis.



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Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment Announces Corporate Human Resources Appointments

“Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment is pleased to have Kim Cowan and Naketrice Snow join our corporate human resources team to support the continued organizational development of our company throughout the U.S. and abroad,” said Ray Pineault, President & Chief Executive Officer of Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment. “Our team members are vital to enabling MGE’s continued global success, and I look forward to Kim and Naketrice’s leadership to ensure each MGE team member achieves their full potential, while engaging the Spirit of Aquai.”

Kim Cowan as Vice President of Talent Management 
As Vice President of Talent Management, Kim will be responsible for leading the growing organizational capability of MGE through talent sourcing and recruitment, new hire onboarding and cultural immersion, as well as learning and performance management, leadership effectiveness, succession/career planning, and diversity/inclusion strategies. In this role, Kim will report to Patricia Smith, SVP & Chief Human Resource Officer, implementing a global strategy that will support the brand’s ongoing development and drive significant business results.

Prior to joining MGE, Kim served as the Principal for KWConsulting and has held the position of Vice President, Human Resources for Prudential Financial for eight years, where she served as a key advisor to senior leadership on organization effectiveness and performance improvement.

Naketrice Snow as Director of Corporate Employee and Guest Experience 
Naketrice Snow joins the MGE team as Director of Corporate Employee and Guest Experience and is responsible for defining, creating, communicating, aligning, and measuring the MGE strategic vision across the global enterprise for the employee and guest experience. Reporting to the Vice President of Talent Management, Naketrice will lead the creation and implementation of employee and guest experience programs at all MGE properties.

Naketrice brings over 15 years of experience in the hospitality industry, serving various resorts and hotels across Florida….

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Dustin Lynch concert at Mohegan Sun cancelled due to case of illness within touring party

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Breaking Benjamin Announce 2021 U.S. Tour Dates With Papa Roach + Memphis May Fire

Breaking Benjamin have announced a short run of U.S. tour dates for the fall. Papa Roach will open the majority of the shows while Memphis May Fire will perform on all dates.

The shows will be Breaking Benjamin’s first run of dates since the COVID-19 pandemic began. The gigs will begin on Sept. 11 in Gilford, N.H. and end in Huntington, W.V. on Sept. 22. Breaking Benjamin will also perform at the Blue Ridge Rock Festival on Sept. 9.

Breaking Benjamin Fan Club members will be able to pre-order tickets from Aug. 4 at 10AM local time to Aug. 5 at 10PM local time. The artist pre-sale will take place from Aug. 4 at 2PM local time to Aug. 5 at 10PM local time. Tickets for the general public will go on sale Aug. 6 at 10AM local time. Click here to grab tickets.

Check out the full list of tour dates below.

Breaking Benjamin 2021 U.S. Tour With Papa Roach + Memphis May Fire:

Sept. 11 – Gilford, N.H. @ Bank of New Hampshire Pavilion^
Sept. 12 – Montclair, N.J. @ The Wellmont Theater^
Sept. 14 – Columbus, Ohio @ Express Live!
Sept. 15 – Toledo, Ohio @ Huntington Center
Sept. 17 – Uncasville, Ct. @ Mohegan Sun Arena
Sept. 18 – Scranton, Pa. @ The Pavilion at Montage Mountain
Sept. 21 – Youngstown, Ohio @ Covelli Centre
Sept. 22 – Huntington, W.V @ Mountain Health Arena

^Papa Roach not on this date

These Are the Rock + Metal Bands Touring in 2021

Your guide to rock and metal bands’ return to tours in 2021.

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Concert Connection: Don’t miss Chase Rice at Indian Ranch

Country music maverick Chase Rice is set to perform Aug. 14 at Indian Ranch in Webster, Mass. Chase has become one of country music’s most exciting figures since arriving in Nashville, building a loyal fan base across the country through his energetic live shows. He has gained the attention of music critics and industry professionals alike with his edgy, eclectic sound.

The Tar Heel State native released The Album Part II in May 2020. It follows his surprise seven-song set The Album and his sophomore album, Lambs & Lions, which was released in 2017 and featuring two-week chart-topper “Eyes On You” – Rice’s first No. 1 as an artist. Lambs & Lions followed Ignite the Night, which debuted at No. 1 on Billboard’s Top Country Albums and No. 3 on the all-genre chart, producing a pair of Top 5 hits; the Platinum-certified “Ready Set Roll” and “Gonna Wanna Tonight.” His latest releases are the most triumphant reflections of Rice’s distinct blend of worldly and American rural experience yet: an exploration of sounds and moods with authentic country roots and bold pop wings. The sexiness and fun fans have come to expect from Rice is still there. He has a way of combining playfulness or even sadness with commitment.

To reserve your seats to see Chase Rice you can call 508-943-3871 or you can visit


Dashboard Confessional bringing “Unplugged 2021 Tour” to Mohegan Sun on Saturday, Nov. 13th

UNCASVILLE, CT (August 2, 2021) – Dashboard Confessional is back in action this fall! Hitting live concert venues for the first time since March 2020, the band’s Unplugged Tour 2021 will feature singer/guitarist Chris Carrabba alongside a stripped-down backing band that includes Dashboard’s longtime guitarist Armon Jay, with Abby Kelly and Dane Poppin. Dashboard Confessional will be performing their tour finale in Mohegan Sun Arena on Saturday, November 13th at 8:00pm.

Tickets are $29 and $19 and on sale Friday, July 30th at 10:00am via

Across seven studio albums, Carrabba and Dashboard Confessional have captivated audiences with their cathartic music and soul-baring song lyrics. In January 2020, the band released The Best Ones of the Best Ones, their first-ever career-spanning compilation celebrating their 20th anniversary. Dashboard Confessional also launched The Early Days vinyl reissue series last summer, which spotlighted the band’s formative albums and EPs (including a first-ever pressing of their Platinum-certified live album MTV Unplugged 2.0), in addition to partnering with Mondo to release three EPs—2001’s So Impossible, 2002’s Summers Kiss, and a newly created Spider-Man 2—for the very first time on vinyl.

Hands Down

Mohegan Sun Arena is now ranked consistently among the top venues in the world according to Billboard Magazine, Pollstar and Venues Now and is also consistently ranked top 15 in the world for “All Size Venues.” The award–winning venue was named “#1 Social Media Venue in the World” in 2016 and is a seven–time Academy of Country Music Awards (ACM) national award–winner for “Arena of the Year,” with the most recent recognition coming in 2019.  In 2020, Mohegan Sun Arena remained one of the top venues in the world according to year-end reports by both Pollstar and Venues Now. For more information and updates on Mohegan Sun Arena, call 1.888.226.7711 or visit Mohegan Sun.

More from What’s Up Newp

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Convention-goers enjoy immersing themselves in world of make believe

Mohegan — Those entering Mohegan Sun’s Expo Center this weekend were greeted with storm troopers and immediately immersed into another world, one where people of all ages can dress up as their favorite movie, TV, and comic book characters.

Mitch Hallock, the owner and producer of “Terrificon,” said it felt good to be back after last year’s event was canceled due to the pandemic, adding that he took organizing this year’s event “day by day.” Masks were optional at the convention.

Hallock has organized conventions since 2012, and Terrificon has been at Mohegan since 2015.

“I’ve loved comic books since I was a kid and had a talent for organizing and event planning, so I combined the two,” he said.

Doug Smith from Keene, N.H., was experiencing the convention world for the first time as a seller rather than a spectator, helping the owner of Enterprize Comics, Etc. sell comic books.

Smith said he was amazed at the networking and the connections made between people with common interests. People go to the booth looking for a specific book and end up sharing their stories.

“You make a new friend,” said Smith. “It might be a five-minute friend, but it’s still a friend.”

People traveled from in and out of the state to make new friends and see some of the many celebrity lineups and products the convention has to offer.

Stefania Sassano from Milford was at her first comic book convention. She was cosplaying as Rogue from X-men.

For Sassano, dressing up as Rogue was not a once-a-year occassion. She dresses up often, gaining close to 10,000 followers on Tik-Tok.

At the convention, Sassano got the opportunity to meet Michael Golden, the co-creator of Rogue. She said he complimented her on her costume and signed her comic book.

Big fans of conventions, Jason and Anna Ruiz traveled from Long Island. The two were gazing at a wall of Funko Pop figures. Jason…

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Comic books are still king; After two years, Terrifcon returns

MONTVILLE, Conn — The pandemic caused a pause but, after two years, the comic-con style event known as “Terrificon” has returned to Mohegan Sun. 

It is among the first convention shows to happen at Mohegan Sun’s exhibition hall since the COVID-19 crisis took hold in 2020. Cosplayers, comic book sellers, super cars, and booth after booth of TV and movie memorabilia filled the exhibition hall for the first day of Terrificon. 

Mitch Hallock, the producer of Terrificon said, “this is three days of pure geek love, it’s like Woodstock for nerds.”

With Covid-19 numbers beginning to rise, Hallock mentioned that the show staff and Mohegan Sun team are  implementing caution. Hallock said, “we work with Mohegan Sun and the Tribal Health Department and the State Health Department as well.” Hallock added that masks are mandated for unvaccinated visitors while those who have the shot can choose to go without a mask.

Participants at the Terrificon show were excited about being back amongst friends and fans. 

Representing the 70’s kids TV show “Land of the Lost”, veteran actor Wesley Eure remarked he hadn’t had a chance to take part in events like Terrificon since the pandemic broke out. “It feels like we’ve come out of a deep slumber,” said Eure. “We are hoping we can continue this so please get vaccinated so we can all enjoy this together,” he added.

Hallock remarked , “I haven’t had this in my life for two years, it’s like being home again – it feels like being home.”

To learn more about Terrificon click


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