
Now in her 15th year, DeWanna Bonner’s elite start powering unbeaten Connecticut Sun

UNCASVILLE — Connecticut Sun star DeWanna Bonner had no idea she was on the precipice of 7,000 career points entering Tuesday’s game against the Phoenix Mercury, but the 15-year WNBA veteran allowed herself to savor the moment when the milestone was announced at Mohegan Sun Arena. Bonner spread her arms wide, basking in an ovation from the home crowd and waving back at the orange-clad fans with an ear-to-ear grin.

“I didn’t even know that was going to happen, so when it did it was very cool, especially after the week that we had,” Bonner said. “Just to get that love back at home home is huge, and to see to see that people actually love us and the fans are showing up, it was just perfect timing. It was really perfect timing for myself personally and our team.”

Since the start of the 2024 season, Bonner hasn’t logged a single performance with less than 19 points. The 36-year-old is averaging 20.3 points, 4.8 rebounds, two assists and two steals, all her highest totals through six games since her first season with the Sun in 2020. She also earned Eastern Conference Player of the Week honors in Week 2.

Bonner has averaged more than 20 points over the first six games of the season just three times in her career, and she went on to finish top 10 in MVP voting all three years. Her best six-game start came with the Mercury in 2019, when she averaged 23.8 points, 8.5 rebounds and 3.8 assists.

What’s been especially remarkable about Bonner’s start in 2024 is her consistency. The veteran’s averages don’t include an outlier performance…

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Connecticut Sun vs. Dallas Wings Prediction, Picks and Odds – May 31

On Friday, May 31, 2024 at Mohegan Sun Arena, the Connecticut Sun (6-0) will try to continue a six-game winning run when hosting the Dallas Wings (3-2). It airs at 7:30 PM ET on ION.

Want to read about predictions and computer picks for the Sun-Wings matchup? Then continue reading for all the info you need.

Watch the WNBA all season long by signing up for Fubo, Paramount+, Prime Video and WNBA League Pass.

Sun vs. Wings Game Info

  • Date: Friday, May 31, 2024
  • Time: 7:30 PM ET
  • How to Watch on TV: ION
  • Location: Uncasville, Connecticut
  • Venue: Mohegan Sun Arena

Watch the Prime Video WNBA Game of the Week on Prime Video

Sun vs. Wings Predictions

Score Prediction: Sun 85, Wings 78

Line Pick
Spread Sun (-8.5) Wings
Total 160.5 Over
Moneyline Sun (-400), Wings (+300) Sun

Bet on this or any WNBA matchup at BetMGM

Sun vs. Wings Stats

Sun Wings
83.8 Points Avg. 86
73.8 Points Allowed Avg. 84
43.1% Field Goal % 43.6%
27.7% Three Point % 32.1%

Sun vs. Wings Betting Records

Sun Wings
ATS 2-4-0 2-3-0
vs. Total 4-2-0 (as favorite) 3-2-0 (as underdog)
Moneyline 6-0 (as favorite) 2-1 (as underdog)

Sun Key Players

DeWanna Bonner 6 20.3 4.8 2 2 0.3 1.3
Alyssa Thomas 6 14.5 9 7.8 1.7 0.8 0
DiJonai Carrington

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Cedric ‘The Entertainer’ Comes to Mohegan Sun Talking New Projects and Original Successes

Cedric ‘The Entertainer’ Plans on Keeping His Mohegan Sun Check [] { //console.log(‘[Osano] Initialized’); // Get the user’s jurisdiction const jurisdiction =; // Check the jurisdiction and take action if (jurisdiction && jurisdiction.startsWith(“us-“)) { //console.log(‘[Osano] User is outside the EU. Hiding dialog, Do Not Sell, and Widget…’);;; const osanoWidget = document.getElementsByClassName(“osano-cm-widget”); osanoWidget && osanoWidget[0] && (osanoWidget[0].style.display = “none”); } }); let osanoSaved = 0;//prevent refresh on load because: If the consent has been saved already, the callback will be called immediately.“osano-cm-consent-saved”, (save) => { //console.log(“Osano Saved: ” + osanoSaved); if( osanoSaved > 0 ){ //console.log( “Save Toggled: “, JSON.stringify( save ) ); window.location.reload(); } osanoSaved++; }); ]]> =0&&r<600?"Overnight":r>=600&&r<1e3?"Morning Drive":r>=1e3&&r<1500?"Midday":r>=1500&&r<1900?"Afternoon Drive":r>=1900&&r<2400?"Evening":void 0}(new Date);carbonInitDataLayer.userAgent = navigator.userAgent; w.dataLayer = w.dataLayer || []; w.dataLayer.push( carbonInitDataLayer ); w.dataLayer.push({event: "page_view", viewType: "standard"}); })(window);]]> { window.fbLoaded = () => { (window.FB && !window.FB.__buffer) && (()=>{window.FB.__buffer=true;})(); }; })(document, “script”, “ig-shit”);]]> Continue reading


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Dallas Wings vs Connecticut Sun Prediction, 5/31/2024 WNBA Pick, Tips and Odds

Game: Dallas Wings vs Connecticut Sun

Date: Friday, May 31, 2024

Location: Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, CT


The Dallas Wings (3-2) travel to Mohegan Sun Arena on Friday where they’ll meet the Connecticut Sun (6-0).

The Dallas Wings stepped onto the hardwood against the Los Angeles Sparks and took home the win by a score of 84-83 in their last contest. Dallas ended having earned a 42.1% field goal percentage (32 of 76) and made 2 of their 12 shots from distance. From the charity stripe, the Wings converted 18 of their 24 tries for a percentage of 75.0%. In the matter of grabbing rebounds, they earned 44 with 16 of them being offensive. They also doled out 22 assists for the game in addition to forcing the other team into 8 turnovers and getting 5 steals. When discussing defending, Dallas let their opponent shoot 39.5% from the field on 30 out of 76 shooting. Los Angeles distributed 10 dimes and had 1 steal for this game. On top of that, Los Angeles grabbed 37 boards (10 offensive, 27 defensive) and had 4 blocks. Los Angeles walked away from this one shooting 81.0% when shooting free throws by making 17 of their 21 attempts. They buried 6 of their 21 shots from distance.

Arike Ogunbowale is a player who was a major factor in the matchup. She accumulated 20 points on 7 of 30 shooting. She played for 37 minutes played and also collected 5 boards. Ogunbowale finished the game at 23.3% from the field and also dished out 5 assists.

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Dallas heads into this matchup with…

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New Pittson Bakery Will Expand Inclusive Transitional Employment Program

Stools line the counter at Coffee Inclusive and a black table with two chairs are in the foreground. The back wall showcases the cafe's extensive menu.Photo credit: Coffee Inclusive

Pittson, PA — Coffee Inclusive is a warm and welcoming community coffee shop in Pittson, PA, launched in 2023 by NEPA Inclusive, now PA Inclusive, a nonprofit committed to creating inclusive and sustainable lives for people with disabilities. The café employs people with diverse abilities alongside experienced baristas and servers. Fourteen former employees with diverse abilities have already found other jobs with the skills and experience they acquired from Coffee Inclusive.

Stools line the counter at Coffee Inclusive and a black table with two chairs are in the foreground. The back wall showcases the cafe's extensive menu.Photo credit: Coffee Inclusive

The success of Coffee Inclusive has inspired a new venture – Bake Inclusive. Bake Inclusive will extend opportunities to even more individuals with diverse abilities and expand PA Inclusive’s transitional employment training program for high school students. This helps prepare students with diverse abilities for successful careers beyond graduation, creating a seamless transition to gainful employment, whether that be at the bakery or somewhere else. It will be located next door to Coffee Inclusive at the Waterfront Warehouse Building.

To ensure the grand opening of Bake Inclusive in the summer of 2024, they are asking for help from the community. The walls are up, and the floor is on its way, but Bake Inclusive has only reached 84% of its $150,000 fundraising goal. The Discount Tire Driven to Care Foundation donated $22,500 to start the fund, and initial hopes had been to reach the goal in 150 days.

To support Bake Inclusive and their Inclusive…

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Connecticut Sun survive big game from former UConn star Napheesa Collier, hold off Lynx in OT

UNCASVILLE — Despite starting on an early deficit for the third straight game, the Connecticut Sun remained undefeated in 2024 with a thrilling 83-82 overtime win over the Minnesota Lynx at Mohegan Sun Arena on Thursday.

Connecticut now stands alone at the top of the WNBA leaderboard as the only team with a perfect record. The New York Liberty suffered their first loss Thursday against the Chicago Sky to fall to 4-1, and no other one-loss team has played more than three games. The Sun’s next game is a road matchup against the Sky on Saturday.

The Sun continued their trend of sluggish starts, trailing Minnesota 23-14 at the end of the first quarter. Star forward Alyssa Thomas had one of her worst quarters of the season, logging just five points and a turnover, and the team struggled to find a rhythm offensively shooting just 5-for-14 on field goals with three turnovers. Meanwhile, former UConn star Napheesa Collier set the tone early for the Lynx with 11 points in the first quarter, and Minnesota shot 62.5% from the field as a team.

“I think our defense early — our energy on the defensive end, our execution on the defensive end, our sense of urgency on the defensive end — hasn’t been there, particularly on ball screen actions,” Sun coach Stephanie White said. “You see a difference when we impose our will and we dictate versus when we when we react, and we were really reactive in that first quarter.”

Connecticut started building momentum early in the second quarter, beginning on a 20-3 run behind seven unanswered points from Brionna Jones. Though the All-Star center is still on limited playing time as she recovers from her Achilles rupture last June, she was the Sun’s leading scorer at halftime with 11 points in…

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