
Chen Si, President and Representative Director – Mohegan Inspire

  • MIT
  • Stanford University


Si’s versatile career path has seen him operate at a large variety of companies, including stints with both Las Vegas Sands and China Sands. His extensive credentials have led him into a range of high-profile leadership positions – the most recent of which sees him at the helm of Mohegan Inspire as the company’s President and Representative Director.  

Under Si’s guidance, the Mohegan Inspire entertainment resort recently opened its doors, hosting its official opening on Yeongjong Island in March 2024. 


Si graduated from Massachusetts Institute of Technology with a Bachelor’s in Economics before attaining a Master’s in Business Administration from Stanford University.  

His career then started in 2007, as an Analyst for McKinsey & Company. The role involved formulating growth strategies, cost-cutting and procurement. He held the position for three years before moving on in July 2010.  

In 2011, Si spent the year working as an Intern for Pontiac Land Group as well as a Summer Associate for The Blackstone Group – both positions enabled him to enhance his skills in finance and business. 

Following on from this, Si joined the Las Vegas Sands Corporation where he worked as an Operations Associate for ten months between June 2012 to March 2013.  

This led to him joining Marina Bay Sands in April 2013, first working as the Director of Food and Beverage, before his responsibilities expanded and he took on the title of Director of Casino, Food and Beverage. In total, Si was with Marina Bay Sands for a year and a half.  

Next, Si went back to working with Las Vegas Sands Corporation, this time stepping into the position of Director of Player Development for a nine-month stint. 

Shortly after, Si joined Sands China. He initially entered the company as the AVP of International Marketing…

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Derby Day party returns to Mohegan Pennsylvania with special edition of Party on the Patio

WILKES-BARRE – With the 150th Kentucky Derby taking place Saturday, May 4, Mohegan Pennsylvania is set to host a Kentucky Derby Party like never before with food trucks, mint juleps, contests, promotions, live music and much more.

Beginning at 2:00 p.m., this annual event provides guests with an opportunity to indulge in delicious bites, try various alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, participate in a Hat Revue for a chance to win up to a $500 Mohegan Pennsylvania gift card and join in on a promotion where guests can win up to $1,000 in free wagers.

Additionally, a special edition of Party on the Patio will take place after the race! There is no cover for the Kentucky Derby Party and Party on the Patio.

The Kentucky Derby Party will feature Coors Light, Blue Moon, a variety of seltzers, spirits and non-alcoholic beverages. Guests can also enjoy the official cocktail of the Kentucky Derby — the Mint Julep — with an opportunity to upgrade to a specialty 150th Anniversary Kentucky Derby glass while supplies last.

Those looking to grab a quick bite can head over to the Burger Bus and Eat Up Now food trucks where a variety of mouthwatering options will be available.

Guests can stop by the Best Cigar Pub booth where a live cigar roller will be in action and a selection of cigars will be available for purchase.

Additionally, guests can relax and listen to acoustic music by Ken Norton from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Throughout the day, the Spa Sapphire team will be set up in the racing lobby and assisting guests with Derby Day essentials. Additionally, guests can explore Spa Sapphire’s exquisite five-star services and plan a day of luxurious self-care.

The Hat Revue is also back, and guests have an opportunity to…

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e}()||de()||ue()}function $e(){return…
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Enter to Win a Pair of Tickets to Bert Kreischer at Mohegan Sun on April 26

Enter to Win a Pair of Tickets to Bert Kreischer at Mohegan Sun on April 26 [] { //console.log(‘[Osano] Initialized’); // Get the user’s jurisdiction const jurisdiction =; // Check the jurisdiction and take action if (jurisdiction && jurisdiction.startsWith(“us-“)) { //console.log(‘[Osano] User is outside the EU. Hiding dialog, Do Not Sell, and Widget…’);;; const osanoWidget = document.getElementsByClassName(“osano-cm-widget”); osanoWidget && osanoWidget[0] && (osanoWidget[0].style.display = “none”); } else { //console.log(‘[Osano] User is in the EU or jurisdiction not identified. Showing dialog…’);; } }); ]]> =0&&r<600?"Overnight":r>=600&&r<1e3?"Morning Drive":r>=1e3&&r<1500?"Midday":r>=1500&&r<1900?"Afternoon Drive":r>=1900&&r<2400?"Evening":void 0}(new Date);carbonInitDataLayer.userAgent = navigator.userAgent; w.dataLayer = w.dataLayer || []; w.dataLayer.push( carbonInitDataLayer ); w.dataLayer.push({event: "page_view", viewType: "standard"}); })(window);]]> { window.fbLoaded = () => { (window.FB && !window.FB.__buffer) && (()=>{window.FB.__buffer=true;})(); }; })(document, “script”, “ig-shit”);]]> Continue reading


Derby Day party returns to Mohegan Pennsylvania with special edition of Party on the Patio

Apr. 3—WILKES-BARRE — With the 150th Kentucky Derby taking place Saturday, May 4, Mohegan Pennsylvania is set to host a Kentucky Derby Party like never before with food trucks, mint juleps, contests, promotions, live music and much more.

Beginning at 2:00 p.m., this annual event provides guests with an opportunity to indulge in delicious bites, try various alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, participate in a Hat Revue for a chance to win up to a $500 Mohegan Pennsylvania gift card and join in on a promotion where guests can win up to $1,000 in free wagers.

Additionally, a special edition of Party on the Patio will take place after the race! There is no cover for the Kentucky Derby Party and Party on the Patio.

The Kentucky Derby Party will feature Coors Light, Blue Moon, a variety of seltzers, spirits and non-alcoholic beverages. Guests can also enjoy the official cocktail of the Kentucky Derby — the Mint Julep — with an opportunity to upgrade to a specialty 150th Anniversary Kentucky Derby glass while supplies last.

Those looking to grab a quick bite can head over to the Burger Bus and Eat Up Now food trucks where a variety of mouthwatering options will be available.

Guests can stop by the Best Cigar Pub booth where a live cigar roller will be in action and a selection of cigars will be available for purchase.

Additionally, guests can relax and listen to acoustic music by Ken Norton from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Throughout the day, the Spa Sapphire team will be set up in the racing lobby and assisting guests with Derby Day essentials. Additionally, guests can explore Spa Sapphire’s exquisite five-star services and plan a day of luxurious self-care.

The Hat Revue is also back, and guests have an opportunity to compete for lucrative prizes! Registration for the Hat Revue…

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The Downs at Mohegan Pennsylvania: Monday’s results, Tuesday’s entries


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Game Of Claims Finals held

WILKES-BARRE, PA – The Nob Hill High gelding Nob Hill Flash completed a sweep of his Game Of Claims series action for $15,000 base-tagged pacers Monday (March 25) at Pocono Downs at Mohegan Pennsylvania, tacking on a 1:52 harness racing victory in his $20,000 Championship event after winning in each of his preliminaries.

Nob Hill Flash and driver Anthony Napolitano (Curtis Salonick Photo)

Nob Hill Flash, the 50-cent favorite, moved from third from driver Anthony Napolitano nearing the :27.2 quarter, but Play Jet Ray pulled the pocket in front of him and went around early leader Aerosmith Hanover, with Nob Hill Flash refilling his own hole.

Just past the :55.4 half, the “Flash” flashed out uncovered and battled with Play Ray Jet the rest of the way, past a 1:23.3 three-quarters and through the lane until finally gaining the advantage as he won by a neck.

Owner Karen Taylor and trainer Pierre Paradis, who took over the horse after his first prelim win, won the second with him but then lost him to another claim, wound up winning the crucial game of musical claiming chairs last week when reacquiring him, and saw the game pacer garner the lion’s share of the Championship purse.

Despite being claimed every prelim week, Anthony Napolitano, top driver on the day with a quartet of triumphs, guided Nob Hill Flash in all four of his GOC wins.


The $7500 base-priced pacers went their $15,000 Championship race on Monday as well, and Hashtag Money (Sunshine Beach), who had won his two previous starts but had to overcome the outside post eight, made it look easy with a coast-to-coast win in 1:52.3, a new mark, while returning a big $81.40 mutuel.

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Nob Hill Flash, Hastag Money Game of Claims Champions – U.S. Trotting News

Nob Hill Flash, Hastag Money Game of Claims Champions

March 25, 2024, from PHHA for Pocono Downs at Mohegan Pennsylvania

Wilkes-Barre, PA – The Nob Hill High gelding Nob Hill Flash completed a sweep of his Game of Claims series action for $15,000 base-tagged pacers Monday (March 25) at Pocono Downs at Mohegan Pennsylvania, tacking on a 1:52 victory in his $20,000 Championship event after winning in each of his preliminaries.

Nob Hill Flash completed a sweep of his Game of Claims series action for $15,000 base-tagged pacers Monday (March 25) at Pocono Downs at Mohegan Pennsylvania, tacking on a 1:52 victory in his $20,000 Championship event after winning in each of his preliminaries. Curtis Salonick photo.

Nob Hill Flash, the 50-cent favorite, moved from third from driver Anthony Napolitano nearing the :27.2 quarter, but Play Jet Ray pulled the pocket in front of him and went around early leader Aerosmith Hanover, with Nob Hill Flash refilling his own hole. Just past the :55.4 half, the “Flash” flashed out uncovered and battled with Play Ray Jet the rest of the way, past a 1:23.3 three-quarters and through the lane until finally gaining the advantage as he won by a neck.

Owner Karen Taylor and trainer Pierre Paradis, who took over the horse after his first prelim win, won the second with him but then lost him to another claim, wound up winning the crucial game of musical claiming chairs last week when reacquiring him, and saw the game pacer garner the lion’s share of the Championship purse. Despite being claimed every prelim week, Anthony Napolitano, top driver on the day with a quartet of triumphs, guided Nob Hill Flash in all four of his GOC wins.

The $7,500 base-priced pacers…

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Avenged Sevenfold / A Big Welcome Back To Mohegan Sun Arena

Throughout the past several weeks, Avenged Sevenfold have been kicking it on the road for the third leg of their tour supporting their latest album, Life Is But A Dream. Joining the group on this part of the tour is dubstep Metal artist Sullivan King and dark pop singer Poppy – a unique pairing to say the least. Last Thursday, the three bands took to the stage at Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, CT.

Avenged Sevenfold – Poppy – Sullivan King

Mohegan Sun Arena, Uncasville, CT – 21 March 2024

Words And Photography: Shannon WilkAvenged Sevenfold - Mohegan Sun Arena, Uncasville - 21 March 2024Avenged Sevenfold – Mohegan Sun Arena, Uncasville – 21 March 2024. Photo: Shannon Wilk/MetalTalk

Avenged Sevenfold

Multi-platinum Heavy Metal band Avenged Sevenfold hit the stage a few minutes after 9 PM. Vocalist M. Shadows, wearing a black ski mask, takes a seat in a chair centre stage. The group begins their set with Game Over, the first track on their latest album, Life Is But A Dream.

After nearly seven years without a new release, A7X came back with a vengeance with this record. Avenged Sevenfold certainly showed it off on the stage, performing about half of the album throughout their live show.Avenged Sevenfold - Mohegan Sun Arena, Uncasville - 21 March 2024Avenged Sevenfold – Mohegan Sun Arena, Uncasville – 21 March 2024. Photo: Shannon Wilk/MetalTalk

Talking to a few longtime fans before the show, it seems many people were not fond of the experimental route the band had taken with the record. But during the live performance of their new material, the audience seemed just as hype.

After a couple of new tunes, Avenged Sevenfold moved into a few bigger hits, Afterlife and Hail To The King. The audience…

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Why Does Connecticut Only Have 2 Casinos?

[] Our Reporter March 26, 2024

In the New England part of Connecticut, which is known for its long history, beautiful fall foliage, and maritime heritage, the casino industry is a unique part of the state’s economic and cultural identity. Despite being home to two of the largest casino resorts in the world, Foxwoods Resort Casino and Mohegan Sun, Connecticut has maintained a relatively conservative stance towards the expansion of casino gambling within its borders.

This limited number raises curiosity among many, especially in an era when people are starting to talk about the possibility of a Connecticut online casino in the future. This restraint raises intriguing questions about the underlying factors that limit the presence of casinos in the state.

As we explore why Connecticut has maintained such a unique approach to casino gambling, we’ll examine the impact of tribal compacts, state regulations, and more in this article below.

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