
Mohegan Tribal Gaming Authority Secures New Funding for Mohegan Inspire Project

The Mohegan Tribal Gaming Authority (MTGA), a US tribal casino operator currently developing the integrated resort Mohegan Inspire in Incheon, South Korea, announced a Third Amendment to its credit agreement. This update signifies a change in lenders and the addition of a new revolving credit facility, marking another step in the project’s financing journey.

Mohegan Inspire Represents a Significant Investment

As the second integrated resort to open in Incheon, Mohegan Inspire should significantly impact the region’s tourism and leisure offerings. Its diverse amenities are poised to attract a broad audience, making it a key player in the South Korean entertainment landscape. The new funding will ensure the project launches on time and meets stakeholders’ high expectations.

The Mohegan Inspire project aims to become the centerpiece of Incheon’s tourism landscape, offering a comprehensive entertainment experience. It will feature three hotel towers with 1,200 rooms, an arena, a foreigner-only casino, diverse dining and retail options, convention facilities, and an impressive selection of entertainment choices.

One of its distinctive features will be a year-round indoor water dome experience, providing visitors with a unique attraction. An outdoor family park will further enhance the resort’s appeal, catering to a wide selection of guests. This venue will also share Mohegan’s Momentum Loyalty Program, ensuring guests keep returning, knowing their loyalty is truly valued.

The Project Should Have All the Funds It Needs

The Third Amendment to Mohegan’s credit agreement follows the previous May 2021 and February 2023 revisions. This latest update sees Fifth Third Bank replace Bank of America as the Swingline Lender. Additionally, MTGA has gained a revolving line of credit of up to $5 million, intended for covering temporary short-term expenses.

In February, MTGA executed the Second Amendment to the original credit agreement, extending the maturity date of commitments and loans under…

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Mohegan announces third amendment to credit agreement


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18 October 2023

(PRESS RELEASE) — On 12 October 2023, the Mohegan Tribal Gaming Authority entered into the Third Amendment to that certain Credit Agreement (as amended by the First Amendment, dated as of 31 May 2022, and the Second Amendment, dated as of 14 February 2023, the “Existing Credit Agreement”), dated as of 26 January 2021, by and among MTGA, The Mohegan Tribe of Indians of Connecticut, Citizens Bank, N.A., as administrative agent and the other lenders party thereto (the Existing Credit Agreement, as amended by the Amendment, the “Amended Credit Agreement”).

In connection with the Amendment, Fifth Third Bank, National Association (“Fifth Third”), replaced Bank of America, N.A. as Swingline Lender under the Amended Credit Agreement, extending to MTGA a revolving line of credit of Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000) on such terms and conditions as set forth in the Overdraft Services Agreement dated as of October 12, 2023, by and between Fifth…

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President Biden Nominates Cherokee Citizen Sara Hill to Federal Bench in Oklahoma

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Home People President Biden Nominates Cherokee Citizen Sara Hill to Federal Bench in Oklahoma Cherokee Nation Sara Hill

WASHINGTON, D.C. – President Biden announced his intent to nominate Sara Hill (Cherokee) to serve as a federal judge in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma. Hill is President Biden’s fourth Native American judicial nominee, and if confirmed by the U.S. Senate, would be the first American Indian or Alaska Native…

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Weekend Happenings around Connecticut from Oct. 20-22

Here are local events going on this weekend.

CONNECTICUT, USA — As the leaves turn from green to orange, and yellow, sleeves get longer and days become shorter, events in Connecticut go on! 

Here are local events going on this weekend. 

Brew Maze at Lyman Orchards going on Friday. People can enjoy craft beer during a twilight event at Lyman Orchard’s “Wonderful Wizard of Oz” corn maze. There will be sample beer from three local breweries with games as well. Tickets are $35 a person from 4:30 to 6 p.m. For more information click here

Mohegan Sun 2nd Annual Seltzer Social will happen on Friday from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., admission is $40. Guests can enjoy a bold and bubbly lineup of seltzers. There will also be a DJ and local bites. 

Tom Papa Comedy Tour will happen on Friday at Torrington. Tickets range from $38 to $78 at The Oneglia Auditorium. 

West Hartford Hauntings will go on Friday. This guide leads you on a lantern-lit tour of Old North Cemetery where you learn history, tales of death, and disease. Admission is $20 for more visit here

Putnam’s Great Pumpkin Festival will happen on Saturday on Main Street. A place where family and community members can enjoy the fall with live music, activities, shops, and restaurants will fall themes. For more click here

Train to the Pumpkin Patch on Saturday. Join the Essex Steam Train for a ride through the Connecticut River Valley. The event will be from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and admission is $38.99. Visit here for more. 

Witches Tombstone Tour at the Webb Deane Stevens Museum in Wethersfield will begin on Saturday. People will learn about 19th-century mourning practices and…

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Soloviev Group Adds Affordable Housing to Casino Proposal Near UN

The Soloviev Group is trying to make sure it doesn’t roll snake eyes in its proposal to build a casino in Midtown East by including 513 affordable homes in the development.

The proposed Freedom Plaza entertainment district would include not only a gambling house under Soloviev Group Chairman Stefan Soloviev’s vision, but also open space, a hotel, a performance space and a museum dedicated to democracy.

The proposal originally included a Ferris wheel and a sports fields, but recently nixed those plans.

The housing component of Soloviev’s plan, announced Thursday, would add a total of 1,325 apartments, with nearly 30 percent affordable. The developer hopes the housing will persuade the New York State Gaming Commission to award one of the three downstate casino licenses to a proposal with an aspect that provides a service to the community.

“Affordable housing, specifically the creation of new low- and moderate-income units, is a top priority in our city and nationally,” Michael Hershman, CEO of Soloviev Group, said in a statement. “We are dedicated to mitigating the housing crisis within our community and intend to develop more than 500 affordable units, while also introducing meaningful economic and social benefit initiatives.” 

The housing development would be in line with New York City’s Mandatory Inclusionary Housing (MIH) zoning with at least 30 percent of the units being permanently affordable and 80 percent of them being within the budgets of people earning below the average median income, according to Soloviev.

Soloviev, like the numerous other developers angling for a casino license, has partnered with companies that specialize in operating gaming facilities, in this case entertainment group Mohegan.

Mohegan is putting its own efforts into creating an economic benefit in the proposal with the Mohegan Momentum Partnership Program for New York City, which aims to incentivize…

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Meuser may consider seeking speaker’s post, blasts House dysfunction

U.S. Rep. Dan Meuser on Thursday said he is still supporting Rep. Jim Jordan for Speaker of the House, but if Republicans in the House can’t elect someone to the post soon, he, Meuser, would toss his hat in the ring.

“I’m supporting Jim Jordan, or if a strong alternative can get to 217 (votes) within the next couple of days,” said Meuser, R-Dallas. “However, if Jordan drops out and we do a resolution to allow (Rep. Patrick) McHenry as Speaker Pro Tem to assume authority to conduct House business for a set time period or until another Speaker is elected, I will likely be a candidate for Speaker.”

In an interview with media on the U.S. Capitol Steps Thursday that was captured by C-Span, Meuser said House Republicans are showing they are dysfunctional.

“We need to get back in there,” Meuser said. “Most of the Leadership voted for Jim Jordan. Some good friends of mine are not on board at this point. They are voting for others. We have to wake up and stop this nonsense. There is real serious work to be done.”

Previous remarks

Last week Meuser offered his criteria for supporting a speaker:

(1) Passing a fiscally responsible, pro-growth budget.

(2) Stopping the excessive, wasteful spending, and rooting out waste, abuse, and fraud from federal spending.

(3) Continuing to advocate for H.R. 1 — responsible American Energy Independence and dominance is crucial to our national security and economic strength.

(4) Securing the border and implementing immigration reform policy. As a start, we should impeach Secretary Mayorkas who is deliberately not enforcing our nation’s illegal immigration laws.

(5) Prosecute and weed out corruption, including the blatant and obvious Biden scandals.

(6) We must through policy, execution, and factual, honest messaging earn the trust of the American voters…

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Developer adds affordable housing to East Side casino plan to sweeten bid

A developer vying for one of New York’s coveted casino licenses has added hundreds of affordable housing units to the proposal in a bid to strengthen its position in a crowded and competitive race.

The Soloviev Group wants to create an entertainment district dubbed “Freedom Plaza” by the United Nations in Midtown East with a casino, hotel, green space and shopping. They announced Thursday that their plan will now also include 1,325 new units of housing, 513 of which would be affordable.

If built, the developer said it would be the most newly constructed affordable units in the area in at least a decade. The housing would only move forward alongside the casino.

The inclusion of housing is aimed at distinguishing Soloviev and their partner Mohegan, in a field of around a dozen applicants vying for one of three lucrative downstate gaming licenses from the state, which would allow venues to have table games such as poker.

“We just see this as an extension of our responsibilities to the City of New York,” Soloviev CEO Michael Hershman told the Daily News. “This is completely voluntary on our part, we decided that we would like to help the city manage its housing issues.”

New Yorkers have largely been resistant to the various casino proposals thus far, citing concerns such as the potential for increased crime, traffic and gambling addiction. But applicants have been trying to court public opinion, sponsoring everything from children’s sports in Brooklyn to a private bus service in the Bronx.

Soloviev is also hosting an enormous light installation at the proposed site later this year.

Freedom Plaza would span over six acres on land already owned by Soloviev from 38th to 41st St. east of First Ave. by the East River. In…

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Tractor-trailer rollover in Newtown kills 7 cows, 6 euthanized: State Police

The driver of the tractor-trailer was not injured.

NEWTOWN, Conn. — After a tractor-trailer crash on Interstate 84 in Newtown early Thursday morning, seven cows have died from their injuries and six more were euthanized.

Sandy Hook Volunteer firefighters and State Police  were called to the scene of a tractor-trailer rollover on the I-84 West Exit 10 off-ramp around 3:30 a.m. 44 cows were determined to be inside the trailer, state police said, 

Connecticut State Police said that based on the injuries sustained by the cows and the risk of exposure to hazardous conditions resulting from the rollover, a state veterinarian was contacted about the injured cows and made the decision that approximately six of the cows should be euthanized. 

The veterinarian requested that Troopers euthanize the cows; the cows were euthanized on scene.

It was then determined that seven of the cows perished as a result of the accident. The truck driver was not injured.

All westbound lanes of I-84 were shut down for a time in the interest of public safety.

The driver was not injured, according to firefighters.

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 The state Dept. of Agriculture, CT DOT and DEEP also responded to the scene.

Check back for more information. This is a developing story.

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Mohegan Digital names Guy Greene VP of Online Marketing



13 October 2023

(PRESS RELEASE) — Mohegan, the world-renowned entertainment and gaming brand formally known as Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment, named Guy Greene Vice President of Online Marketing for its iGaming division, Mohegan Digital. As VP of Online Marketing, Greene will drive the overall marketing strategies that support the expanding footprint of Mohegan Digital’s online gaming products, which include in Connecticut and in Ontario, Canada.

“Guy Greene has a wealth of Marketing knowledge and experience in the gaming industry and Mohegan is thrilled to have him lead our Online Marketing team,” said Rich Roberts, President of Mohegan Digital. “Our iGaming business has seen tremendous success and to carry that success forward, and to further evolve and meet new demands in this fast-growing industry, a proven leader like Greene will be vital.”

Greene will lead a dedicated Online Marketing team as they continue to develop brand positioning, unique advertising campaigns, guest acquisition efforts and product management for Mohegan’s iGaming and online sports betting offerings. Prior to taking on the VP of Online Marketing position, Greene served as the Director of Loyalty Digital Marketing for Mohegan where he was a crucial part of merging the brand’s Momentum loyalty program to its iGaming platforms like and associated Android and iOS apps. This role also allowed Greene to work collaboratively with various high-level Mohegan Digital partners. As VP of Online Marketing, Greene will also lead new product launches, assist in CRM growth, and oversee promotion and incentive programs for Mohegan Digital.

Greene’s career started at Mohegan Sun when it opened in 1996, where he was hired as…

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Putting manufacturing in the spotlight

PLAINS TWP. — Eric Joseph Esoda, President and CEO at NEPIRC, opened Friday’s 2023 Manufacturing Best Practices Summit and Expo by stating that NEPIRC is “changing the conversation about manufacturing”

Esoda addressed the 105 vendors and more than 600 attendees at the event held at Mohegan Pennsylvania.

“We are changing the conversation to highlight that manufacturers are innovative, high-tech and socially responsible firms that offer good-paying, reliable and rewarding employment to more than 45,000 people in Northeastern Pennsylvania and over 580,000 Pennsylvanians statewide,” Esoda said. “Manufacturing Day is an opportunity for all area manufacturers, businesses that provide services to manufacturers and individuals who want to learn more about Northeastern Pennsylvania’s growing manufacturing sector to gather together under one roof at the region’s most impactful manufacturing networking event.”

Highlights from the NEPIRC — Northeastern Pennsylvania Industrial Resource Center — event included a keynote speech from Crayola COO Pete Ruggiero; comments from Rep. Matt Cartwright, Rep. Dan Meuser and state DCED Secretary Rick Siger; and panel discussions moderated by Dr. Christine Kiesinger and InnoTek Computer Consulting, Inc. President Fred Reck.

“This event promises a high ROI for all attendees,” Esoda said. “People who are looking to network with key decision makers in the manufacturing sector, to learn more about the work these companies do and stay up to date on the latest trends in manufacturing, are attending today’s expo. With more than 105 exhibitors, this year’s event is the largest manufacturing expo in the history of our region and promises to be a worthwhile educational event.”

Dr. Christine Kiesinger, principal, CEK Communication Consultancy, moderated the Women Leaders in Manufacturing panel discussion and she presented a morning breakout session entitled “Cultivating Calm: Understanding and Responding to Personal and Relational Burnout.”

Additional breakout sessions and roundtable topic discussions included:

• Refueling the Talent Pipeline:…

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