
CT restaurant has new menu, cocktails and sports fans. ‘Best place of its kind on the East Coast,’ guests say

Kenny Mollicone can bet on sports and horse races from home or at work on a cell phone app, but there’s no place he would rather be for that activity than Mohegan Sun FanDuel Sportsbook.

It beats like facilities, even those in Las Vegas, Mollicone and other fans say.

“Everything is easy, comfortable. There’s not a bad seat in the house,” Mollicone said. “I go there because you get to see the guys you know.”

Mollicone, who said he bets on games, “but I love the horses,” considers the food to be “great” at the sportsbook and he loves that at Mohegan there are so many other restaurants as well, and if it gets too late the hotel is right there.

“It’s like going on a vacation,” he said.

Mohegan Sun FanDuel Sportsbook, which opened in September 2021, is home to the largest video wall on the east coast — 140 feet — and more than 225 seats for viewing all the big games across all the major sports. The venue stretches 11,000 square-feet, features a mezzanine level that will be enhanced in the coming months and has 39 betting kiosks available 24/7.

General Manager Brad Bryant said everything is geared to guest experience.

That includes the food and a recently expanded menu.

For the betting there are various ways to do it for beginners and the most experienced, with lots of servers to help. Guests don’t even have to move from their chair.

“We want to create the ultimate guest experience, So we do everything,” Bryant said.

Sports betting has officially started in Connecticut as Mohegan Sun and Foxwoods celebrate opening of long-awaited casino parlors

Wagering on sports used to be about the point spread, but these days a person can…

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The Downs at Mohegan Pennsylvania


Saturday’s entries

Post time: 1 p.m.

First nw9600L4 $12,500 Pace

1. Control Heaven (Ge Napolitano Jr) 5-2

2. Aflame Hanover (Ma Miller) 7-2

3. Prairie Panther (Ty Buter) 6-1

4. Buddy Hill (Ma Kakaley) 3-1

5. Santafe’s Coach (An Napolitano) 8-1

6. The Wall (Ja Pantaleano) 12-1

7. Belmont Royale N (Br Chisholm) 9-2

Second 20000CLHC $15,000 Pace

1. Three Ways N (Br Boyd) 3-1

2. Pound For Pound (Ge Napolitano Jr) 5-2

3. Apple Valley Art (Si Allard) 9-2

4. Beachchip Hanover (Ma Kakaley) 4-1

5. Crack A Smile (Ri Warren) 6-1

6. Major Desire (Wi Mann) 15-1

7. Silent Splendor (An Napolitano) 12-1

8. Homestretch Wes (Ty Buter) 10-1

Third nw6400L4 $11,000 Pace

1. Boiling Oar (Ge Napolitano Jr) 5-2

2. Lyons Liberty (Si Allard) 3-1

3. Big Sir (Ty Buter) 4-1

4. Dealt A Winner (Ma Kakaley) 10-1

5. Gentlemanjim Ii Ie (Ri Warren) 6-1

6. Heart Of Dixie (An Napolitano) 9-2

7. Always B Sweet (Br Boyd) 12-1

8. Beach Town Boy (Ma Miller) 15-1

Fourth nw6400L4 $11,000 Trot

2. Jas Bluestone (Ri Warren) 4-1

3. Breckenridge (An Napolitano) 5-2

4. Marion Gondolier (Ge Napolitano Jr) 6-1

5. Miss Mckee (Br Boyd) 3-1

6. Winning Legends (Ju Huckabone) 10-1

7. Papi Hanover (Ma Miller) 12-1

8. Drop The Mic (Ma Kakaley) 15-1

Fifth nw6400L4 $11,000 Pace

2. Im A Gigolo N (Ri Warren) 4-1

3. Code Cracker (Si Allard) 3-1

4. Better Take It (Ge Napolitano Jr) 5-2

5. Comet Crusader N (An Napolitano) 10-1

6. Rickybobbynthehaus (Ma Kakaley) 12-1

7. Orlando Blue A (Ma Miller) 6-1

8. Colonel Bayama (Ty Buter) 15-1

Sixth 30000CLHC $16,500 Pace

1. Urban Renewal (Ri Warren) 6-1

2. A Stud Named Sam (Ty Buter) 10-1

3. Franco Totem N (Ge Napolitano Jr) 7-2

4. Modern Rock (Ma Kakaley) 3-1

5. Virgil N (Ma Miller) 12-1

6. Dontlikeitleave (Si Allard) 5-1

7. Nome Hanover (An Napolitano) 2-1

Seventh nw13500L4 $14,500 Pace

1. Sport Secret (Ge Napolitano Jr) 3-1

2. Southwind Ozzi (Ma Miller) 9-2

3. Stone Hanover (An Napolitano) 12-1

4. Springsteen (Br Boyd) 4-1

5. El’s Rocker (Ty Buter) 5-2

6. Casual Cool (Ri…

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Pencils Down continues road to success

Climbing up the ladder of success for her third straight start, Pencils Down (Royalty For Life) was able to easily handle a field of six rivals in capturing the $17,000 feature trot at Pocono Downs Saturday (Oct. 14) afternoon.

Competing over a sloppy, rain-soaked track with a two-second allowance by the Judges in the 8th race main event, it was a battle for control of the lead from the start.

Chake (Braxten Boyd) was first on the lead off the starting gate but was challenged immediately by the opening quarter mile by Ap Hall Of Trix (John Kakaley), followed second-over by Pencils Downs and driver George Napolitano, Jr.

Ap Hall Of Trix cleared to the lead after a :28.2 first quarter and then Pencils Down passed her by to take command before the half mile marker in :57.4. Going to the half mile, Chake came first-over to challenge, but broke stride at the three-quarters in 1:27.2.

From there Pencils Downs held the field at bay and went on to win by two and one-quarter lengths in 1:56.4. Ap Hall Of Trix was second with Slave Labour (Marcus Miller) third.


It was the third straight win and fifth victory of the season for Pencils Downs. The four-year-old mare is trained by Jeff Cullipher for Pollack Racing, LLC of Venetia, PA and she paid $2.40 to win as the wagering favorite.

For complete race results, click here: US Trotting Results

by Steve Wolf, for Harnesslink

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DJ Irie Is Gearing Up for His Star-Studded 17th Annual Irie Weekend in Miami Beach

Media Stop

Published on October 5th, 2023 | by Jessica Williams

This October 5th – October 7th, Miami’s own DJ Irie will celebrate his 17th year of giving back to South Florida’s youth with the return of his wildly popular Irie Weekend. This year, Irie is going full steam ahead with his Adidas Big Golf Classic golf tournament featuring the Mohegan 19th Hole VIP Experience on Friday, October 6th, and introducing the first annual Game, Set & Give Pro-Am Tennis Tournament powered by DeepSleep Studio on Saturday, October 7th.

But before those big sporting events happen, the Irie Foundation Gather & Give Dinner Party at Giselle will take place on October 5th at 7pm. The evening will feature drinks, dinner, exclusive auction pieces and surprise performances. Proceeds from the night and all following events benefit Irie Foundation, which empowers and invests in local South Florida youth through mentorship, cultural experiences and programs.

The morning of October 6th, all the stars will descend on the Miami Beach Golf Club for the marquee Irie Weekend 18-hole celebrity golf tournament. Following a day on the fairways, hopefully avoiding any hazards, lunch will be served by local chefs in the Mohegan 19th Hole VIP Experience with signature cocktails and soundtrack provided by some of Miami’s top DJs.

Friday evening, Irie Weekend Friday Night at LIV Miami will feature a special performance by multi-award winning, top DJ, Marshmello.

On Saturday, October 7th, guests are invited to attend Irie Weekend’s first annual Game, Set & Give Pro-Am Tennis Tournament powered by DeepSleep Studio at a Luxury Tennis Club in Aventura, FL.  You can register your tennis team for $2,000. Registration will include entry with your partner into the Pro-Am tournament, a catered lunch, bar experience, exclusive gifting and 2 additional guest entries.

The Irie Weekend…

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Mohegan Sun’s “Back of House” Returns for Seventh Season

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Home In the News Mohegan Sun’s “Back of House” Returns for Seventh Season

UNCASVILLE, CT – Embracing the evolving trends in both entertainment and hospitality, Mohegan Sun has announced the launch of the latest season of its original TV series, “Back of House.” Starting Wednesday, October 11 at 7:30pm EDT, weekly episodes will reveal a behind the scenes look at Mohegan Sun.

“Bingeable at, the show reaffirms Mohegan Sun’s dedication to providing really…

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Penguins Trim Training Camp Roster, Send Six to Wheeling

October 6, 2023 – American Hockey League (AHL)Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Penguins News Release

WILKES-BARRE, Pa. – The Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Penguins released five players from their training camp tryout agreements today: forwards Cam Hausinger, David Jankowski and Matt Quercia, as well as defensemen Sebastian Dirven, David Drake and Louie Roehl.

All five players will report to the Penguins’ ECHL affiliate, the Wheeling Nailers.

The Penguins’ current training camp roster now consists of 32 players, (19 forwards, 10 defensemen and three goaltenders). The full training camp roster can be found here.

Wilkes-Barre/Scranton continues its preseason schedule with back-to-back games this weekend, starting tonight against the Hershey Bears. Game time is 7:00 p.m. at Giant Center. The Penguins conclude their exhibition slate at home on Saturday when they take on the Lehigh Valley Phantoms. Puck drop is slated for 6:05 p.m. at Mohegan Sun Arena at Casey Plaza.

Season-ticket packages for the Penguins’ 25th season of hockey are on sale now. Full-Season, 22-game, 12-game, Flexbook and Premium Seating plans are available by reaching out to the Penguins directly at (570) 208-7367. Individual-game tickets are also available by visiting, the Mohegan Sun Arena Box Office or calling the Penguins’ front office at (570) 208-7367.

• Discuss this story on the American Hockey League message board

The opinions expressed in this release are those of the organization issuing it, and do not necessarily reflect the thoughts or opinions of OurSports Central or its staff.

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Bruce Springsteen announces new Mohegan Sun concert date

The new date at Mohegan Sun is Friday, April 12, 2024.

UNCASVILLE, Conn. — Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band have a new date for their postponed show at Mohegan Sun.

The band announced Friday the rescheduled tour dates for the postponed 2023 concerts. They will perform shows in March and April before resuming their original tour in August and September.

The new date at Mohegan Sun is Friday, April 12, 2024.

In late September, Springsteen and his band had to postpone a string of their 2023 tour dates so that the 74-year-old singer could continue treatment for peptic ulcer disease symptoms. One of those dates was in Connecticut.

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Upon canceling the remainder of his 2023 tour, Springsteen issued a statement saying that he was recovering and would continue treatment through the end of the year on his doctor’s advice.

“Thanks to all my friends and fans for your good wishes, encouragement, and support,” he added. “I’m on the mend and can’t wait to see you all next year.”

Here is the band’s new schedule – sans Canadian dates, which will get announced soon.

March 19 Phoenix, AZ – Footprint Center
March 25 San Diego, CA – Pechanga Arena
March 28 San Francisco, CA – Chase Center
March 31 San Francisco, CA – Chase Center
April 4 Inglewood, CA – Kia Forum
April 7 Inglewood, CA – Kia Forum
April 12 Uncasville, CT – Mohegan Sun Arena
April 15 Albany, NY – MVP Arena
April 18 Syracuse, NY – JMA Wireless Dome
April 21 Columbus, OH – Nationwide Arena
Aug. 15 Pittsburgh, PA – PPG Paints Arena
Aug. 18 Pittsburgh, PA – PPG Paints Arena
Aug. 21 Philadelphia, PA – Citizens Bank Park
Aug. 23…

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Bruce Springsteen announces rescheduled tour dates

Bruce Springsteen announces rescheduled tour dates

Bruce Springsteen announces rescheduled tour dates 00:29

BOSTON – Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band have announced their rescheduled tour dates for 2024.

Springsteen originally postponed the rest of his shows from 2023 so he could be treated for peptic ulcer disease. The dates included shows in Baltimore, Philadelphia, Albany, Syracuse, Pittsburgh and Washington, DC, as well as a concert at Mohegan Sun in Connecticut.

The show at Mohegan Sun was originally scheduled for Sept. 16 and has now been rescheduled for April 12, 2024. Springsteen and the E Street Band played two shows at Gillette Stadium in August.

All tickets for the postponed shows remain valid and Springsteen’s social media posts said ticket holders should contact the official ticketing company if they need a refund.

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5 Nonprofits To Get Behind In The Montville Area

MONTVILLE, CT — Nonprofit groups are keystone community organizations in the Montville area. Fortunately, there is no shortage of organizations to volunteer or get behind financially, and that need your help.

Here are five outstanding nonprofit groups you should know about in the Montville area:

  1. Montville Youth Services Bureau: The bureau is committed to broadening the experience and strengthening the values and healthy functioning of youth.
  2. United Way of Southeastern CT: This organization is invested in local health and human service programs and initiatives that work together to provide a safety net for New London County.
  3. Healing With Horses: This nonprofit rescue horse farm provides equine-assisted therapy programs for people facing challenges. They have several program options, including Discovery of Horses, which offers lessons on horse safety, grooming/interaction and Say Whoa to Bullying, which is a program to empower victims of bullying. Learn more at
  4. Habitat for Humanity of Eastern Connecticut: Serving Montville and surrounding communities, this organization is dedicated to providing homes for families. As of 2022, the organization has completed over 100 homes for families in the area. There are volunteer opportunities available at the Habitat for Humanity Restore, on committees and during construction projects. Learn more at
  5. Mohegan Fire Company: Serving Montville and other nearby areas, this volunteer department provides firefighting and EMT services to local residents. With nearly 30 volunteers, this department also provides mutual aid to nearby communities. Learn more at

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