
In the realm of WNBA basketball scorers, Atlanta Dream’s Tina Charles advances to the second position on the all-time list.

In the realm of the WNBA, Atlanta Dream’s Tina Charles advances to the second spot on the league’s record-breaking scoring chart.

In the team’s match against the Phoenix Mercury, the 35-year-old athlete was initially 10 points shy of surpassing Tina Thompson’s career point record of 7,488. The team emerged victorious with a score of 72-63, and the player ended the game with a score of 12 points, bringing her total to 7,491 points.

During the fourth quarter, with her points count at nine, she successfully made a three-pointer, earning applause from the packed Gateway Center Arena @ College Park audience. Following a game pause, her teammates gathered around her in celebration, with the audience continuing to cheer.

Now, she only trails Diana Taurasi, a Mercury star, on the WNBA’s all-time scoring list. Taurasi, who was still on the court, approached Charles with a smile and gave her a warm embrace.

Last season, at 42, Taurasi became the first player to surpass 10,000 points in league history.

Post-game, Charles highlighted her joy at celebrating this achievement with her teammates and her gratitude for doing so alongside “GOAT” Taurasi, whose personal significance and league impact she mentioned.

“Just to hear my name alongside Diana (Taurasi) is simply unthinkable,” Charles shared. “Her significance to me, this league, her influence – she’s undoubtedly the GOAT. I’m just filled with gratitude. I’m just filled with gratitude.”

A two-time NCAA champion with the University of Connecticut, Charles was selected as the first overall pick in the 2010 WNBA Draft by the Connecticut Sun. She clinched the 2010 Rookie of the Year award and went on to be named the 2012 Most Valuable Player.

Charles is also a triple Olympic gold medalist with Team USA.

Her achievements have spanned the Mercury, New York Liberty, Washington Mystics, and Seattle Storm teams. She took a break for the…

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Chicago Sky vs Connecticut Sun Prediction, 8/23/2024 WNBA Pick, Tips and Odds

Game: Chicago Sky vs Connecticut Sun

Date: Friday, August 23, 2024

Location: Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, CT


The Connecticut Sun (20-7) host the Chicago Sky (11-16) at Mohegan Sun Arena on Friday.

The Chicago Sky took the court against the Phoenix Mercury and walked away from this one with a loss by a score of 86-68 in their last contest. Chicago finished the game having earned a 35.9% FG percentage (28 out of 78) and knocked down 0 out of their 14 shots from downtown. At the charity stripe, the Sky converted 12 of 21 attempts for a percentage of 57.1%. In regard to rebounding, they compiled a total of 44 with 17 of them being offensive. They also recorded 20 assists in the game while forcing 10 turnovers and getting 5 steals. When it comes to the defense, Chicago allowed their opponent to shoot 45.2% from the floor on 28 out of 62 shooting. Phoenix recorded 9 dimes and had 5 steals for the matchup. On top of that, Phoenix snagged 41 boards (9 offensive, 32 defensive) and had 4 blocks. Phoenix finished 74.2% from the charity stripe by burying 23 of 31 tries. They converted 7 of 23 attempts from downtown.

Angel Reese is one player who was a contributor in this game. She accumulated 19 points on 8 out of 16 shooting. She was on the court for 35 minutes and also collected 20 rebounds. Reese walked away from this one shooting 50.0% from the field and also dished out 1 assist.

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Chicago heads into this…

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Seattle Storm Take a Huge $23,491 Gamble With Gabby Williams as Latest Signing Diminishes All Hope of 12th Player

The film isn’t over yet. At least not for Gabby Williams. Just weeks ago, the French star gave Team USA a run for their money as she kept at their tails in the Paris Olympics Finals. Even till the end, she pushed herself with the buzzer beater. Alas, it came short by mere inches. She left the Bercy Arena with a silver medal. However, she has returned to the WNBA to probably avenge the loss and also improve her resume in one of the best professional basketball leagues in the world. But how does that affect the Seattle Storm?

Certainly, the Storm squad and Noelle Quinn would be more than happy to add a star who broke a sweat on a dominant team like the USA. However, their front office just might not be feeling that way if their gamble turns into an epic failure. According to Richard Cohen of the Her Hoop Stats, “Can confirm via source that Gabby Williams signed for the $23,491 that was the pro-rated vet minimum on Tuesday when she signed. So Seattle have $704 in cap space left – technically enough to add a 12th player on the final day of the regular season. #WNBA.”


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Do you think Gabby Williams is worth the $23,491 gamble for the Seattle Storm?

Have an interesting take?

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How to Watch the WNBA Today

How to Watch the WNBA Today | August 23

Published 2:48 am Friday, August 23, 2024

How to Watch the WNBA Today | August 23

Today’s WNBA lineup is worth watching for sure. Among the four contests is the Las Vegas Aces taking on the Minnesota Lynx.

The WNBA is streaming on Fubo, Paramount+ and Prime Video this season – use our links so you don’t miss any of the action! Sign up for WNBA League Pass to get access to live out-of-market games and tons of WNBA content.

How to Watch Today’s WNBA Games

Phoenix Mercury at Atlanta Dream

How to Watch

  • TV Channel: ION
  • Live Stream: Watch this game on Fubo (Regional restrictions may apply)
  • Game Time: 7:30 PM ET
  • Venue: Gateway Center Arena
  • Location: College Park, Georgia

Get tickets for WNBA games at Vivid Seats, StubHub and Ticketmaster

Los Angeles Sparks at Washington Mystics

How to Watch

  • TV Channel: ION
  • Live Stream: Watch this game on Fubo (Regional restrictions may apply)
  • Game Time: 7:30 PM ET
  • Venue: St. Elizabeths East Entertainment and Sports Arena
  • Location: Washington, District of Columbia

Chicago Sky at Connecticut Sun

How to Watch

  • TV Channel: ION
  • Live Stream: Watch this game on Fubo (Regional restrictions may apply)
  • Game Time: 7:30 PM ET
  • Venue: Mohegan Sun Arena
  • Location: Uncasville, Connecticut

Watch the WNBA on Fubo, Paramount+ and Prime Video

Las Vegas Aces at Minnesota Lynx

How to Watch

  • TV Channel: ION
  • Live Stream: Watch this game on Fubo (Regional restrictions may apply)
  • Game Time: 9:30 PM ET
  • Venue: Target…

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Trump deflects, misleads in real-time reaction to Harris speech

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump speaks during a campaign event inside the Mohegan Arena at Casey Plaza in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, on Aug. 17, 2024. For the Washington Post

Former President Donald Trump did not hold back as Democratic nominee Kamala Harris delivered her acceptance speech Thursday night, firing off a series of scathing, insulting and sometimes unrelated comments while Harris was speaking.

Trump took to his Truth Social account to make a variety of comments, from accusing Harris of falsehoods to defending his record to making extraneous remarks, such as demanding “WHERE’S HUNTER?” in reference to President Joe Biden’s son.

At the outset of Harris’s speech, Trump took exception to how she thanked the crowd for cheering her onstage at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Trump also complained that Democrats referred to Harris’s running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, as “coach,” pointing out that he was an assistant coach of a high school football team.

While Harris recounted her upbringing, Trump urged her to address his three main issues: “Border, Inflation, and Crime!”

“Kamala’s biography won’t lower prices at the Grocery Store, or at the Pump!” he said. He repeatedly criticized her for not already implementing her proposals during her time as vice president, a critique he has previously aimed at Republican and Democratic opponents with long records of government service. Still, Trump himself has already served a term as president.

Trump’s rapid-fire commentary created the unprecedented spectacle of a former president and current nominee firing off critiques of his rival’s acceptance speech in real time. While Harris’s speech was in many ways a traditional convention address, Trump’s unorthodox reaction to it underlined his harsh, visceral style of politics and suggested the former president was glued…

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Chicago Sky vs. Connecticut Sun Betting Odds and Matchup Preview

Chicago Sky vs. Connecticut Sun Betting Odds and Matchup Preview – Friday, August 23

Published 9:39 pm Thursday, August 22, 2024

Chicago Sky vs. Connecticut Sun Betting Odds and Matchup Preview - Friday, August 23

Chennedy Carter and the Chicago Sky (11-16) take on the Connecticut Sun (20-7) on Friday, August 23, 2024 at Mohegan Sun Arena. The game will tip off at 7:30 PM ET on ION.

You can see betting info for this game in this article.

Place your bets on any WNBA matchup at BetMGM, and sign up with our link for a first-time deposit bonus!

Sky vs. Sun Game Information

  • Game Day: Friday, August 23, 2024
  • Game Time: 7:30 PM ET
  • TV Channel: ION
  • Live Stream: Watch this game on Fubo (Regional restrictions may apply)
  • Location: Uncasville, Connecticut
  • Arena: Mohegan Sun Arena

Sign up for WNBA League Pass on Amazon Prime Video to get live and on-demand access to WNBA games

Sky vs. Sun Game Odds

Favorite Sun -9.5
Sun Moneyline -455
Sky Moneyline +333
Total 156.5
Over Odds -110
Under Odds -113

Bet on this or any WNBA matchup at BetMGM

Sky and Sun Betting Insights

  • The Sky have 11 wins in 27 games against the spread this year.
  • Chicago has an ATS record of 3-3 as a 9.5-point underdog or more.
  • This year, 14 of the Sky’s 27 games have gone over the point total.
  • The Sun are 11-16-0 against the spread this year.
  • Connecticut has an ATS record of 3-6 as 9.5-point favorites or more.
  • Out of 27 Sun games so far this season, 12 have…

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Chicago Sky vs Connecticut Sun Prediction WNBA Picks 8/23/24

Connecticut Sun (20-7) vs Chicago Sky (11-16)

Game Info: Friday, August 23, 2024 at 7:30 pm (Mohegan Sun Arena)

Betting Odds: Connecticut Sun — Over/Under: Click Here for the Latest Odds

In this article, we will formulate a Chicago Sky vs Connecticut Sun Prediction for this WNBA Game on Friday, August 23rd, at the Mohegan Sun Arena. To formulate this prediction, we will examine:

-The Sky’s recent form and recent player performance.

-The Sun’s recent form and recent play performance.

-A summary that ties it all together and produces a favorable betting outcome for today’s game between the Sky and Sun. 

Sky Struggled in Last Game

The Sky in the last game really struggled giving up 86 points against the Phoenix Mercury and they were defeated by 18 points. Angel Reese did have a strong game putting up 19 points, 20 rebounds, and one assist but she needs others to step up around her. The Sky had four different players that put up at least 12 points. The Sky are averaging 78.7 points while their defense is giving up 71.7 points per game. The offense is ranked 10th in the league, while the defense is ranked 6th. Chennedy Carter is averaging 16.8 points while shooting 50.8 percent from the field. 

Sun Looked Good Against Sparks

The Sun faced off against the Los Angeles Sparks in the last game and they scored only 69 points but the defense gave up 61 points and that was enough for the eight point victory. Dijonai Carrington had a strong game, putting up 19 points, four rebounds, and one assist.  The Sun are averaging 80.1 points while thier defense is giving up 73.5 points per game. The Sun’s offense is ranked 8th in the league while the defense is ranked 1st….

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