
Judge formally approves sale of St. Bernard School property to Mohegan Tribe

Jun. 21—MONTVILLE — A U.S. Bankruptcy Court judge has approved the Mohegan Tribe’s $6.55 million purchase of the 113-acre parcel that includes St. Bernard School, a transaction specifying that the tribe will lease a 43-acre portion of the Route 32 property to the school for the next 20 years for $1 a year.

James Tancredi, the judge presiding over the Roman Catholic Diocese of Norwich’s Chapter 11 bankruptcy, signed an order approving the sale Tuesday. The Mohegans had offered the winning bid for the parcel in a June 2 auction at the Hartford law offices of Robinson & Cole, the firm representing the diocese.

The diocese has sought to liquidate its assets, including schools such as St. Bernard, to help fund settlements it must pay to alleged victims of sexual assaults by priests and other diocesan employees. Both the diocese and attorneys representing the victims and other creditors have submitted competing bankruptcy plans.

In a May 22 update to Tancredi, mediator Christopher Droney reported that “it appears the parties have made good and substantial progress in developing a joint plan for reorganization” of the diocese and it appears the joint plan will likely be submitted to the court for review in the near future.

“This is a great result for all the parties involved. The diocese receives the funds to compensate alleged sexual abuse survivors and the St. Bernard School remains open to serve the needs of students and families,” Louis DeLucia, an attorney for the diocese and a partner at Ice Miller, said in a statement issued by the diocese’s public relations firm. “This is a big step toward resolving claims against the diocese as we continue to work diligently to reach consensus on a Chapter 11 plan of reorganization.”

The court granted a waiver of the 14-day stay period under U.S. bankruptcy rules…

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Court Grants Approval of Sale of SBS to Mohegan Tribe

Judge James J. Tancredi of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Hartford granted approval of the auction sale of 113.19 acres of property belonging to the Diocese of Norwich to the Mohegan Tribe. The land is comprised of the real estate and all of its improvements located at 1593 Route 32, Montville, CT, which includes the St. Bernard School. The auction took place on June 2nd in Hartford.
In addition to the $6,550,000 sale price, the bid terms include an initial 20-year lease of the property to St. Bernard School, which under the terms of the bid will remain open.

“This is a great result for all the parties involved. The Diocese receives the funds to compensate alleged sexual abuse survivors and the St. Bernard School remains open to serve the needs of students and families,” said Louis DeLucia, attorney for the Diocese and a partner at Ice Miller. “This is a big step toward resolving claims against the Diocese as we continue to work diligently to reach consensus on a chapter 11 plan of reorganization.” 

The Court granted a waiver of the 14-day stay period under U.S. Bankruptcy Rules and the sale closed earlier today, June 21, 2023, following entry of the Sale Order.

“The Committee of Unsecured Creditors recognizes and appreciates that the $6.55 million paid by the Mohegan Tribe is a substantial and appropriate amount,” said Stephen M. Kindseth of Zeisler & Zeisler, P.C., counsel for the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors. “We anticipate that the net proceeds of this sale will constitute an important component of the entire settlement fund established through the Norwich Diocese’s bankruptcy case for the benefit of survivors of sexual abuse.”

The full terms and conditions of the Sale Order and Sale Motion are available online at the Diocese’s restructuring website:

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Due To Popular Demand- Mohegan Sun Arena Adds Two Additional MATT RIFE: PROBLEMATTIC WORLD TOUR Dates

Following the phenomenal success of Matt Rife’s recently announced ProbleMATTic World Tour, which is scheduled to stop at Mohegan Sun Arena in February 2024, two extra dates have been added for a record-breaking fourth consecutive show on Thursday, February 22nd, and Sunday, February 25th, both at 8:00pm.

Tickets to this 18+ event are $149.50, $129.50, $99.50, $79.50 and $59.50 and go on sale Friday, June 9th at 10:00am through Click Here. Tickets will also be available at the Mohegan Sun Box Office beginning on Saturday, June 10th, subject to availability.

Matt Rife has exploded as one of the fastest growing comedians through his viral content and remarkable engagement on TikTok, where he has amassed over 13 million followers, and more than 2 billion views globally. As one of the most buzzed about comedians in the business, Rife has been selling-out comedy clubs and theaters across the country and is gearing up to embark on his biggest tour to-date with Live Nation, the Matt Rife: ProbleMATTic World Tour, kicking off on July 20th.

Mohegan Sun Arena finished 2021 with its first “#1 Indoor Arena” ranking for its capacity in the world according to Pollstar and VenuesNow, ranked among the top 10 venues in the U.S. regardless of size based on ticket sales, and was named “2021 Innovator of the Year” by Celebrity Access for its ViacomCBS residency.  In recent years, the “Most Beloved Venue in America” has also been the “#1 Casino Venue in the World,” “#1 Social Media Venue in the World” and a seven – time national award – winner for “Arena of the Year.”  For more information on concerts and other great events, visit Mohegan Sun. For information on this week’s schedule, call the Entertainment and Special Events hotline at 1.888.226.7711.

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Mohegan Casino Las Vegas partners with Virgin Voyages

Now, members can play and win a Virgin Voyages Cruise on their first visit.

By Gambling Insider

Virgin Voyages and Mohegan Casino Las Vegas have joined forces to allow new Momentum Rewards members, to play and earn a Virgin Voyages cruise on their first visit. 

Mohegan Casino is located at Virgin Hotel Las Vegas, part of the Curio Collection by Hilton. 

This is being done to celebrate Mohegan Casino Las Vegas’ two-year anniversary.

To celebrate the launch of their collaboration, Virgin Voyages and Mohegan Casino Las Vegas are giving away five complimentary seven-night Mediterranean cruises. With a Momentum account, players can enter the giveaway for free.

Joe Hasson, General Manager at Mohegan Casino Las Vegas, said: “We are always looking at new and unique ways to connect with our casino guests.”

Members can get their drawing tickets at the cashier’s cage on 16 June and 17 June. The giveaway will take place on the casino floor on 17 June at 8:00 p.m.

Furthermore, the more a guest plays through the Momentum rewards program, the faster their status level rises and the better the status, the more perks the guest will earn at the roughly 650 slot machines and 50 table games in the casino.

Beginning with core status, momentum members advance to ignite, leap, ascend and finally Soar. As a casino visitor advances, they have access to more advantages, experiences and extra access throughout the entire resort in Las Vegas.

Jennifer Wengert, Director, Casino Strategy and Partnerships, said: “We’re thrilled to see this partnership come to life and have the opportunity to share the ship experience with casino guests, especially when we know there’s so much synergy between our brands.

“From our adults-only offering and elevated backdrop to our commitment to service, we see our beautiful lady…

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Pearl River’s Geyser Falls Opens Newest Attraction

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Geyser Falls Ribbon Cutting

CHOCTAW, MS – Pearl River Resort’s Geyser Falls Water Theme Park has cut the ribbon on its newest attraction, Lil’ Squirts splash pad. This $890,000 makeover to Lil’ Squirts features custom tribal-inspired designs, including eight-point stars that represent the eight tribal communities of the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians.

The new splash pad is accessible to all children. In addition to the new splash pad, Geyser Falls…

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Mohegan Casino Las Vegas Unveils New Giveaway with Virgin Voyages

Mohegan Casino Las Vegas located at Virgin Hotels Las Vegas, opened its doors for visitors two years ago. On Thursday, the venue confirmed that in light of its two-year anniversary, it joined forces with Virgin Voyages to deliver unique experiences for its loyal customers. Thanks to the new collaboration, the members of the company’s exclusive rewards program, Momentum Rewards, will be able to benefit from a unique giveaway.

Similar to other leading gaming companies, Mohegan’s rewards program also offers unique benefits and perks for its members. Tapping into Momentum, members can increase their status level by wagering on slot machines as well as table games. Starting from Core status, they can increase their level by hitting Ignite, Leap, Ascent, as well as the highest level, Soar. Increasing their level grants the rewards members access to unique personalized experiences throughout Mohegan’s resort in Las Vegas.

Now, celebrating its second anniversary, Mohegan Casino Las Vegas in collaboration with Virgin Voyages will be giving away five free 7-night Mediterranean Cruises. The drawing for the cruises with Virgin Voyages is free to enter for Momentum account members. They can claim a ticket for the giveaway via cashier cages through June 16 and June 17, 2023. Then, the drawing of the giveaway is planned for June 17 at 8:00 PM. According to Mohegan, the members that participate need to be present to win their prize.

The Companies Are Delighted to Join Forces

Jennifer Wengert, Virgin Voyages’ director, casino strategy and partnerships, shared her excitement about the new collaboration with Mohegan. She pointed out that the partnership enables casino guests to tap into new experiences.

Finally, Wengert said: “From our adults-only offering and elevated backdrop, to our commitment to incredible service, we see our beautiful lady ships as a seamless transition from the casino…

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Mohegan Sun FanDuel Sportsbook holds viewing party for Belmont Stakes

With a variety of different events and promotions offered for the event, guests are invited down to the venue for the races.

By Gambling Insider

The Mohegan Sun FanDuel Sportsbook will be hosting a special event for the 155th Belmost Stakes race, on 10 June.

If you want to attend the watch party, then you simply need to be over the age of 21 and arrive at the Mohegan Sun FanDuel venue between 10:00am and 7:30pm.

The main Belmont Stakes race will launch at 7:02pm and the Mohegan Sun Fanduel recommends making reservations for the venue.

Located just by the Thames River in Southeastern Connecticut, any party-goers who attend the event will have the chance to take part in exclusive events and offers for the horse racing occasion.

The largest event of the weekend will be the Alive for Five Carryover contest, where guests will be asked to predict which horses they think will win each race.

Mohegan Sun FanDuel expects this pot to exceed $20,000 and each entry into the Alive for Five Carryover contest will be $10.

Not only that, but anyone who places at least $50 on Belmont Stakes will receive a t-shirt for free.

Guests will be able to discuss the race with local legends Mike “Mut” Mutnansky and Anthony “The Big A” Stabile as they offer out their expertise.

If you want to attend the watch party but don’t fancy placing any wagers, then don’t worry, there are other ways you can celebrate.

The barmen at the Mohegan Sun FanDuel Sportsbook have put together an exclusive Belmont Jewel cocktail, which is made with bourbon, lemonade, pomegranate juice and a lemon twist for garnish, all for $15.

In other horseracing news, Churchill Downs has recently suspended operations while they undergo…

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Choctaw Nation Awards $108,900 to Le Flore County for Infrastructure, Development

Choctaw Le Flore County donationL-R: Jess Henry, Choctaw Nation Tribal Council Member District 4; Valard Campbell, County Commissioner District 1; and Jamie Oliver, County Commissioner, District 3.

DURANT, OK – The Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma awarded a total of $108,900 to Le Flore County communities including $41,000 to Le Flore County itself; $17,800 to the City of Heavener; $34,700 to the City of Poteau; and $15,400 to the City of Pocola from the Choctaw Community Partnership Fund to continue strengthening and developing the local area.

Choctaw City of Poteau donationL-R: Jess Henry, Choctaw Nation Tribal Council Member District 4; Tommy Robertson, City Council; and James Sprayberry, Representative.

The Choctaw Community Partnership Fund voluntarily contributes quarterly to towns, cities, and counties where the Choctaw Nation operates non-gaming businesses. The fund aims to foster collaboration and growth within these communities by providing financial support for various projects. The communities have the flexibility to utilize the funds immediately for maintenance, road improvements, beautification, recreation, public safety, equipment needs or save the funds for more extensive future projects.

Choctaw City of Heavener donationL-R: Cody Smith and Mayor of Heavener.

“These volunteer contributions exemplify the Choctaw Nation’s commitment to creating sustainable and thriving communities that fosters a better quality of life for tribal and non-tribal citizens,” said Angel Rowland, Choctaw Nation Development Fund Manager. “We see communities investing these funds for projects that positively impact the area.”

Choctaw City of Pocola donationL-R: Jess Henry, Choctaw Nation Tribal Council Member District 4; and Kreg Harvey.

Since 2019, when the Community Partnership Fund started, LeFlore County has received $528,900 and used funds for street repairs. The City of Heavener has received $252,250…

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Ray Pineault On Expanding The Brand

From a property in Connecticut that quickly became one of the world’s largest casinos, Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment has grown exponentially through a combination of organic and inorganic development.

Speaking at the Boston Smart Business Dealmakers Conference, CEO Ray Pineault says the organization has since expanded into Pennsylvania in the Pocono Mountains, manages properties in New Jersey, manages a property for another tribe — the first Native American tribe to manage another tribe’s casino — in Washington State, operates two casinos in Niagara on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls, and is now in the process of building a $2 billion resort in South Korea.

Maintaining the culture across all those different properties, Pineault says, is essential, especially as the organization grows across borders. When bidding on the Niagara property, he says one of the things that was very important to them was going in and seeing the culture and meeting with the leadership team. That emphasis will continue as their footprint grows.

“We’re going into Korea,” he says. “Korea is different than the United States and we want to bring our culture there. And I can tell you, one of my conversations with the leadership team over there, and they’re probably sick of hearing me say it, is, You need to be leading the culture. You need to talk about it every day. You have to believe it. You have to live it. You have to talk about it. You have to have communications about it. So, I think it’s up to the leadership to believe it, to talk about it and continue to instill it.”

Part of ensuring that culture continues as new properties are acquired is through the hiring process.

“We do team interviews,” Pineault says. “We don’t just do one on one interviews,” he says. “And we…

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