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Category: Mohegan

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new Promise((resolve) => { if (window.__uspapi && ‘function’ === typeof __uspapi) { __uspapi(‘getUSPData’, 1, (uspData, success) => { if(success) { const consent = uspData.uspString.split(”)[2]; if (consent === ‘N’) { resolve(true); } else { resolve(false); } } else { resolve(false); } }); } else { resolve(false); } }); // Dispatch event for user consent window.OneTrust?.OnConsentChanged(({ detail }) => { const nxsConsentEvent = new CustomEvent(‘nxsConsent’, { detail }); dispatchEvent(nxsConsentEvent); }); // groups the user has consented to window.nxsConsentGroups = window.OnetrustActiveGroups; }) ]]> Continue reading

WILKES-BARRE, PA – Holy Being (Archangel) worked his way to the lead past a :28.1 opening quarter, got soft middle splits of :58 and 1:27.1, and then was able to finish strongly to win the $15,000 featured harness racing trot at Pocono Downs at Mohegan Pennsylvania Monday (May 29) afternoon in 1:55.1.
Holy Being and driver Anthony Napolitano (Curtis Salonick Photo)
Anthony Napolitano, top driver of the day at Pocono with three victories, guided the gelding to a 1¼ length victory over Quarantina for trainer Jake Huff and Beauty Bridle Racing Stable Inc.
The story at Pocono on Monday was quite the tale of two opposite halves of the twelve-race card. Holy Being was the only frontender to win in the last six races, while five of the first six winners raced on the lead. In a perhaps-related bit of news, the favorites won each of the first six races of the day, and then were shut out the rest of the way, with the afternoon punctuated by Optrix (Tom Jackson) winning the last race at $104.60, second-highest price of the 2023 season.
Tuesday’s card, not surprisingly given the above mutuel breakdown, will have three different carryovers (Pick-4, Pick-5, and High-5); the racing features will be two $15,500 events for the top claiming handicap trotters on the ground, plus four $15,000 divisions of the steppingstone “nw 4 races” class. The Tuesday card starts at 1 p.m.; program pages for all Pocono races are or will be available by clicking here.
For complete race results, click here.
From the PHHA / Pocono Downs

new Promise((resolve) => { if (window.__uspapi && ‘function’ === typeof __uspapi) { __uspapi(‘getUSPData’, 1, (uspData, success) => { if(success) { const consent = uspData.uspString.split(”)[2]; if (consent === ‘N’) { resolve(true); } else { resolve(false); } } else { resolve(false); } }); } else { resolve(false); } }); // Dispatch event for user consent window.OneTrust?.OnConsentChanged(({ detail }) => { const nxsConsentEvent = new CustomEvent(‘nxsConsent’, { detail }); dispatchEvent(nxsConsentEvent); }); // groups the user has consented to window.nxsConsentGroups = window.OnetrustActiveGroups; }) ]]> Continue reading
In one of the four compelling matchups on the WNBA slate today, the Indiana Fever and the Connecticut Sun hit the court at Mohegan Sun Arena.
Catch live WNBA games, plus tons of other sports and shows, with a free trial to Fubo!
Today’s WNBA Games
The Connecticut Sun play the Indiana Fever
The Fever hit the road the Sun on Tuesday at 7:00 PM ET.
How to Watch
Records and Stats
- CON Record: 3-1
- IND Record: 1-2
- CON Stats: 75.8 PPG (10th in WNBA), 74.3 Opp. PPG (fourth)
- IND Stats: 74.7 PPG (11th in WNBA), 82.3 Opp. PPG (sixth)
Players to Watch
- CON Key Player: Alyssa Thomas (14.8 PPG, 11.3 RPG, 4.8 APG)
- IND Key Player: NaLyssa Smith (15.0 PPG, 11.3 RPG, 1.3 APG)
Vegas Odds and Betting Lines
- Spread: -12.5
- CON Odds to Win: -971
- IND Odds to Win: +606
- Total: 158.5 points
The Atlanta Dream play the Chicago Sky
The Sky hit the road the Dream on Tuesday at 7:00 PM ET.
How to Watch
- TV Channel: Bally Sports
- Stream Live: Fubo (regional restrictions may apply)
- Game Time: 7:00 PM ET
Records and Stats
- ATL Record: 1-2
- CHI Record: 3-1
- ATL Stats: 82.7 PPG (third in WNBA), 84.0 Opp. PPG (eighth)
- CHI Stats: 78.8 PPG (fifth in WNBA), 73.5 Opp. PPG (third)
Players to Watch
- ATL Key Player: Allisha Gray (18.3 PPG, 7.0 RPG, 4.0 APG)
- CHI Key Player: Kahleah Copper (15.8 PPG, 5.3 RPG, 2.5 APG)
Vegas Odds and Betting Lines
- Spread: -2.5
- ATL Odds to Win: -136
- CHI Odds to Win: +112
- Total: 161.5 points
Watch live WNBA games on all your devices! Sign up now for a free trial to Fubo.
The Dallas Wings play host to the Minnesota Lynx
The Lynx hit the road the Wings on Tuesday at 8:00 PM ET.
How to Watch
- TV Channel: Bally Sports
- Stream Live: Fubo (regional restrictions may apply)
- Game Time: 8:00 PM ET
Records and Stats
- DAL Record: 2-1
- MIN Record: 0-4
- DAL Stats: 89.3 PPG (second…

For the final stop on their Best of Times World Tour, Godsmack takes on Connecticut’s Mohegan Sun Arena. Being from the Boston area, this show is the closest to a hometown show the band has gotten on this tour. Frontman Sully Erna even mentioned that many of his family members were out in the crowd.
Godsmack – Austin Meade
Mohegan Sun Arena, Uncasville – 28 May 2023
Words and Photography: Shannon Wilk
Godsmack – Mohegan Sun Arena – 28 May 2023. Photo: Shannon Wilk/MetalTalk
These Alternative Metal giants released a new album back in February entitled Lighting Up The Sky. After almost five years since their previous release, the band returned kicking and screaming with their eighth studio album and subsequent world tour.
After the brief break following the Austin Meade set, the audience returned, beers in hand, as the lights went down. A mashup of classic hard rock tunes began to play as blue and red lights flashed throughout the packed arena.
The curtain in front of the stage dropped, and the audience cheered… until they realised there was still another curtain separating them from the start of the show. Finally, the final curtain fell, and we were off to the races with Godsmack.Godsmack – Mohegan Sun Arena – 28 May 2023. Photo: Shannon Wilk/MetalTalk
“Alright, Mohegan,” yells frontman Sully Erna as drums begin to pound. Godsmack has quite the light show, and this first song, When Legends Rise, was only a fraction of what was to come for the rest of the…

The Indiana Fever (1-2) go up against the Connecticut Sun (3-1) on Tuesday, May 30, 2023 at Mohegan Sun Arena. It tips at 7:00 PM ET on NBCS-BOS and FACEBOOK.
Watch live WNBA games without cable on all your devices with a seven-day free trial to Fubo!
Check out the latest odds and place your bets on the Sun or Fever with BetMGM Sportsbook. Use our link for the best new user offer, no promo code required!
Sun vs. Fever Game Info
- Game Day: Tuesday, May 30, 2023
- Game Time: 7:00 PM ET
- TV: NBC Sports Networks
- Arena: Mohegan Sun Arena
- Live Stream: Watch on Fubo!
Rep your team with officially licensed Sun gear! Head to Fanatics to find jerseys, shirts, and much more.
Key Stats for Sun vs. Fever
- Last year, Connecticut scored only 3.3 fewer points per game (85.8) than Indiana gave up (89.1).
- The Sun had a 13-2 record last season when putting up more than 89.1 points.
- Connecticut made 46.2% of its shots from the field last season, which was 1.2 percentage points lower than Indiana allowed to its opponents (47.4%).
- The Sun went 15-1 when they shot better than 47.4% from the field.
- Connecticut shot 35.4% from deep last season, 1.5% higher than the 33.9% Indiana allowed to opponents.
- The Sun went 16-2 when they shot better than 33.9% from distance.
- Connecticut and Indiana hauled in rebounds at nearly the same rate last season (37.1 and 33.3 boards per game, respectively).
© 2023 Data Skrive. All rights reserved.

The Indiana Fever (1-2) face the Connecticut Sun (3-1) on Tuesday, May 30, 2023 at Mohegan Sun Arena. It tips at 7:00 PM ET on NBCS-BOS and FACEBOOK.
Watch live WNBA games without cable on all your devices with a seven-day free trial to Fubo!
Check out the latest odds and place your bets on the Sun or Fever with BetMGM Sportsbook. Use our link for the best new user offer, no promo code required!
Fever vs. Sun Game Info
- Game Day: Tuesday, May 30, 2023
- Game Time: 7:00 PM ET
- TV: NBC Sports Networks
- Arena: Mohegan Sun Arena
- Live Stream: Watch on Fubo!
Rep your team with officially licensed Fever gear! Head to Fanatics to find jerseys, shirts, and much more.
Key Stats for Fever vs. Sun
- Indiana’s 78 points per game last year were only 0.2 more points than the 77.8 Connecticut gave up.
- When they scored more than 77.8 points last season, the Fever went 5-14.
- Indiana’s 40.9% shooting percentage from the field last season was three percentage points lower than Connecticut gave up to its opponents (43.9%).
- The Fever compiled a 4-6 straight up record in games they shot above 43.9% from the field.
- Indiana shot 33.8% from beyond the arc last season. That’s only one percentage point higher than Connecticut allowed its opponents to shoot from deep (32.8%).
- The Fever went 3-17 when shooting above 32.8% as a team from three-point range.
- Connecticut and Indiana collected rebounds at approximately the same clip last season (37.1 and 33.3 boards per game, respectively).
© 2023 Data Skrive. All rights reserved.
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