
Mohegan Sun’s wine and food fest warms chilly days

UNCASVILLE — Mohegan Sun’s 18th The Sun Wine and Food Fest is on, running through Sunday, with national and state vendors introducing new products, as well as food and beverage tastings and demonstrations from some of the world’s most famous chefs.

Despite the weather, drinks will still be poured and food sampled this weekend, organizers say. However, due to the blizzard expected to slam the region Saturday, Mohegan Sun is offering refunds to ticket-holders unable to attend due to the inclement weather.

The festivities have been ongoing since Thursday.

“We’re super excited to bring it back,” said Lauren Willard, director of special events at Mohegan Sun. “We’ve had a lot of loyal vendors and loyal guests who are super excited.”

The event kicked off Thursday night with a dinner hosted by Boston and New York City based chef Todd English, Willard said, who hosted a dinner with chefs who had worked with him at one of his former Boston restaurants, Olives in Charlestown, with each chef preparing their own dish.

On Friday, the festival continued with the Grand Tasting, where vendors fill up the convention center, offering samples of new products. The evening continued with the Whiskeys of the World tasting in the Earth Ballroom, including actors and mixologists Tom Sandoval and Tom Schwartz, who gave a cocktail demonstration highlighting their new whiskey, Toms’ Good Lovin’.

The Grand Tasting continues today from 1 to 5 p.m. at the convention center. Other events include the Vintage Cru, featuring tastings of high-end wines, and the biggest draw of the weekend, the Celebrity Chef Dine Around. This year, celebrity chefs Nyesha Arrington, Maneet Chauhan, Rocco DiSpirito, Robert Irvine, Aaron Sanchez, Michael Symon, and Buddy Valastro will be in the kitchen, working their magic for all to see.

“Each chef is cooking live in front of you, creating…

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Concert Connection: Billie Eilish sets Boston concert date

Singer and songwriter Billie Eilish is set to perform Feb. 20 at the TD Garden in Boston.

Following the release of her latest single “Your Power,” and ahead of the July 30th release of her forthcoming album ‘Happier Than Ever,’ artist Billie has announced the first leg of her “Happier Than Ever, The World Tour”, set to commence in Feb. 2022. The 32-date North American arena run will be making stops across North America, before heading across the Atlantic for an 18-date arena tour across Europe and the United Kingdom.

The seven-time Grammy Award winning artist and songwriter has also confirmed she will be continuing her work with sustainability partner Reverb for her “Happier Than Ever, The World Tour”, with the fan-facing Billie Eilish Action Village at each show. The village will focus on climate action and climate justice, hosting and supporting BIPOC and women-led environmental organizations as well as a comprehensive program via REVERB’s forthcoming Music Climate Revolution campaign.

In addition to reducing the tour’s environmental footprint, the initiative will support projects that directly and measurably eliminate greenhouse gases. These collective efforts will make the tour Climate Positive; eliminating significantly more emissions than the tour creates.

For tickets to see Billie Eilish perform in Boston, call 617-624-2586 or visit

Upcoming concerts

Foghat – Mohegan Sun Casino, Wolf Den, Uncasville (Free) – Jan. 28

David Bromberg with Special Guests – Capitol Theatre, Port Chester, NY – Jan. 28

G.Love & the Juice – Mohegan Sun Casino, Wolf Den, Uncasville (free) – Jan. 29

Bettye LaVette – The Warehouse, Fairfield – Jan. 30

Lee Brice…

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Lee Brice plays Mohegan Sun Arena

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Milford Woman Wins $50K At Mohegan Sun

MILFORD, CT – Since the launch of online casino gaming in Connecticut during fall 2021, Mohegan Digital has given away more than $100,000 in cash and prizes, including $75,000 to two lucky winners this week.

Just by signing up and creating a new account on the real money online casino app available through, Stacy of Milford, CT walked away with $50,000. Another winner, Kelly, from Danbury, CT, was awarded $25,000.

Special promotions and giveaways are still taking place for residents and visitors to Connecticut by simply signing up and registering an account at or through the associated apps for iOS and Google Play.

Speaking to the excitement of randomly winning $50,000 at a big check moment at Mohegan Sun, Stacy said, “I really couldn’t believe it and asked repeatedly if this was a joke.

“We love Mohegan Sun and the team there is always so nice, especially the person who called to give me this amazing news!” will also have an exciting promo contest live at the 2022 Sun Wine & Food Festival (SWFF), taking place inside the Earth Expo & Convention Center at Mohegan Sun during the final week of January.

“The Temperature Rising Game Show,” located in Earth Expo during the Grand Tasting Preview taking place on Friday, January 28th (8:00pm – 10:00pm), and Grand Tasting (Noon – 5:00p.m.) on Saturday, January 29th, will randomly select two contestants chosen from those who have signed up and deposited at least $10 on or its apps.

The contestants will then battle in a trivia contest against each other, family feud style! Answering five questions correctly in a row will crown a winner, of which up to $2,500 will be awarded.

This contest will call up contestants throughout these SWFF events….

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Mohegan Sun: The Sun Wine and Food Fest

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Breaking down ‘The Big Break’ contest – NEPA musicians compete at 4 venues on Jan. 21-Feb. 11

 Added on 01/20/2022  Rich Howells  competition , contest , coronavirus , Finnegan’s , Kingston , Mohegan Sun Pocono , Plains , River Street Jazz Cafe , Scranton , V-Spot , Wilkes-Barre Breaking down ‘The Big Break’ contest – NEPA musicians compete at 4 venues on Jan. 21-Feb. 11

The contest is called “The Big Break,” where seven acts will compete across four stages for some major prizes, but the real challenge has been behind the scenes where Eyal Filkovsky is hoping this experience doesn’t break him.

With just days until the first night of live performances is set to begin, musicians have been dropping off the bill left and right, forcing him to rearrange months of plans while still promoting the shows at Finnegan’s Irish Rock Club on Jan. 21, the River Street Jazz Cafe on Jan. 22, The V-Spot on Jan. 29, and Bar Louie at Mohegan Sun Pocono on Feb. 11.

“The biggest challenge, aside from contracting COVID and losing two weeks of my life, has been that we have had five bands drop out because a member tested positive for it,” he said exhaustedly.

“Other than that, there’s that constant fear that the state will be shut down again, leaving everything to be postponed and rescheduled. That can end up being a lot of extra work.”

Ironically, the pandemic also served as the original catalyst for this event. The 39-year-old Wilkes-Barre resident previously lived in Colorado where he teamed up with local radio DJ Trevor O’Connor of Trevor Rocks Denver to hold the first Big Break contest in 2012. The last two years have taken their toll on…

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Iconic rocker Meat Loaf had deep Connecticut ties

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Pennsylvania set state record for gambling revenue in 2021

Pennsylvania set another annual record for gambling revenue in the era of online gambling and sports betting, state regulators said, reporting that casinos and other operators won more than $4.7 billion from gamblers in calendar year 2021 in one of the nation’s largest commercial casino states.

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Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.

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Casino revenue from slot machines, online gaming was up in December

Southeastern Connecticut’s casinos posted big year-over-year gains in slot-machine revenue in December, largely a reflection of the COVID-19 restrictions that were in place a year ago.

Mohegan Sun reported Monday that it kept $41.8 million in slots “win” after paying out prizes last month, a 29.5% increase over the $32.2 million it kept the same month a year earlier. Foxwoods Resort Casino kept $30.5 million, up from $21.5 million a year ago, a 42% jump. 

Mohegan Sun contributed $11.7 million of its December slots win to the state while Foxwoods sent $7.6 million to Hartford. 

Data posted on the website of the state Department of Consumer Protection’s Gaming Division show that while December, the second full month of online casino gaming in Connecticut, generated more money for the state than November did, revenue from online sports betting declined from month to month. Online gaming sites operated by the casinos paid the state $2.9 million in December, up from $2.5 million in November. Sports wagering offered by the casinos and by the Connecticut Lottery Corp. generated about $930,000 for the state in December, down from about $1.7 million the previous month. 

The casinos’ online sports betting sites collected more wagers than in previous months but paid out a greater percentage in winnings. 

Foxwoods took in $68.9 million in sports wagers and paid out $63.8 million to patrons who placed winning bets. Mohegan Sun collected $63.3 million in wagers and paid out $59.4 million. The lottery took in $11.4 million in bets and paid out $10.5 million. The lottery’s retail sites accepted another $6.5 million in wagers and paid out $6.1 million. 

After deductions for canceled bets, taxes and promotions, Foxwoods’ gross sports-betting revenue in December was $3.2 million. Mohegan Sun’s was $2.6 million and the lottery’s was $561,036. Each paid 13.75% of their…

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Nylander fitting in well with Penguins after trade

During his media availability last week, Penguins head coach J.D. Forrest said forward Alex Nylander is the type of player that can help dig the team out of its last-place hole.

Just a few days later, those words have already started to ring true.

Wilkes-Barre/Scranton ended its month-long losing skid this weekend with two victories, and the recently-acquired Nylander was a big reason why. He scored a power play goal in Sunday’s long-overdue win over Hershey, and now has five points in six games since joining the Penguins less than two weeks ago.

“I mean, the skill is evident,” Forrest said. “It’s just a matter of having him get used to the type of pace that the Pittsburgh organization wants to play, and finding some consistency.”

Nylander has already made a number of high-level plays with WBS, including a third-period setup for captain Taylor Fedun in Utica on Jan. 7 that put the Penguins in a position to win. Then this past weekend — days after Forrest mentioned he’d like the Alberta native to shoot more — he potted Sunday’s goal and also an extra-attacker tally against Lehigh Valley on Friday.

The Penguins also got a big boost this weekend from their top line of Felix Robert, Valtteri Puustinen and Sam Houde, giving them a number of players on hot streaks as they continue a busy month with five games over the next week.

Forrest said players that get a fresh start often have a boost in energy, something that Nylander seems to be benefitting from.

A top-10 draft pick of Buffalo in 2016, Nylander has undergone a lot of growing pains since turning pro in 2016-17. He played his first season with the Rochester Americans, scoring only 10 goals in 65 games with a plus-minus rating of negative-24.

He would only appear in 19 games with Buffalo…

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