
Penguins fall again to Hershey as COVID-19 spreads through AHL

The Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Penguins continue to be in a personnel bind due to COVID-19, and their makeshift lineup fell, 4-1, to the Hershey Bears on Monday at Mohegan Sun Arena.

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Sunday’s Time Schedule

All Times EST
Sunday, Dec. 19
Top 25 Men’s Basketball

No. 11 Iowa State vs. SE Louisiana, 1 p.m.

No. 17 Texas vs. Stanford, Coast-to-Coast Challenge, T-Mobile Arena, Las Vegas, 3 p.m.

Top 25 Women’s Basketball

No. 2 NC State vs. Virginia, 4 p.m.

No. 5 Baylor vs. No. 13 Michigan, Basketball Hall of Fame Showcase, Mohegan Sun, Uncassville, Conn., 1 p.m.

No. 6 Louisville vs. No. 7 UConn, Basketball Hall of Fame Showcase, Mohegan Sun, Uncassville, Conn., 3:30 p.m.

No. 10 Indiana vs. Western Michigan, 1 p.m.

No. 12 Iowa State vs. Prairie View A&M, 6 p.m.

No. 17 Georgia vs. St. Francis (Pa.), 2 p.m.

No. 18 Georgia Tech vs. Wake Forest, 6 p.m.

No. 19 Kentucky vs. SC-Upstate, 2 p.m.

No. 21 Notre Dame vs. Pittsburgh, 2 p.m.

No. 25 North Carolina at Boston College, 2 p.m.

Arizona at Detroit, 1 p.m.

Carolina at Buffalo, 1 p.m.

Dallas at N.Y. Giants, 1 p.m.

Houston at Jacksonville, 1 p.m.

N.Y. Jets at Miami, 1 p.m.

Tennessee at Pittsburgh, 1 p.m.

Atlanta at San Francisco, 4:05 p.m.

Cincinnati at Denver, 4:05 p.m.

Green Bay at Baltimore, 4:25 p.m.

New Orleans at Tampa Bay, 8:20 p.m.

Portland at Memphis, 4 p.m.

San Antonio at Sacramento, 6 p.m.

Miami at Detroit, 6 p.m.

Denver at Brooklyn, 7:30 p.m.

Cleveland at Atlanta, 7:30 p.m.

Charlotte at Phoenix, 8 p.m.

L.A. Lakers at Chicago, 8 p.m.

Dallas at Minnesota, 8 p.m.

New Orleans at Philadelphia, 8 p.m.

Vegas at N.Y. Islanders, 2 p.m.

St. Louis at Winnipeg, 3 p.m.

Los Angeles at Washington, 7 p.m.

Pittsburgh at New Jersey, 7 p.m.

PGA Tour Champions – PNC Championship

WTA – Open BLS De Limoges, Limoges, France

Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Sunday’s Time Schedule

All Times EST
Sunday, Dec. 19
Top 25 Men’s Basketball

No. 11 Iowa State vs. SE Louisiana, 1 p.m.

No. 17 Texas vs. Stanford, Coast-to-Coast Challenge, T-Mobile Arena, Las Vegas, 3 p.m.

Top 25 Women’s Basketball

No. 2 NC State vs. Virginia, 4 p.m.

No. 5 Baylor vs. No. 13 Michigan, Basketball Hall of Fame Showcase, Mohegan Sun, Uncassville, Conn., 1 p.m.

No. 6 Louisville vs. No. 7 UConn, Basketball Hall of Fame Showcase, Mohegan Sun, Uncassville, Conn., 3:30 p.m.

No. 10 Indiana vs. Western Michigan, 1 p.m.

No. 12 Iowa State vs. Prairie View A&M, 6 p.m.

No. 17 Georgia vs. St. Francis (Pa.), 2 p.m.

No. 18 Georgia Tech vs. Wake Forest, 6 p.m.

No. 19 Kentucky vs. SC-Upstate, 2 p.m.

No. 21 Notre Dame vs. Pittsburgh, 2 p.m.

No. 25 North Carolina at Boston College, 2 p.m.

Arizona at Detroit, 1 p.m.

Carolina at Buffalo, 1 p.m.

Dallas at N.Y. Giants, 1 p.m.

Houston at Jacksonville, 1 p.m.

N.Y. Jets at Miami, 1 p.m.

Tennessee at Pittsburgh, 1 p.m.

Atlanta at San Francisco, 4:05 p.m.

Cincinnati at Denver, 4:05 p.m.

Green Bay at Baltimore, 4:25 p.m.

New Orleans at Tampa Bay, 8:20 p.m.

Portland at Memphis, 4 p.m.

San Antonio at Sacramento, 6 p.m.

Miami at Detroit, 6 p.m.

Denver at Brooklyn, 7:30 p.m.

Cleveland at Atlanta, 7:30 p.m.

Charlotte at Phoenix, 8 p.m.

L.A. Lakers at Chicago, 8 p.m.

Dallas at Minnesota, 8 p.m.

New Orleans at Philadelphia, 8 p.m.

Vegas at N.Y. Islanders, 2 p.m.

St. Louis at Winnipeg, 3 p.m.

Los Angeles at Washington, 7 p.m.

Pittsburgh at New Jersey, 7 p.m.

PGA Tour Champions – PNC Championship

WTA – Open BLS De Limoges, Limoges, France

Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Miss Alabama named first runner-up in Miss America Pageant

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How to Watch Louisville vs UConn in Women’s College Basketball

Louisville vs UConn in Women’s College Basketball Live Stream: Watch Online, TV Channel, Start Time – How to Watch and Stream Major League & College Sports – Sports Illustrated. []’);]]>‘);]]>‘);]]>‘);]]>‘);]]>‘);]]>“)}]]>currentRect.right){str+=”sl”}}else{if(previousRect.leftcurrentRect.left){str+=”htsl”}}if(previousRect.height!==currentRect.height){if(previousRect.heightcurrentRect.bottom){str+=”su”}}else{if({str+=”vtsu”}}return str};var fmtTransformString=function fmtTransformString(src){var unknownSrc={width:”unknown”,height:”unknown”,left:”unknown”,right:”unknown”,top:”unknown”,bottom:”unknown”};var pr=src.previousRect||unknownSrc;var cr=src.currentRect||unknownSrc;return”width:”.concat(pr.width,”->”).concat(cr.width,”,height:”).concat(pr.height,”->”).concat(cr.height,”,left:”).concat(pr.left,”->”).concat(cr.left,”,right:”).concat(pr.right,”->”).concat(cr.right,”,top:”).concat(,”->”).concat(,”,bottom:”).concat(pr.bottom,”->”).concat(cr.bottom)};var getNodeStringAndTransformString=function getNodeStringAndTransformString(nsList,sources,tsSummaryList){var str=””;for(var i=0;iContinue reading


Sweet revenge: Michigan women beat No. 5 Baylor in overtime thriller

For the first time in program history, the Michigan women’s basketball team defeated a top-five team. Michigan upset No. 5 Baylor on Sunday in overtime, 74-68, at Mohegan Sun Casino in Uncasville, Connecticut.

The Wolverines got some revenge in the process. They’d lost to Baylor in last season’s NCAA Tournament Sweet 16.

After Naz Hillmon fouled out late in regulation, Leigha Brown took over. The senior finished with a game-high 25 points and scored the basket, with 3:24 left in overtime, that put Michigan ahead for good. Maddie Nolan followed it with a 3-pointer, and the Wolverines made their free throws and got enough stops down the stretch.

Michigan had lost its previous 33 games against top-five teams.

Hillmon had 15 points and 10 rebounds before fouling out with 22 seconds left in the fourth quarter. Her battle inside against fellow All American NaLyssa Smith was competitive. Hillmon shot just 6-of-19 from the field, while Smith was 8-of-15 for 21 points, and added 14 rebounds. The WNBA draft lottery aired immediately after the game, and both players could be top-five picks.

With Baylor down one, Smith’s driving layup rolled off the rim with 15 seconds left. Michigan secured the rebound and made four free throws to clinch the victory. The Wolverines were 20-of-24 from the foul line.

Freshman Laila Phelia scored 12 points and hit a big 3 to break a tie in the fourth quarter.

It was Brown, however, who came up the biggest. Her drives, pull-up jumpers, and foul shooting (11-of-13) were very much needed against such a talented team, especially once Hillmon fouled out. Brown played 42 minutes. Danielle Rauch played 44.

Michigan (11-1) dominated the boards on both ends and took advantage, scoring 29 second-chance points to Baylor’s three. Michigan led by 10 midway through the third quarter but saw its lead shrink to…

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Three takeaways as No. 4 Louisville defeats No. 6 UConn for second time in program history

The Louisville women’s basketball team just won its 10th game in a row and Sunday may have been its biggest of the season. 

The Cardinals, ranked No. 4 in the USA Today Coaches Poll, defeated No. 6 Connecticut 69-64 at the Mohegan Sun Arena on Sunday. The Huskies (6-3) entered Sunday’s game undefeated in that arena, until the Cardinals (10-1) ended that streak. 

Louisville was led by Kianna Smith and Hailey Van Lith, each who scored 16 points and had crucial second-half runs. Ahlana Smith finished with 11 points, nine of hers came in the first half. 

The Cardinals used a stellar defensive performance to overcome a slow start and hold on against the Huskies. This win caps Louisville’s non-conference schedule, which featured four ranked teams. 

Next up for Louisville is Boston College on Dec. 30 to open ACC play. 

You may like: Ahlana Smith’s becoming a spark plug for Louisville women’s basketball

Louisville finds its stroke from deep 

As good as Louisville was defensively, we have to start with the Cardinals’ shooting from deep. 

Louisville entered Sunday’s game shooting just 35% from deep, including Van Lith who was 5-of-33. It showed out against UConn, shooting 53% from the field. 

Van Lith was a perfect 2-of-2 from deep and hit back-to-back 3-pointers in the fourth quarter. Emily Engstler hit one, Kianna Smith was 1-of-4 from deep and Ahlana Smith was 3-of-4 from deep. 

Hard to lose when you play defense the way Louisville does and shoot more than 50% from deep. 

Cardinals defense keeps it in the game

Louisville was awful offensively in the first half against the Huskies. 

The Cardinals began the game 1-of-9 from the field and were down 10-2 early in the first quarter. But defense has been the strength for the Cardinals all year and it was again on Sunday. 

Louisville held UConn to 64 points per game…

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Michigan women beat Baylor at Mohegan Sun

Mohegan — Michigan has had many good wins in program history but never has been able to beat a top-five opponent until Sunday. 

That Michigan could end that 0-33 mark against Baylor made it extra special because the Bears ended the Wolverines’ season last year in the Sweet 16.

Leigha Brown scored 25 points to lead No. 13 Michigan to a 74-68 win over fifth-ranked Baylor in the Hall of Fame Women’s Showcase.

“It hasn’t sunk in yet we beat a top-five team,” Michigan coach Kim Barnes Arico said. “It’s a great signature win.”

The game was a rematch of last season’s NCAA Tournament overtime thriller that Baylor won 78-75. NaLyssa Smith made all 11 of her shots from the field in that game. While the stakes weren’t the same, this game was just as competitive.

“We had a bad taste in our mouth how it ended,” Brown said. “That’s in the back of our minds this whole season. It feels great.

Leading 66-65 in OT, Emily Kiser made two free throws and Brown added a jumper that gave the Wolverines (11-1) a five-point lead with 1:23 left.

Baylor (9-2) got within 70-68 and after a turnover had a chance to tie it, but Smith missed a drive down the lane with 15 seconds left. Maddie Nolan converted two free throws with 11.7 seconds left to seal the win.

Smith had 21 points and 14 rebounds for Baylor.

With the game tied at 59, Baylor had a chance to win it at the end of regulation. After Michigan star Naz Hillmon fouled out with 22.2 seconds left, the Bears missed a drive by Jordan Lewis. After the ball went out of bounds off a Michigan player, Smith missed a turnaround jumper on the baseline.

“No mystery. Not going to…

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No. 6 Louisville Takes Down No. 7 UConn At The Mohegan Sun

Louisville ended a 30-game winning streak at the Mohegan Sun for UConn today, coming away with a 69-64 win. This marks the first time a Jeff Walz Louisville team has beaten UConn in Connecticut.

The Huskies were on a roll in the first half outscoring No. 6 Louisville in the paint 16-6 and capitalizing on 9 Cardinal turnovers. Louisville was struggling to find their footing on both ends of the court after Emily Engstler picked up two fouls in the first three minutes of the game. In fact, Louisville never led in the first half and saw their largest deficit of the season. The Cards saw the momentum shift with two back-to-back three pointers from Ahlana Smith and Kianna Smith just before the halftime break and cut the UConn lead to just three points.

Louisville was a different team coming out in the third quarter. Kianna Smith scored 11 points in the third and Emily Engstler made her return coming up with big aggressive plays on defense. Shots started falling for the Cards in the second half as Hailey Van Lith dropped 10 points and Engstler scored all 9 of her points in the last ten minutes. Despite giving No. 7 UConn way too many second chance points and being outscored in the paint by a large margin (38-12), Louisville was able to hold off a strong defensive team for their 10th straight win.

Hailey Van Lith and Kianna Smith led the team in scoring with 16 points each. Emily Engstler led in rebounding with 6 and Ahlana Smith led in steals with 2 on the night. As a team, the Cards were shooting 43.1% and found a strong 21 fastbreak points.

Louisville will take a break for the…

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Tame Impala announces 2022 concert at Mohegan Sun Arena

UNCASVILLE, CT (December 7, 2021) – Tame Impala (Kevin Parker) will hit the road for a run of headline arena dates that include his first appearance at Mohegan Sun Arena at 8:00pm on Saturday, March 12, 2022.

Tickets are $80.50, $70.50, $60.50, and $50.50 and go on sale Friday, December 10th at 10:00am via Tickets will also be available at the Mohegan Sun Box Office beginning Saturday, December 11th, subject to availability.

Tame Impala’s latest album, The Slow Rush, released in 2020, has amassed more than 1.5 billion streams worldwide. The album landed as No. 1 in multiple territories and is his highest charting album to date in both the U.S. and U.K. with 14 top 10 chart positions around the world. The album serves as a deep reflection on the passage of time. “The Slow Rush is an extraordinarily detailed opus,” said Pitchfork. “I have to marvel that all this sound and history comes from Parker alone, picking every string and twisting every knob.”

Tame Impala: Tiny Desk (Home) Concert

In addition to its chart success, Parker won a haul of ARIA Awards, taking home Album of the Year, Best Group, Best Rock Album, Engineer of the Year and Producer of the Year. Parker was nominated for two Grammy Awards in 2021 for Best Alternative Album and Best Rock Song for the single Lost In Yesterday. This marked his third nomination in the Alternative category, having previously been nominated for Currents and LonerismThe Slow Rush was also nominated for two Billboard Music Awards and an American Music Award (AMA).

Parker has emerged as one of the most influential voices of the last decade. Thanks to the ravenous demand of fans for a transcendent live performance, Tame Impala has headlined festivals and theatres around the world and released four full length albums – InnerSpeaker, Lonerism, the RIAA Platinum-Certified Currents and The Slow Rush. As a writer…

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