
Keith Urban Returning to Mohegan Sun Arena for “The Speed of Now World Tour”

UNCASVILLE, CT (December 1, 2021) – Four-time Grammy Award winner Keith Urban will kick off his first world tour in four years next summer. The Speed of Now World Tour’s newly announced North American leg will feature three-time Grammy nominee Ingrid Andress, and makes a stop at Mohegan Sun Arena at 7:00pm on Friday, October 21, 2022. 

Tickets are $129.50, $99.50, and $79.50 and go on sale Friday, December 10th at 10:00am via Tickets will also be available at the Mohegan Sun Box Office beginning Saturday, December 11th, subject to availability.

“Every night is the first time we’ve played these songs for that audience, in that moment,” says Urban.  “It’s why every show is different – spontaneous and unpredictable – even for us!”  He adds, “After two years we’re finally gonna get the chance to play some of the new songs we haven’t done live before.  We’ll throw in a bunch of the songs that everyone comes to hear, a couple of which we’ll rework a bit, and it’s really gonna be tough to get us off the stage.”

Keith Urban - The Fighter ft. Carrie Underwood (Official Music Video)

Critics from around the globe have hailed Urban’s concerts as ones “not to be missed,” as unpredictable as they are explosive.  Combine his infectious showmanship, virtuoso guitar playing, effortless spontaneity with a fist-pumping, arena-ready arsenal of hits and The Speed of Now World Tour promises to be one of the concert events of the summer.

“I’ve always considered myself a live performer first,” says Urban. “It’s what I’ve always done and it’s what my music needs to live and breathe.  Our shows are all about living in the moment.  They’re a totally interactive and immersive experience where everyone can participate in whatever way they want – sing,…

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Connecticut’s Online Casinos Made $8.9M In Their First Partial Month


Even accounting for the smaller population, Connecticut‘s online casino revenue is off to a slow start compared to other iGaming states. Yesterday, the Nutmeg State released its revenue figures for October and its two online gambling operators generated a bit less than $8.9 million in gross gaming revenue (GGR). After promotional deductions, the total is $6.6 million in taxable revenue.

Those figures account for Connecticut online casino revenue gathered during the soft launch, from Oct. 12 to 18, as well as that from the full launch on Oct. 19 through the end of the month.

On that latter date, Connecticut’s two tribal retail casino-licensed operators – DraftKings and FanDuel – launched online casino and sports betting. Also on Oct. 19, the Connecticut Lottery Corporation (CLC) launched PlaySugarHouse Sportsbook – a Rush Street Interactive (RSI) brand. The soft launch period’s contribution to total revenue was probably quite small, as operators had a strict cap on the number of signups during that time.

Michigan’s launch earlier this year is comparable because it also came late in the month, on Jan. 22.

Although Connecticut is home to just 3.6 million residents compared to Michigan’s 10 million, the Wolverine State‘s January 2021 GGR was proportionally much higher – at $29.4 million. Adjusting for both population and days of activity, Connecticut averaged $206,000 per million residents per day (ignoring the soft launch period). Michigan, on the other hand, averaged $326,000.

That came from the nine online casino operators who were live in the state on day one. Since then, Michigan’s has added five more operators and is on course for over $1 billion in iGaming GGR in its first year.

Two-brand limit may make for a smaller market

Connecticut has a limit…

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17th Annual Toys for Tots fundraiser at Mohegan Sun Arena

[]17th Annual Toys for Tots fundraiser at Mohegan Sun Arena | WOLFPlease ensure Javascript is enabled for purposes ofwebsite accessibility” } ], “datePublished”: “2021-12-02T23:00:16+00:00”, “dateModified”: “2021-12-02T23:26:50.000-05:00”, “author”: { “@type”: “Person”, “name”: “Claudia Murtha” }, “publisher”: { “@type”: “Organization”, “name”: “WOLF”, “logo”: { “@type”: “ImageObject”, “url”: “https:/resources/assets/wolf/images/logos/wolf_email.png” } }, “description”: “Toys for Tots started in 1947 in Los Angeles by a Marine and his wife. By 1948 their efforts became a national program and now 74 years later the Marine Corps are still collecting and distributing toys to children in need. Hosting many collection drives like the one at the Mohegan Sun Arena today. Every year The Mohegan Sun Arena opens its doors to the community. “Why are you here today,” FOX56’s Claudia Murtha asked. “To ice skate,”Wyatt Dedonato said.” } ]]>

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Connecticut lauds early performance of online betting and gaming

Connecticut lauds early performance of online betting and gaming – Gaming Intelligence -1;} if ( __gaTrackerIsOptedOut() ) {window[disableStr] = true;} function __gaTrackerOptout() {document.cookie = disableStr + ‘=true; expires=Thu, 31 Dec 2099 23:59:59 UTC; path=/’;window[disableStr] = true;}if ( ‘undefined’ === typeof gaOptout ) {function gaOptout() {__gaTrackerOptout();}}if ( em_track_user ) {(function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i[‘GoogleAnalyticsObject’]=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,’script’,’//’,’__gaTracker’); __gaTracker(‘create’, ‘UA-18156171-1’, ‘auto’);__gaTracker(‘set’, ‘forceSSL’, true);__gaTracker(‘require’, ‘displayfeatures’);__gaTracker(‘send’,’pageview’);} else {console.log( “” );(function() { var noopfn = function() {return null;};var noopnullfn = function() {return null;};var Tracker = function() {return null;};var p = Tracker.prototype;p.get = noopfn;p.set = noopfn;p.send = noopfn;var __gaTracker = function() {var len = arguments.length;if ( len === 0 ) {return;}var f = arguments[len-1];if ( typeof f !== ‘object’ || f === null || typeof f.hitCallback !== ‘function’ ) {console.log( ‘Not running function __gaTracker(‘ + arguments[0] + ” ….) because you are not being tracked. ” + em_no_track_reason );return;}try {f.hitCallback();} catch (ex) {}};__gaTracker.create = function() {return new Tracker();};__gaTracker.getByName = noopnullfn;__gaTracker.getAll = function() {return [];};__gaTracker.remove = noopfn;window[‘__gaTracker’] = __gaTracker;})();}]]> [] This site uses cookies to improve your user experience.


Gaming Intelligence Services Ltd Evolution Evolution Evolution High 5 Games 3rd December 2021 10:41 am GMT Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont Playtech []Connecticut’s nascent online sports betting and iGaming markets generated a combined $312.86m in wagers in October, the first month of regulated operations under revised tribal-state gaming compacts.

[]Mohegan Digital and partner FanDuel were the leading online sports betting operator in October with handle of $27.08m, followed by…

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Connecticut’s first two weeks of sports betting and iGaming bring $1.7M to the state

Connecticut’s Governor Ned Lamont announced Wednesday that expanded gamlbing in the state, which began in mid-October with sports betting and online casino games, has generated $1.7 million in revenue. 

The reported amounts up to October 31, limited to less than a month. Online casino gambling brought in $1.2 million and sports betting raised about $513,000. The money will be deposited into the state’s general fund. 

Lamont reflected on these numbers and called them a “great start” and said he is “looking forward to years of success”. He also stated that it is expected that gambling revenue will generate $100 million a year for the state over the next four or five years. 

Rodney Butler, tribal chairman of the Mashantucket Pequots, who own and operate Foxwoods Resort Casino, said he was encouraged by the early results “showing a clear enthusiasm and interest in online sports betting and gaming in Connecticut”. 

“The engagement sets a promising benchmark and we expect the momentum to only build as more consumers get in on the action and the NFL season peaks over the coming months”, he added. 

Slot machine revenue at the two casinos, Mohegan Sun and Foxwoods, dwarfed what sports gambling and expanded online games raised. Foxwoods posted $317 million in slot revenue in October and Mohegan Sun saw $44.3 million for the month. 

In both casinos, slot revenue rebounded more than 20% from October 2020, when they operated at reduced capacity due to COVID. 

The payment due the state is 13.75% of gross gaming revenue for sports betting and 18% for online casino gaming until 2026 when it will increase to 20%. 

Retail sports wagering through the Connecticut Lottery began on October 25, though a so-called soft launch with limited online gambling and sports betting began earlier that month.

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CCM to hold first in-person convention in two years at Mohegan Sun starting Tuesday

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La Salle vs. Villanova: Live Stream, TV Channel, Start Time

La Salle vs. Villanova: Live Stream, TV Channel, Start Time | 11/28/2021 – How to Watch and Stream Major League & College Sports – Sports Illustrated. []’);]]>‘);]]>‘);]]>‘);]]>‘);]]>‘);]]>“)}]]>currentRect.right){str+=”sl”}}else{if(previousRect.leftcurrentRect.left){str+=”htsl”}}if(previousRect.height!==currentRect.height){if(previousRect.heightcurrentRect.bottom){str+=”su”}}else{if({str+=”vtsu”}}return str};var fmtTransformString=function fmtTransformString(src){var unknownSrc={width:”unknown”,height:”unknown”,left:”unknown”,right:”unknown”,top:”unknown”,bottom:”unknown”};var pr=src.previousRect||unknownSrc;var cr=src.currentRect||unknownSrc;return”width:”.concat(pr.width,”->”).concat(cr.width,”,height:”).concat(pr.height,”->”).concat(cr.height,”,left:”).concat(pr.left,”->”).concat(cr.left,”,right:”).concat(pr.right,”->”).concat(cr.right,”,top:”).concat(,”->”).concat(,”,bottom:”).concat(pr.bottom,”->”).concat(cr.bottom)};var getNodeStringAndTransformString=function getNodeStringAndTransformString(nsList,sources,tsSummaryList){var str=””;for(var i=0;iContinue reading


South Korea set to build largest tourism resort in Northeast Asia

Incheon Free Trade Zone’s image of the future resort complex

A project to create the biggest tourist resort in northeast Asia has taken a step forward after its developers secured $1.5bn in funding.

The Inspire Integrated Resort is to be built in the Incheon Free Economic Zone near the city’s international airport. The first phase will include a five-star hotel with more than 1,000 rooms, a 15,000-capacity concert hall, an indoor waterpark, shopping mall and casino.

The financing success was announced today by the Free Economic Zone. If all goes to plan, Inspire will open in 2023, when it is hoped the Covid-19 pandemic will have subsided and international travel resumed.

The project is being developed by a consortium made up of Connecticut-based Mohegan Tribal Gaming Authority (MGTA), Korean industrial company KCC and UK investor Miura Holdings, in cooperation with Incheon International Airport.

Mohegan agreed the project with the Incheon International Airport Corporation back in June 2015. It said at the time that the resort would “create an epicentre for Korea’s growing entertainment, tourism and hospitality industry”.

Mohegan’s early concept design for the resort

Incheon airport commented that the resort would cement its position as not only “the best airport in the world but also as a top leisure destination in Asia”.

It said: “We look forward to benefiting from MTGA’s expertise and collaborating with our existing partners and 40,000 employees to execute on this vision and deliver exceptional experiences for our guests.”

Incheon plans to develop three resort complexes in the economic zone – Inspire, Paradise City and RFKR.

Paradise City opened in April 2017, but the development of the remaining projects has been delayed by the…

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Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment (MGE) Successfully Completes Financing for INSPIRE Integrated Resort in Korea; Targets 2023 Opening

“We have a proven track record in developing and operating leading integrated entertainment resorts in North America with our successes in Connecticut, Las Vegas and Niagara Falls, and we look forward to taking this success abroad as the first American IR launched in Korea,” said James Gessner Jr., Chairman of The Mohegan Tribe and MGE Management Board.

INSPIRE Integrated Resort Co., Ltd. (INSPIRE), MGE’s wholly-owned Korean subsidiary, now has in place the funding needed for the completion of construction of the project, which includes a total of $575 million in equity combining MGE’s $300 million investment and the $275 million raised through global private equity firms, Bain Capital and MBK Partners, and 1.04 trillion Korean won project finance loan (approximately $890 million U.S. dollar equivalent) raised through a three-bank Korean consortium including KB Securities, NH Investment & Securities and Hana Financial Investment, with the participation of Korean financial institutions and with Kookmin Bank Co., Ltd. as facility agent to the loan. Hanwha Engineering & Construction Corp. is the General Contractor for the project, which has provided a completion guarantee as well as a subordinated investment to the project in the amount of 100 billion Korean won (approximately $85.5 million U.S. dollar equivalent). Hanwha Hotel and Resort Co., Ltd. is also participating as a strategic partner of the project and as the hotel operator.

“We anticipate a significant rebound in the tourism and leisure industry following the pandemic, and we look forward to contributing to the Korean economy while at the same time opening and operating a successful, state-of-the-art resort. I’m thrilled to see our international vision for IR development reach this important milestone,” said Bobby Soper, International President for MGE.

The development of the INSPIRE Entertainment Resort is underway within the IBC-III region of the Incheon International Airport, Yeongjong District, Incheon…

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Hawaii Fighter News: Fight Schedule for December 2021

Find out who will scrap this month! Check out the lists of Hawaiian fighters or fighters from Hawaii schedules.Subscribe at Xclusive MMA for weekly MMA and Boxing News!

Honolulu, United States – November 26, 2021 —

1. Kai Kamaka vs John de Jesus on December 3 at Bellator 272: Pettis vs. Horiguchi.


Kai Kamaka III, 26 years old (8-4-1), a local of Pearl City, Hawaii, will be making his return to the Octagon but not with the UFC. Following his two consecutive controversial losses and a Draw, Kamaka’s manager Brian Butler (SuckerPunchEnt) managed to find him a new home and Kai Kamaka III will be returning to Bellator at Mohegan Sun Arena cage coming December 3.

Kai Kamaka III had 1 win and two losses with the UFC. Kai Kamaka III will be fighting John de Jesus at Bellator 272

John de Jesus, a 31-year-old fighter from Florida, has 14 wins and nine losses. De Jesus defeated John Texeira in June via a split decision.

John de Jesus is looking forward to getting his third win in Bellator

Kai Kamaka III vs John de Jesus

2. Rodney Kealohi vs Clayton Carpenter on December 3 at LFA 119 in Phoenix, Arizona

Rodney, “the Captain” Kealohi, is a 26 years old flyweight from Hawaii. He is representing Alberquerque, New Mexico, and trains at JacksonWink MMA.

The captain has a fight record of 5 wins and two losses. He looks forward to bounce back on his Loss

Rodney took his second Loss in May against a tough American Kickboxing Academy prospect – Mark Climaco. Climaco’s ground game was very efficient that Kealohi has no answer for.

Kealohi made his LFA DEBUT in…

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