
Red Sox Take 2-1 Lead In ALCS // Eduardo Rodriguez And Alex Cora Exchange // Alex Verdugo’s Key Walk

[] Red Sox Take 2-1 Lead In ALCS // Eduardo Rodriguez And Alex Cora Exchange // Alex Verdugo’s Key Walk – 10/19 (Hour 1)

Northeastern Hockey:: Tonight @ 7:00pm on 98.5 HD2 and Streaming Here

(0:00) Zolak & Bertrand start the show by reacting to the Red Sox taking a 2-1 lead over the Astros in the ALCS.
(10:41) We go back and forth on the exchange between Eduardo Rodriguez and Alex Cora, after Rodriguez taunted Carlos Correa walking off the mound.
(24:49) The guys discuss Tyler taking his girlfriend to see Harry Styles at Mohegan Sun, as calls come in on the Red Sox taking Game 3 over the Astros.
(32:41) We touch on the Alex Verdugo walk that set the tone for the Red Sox offensive explosion and the FS1 post-game show that followed the game.

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5 Things Connecticut Bettors Need to Know about the Oct 19 Sports Betting Launch

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The 5 Most Popular Sports Teams for Connecticut Fans to Start Betting on

The 5 Most Popular Sports Teams for Connecticut Fans to Start Betting on

© USA Today

Legal Connecticut sports betting sites just went live on Tuesday Oct. 19, following a seven-day soft launch, that started on Tuesday.

Foxwoods Resort Casino and Mohegan Sun opened their retail sportsbooks on Sept. 30 without any issues and the online sports betting soft launch started off smoothly, according to a state spokesperson.

With that being the case, you’ll soon be able to bet on your favorite teams and more at DraftKings Sportsbook, the Moheagan Sun partners and with FanDuel Sportsbook, the Foxwood partner and SugarHouse Sportsbook, the partner of the state lottery.

Bet on Your Favorites Right Here:


FanDuel Sports

Risk Free Bet up to $1,000
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Must be 21+ to participate. T&Cs apply.

One thing to note is that there are rules regarding college sports. You can bet on college teams, but not those based in Connecticut. Therefore, you won’t be able to bet on the UConn Huskies or Sacred Heart’s ice hockey team, for example. The only exception is if those teams are in bracketed tournaments, including the NCAA basketball tournament. So when March Madness arrives, take the Huskies if you want.

With that said, here are five teams on which Connecticut bettors could be interested in placing some wagers.

New England Patriots

It’s not always cool to root for the Patriots. However, they’re part of the New England collective. After winning their last Super Bowl in 2019, the Patriots have rebuilt and are now led by rookie quarterback Mac Jones. With Connecticut online sports betting set to go live before…

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Online Gambling Starts Today

Smartphone and computer online casino and gambling conceptSmartphone and computer online casino and gambling conceptOnline casino and gambling concept, mobile phone with a roulette play field on a laptop keyboard closeup, 3d illustration. Credit: cybrain / Shutterstock

Starting at 6 a.m. today residents across the state will have a casino in their pockets. That’s because residents will have access to three different online gambling platforms, two operated by the tribes and one by the Connecticut Lottery. 

The Connecticut Lottery Corporation in partnership with Rush Street Interactive will begin taking bets via, the Mohegan Tribal Nation will take bets via FanDuel and the Mashantucket Pequots will be taking bets via DraftKings. 

More than 130 games have been approved by the Department of Consumer Protection for both the FanDuel and DraftKings apps.

Department of Consumer Protection Commissioner Michelle Seagull said that anyone over the age of 21 can set up an account with any or all of the three vendors and start placing their bets. 

“We want to make sure that people underage are not allowed to set up accounts,” Seagull said. 

Seagull said they didn’t have any problems during the seven-day soft launch of online sports betting and there have been a few people who signed up for the self-exclusion list – these are individuals who don’t want to be marketed to, most often because they know they have a gambling addiction.

Seagull said she doesn’t have an exact number of people who excluded themselves, but making sure the vendors don’t allow anyone under the age of 21 to set up an account, and that they do respect those who have excluded themselves, are some of the things her agency will be…

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Connecticut commences full online sports betting and igaming launch


Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont has officially authorised the full launch of online sports betting and igaming within the region, which began at 6am, local time, today.

This has permitted the Connecticut Lottery Corporation, Mohegan Tribe and the Mashantucket Pequot Tribe to commence with sports wagering, with each tribe also able to facilitate the offer of online casino.

The trifecta are the only permitted entrants to the state’s online sports betting ecosystem, with the CLC, Mohegan, and Mashantucket tribes, teaming-up with Rush Street Interactive, FanDuel, and DraftKings, respectively.

The statewide launch of sports betting and igaming follows the completion of a successful seven-day soft launch that began on October 12, 2021.

“This is an exciting moment for our state and our tribal partners,” Lamont said. “Connecticut has proven to be a leader when it comes to the gaming economy going back decades, and that legacy will continue with the launch of these new online options for all eligible residents. 

“I am very proud to say that I placed the first legal, in-person sports wager in our state’s history just two weeks ago, and I encourage those who want to participate in placing wagers to do so, responsibly. 

“I extend my gratitude to the staff at the Department of Consumer Protection for their efforts over the last several months to make this possible, particularly since this is one of the fastest state implementations of online gaming and sports wagering of any state in the nation.”

RSI has gone live in the region via its PlaySugarHouse brand, with the official sportsbook of the CLC to be available 24 hours a day, seven…

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Connecticut online sports betting set to fully begin Tuesday

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Led by Bueckers, Fudd, UConn women sweep Big East preseason awards

NEW YORK — Paige Bueckers’ historic freshman season with the UConn women’s basketball team wasn’t forgotten by the Big East coaches today.

Bueckers, the reigning national and Big East Player of the Year, was the unanimous choice as the league’s top performer in voting by the coaches announced at Big East Media Day at Madison Square Garden.

Big East preseason honors


Paige Bueckers (UConn)


Azzi Fudd (UConn)


Leilani Correa (St. John’s); Aaliyah Edwards (UConn); Lexi Held (DePaul); Andra Espinoza-Hunter (Seton Hall); Lauren Park-Lane (Seton Hall); Sonya Morris (DePaul); Olivia Nelson-Ododa (UConn); Maddy Siegrist (Villanova); Lauren Van Kleunen (Marquette); Christyn Williams (UConn).

Notes: Coaches cannot vote for their own players; Bueckers was a unanimous selection for preseason Player of the Year; Fudd was a unanimous selection for preseason Freshman of the Year; Correa, Park-Lane, Morris, Siegrist, and Williams were unanimous selections for the preseason all-league team; Bueckers, as Player of the Year, is not included on the all-league team.

Big East preseason poll

Preseason poll    Points

1. UConn (10)    100

2. DePaul (1)    90

3. Seton Hall     80

4. Marquette     74

5. Villanova      62

6. Creighton     54

7. St. John’s     51

8. Providence    32

9. Georgetown   27

10. Xavier         18

11. Butler         17

UConn guard Azzi Fudd was the unanimous choice as preseason Freshman of the Year. The Huskies were the unanimous pick to repeat as Big East regular season champion after a perfect run through the league in their first season back after seven years in the American Athletic Conference.

Named to the 10-player preseason all-league team were Huskies’ seniors Christyn Williams and Olivia Nelson-Ododa and sophomore Aaliyah Edwards. As the Player of the Year selection, Bueckers was…

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Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment and FanDuel Group Launch Mobile Sports Betting and Casino Platforms in Connecticut

Mohegan Sun Casino and FanDuel Sportsbook are Now Available in Connecticut

Published: Oct. 19, 2021 at 9:03 AM CDT|Updated: 5 hours ago

UNCASVILLE, Conn., Oct. 19, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Today, Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment (MGE) and FanDuel Group, the premier online gaming company in the United States, launched a fully integrated, real money online gaming experience for residents and visitors to the state of Connecticut. Starting today,, the Mohegan Sun Casino app and FanDuel Sportsbook app, are now available in the state of Connecticut on iOS and Android.

Launching today in Connecticut, MGE in partnership with FanDuel, will launch a standalone Mohegan Sun Casino app for iOS and Android. New online Mohegan Sun Casino players can play their first day risk-free up to $1,000. The new Mohegan Sun Casino experience will include a number of key features including:

  • A robust offering packed with incredible slots and table games including a multitude of recognizable slots that you might find at Mohegan Sun’s massive gaming floor as well as blackjack, roulette and video poker.
  • The ability to securely and quickly cash out winnings, with the same level of guest service, convenience, safety and security that customers have come to expect from FanDuel and Mohegan Sun.
  • The opportunity for new customers to receive 100% back on their net Casino losses incurred in their first 24 hours of play, up to $1,000! Site credit will be automatically applied to new users accounts within 72 hours of the end of the bonus period.
  • Numerous account protections will be available to players, reflecting the strong shared commitment to responsible gaming by Mohegan Sun and FanDuel.

In addition to the standalone app, a version of the Mohegan…

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Retail Sports Betting to Begin at Connecticut Casinos on Sept. 30

Online sports betting and internet gambling in the Nutmeg State will still have to wait until early October, pending certain regulatory approvals.

Posted: Sep 29, 2021 6:36 PM ET Updated: Sep 29, 2021 6:36 PM ET Read Time: 2 min

Retail sports betting will begin in Connecticut on Thursday — as long as gamblers drive out to a casino to make their wagers. 

The Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation and partner DraftKings Inc. announced on Wednesday that starting on September 30, players will be able to place bets at a temporary sportsbook and kiosks at Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, CT.

A permanent sportsbook is “currently in the final stages of construction,” a press release said. 

Likewise, the Mohegan Tribe and partner FanDuel Group are launching retail sports betting on Thursday at the Mohegan Sun in Uncasville, CT. Wagers will be able to be placed at four live betting windows or via 50 self-service terminals at the casino.

Online sports betting and internet gambling in the Nutmeg State will still have to wait until early October, pending regulatory approval, the DraftKings-related release noted.

The Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection has been tasked with overseeing that licensing and review process for sports betting, and approved the licenses needed for on-reservation wagering to begin at both casinos on Thursday. 

“We are still working to finalize the details for the soft launch of statewide retail and online sports betting, and have not yet set a date for that,” DCP spokesperson Kaitlyn Krasselt said in an email. 

However, the Mashantucket Pequot and Boston-based DraftKings aren’t wasting any time with their retail launch in Connecticut. Notice of the U.S. Department of the Interior’s approval of an agreement between the tribe and the state to amend gambling-related…

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Regional Manufacturing Day event rescheduled to May 2022

WILKES-BARRE — Eric Joseph Esoda, president and CEO at the Northeastern Pennsylvania Industrial Resource Center (NEPIRC), has announced that its Manufacturing Day 2021 Best Practices Summit & Expo, scheduled for Friday, Oct. 1, at the Mohegan Sun Pocono Convention Center, has been rescheduled to May 6, 2022.

Esoda noted that the decision to reschedule was made out of concern over rising coronavirus case numbers in the region and the need to keep the region’s manufacturing workforce, which constitutes the majority of attendees, healthy and safe.

“The decision to postpone was not made lightly,” noted Esoda. “While individual employer locations provide levels of protection, sanitation, traceability and overall safety relative to COVID-19, large-scale public gatherings lose some of those safeguards. Given the large turnout expected at our event, our Board of Directors and leadership team believed the best course of action was to hold Manufacturing Day in the spring rather than next month, with hopes that COVID-19 will be less concerning then.”

Billed as the largest manufacturing expo, best practice conference and networking event in northeastern and the northern tier of Pennsylvania, NEPIRC, according to Esoda, was expecting more than 60 exhibitors, some 400 attendees and numerous industry experts to participate in the day-long event in addition to dozens of high school students who were to participate in a career awareness tract.

“Our advanced bookings and sponsorships were well ahead of expectations for this year’s event,” Esoda added. “However, our concern for the health and safety of staff, exhibitors, speakers and attendees were too important for us to overlook. Our decision to reschedule was a prudent one from a human relations perspective.”

The May 2022 event will also take place at Mohegan…

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