
Mohegan Sun wins “Best Casino Hotel” in USA Today awards

In the 10Best Readers’ Choice Awards, the Connecticut tribal property also got the “Best Casino Outside of Las Vegas” and “Best Player’s Club” awards after being chosen by a panel of experts including editors from USA Today and

Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment announced Thursday its Connecticut property, the Mohegan Sun, was voted “Best Casino Hotel” in the USA Today 10Best Readers’ Choice Awards for the fourth consecutive time. 

The land-based casino received the number one spot in the category, along with top rankings in “Best Casino Outside of Las Vegas”, and “Best Player’s Club” for its Momentum Rewards Program. 

Nominees for the USA Today 10Best Readers’ Choice Awards were chosen by a panel of experts that included editors from both USA Today and, as well as expert contributors. This year’s nominees included well-known casinos and resorts in the U.S., which were subject to vote during a four-week period.

Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment was also recognized as part of Forbes’ annual list of America’s Best-In-State Employers 2021. Forbes and Statista based their choice on an independent survey of approximately 80,000 U.S. employees working for companies employing at least 500 people in their U.S. operations. The surveys were administered using a series of online panels and provide a representative sample of the U.S. workforce.

In an official press release, Jeff Hamilton, President/General Manager of Mohegan Sun, spoke about this recognition and said: “It’s a tremendous honor to be named ‘Best Casino Hotel’ for the fourth year in a row by the USA Today 10Best Readers’ Choice Awards. At Mohegan Sun, we take pride in offering guests world-class levels of service while being home to an incredibly vast range of unique amenities and experiences, all under one roof. We feel these awards are a testament to…

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In West Haven, Democratic win is affirmed by recount but the Republican candidate has not conceded

Nancy Rossi, the Democratic mayor of West Haven, was affirmed the winner of last week’s election following a recount, but her Republican opponent is not ready to concede.

“My campaign has concerns about the absentee ballot process,” said Barry Lee Cohen, the GOP nominee. “There have been many irregularities that have been identified and, in light of the ongoing scandals… we are looking at all the options.”

The recount put 4,275 votes in Rossi’s column. Cohen received 4,234 votes, 29 fewer than Rossi.

Nancy DiNardo, chairwoman of the Democratic Party in Connecticut, said she is not surprised that Rossi was reelected. “The numbers were solid on Election Night, and yesterday’s recount confirmed them,’’ DiNardo said.

“What’s troubling is that her opponent would think the response to an election he lost isn’t to graciously concede, but to ask that his opponent resign. There’s a term for that: sore loser,” DiNardo said.

The recount shifted three votes in Rossi’s favor, putting her up by a total of 32 votes, according to the voter registrar’s office.

Ben Proto, chairman of the Connecticut Republican party, said there were “a number of irregularities” involving the absentee ballots.

West Haven has been at the center of a federal inquiry into the use of COVID-19 relief funds. Former State Rep. Michael DiMassa and his business partner, John Bernardo, a West Haven city employee, have both been arrested.

Court documents filed in the case said they created a consulting company in January that has been used since to steal more than $600,000 by billing the city for nonexistent pandemic consulting services. DiMassa is accused of spending tens of thousands of dollars of the money gambling at the Mohegan Sun casino.

Cohen said earlier in the weekend that Rossi should resign if she wins. He contends she bears responsibility for alleged improprieties in how the COVID-19 relief funds…

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Mohegan Officially withdraws from Hellinikon Casino Project in Athens

Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment (MGE), an American master developer and operator of premier global integrated entertainment resorts, announced on Friday that it has withdrawn from plans for the creation of a casino in Greece, slated for the former airport location at Hellinikon in southern Athens, Greece.

“MGE has conducted a comprehensive review of its operations and future commitments against the new backdrop created by the Covid-19 global pandemic and concluded that we would not continue to pursue the concession rights for the Athens project,” it noted.

The Hellenic Gaming Commission selected Mohegan and its GEK Terna Holding Real Estate Construction partner to construct the resort in southern Athens. Mohegan added that in September all of its equity ownership in the Athens project had been transferred to GEK Terna, which was previously the minority owner in the venture.

RELATED TOPICS: GreeceGreek tourism newsTourism in GreeceGreek islandsHotels in GreeceTravel to GreeceGreek destinationsGreek travel marketGreek tourism statisticsGreek tourism report

Photo Source: Wikimedia Commons License: CC-BY-SA Copyright: Konstantin von Wedelstaedt

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Mohegan Backs Out of $9.3bn Greek Casino Project Plans

Inspire Athens plans

Tribal operator Mohegan Gaming and Entertainment has pulled the plug on plans for its Inspire Athens project (pictured above) in Greece, deciding to focus on the Asian market instead. [Image:]

A change of heart

US casino giant Mohegan Gaming and Entertainment has officially withdrawn its plans to develop and operate a casino in Greece. Instead, the company intends to increase its focus on the Asian market.

the new backdrop created by the COVID-19 global pandemic”

The company announced that it had backed out of the plans on Friday last week. It cited “the new backdrop created by the COVID-19 global pandemic” as a reason for the withdrawal. The business also said that it intends to focus on its $1.6bn Inspire Korea project in Seoul, which it expects to open in Q2 2023.

Early last year, the Hellenic Gaming Commission (HGC) selected Mohegan to develop the Hellinikon casino project in Athens. Mohegan agreed to pay €150m ($173.5m) in casino licensing fees to secure rights to the Inspire Athens project, with plans for a gaming area, a 120,000 square-meter hotel, entertainment venues, retail shops, and dining amenities.

Back to the drawing board

When the application process began for the planned €8bn ($9.3bn) casino resort in Greece, four operators expressed their interest. This included Mohegan, Hard Rock International, Caesars Entertainment, and the Genting Group. By the end of the bidding period, only Mohegan and Hard Rock remained.

Now that Mohegan has pulled the plug on its Greek plans, the door may have opened for Hard Rock once more. However, the company took issue with the HGC after it awarded the 30-year license to its only rival bidder last year. Hard Rock ultimately pursued legal action, pointing…

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Norwalk Historical Society Virtual Lecture: Food Sovereignty in Native America- Virtual Lecture

‘); }); $(“.thumbnail-hh”).colorbox({ rel:’thumbnail-hh’, maxWidth:”85%”, maxHeight:”85%”, slideshowAuto: false, slideshow:true}); } }); }(jQuery)); } ]]>

In honor of Native American Heritage Month and in connection with the Norwalk Historical Society’s new exhibition, “Norwalk’s Changing Communities 13,000 BC – 1835”, the Society is hosting the virtual lecture, “Food Sovereignty in Native America- Virtual Lecture”, with guest presenter Rachel Sayet (Mohegan Tribe) on Thursday, November 18, 2021 at 6:00pm (Eastern Standard Time) via Zoom.  

Tickets are $5.00 per household and can be purchased here.

The Zoom link will be included at the bottom of your confirmation email.  It will also be emailed to you 24 hours and 1 hour before the event.

Join Rachel Sayet of the Mohegan Tribe as she discusses her work with the Mohegan Tribe’s Cultural Department where she developed food sovereignty initiatives and continued her community-based research focused on promoting traditional foods. She will also explain her most recent project, the Native Food Discussion Group, created to bring community members into discussion about Native foodways and to record traditional knowledge about seasonal eating, harvesting, growing and fishing practices.

Rachel Beth Sayet or Akitusut (She Who Reads) is a member of the Mohegan nation. Raised with the spirits of her ancestors, she grew up learning traditional stories and teachings and participating in tribal events. Rachel has always been passionate about and proud of her Mohegan heritage and identity as well as an avid studier and learner about other…

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Mohegan Sun: Vet’s Rock

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Connecticut’s recent celebrity gossip and sightings, October 2021

Jailene Cuevas, Andrew DaRosaAbigail Brone, Susie Costaregni, Nicole Funaro

Oct. 27, 2021Updated: Oct. 27, 2021 3:31 p.m.

Kanye West attends the 2020 Vanity Fair Oscar Party at Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts on February 09, 2020 in Beverly Hills, California.1of5

Kanye West attends the 2020 Vanity Fair Oscar Party at Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts on February 09, 2020 in Beverly Hills, California.

Taylor Hill/FilmMagicShow MoreShow Less Film crew at the shooting of the Netflix movie 2of5Buy Photo

Film crew at the shooting of the Netflix movie “Mr. Harrigan’s Phone,” a Stephen King adaptation, in South Norwalk’s Washington Street on Oct. 27, 2021.

Adriana Morga/ Hearst Connecticut MediaShow MoreShow Less 3of5Buy Photo Film crew at the shooting of the Netflix movie 4of5Buy Photo

Film crew at the shooting of the Netflix movie “Mr. Harrigan’s Phone,” a Stephen King adaptation, in South Norwalk’s Washington Street on Oct. 27, 2021.

Adriana Morga/ Hearst Connecticut MediaShow MoreShow Less 5of5Buy Photo

October did not only bring the fall activities but also the celebrities. Here are some of the Hollywood headlines that hit the state recently.

‘Real Housewives,’ Run DMC, Blake Shelton, Mario Lopez at Mohegan Sun


Run DMC performs performs at Mohegan Sun's 25th anniversary celebration on the weekend of Oct. 22-24. 

Run DMC performs performs at Mohegan Sun’s 25th anniversary celebration on the…

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WTG and ACT Present ALL TOGETHER NOW! Global Event Next Month

The Windham Theatre Guild and Arts at the Capitol Theatre (ACT) announced that they will be joining over 2,500 theatrical organizations from all 50 states and over 40 countries in producing their own local production of Music Theatre International’s All Together Now!: A Global Event Celebrating Local Theatre. Theatrical licensor Music Theatre International (MTI) created this revue for theatres across the globe to use as a local fundraising event performed over the same weekend of November 12, 2021.

All Together Now! features songs from MTI’s beloved catalogue of musicals including American Idiot, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Come From Away, Company, Guys and Dolls, Into the Woods, Les Misérables, Little Women, Oliver, Once on This Island, Ragtime, Sister Act, Songs for a New World, Thoroughly Modern Millie and Waitress.

MTI’s President and CEO, Drew Cohen stated, “MTI’s All Together Now! is about bringing people back to the theatre, whether as audience members or cast, crew and musicians. The revue features songs from the world’s most iconic musicals, so there is definitely something for everyone to enjoy. Our goal with this worldwide event is for organizations to provide hope, inspiration and excitement to their communities through the transformative power of musical theatre.

The WTG and ACT are excited to be collaborating on this unique event to bring a live production, featuring a selection of some of MTI’s best Broadway music, to Windham audiences. The show will feature performers and a creative team comprised of individuals from both organizations.

Tickets are $15 for adults and $8 for students (plus a $1 processing fee for each ticket) and can be purchased by calling 860-423-2245 or visiting

Seating will be on a first come, first served basis and at least one seat will be required between each party.

Per the Town of Windham’s…

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Mohegan-backed Inspire Athens gets concession approval for Hellinikon casino project


he Hellinikon Casino Resort project was approved by the Greek government on Friday. The Inspire Athens consortium, comprising Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment and GEK Terna, was the winning bidder. 

The billion-dollar integrated resort was officially approved by the Hellenic Gaming Commission, and now the company is required to pay $174.8 million to get the project started. The deadline for completion of the Hellinikon project construction has not yet been announced.

Inspire Athens is 100% owned by listed Greek construction group GEK Terna, while the necessary casino operating experience required by the terms of the competition is provided by Mohegan. GEK is required to maintain at least 35% of the share capital of Inspire Athens in-house for at least the next eight years. 

In addition to winning the bid for the gaming licence, the Inspire Athens consortium also holds a €1 billion contract for the construction of an integrated complex casino around two main towers of 200 and 100 meters height, respectively.

The complex will include a luxury, 120,000-square meter hotel of 3,450 beds, a conference and exhibition center of 23,700 sq.m. and a sports and cultural center with a capacity for 10,500 people that could host anything from concerts to soccer games.

The Hellinikon Integrated Resort Project

The Greek IR project started with MGE and Hard Rock as the main contenders against Hard Rock. MGE won in 2019, but Hard Rock appealed the decision. In May 2021, the appeal was rejected and the company was definitely removed from the equation. 

In 2019, pursuant to attracting investors willing to grow the country’s casino market, the Greek government updated its gambling laws, and lowered the licensing fees. 

In March 2021, MGE Chair James…

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