
Bellator 264 loses fight after Kendly St. Louis misses weight by 6.5 pounds

A big weight miss has left Friday’s Bellator 264 event with eight fights.

MMA Fighting confirmed with Mohegan Tribe director of athletic regulation Mike Mazzulli that a lightweight bout between Justin Montalvo and Kendly St. Louis has been cancelled after St. Louis missed weight by 6.5 pounds (including the one-pound allowance for non-title bouts) at Thursday’s official Bellator 264 weigh-ins.

The cancellation was first reported by MMA Junkie.

Montalvo successfully weighed in at 155.75 pounds. It is not yet known whether Montalvo will still receive his show purse with his bout being removed from Friday’s lineup.

This was to be the Bellator debut for both Montalvo and St. Louis. Montalvo sports a 2-0 record in MMA with finishes in both of his pro appearances, while St. Louis (3-4) has lost three of his past four fights.

See the updated Bellator 264 card below (preliminary start time subject to change):

Main Card (Showtime, 9 p.m. ET)

Gegard Mousasi vs. John Salter

Andrey Koreshkov vs. Sabah Homasi

Magomed Magomedov vs. Raufeon Stots

Davion Franklin vs. Everett Cummings

Ty Gwerder vs. Khadzhi Bestaev

Preliminaries (MMA Fighting, 7:15 p.m. ET)

Pam Sorenson vs. Roberta Samad

Jeffrey Glossner vs. Sebastian Ruiz

Orlando Mendoza vs. Jon McNeil

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Connecticut Barber Expo at Mohegan Sun Casino, August 14-16

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‘Mickey’s Search Party’ coming to Mohegan Sun Arena

 			 				 Goofy, Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse and Donald Duck are among the classic characters who are part of the Disney on Ice presentation of `Mickey’s Search Party.’

Goofy, Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse and Donald Duck are among the classic characters who are part of the Disney on Ice presentation of `Mickey’s Search Party.’

Eight shows scheduled Aug. 19-22

On his biography, Jay Christiansen lists surfing, golf and soccer plus three other sports as hobbies.

Hmm … But it doesn’t mention skating as one of his pursuits.

“The short answer is no, I don’t skate,” said Christiansen, who is athletic trainer for the Disney on Ice show that will bring “Mickey’s Search Party” to the Mohegan Sun Arena in Wilkes-Barre Township for eight shows Aug. 19 through Aug. 22.

“I can skate,” he explained during a telephone interview. “But I’m not on the calibre of the athletes I work with.”

The show incorporates all sorts of acrobatic skills and theatrics, along with skating.

In training sessions “at any given moment there could be acrobats tumbling, performers practicing handstands on hoverboards and traditional pairs and single artists skating.”

The premise of “Mickey’s Search Party” is that Captain Hook has kidnapped Tinker Bell with the goal of being able to control magic; the good guys, with some help from the audience, are on a quest to free her.

Along the way, you’ll encounter characters from favorite family films.

Among them, Miguel from “Coco” will cross the Marigold Bridge into mystical Land of the Dead, where skeletons sway on poles over the audience, Elsa from “Frozen” will use a kaleidoscope of crystals to help build her ice palace, “Moana” will set…

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Mohegan “hopeful” of launching Inspire Korea in second quarter of 2023: Bobby Soper

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US tribal gaming operator Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment remains hopeful it can open its US$1.6 billion Inspire Korea integrated resort by the second quarter of 2023 as it continues efforts to resume construction.

An update on development progress was provided by the company’s International President, Bobby Soper, during an interview for Gaming Laboratories International’s Illuminating Conversations series.

As reported by Inside Asian Gaming earlier this week, Mohegan is currently working towards the final piece of financing needed to complete the project with CEO Ray Pineault telling analysts during an investor call that “meaningful strides” have been made.

Soper, the man tasked with working on that deal, said such financing work was progressing well, adding, “My goal is to close that transaction in the very near future, remobilise, get construction going and opening in 2023.”

With Mohegan having earlier this year been granted a six-month extension to its opening deadline for Inspire Korea from late 2022 to the first half of 2023 due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, Soper said the opening would take place, “Hopefully in the second quarter of 2023, or third quarter latest 2023.

“It’s been a rollercoaster, we’ve had our ups and downs, and COVID certainly threw a curve ball,” he explained. “But we’re in the ground, we have significant investment in the ground. We need to finalise some of the final financing and I just spent two and half months in Korea pursuing that. I think we are far along.”

Soper also expressed confidence in Inspire Korea’s long-term prospects, noting that it will not only service the regional gamer via its foreigner-only casino but also offer some much-needed live entertainment options for the local Seoul market.

“It’s a tremendous opportunity,” he said. “It is…

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Bellator 264: Can two-time champ Gegard Mousasi solidify his standing at the top of the mountain?

Mohegan Sun Arena is an ocean away from Gegard Mousasi’s hometown in the Netherlands. But the casino resort venue in Uncasville, Connecticut, has provided him with the comfort of home.

Mousasi made his Bellator debut in the building in 2017, defeating former middleweight champion Alexander Shlemenko. That earned the former UFC contender and Strikeforce and Dream champ a title fight, which he won — not at Mohegan. But Mousasi was back in those familiar surroundings again last October, by then over a year removed from having dropped the Bellator belt. On a crisp New England fall night, Mousasi had a chance to reclaim his championship. He seized the opportunity.

In a fight for the vacant 185-pound title, Mousasi defeated then-welterweight-champ Douglas Lima to become a two-time Bellator champion.

This Friday in Uncasville, in the main event of Bellator 264, Mousasi makes the first title defense of his second reign. He’ll take on a hot John Salter, who is 8-1 in Bellator with all but one of his wins coming by finish.

Over the last 13 months, as the coronavirus pandemic has limited Bellator’s ability to put on its usual traveling show, the company has held 19 fight cards at the venue on the Mohegan Indian Reservation in southeastern Connecticut. The event two weeks ago in Los Angeles, at which A.J. McKee won the Bellator Featherweight World Grand Prix by dethroning Patricio “Pitbull” Freire, was the company’s first card in the United States in over a year that was not at Mohegan Sun, ending a run of 14 shows in a row at the arena. After Friday, Bellator will venture off to stage fights in South Dakota, London, Phoenix, Moscow and Dublin.

But before leaving “home,” Bellator and its middleweight champion have business to take care of. Here are…

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What New London County’s high transmission designation means for mask-wearing at casinos

As of Thursday, the two casinos in eastern Connecticut, Mohegan Sun and Foxwoods Resort Casino, have different stances on masks. While Mohegan Sun is only requiring unvaccinated employees to wear masks, Foxwoods is now requiring all employees to wear masks. However, masks are still optional for vaccinated guests at both casinos.

This is as the CDC lists New London County, where the casinos are, as having a high COVID transmission risk as of Thursday, its highest of four severity categories. Some municipalities in Connecticut, including Norwich, are now requiring people to wear masks in municipal buildings. 

In announcing the high transmission designation, the state Department of Public Health on Aug. 10 said it “strongly recommends that all residents over age 2, whether vaccinated or unvaccinated, return to wearing masks when in indoor public spaces.”

Additionally the DPH noted that “vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals at high risk for complications from COVID-19, including those with compromised immune systems, diabetes, asthma, other lung diseases, pregnancy or obesity, should also avoid large indoor gatherings that may include a mix of vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals.”

On Wednesday, James Gessner Jr., chairman of the Mohegan Tribe, stated that they’re following the advice of the Tribal Health Department and the CDC.

More: People are returning to Conn. casinos, but the offers aren’t what they used to be

“The health and safety of all our members, guests, team members and the surrounding community continues to be our highest priority,” Gessner stated.

According to Mohegan Sun’s Guest and Team Member Safety Guide, reusable masks are available for purchase and disposable ones are available for free by the entrance, where people also have their temperature checked.

The Safety Guide also states that employees are trained on health and safety procedures, and said procedures in the back of house are consistent with the rest of the property.  

For Foxwoods…

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Mohegan Gaming and Entertainment releases hopeful South Korea update

American tribal casino operator Mohegan Gaming and Entertainment has reportedly declared that it is now hopeful of being able to start welcoming guests to its Inspire Entertainment Resort development in South Korea during the second quarter of 2023.

According to a report from Inside Asian Gaming, the enterprise of the United States’ federally-recognized Mohegan Tribe began work on the impressive three-tower casino resort in 2016 with plans to begin opening by the middle of next year. However, the source detailed that this schedule was later scuppered as a result of delays linked to the coronavirus pandemic and the complexities associated with securing adequate sources of funding.

Additional allowance:

Facing the prospect of losing its gambling license for the coming venue altogether and Mohegan Gaming and Entertainment subsequently asked the government of South Korea for a six-month extension to its original deal. The Connecticut-based operator was later reportedly granted this extra time to take the envisioned opening date for the enterprise to no later than the end of June of 2023.

Enthusiastic expectation:

Bobby Soper, International President for Mohegan Gaming and Entertainment, reportedly used a recent interview to declare that his firm now intends to begin opening its five-star Inspire Entertainment Resort ‘hopefully in the second quarter of 2023’. But the man who served as the operator’s boss for two years until February of 2017 moreover purportedly pronounced that any delays could result in this ultimate being pushed to the ‘third quarter latest 2023.’

Soper reportedly proclaimed…

“It’s been a rollercoaster, we’ve had our ups and downs, and coronavirus certainly threw a curve ball. But, we’re in the ground and we have significant investment in the ground. We need to finalize some of the final financing and I just spent two and…

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Discovery’s ‘Expedition Unknown’ host Josh Gates travels to Mohegan Sun Pocono in Wilkes-Barre on Oct. 9

 Added on 08/13/2021  NEPA Scene Staff  Mohegan Sun Pocono , TV show , Wilkes-Barre Discovery’s ‘Expedition Unknown’ host Josh Gates travels to Mohegan Sun Pocono in Wilkes-Barre on Oct. 9

From a press release:

The latest global conquest of Josh Gates, host of the hit Discovery Channel series “Expedition Unknown,” finds him in Wilkes-Barre again this fall.

On Saturday, Oct. 9, Gates will bring “An Evening of Ghosts, Monsters, and Tales of Adventure” to the Keystone Grand Ballroom at Mohegan Sun Pocono. This exploration of cutting-edge science kicks off at 7:30 p.m. and is a show for all ages.

Tickets, which start at $30, go on sale this Monday, Aug. 16 at 10 a.m. via

Tickets will also be available at the Mohegan Sun Pocono Box Office located at the Player’s Club. Guests who are 21 and older who purchase their tickets at the box office will receive one voucher per ticket for $10 in free slot play, valid on Saturday, Oct. 9. Limited premium seating with a VIP meet and greet experience will be available for $75.

Gates previously visited the nearby F.M. Kirby Center in Wilkes-Barre for a talk in 2019.

Josh Gates is an avid explorer whose unique brand of humor and deep-rooted passion for adventure propels him to the farthest corners of the world. Discovery Channel’s hit series “Expedition Unknown” chronicles Gates as he sets out on a global quest to find the truth behind iconic legends and thrilling archaeological mysteries.

In the four-part global event “Expedition Unknown: Search for the Afterlife,” Gates tackles mankind’s ultimate mystery as he investigates ancient rituals, paranormal claims, and cutting-edge scientific breakthroughs on the…

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South Dakotan Logan Storley gets homecoming fight vs. Dante Schiro at Bellator 265

With Bellator headed back to South Dakota, it’s bringing one of the state’s biggest MMA names with it.

Born in Roslyn, S.D., former Division-I All-American wrestler Logan Storley will return to the cage at Bellator 265 when he welcomes promotional newcomer Dante Schiro, a promotion official recently told MMA Junkie.

Storley (11-1 MMA, 6-1 BMMA) looks to bounce back from his first professional loss suffered to Yaroslav Amosov in November. The split decision nod earned Amosov a title shot, which he capitalized on in a dominant unanimous decision over Douglas Lima.

Schiro (8-2 MMA, 0-0 BMMA) signed with the promotion in July. He enters Bellator on a two-fight winning streak and has competed in promotions like ONE Championship and LFA.

Storley, 28, was scheduled to compete at Bellator 258 in May. However, hours before the fight was scheduled to take place, his opponent, Omar Hussein, was deemed ineligible to compete by Mohegan Tribe medical staff.

Bellator 265 takes place Aug. 20 at Sanford Pentagon in Sioux Falls, S.D. The main card airs on Showtime after prelims on MMA Junkie.

With the addition, the Bellator 265 lineup includes:

  • Sergei Kharitonov vs. Cheick Kongo

  • Adam Borics vs. Jay Jay Wilson

  • Dante Schiro vs. Logan Storley

  • DeAnna Bennett vs. Alejandra Lara

  • Fabio Aguiar vs. Taylor Johnson

  • Kevin Childs vs. Bailey Schoenfelder

  • Mike Hamel vs. Bryce Logan

  • Archie Logan vs. Deven Fisher

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Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment Announces Corporate Human Resources Development

Kim Cowan As Vice President of Talent Management
As Vice President of Talent Management, Kim is MGE’s growing organization through talent sourcing and recruitment, new hire onboarding and cultural immersion, learning and performance management, leadership effectiveness, successor / career planning, and diversity. Responsible for leading the ability. / Inclusion strategy.In this role, Kim reports to Patricia Smith, SVP and Chief Human Resources Officer. We implement a global strategy that supports the continued development of the brand and promotes significant performance.

Prior to joining MGE, he was Principal of KWConsulting, Vice President of Human Resources Development at Prudential Financial for eight years, and a key advisor to senior management on improving organizational effectiveness and performance.

Naketrice Snow as director of corporate employee and guest experience
As director of corporate employees and guest experiences, Naketrice Snow joins the MGE team to define, create, communicate, coordinate, and measure the global enterprise-wide MGE strategic vision for employees and guest experiences. Naketrice, who reports to the Vice President of Talent Management, will lead the creation and implementation of employee and guest experience programs at all MGE properties.

Naketrice has over 15 years of experience in the hospitality industry, serving a variety of resorts and hotels. Florida.. More recently, Naketrice has served as a catering director and senior event manager. Waldorf Astoria Orlando & Hilton Orlando Bonnet CreekShe led a team that exceeded the overall revenue budget each year, recreating the image of the guest process and bringing an extraordinary guest journey and experience.

For more information on Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment, please visit:

About Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment
Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment (MGE) is the master developer and operator of the world’s leading integrated entertainment resorts, including Mohegan Sun. Uncasville, ConnecticutInspired by Incheon, Korea…

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