Jack Draper catches the eye with ‘atrocious’ new mohican mullet at Australian Open | Tennis | Sport | Express.co.uk Why not try an ad-free experience today for only u00a32.99 a month or u00a319.99 for a whole year.”,”thanks_page”:”You’ve subscribed to our {PLAN} ad-free plan. We will take your first payment after your 30-day free trial. Now get ready to enjoy an uninterrupted and enhanced experience on the Express.”,”update_page”:”Your upgrade is complete! You’re now on our {PLAN} ad-free plan. Get ready to enjoy an uninterrupted reading experience on the Express.”,”logo”:”https://dx-premium-subscription-dev.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/img/logo.png”,”logo_white”:”https://cdn.images.express.co.uk/img/logo/logo-premium-subscription.png”,”version”:”20231212″,”inject_link”:”1″,”pause_sign_up”:”0″,”editor_newsletter”:”1″,”editor_newsletter_label”:”From the Editor.”,”editor_newsletter_listID”:”554c0787-0562-4ab5-8a3d-df25dd908571″,”editor_newsletter_publicationId”:”3501ae2a-fd17-4d6c-8353-fa612a09db9c”,”editor_newsletter_signUpSource”:”Premium_Web”,”products”:[{“name”:”Yearly”,”priceId”:”price_1NdCVBIb6WLyGhHtNPlyNJPH”,”price”:”19.99″,”currency”:”u00a3″,”interval”:”year”,”bestValue”:”1″,”saveApprox”:”55″,”link”:”https://buy.stripe.com/6oEcP053EgH2cjm8wy”},{“name”:”Monthly”,”priceId”:”price_1NdCVBIb6WLyGhHtxkfoqRcj”,”price”:”2.99″,”currency”:”u00a3″,”interval”:”month”,”bestValue”:”0″,”saveApprox”:””,”link”:”https://buy.stripe.com/bIY3eq9jU76scjm3cd”}],”ad_block_prompt”:”0″,”ad_block_prompt_sections”:null}]]>
Jack Draper has a new haircut for the Australian Open.
Jack Draper has a new haircut for the Australian Open (Image: Instagram)
Jack Draper hopes his “atrocious” new Aussie-style mohican mullet will get him home support Down Under. And the British press pack have sworn to get the same severe cut if the world No.55 wins his first Major title at the Australian Open.
The big left-hander, 22, is trending in the right direction after following his best ever Grand Slam showing in New York – where he reached the fourth round – by reaching his first two ATP Tour finals.
But the big talking point before his second Australian Open appearance is his drastic new hairstyle for the new season.
“Some people might say it’s atrocious but I’d say it’s bold, isn’t it?” he laughed. “I saw a barber last week in Adelaide. And they did it and my coach (James Trotman) was like: ‘It looks like they faded it much better, it looks good’. I said to him, ‘It’s not bold enough’. So I went to a Turkish barbers here (Melbourne) and you know they’ll do the job all right.”