Tax Watch columnist David McKay Wilson will lead a community conversation on the region’s indigenous people and the issue of Mahopac High School’s Indian mascot on Sunday at Mahopac Public Library.
Wilson, who this past summer conducted research on the Wappinger tribe at the Stockbridge-Munsee Community Band of Mohicans’ reservation in Wisconsin, has written about the tribe’s opposition to the mascot.
The Wappinger tribe that lived in Westchester, Putnam and Dutchess counties joined the Stockbridge Indians in the Berkshires after they were forced out of the Hudson Valley in the 17th and 18 centuries.
Mohican Nation: Tribal president asks Mahopac and Wappinger schools for respect
Nyack: School board retires Indian mascot
Katonah-Lewisboro: School replaces Indian mascot with the Wolves
Joining Wilson will be Native American historian Heather Bruegl, education director at the Forge Project in Columbia County.
While several districts in the Hudson Valley have retired their Indian-themed mascot, Mahopac and Wappingers are the only districts remaining in the Hudson Valley that have retained them. Since 2020, Mahopac has refused to entertain a public discussion on the issue.
Mahopac school board President Michael Mongon in September said that school board trustees were too focused on providing education for students during the COVID pandemic to discuss its race-based mascot.
Said Mongon: “When the pandemic comes to an end, the Board will listen to the community regarding the mascot.”
The event, which starts at 2 p.m. will take place in the library’s third floor community room, at 668 Route 6, Mahopac. The event is free, but registration is required.
Follow Tax Watch columnist David McKay Wilson on Facebook or Twitter @davidmckaywils1. He has written about Hudson Valley public affairs since 1986. Check out his latest columns at
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