Frédéric Farrucci’s “The Mohican” – Venice Film Fest ’24 Review 0 ) { powerkitButtonsData = { ‘ids’ : powerkitButtonsIds.join(), ‘post_id’ : powerkitButtonsBox.attr( ‘data-post-id’ ), ‘url’ : powerkitButtonsBox.attr( ‘data-share-url’ ), }; } // Get results by REST API. $.ajax({ type: ‘GET’, url: ‘’, data: powerkitButtonsData, beforeSend: function(){ // Add Loading Class. powerkitButtonsBox.addClass( ‘pk-share-buttons-loading’ ); }, success: function( response ) { if ( ! $.isEmptyObject( response ) && ! response.hasOwnProperty( ‘code’ ) ) { // Accounts loop. $.each( response, function( index, data ) { if ( index !== ‘total_count’ ) { // Find Bsa Item. var powerkitButtonsItem = powerkitButtonsBox.find( ‘.pk-share-buttons-item[data-id=”‘ + index + ‘”]’); // Set Count. if ( data.hasOwnProperty( ‘count’ ) && data.count ) { powerkitButtonsItem.removeClass( ‘pk-share-buttons-no-count’ ).addClass( ‘pk-share-buttons-item-count’ ); powerkitButtonsItem.find( ‘.pk-share-buttons-count’ ).html( data.count ); } else…
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Category: Mohican
Review: The Mohican
01/09/2024 – Frédéric Farrucci delivers a thrilling modern western following a Corsican shepherd hunted down by mafiosi and brilliantly played by Alexis Manenti
Alexis Manenti in The Mohican
“You’ve become an anomaly in the landscape. You very well know how this will end, I won’t draw you a picture”. When the very source of your existence is threatened by dangerous characters, the choice is simple: to submit to them, or to confront them at your own risk. It’s the second option that compulsively chooses the taciturn and stubborn protagonist of Frédéric Farrucci’s captivating second feature, The Mohican, unveiled in the Orizzonti Extra programme of the 81st Venice Film Festival. Moreover, the setting is Corsica, where no one lacks character, in a territory plagued by crime that navigates between seaside business and underground independence movement.
(The article continues below – Commercial information)
“We’re interested in your land – But it’s not buildable? – That isn’t your problem – I work on this land! – Monstrous interests are at play, they go beyond you”. Nicknamed “the last of the Mohicans” by a friend because he’s the last to still keep his herd of goats along the coast, on the peninsula of Santa Manza, solitary shepherd Joseph (an extraordinary Alexis Manenti) is more than a little worried about the surprise visit of these potential buyers he knows well. As a neighbour who sold his land admits, “you don’t say no to these people”. And thus they soon return, armed. The situation gets out of hand (“I became crazy”) and Joseph runs away in the bushes after leaving a dead person behind. He is now wanted by the police and chased by his enemies while his niece Vannina (Mara Taquin) investigates…
Flxible buses return to Mohican Campgrounds for 100th AnniversaryContinue reading
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Details By Kaili Berg August 22, 2024
NATIVE VOTE 2024. On a rainy Thursday on August 15, Wisconsin Native Vote hosted a tailgate at American Family Field in Milwaukee, aiming to increase voter registration and turnout among Native communities for the upcoming November election.
As Major League Baseball teams Milwaukee Brewers and the Los Angeles Dodgers prepared to face off, the tailgate featured a color guard, a performance by the Smokey Town drum group, and speeches from prominent Native leaders, including Mark Denning (Oneida), Anne Eagan-Waukau (Menominee), and Shannon Holsey (Stockbridge-Munsee Mohican).
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The event also marked the first collaboration of its kind with the Milwaukee Brewers, who generously provided 1,000 game tickets to be distributed among Wisconsin’s tribal nations.
Holsey, president of the Stockbridge-Munsee Mohican Nation, shared the story of Louis Leroy, a member of her tribe who played for the Boston Red Sox in the early 1900s, but was denied the right to vote in U.S. elections because he was Indigenous.
“We have a powerful voice,” Holsey said at the event. “When we stand together, we can influence decisions that impact our people, our land, and our future. Voting is one of the most important ways to make our voices heard.”
Leroy’s story served as a reminder of the relatively recent history of Native voting rights. Indigenous peoples were not granted U.S. citizenship until 1924, and it took even longer for many to gain full access to the ballot.
Holsey also stated that Native military veterans, who have served at higher rates than any other group of Americans, played a critical role in securing these rights. She reminded the…
Staff from your Monroe County Public Library recommend some of their favorites from the collection.
WHAT: The Last of the Mohicans (1992)
WHY: It seemed a little odd when Michael Mann, best known as director of contemporary crime shows and movies — and executive producer of “Miami Vice” — delved into costume drama. Even odder was Serious Method Actor and Oscar winner Daniel Day-Lewis taking the role of Hawkeye, the character also known as Natty Bumppo in the source material, an 1826 novel by James Fenimore Cooper (here he goes by the much cooler Nathaniel). The plot is altered quite a bit from the novel, which is just fine by all accounts of anyone who has managed to read the thing. Mostly this is a gorgeous — like all Mann films — drama with nonstop action and just the right amount of romance, set around the siege of Fort William Henry during the French and Indian War. North Carolina stands in for the Adirondacks, but the setting is so beautiful you don’t stop to think about the implausibility of running on a mountain trail while shooting two long rifles at once, or how a canoe chase over waterfalls would work.
WHERE: This film is available from the library as a DVD and Blu-Ray.
HOW: You can browse and request DVDs online by logging in to your account at To view our collection of streaming movies and TV, go to and set up an account with your library card. If you don’t have a card, you can visit your local branch or register online to get one. Questions?
RECOMMENDED BY: Nancy Klingener, community affairs manager.See previous…
Fort to Reenact the Perilous Events of “The Last of the Mohicans” [] { //console.log(‘[Osano] Initialized’); // Get the user’s jurisdiction const jurisdiction =; // Check the jurisdiction and take action if (jurisdiction && jurisdiction.startsWith(“us-“)) { //console.log(‘[Osano] User is outside the EU. Hiding dialog, Do Not Sell, and Widget…’);;; const osanoWidget = document.getElementsByClassName(“osano-cm-widget”); osanoWidget && osanoWidget[0] && (osanoWidget[0].style.display = “none”); } }); let osanoSaved = 0;//prevent refresh on load because: If the consent has been saved already, the callback will be called immediately.“osano-cm-consent-saved”, (save) => { //console.log(“Osano Saved: ” + osanoSaved); if( osanoSaved > 0 ){ //console.log( “Save Toggled: “, JSON.stringify( save ) ); window.location.reload(); } osanoSaved++; }); ]]> =0&&r<600?"Overnight":r>=600&&r<1e3?"Morning Drive":r>=1e3&&r<1500?"Midday":r>=1500&&r<1900?"Afternoon Drive":r>=1900&&r<2400?"Evening":void 0}(new Date);carbonInitDataLayer.userAgent = navigator.userAgent; w.dataLayer = w.dataLayer || []; w.dataLayer.push( carbonInitDataLayer ); w.dataLayer.push({event: "page_view", viewType: "standard"}); })(window);]]> { window.fbLoaded = () => { (window.FB && !window.FB.__buffer) && (()=>{window.FB.__buffer=true;})(); }; })(document, “script”, “ig-shit”);]]> Continue reading
As a voter registration effort aimed at Native Americans continues in Wisconsin, tribal members are talking about some of the issues they hope candidates will address this fall. And, about some of the ongoing barriers to voting.
A couple hundred Native people from around Wisconsin attended a tailgate party ahead of the Milwaukee Brewers game on Thursday. The nonpartisan group, Wisconsin Native Vote, sponsored the event, saying it wanted to do something fun to promote its ongoing get out the vote effort.
The Menominee Nation’s Smokey Town drum and singing group performed at the party.
The Smokey Town drum and singing group (center) prepares to perform at Thursday’s tailgate party.
Also on hand was Shannon Holsey, who is president of the Stockbridge-Munsee Band of Mohican Indian and chair of the Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council. Holsey said the tribes have had an interesting and complex relationship with the U.S. government, and she hopes candidates for federal office this fall will address some key issues.
“There are things —from being able to provide our citizens with affordable health care, access to good education, making sure we have stewarding of Mother Earth and making sure that those systematic barriers that exist with our federal government , we continue with tribal nations, as sovereigns, we continue to envelop those relationships and build those relationships,” Holsey told WUWM.
Shannon Holsey, president of the Stockbridge-Munsee Band of Mohican Indians, speaks during the tailgate.
Clean water is a key issue for a member of the Bad River Band of Ojibwe, Gloria Waabigwan-Wiggins. She also hopes to hear…
ASHLAND – June and July are active months for citizen science projects.
Check out what the Greater Mohican Audubon Society has been up to this summer.
Purple Martin Houses
Have you seen the white gourds at Byers Woods and Tom Kruse Park? These are Purple Martin houses.
America’s largest swallow species, the martins depend on artificial houses to nest. You can help Purple Martins by building or sponsoring houses near wetlands.
It may take a few years for birds to colonize a new house, but they will return every year once established.
The Greater Mohican Audubon Society maintains two nest towers at Byers Woods Park, where more than 100 birds fledged this year.
Don’t have a wetland or pond nearby? You can still help cavity-nesting birds like bluebirds, house wrens, and tree swallows by setting up and maintaining bluebird boxes.
Bobolinks & Butterfly Festival
Seventy people attended the festival at the end of June, despite the extreme heat. Plenty of birds and butterflies were on display, including 14 Bobolinks.
Participants were able to learn about the many unique habitats and wildlife throughout the park.
Many had an opportunity to see a Bobolink for the first time and win prizes like binoculars, field guides, and bird-themed toys.
“I love seeing all the new families and new bird enthusiasts come to the festival to see the Bobolinks,” said GMAS treasurer Adrienne Krizan.
The festival also introduced a very popular self-guided nature tour this year that highlighted the park’s many natural features.
“We are also celebrating Ashland County for having had the foresight to take a closed landfill and make it an attraction to humans and wildlife,” said GMAS secretary, Louise Fleming-Dufala.
North American Butterfly Count
It’s not just about birds! GMAS also volunteers for the North…
When the summer heat kicks in, there’s nothing quite like spending a day floating down the Mohican River in Ohio. This scenic waterway offers the perfect backdrop for a fun-filled adventure, whether you’re tubing, kayaking, or canoeing.
Let’s dive into what makes the Mohican River a must-visit destination and how you can plan the perfect day out on the water!
Why the Mohican River is a Must-Visit
via Facebook
The Mohican River, located in north-central Ohio, stretches over 40 miles and is renowned for its natural beauty and tranquil waters. Designated as a “scenic” river by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, it’s a haven for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers alike.
The river’s gentle flow makes it ideal for a variety of activities, ensuring that everyone from families to solo adventurers can enjoy a day on the water.
Mohican Adventures: Your Starting Point
If you’re ready to explore the Mohican River, Mohican Adventures in Loudonville is your go-to guide. They offer everything you need for a day on the water, including rentals for tubes, kayaks, canoes, and rafts.
Their trips range from a quick 3-mile float to a more extended 7-mile journey, catering to different preferences and schedules.