After Pennsylvania, I found myself in a bit of a writing slump. My focus had been redirected toward keeping my body intact and moving forward. The little energy I had remaining was sapped away by the mid-Atlantic heatwave. Instead of writing this post day by day, as I usually do, I’m writing a recap of New Jersey, New York, and Connecticut all at once to the best of my memory, which, according to Hotdog is pretty good.
New Jersey
The mild mental breakdown I had at the start of New Jersey the day before continued onto the following morning. I found myself angrily swinging my poles at the ground like an axe only a few miles into an otherwise beautiful morning. I sat atop Racoon Ridge looking out at the Delaware River as I called my partner Chey, knowing she would help put me at ease. She told me I should take a break, and Hotdog echoed the sentiment. I was extremely frustrated. Mentally I wanted to keep on going, but my foot was advising me otherwise. I swallowed my pride and then me and Hotdog agreed to walk a few miles up to the Mohican Outdoor Center and take a Nero and a full zero the next day.
Rest at the Mohican Outdoor Center
The Mohican Outdoor Center is a nice lakeside spot run by the Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC) and has tent sites as well as bunk accommodations. We opted for a pair of tent sites to save money. The AMC seemed to be making efforts to make the center more attractive to hikers passing by. We enjoyed the cozy atmosphere within their 24/7 lodge equipped with a fireplace and wood walls. We enjoyed talking to one of the caretakers, Johnny Dolla, an older man with…