Anishinabek Nation Council members joined Day 1 of the Anishinabek Nation Lands and Resources Forum in North Bay, Ont.
By Kelly Anne Smith
NORTH BAY— During the Anishinabek Nation Councils Panel at the Anishinabek Nation’s 8th Land and Resources Forum, Kina-Gego-Naabadosin – Everything is Connected, in North Bay from February 13-15., Eshki-niigijig Advisory Council member Lance Copegog of Beausoleil First Nation talked of important work being done to protect the Great Lakes.
The panel had members from the Anishinabek Nation Getzidjig Advisory Council including Nmishomis Leroy Dolson of Munsee Delaware Nation and Nmishomis Mike Esquega of Biinjitiwaabik Zaaging Anishinabek. The panel also featured Eshki-niigijig Advisory Council members Brittnee Waindubence of Shequiandah First Nation, Terra Roy of Beausoleil First Nation, Pierre Debassige of M’Chigeeng First Nation, and Katelyn Peters of Munsee Delaware Nation.
Peters shared her perspective as urban Indigenous youth, introducing spirituality on how we view the water.
“When it comes to the people who are watching this, it doesn’t only have to be [Indigenous people], it could also be white people. Because when I was in university in my Indigenous Studies courses, there are a lot of great, amazing white people who really want to help our people and who are going to be running this country in twenty years. They need to understand why do Anishinabe people respect the water? How do they see the water because they might not be exposed to that in any other capacity.”
Copegog spoke of being gathered at the 2024 Anishinabek Nation Lands and Resources Forum because of the commitment to the lands and resources of the Anishinabek Nation’s communities. He spoke of innovative solutions that can be worked on together when facing challenges.
“We’re very committed to carrying forward some of the work we’ve…