
Michael L. “Mike” Mohawk, Sr.

Michael L.

Michael L. “Mike” Mohawk, Sr., Age 75 of the Stockbridge Munsee Tribe, passed away on Wednesday, August 24, 2022, in Wausau, surrounded by his loving family.

Michael was welcomed to this earth on September 16, 1946, in Red Springs, a son of the late Milford “Riley” Mohawk and Elizabeth “Liza” Welch. On November 6, 1965, he was united in marriage to the former Judy Colbert in Red Springs. Mike was an avid builder as well as a lover of both softball and bowling. He passed down his love for fishing and hunting to his beloved family. Mike was employed in the construction field for over 35 years, thirty of which he spent at Boldt Construction. Following his retirement from Boldt, he worked for the Stockbridge-Munsee Tribe for ten years at the P & E. Mike was a strong, stoic man who cared deeply for his family. He spent most of his time outdoors and generally had his family along.

Mike is survived by his loving wife, Judy, of Bowler; his children, Doreen Mohawk of Green Bay, Michael Mohawk Jr of Bowler, Marlene (Jerry) Poquette of Green Bay, Matthew (Jacquie) Mohawk of Shawano, Sharlene (Bob) White of Bowler, and Joleen “Tully” Kroening of Bowler; his grandchildren, Alyssa Martin, Andrew Mohawk, Shalee, Ashton, and Robert Guesnon, Travis, Jaz, and Minocqwae Mohawk, Hunter and Willow White, Kyla, Tia, and Tully Kroening, Christopher, Nicholas, Trevor, MaKayla, and Brooklyn Pocquette, and Mishan Dickenson; and his great-grandchildren, Brooks, Omar, Niasia, Myra, and Jaxton. He is further survived by his sisters, Ellen Schreiber, and Mabel Miller, both of Bowler, and Donna (Mike) Bucholtz of Gresham, his brothers, George Mohawk Sr. of Gresham, and Milford (Louann) Mohawk Jr. of Bowler; his faithful companion Mingo; and numerous nieces, nephews, relatives, and…

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Indians 101: Little Turtle, Miami war leader

The Miami language belongs to the Central Algonquian group of the large Algonquian language family. It is most closely related to Illinois, Shawnee, Sauk, Fox, Kickapoo, Menominee, Potawatomi, Ojibwa, Cree, Montegnais, and Naskapi.

The Miami war chief Little Turtle (1742-1812) was born along the Eel River northeast of Fort Wayne, Indiana. His father was Acquenacke, a Miami chief, and his mother was Mahican.

There is little specific information about Little Turtle’s early years, and he emerges in the English language histories as one of the figures in the Revolutionary War. While Little Turtle was often an advocate for peace with the invading Europeans, during the Revolutionary War he fought on the side of the British. In his book Encyclopedia of American Indian Wars, 1492-1890, Jerry Keenan writes:

“Like many Indian leaders, Little Turtle believed there was more to be feared from the American colonists than the British and, accordingly threw his support behind the latter during the Revolution.”

In his biographical sketch of Little Turtle in the Encyclopedia of North American Indians, Stewart Rafert writes:

“Regarded as perhaps the greatest Algonquian war leader of his time, Little Turtle grew to adulthood during the American Revolution and led Native American armed resistance to the American invasion of the Old Northwest in the late eighteenth century.”

In his book Who Was Who in Native American History: Indians and Non-Indians From Early Contacts Through 1900, Carl Waldman writes:

“Little Turtle was one of the great military geniuses of all time.”

He developed many methods of guerilla warfare, most notable the use of decoys. Carl Waldman writes:

“Little Turtle instructed his warriors from the allied tribes to pick off the invading army wherever possible. The warriors hid and used swift, small strikes to confuse the enemy.”

From 1790 to…

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Indians 101: Traditional Shawnee religion

“Our Grandmother,” Kokomthema, is the Shawnee female Creator. In their book The Encyclopedia of Native American Religions, Arlene Hirschfelder and Paulette Molin report that Kokomthema is:

“The female deity of the Shawnee people who gave them a code of laws and most of their principal religious ceremonies.”

Arlene Hirschfelder and Paulette Molin also report:

“It is believed that Kokomthema sometimes appears on earth to observe the performance of Shawnee religious ceremonies.”

Hunting was a vital part of Shawnee subsistence, and religious rituals were an important part of hunting. In his book The Shawnees and the War for America, Colin Calloway writes:

“In the Shawnee world, humans and animals communicated, hunters dreamed the whereabouts of their prey and offered prayers to the spirits of the animals that gave their bodies so that the people might live.”

In order to maintain the harmony between humans and the animal people, and between humans and the plant people, it was necessary to conduct certain rituals to keep the world in balance.

Among the Shawnee, boys would go out into the woods to fast and to seek a spirit helper at the age of 12-13. According to James Howard, in his book Shawnee! The Ceremonialism of a Native American Tribe and its Cultural Background:

“The spirit helper would give the faster instruction in some area, which was usually healing, and also would promise aid in future years if the faster would call upon it in the proper manner.”

The Shawnee were originally given their bundles by Our Grandmother at the time of creation. Since that time, items have been added to the bundles. According to James Howard:

“Each of the sacred bundles is assigned to the care of a designated custodian, who is always a man,…

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Here’s why Menominee Nation’s bid for a casino in Kenosha is drawing both support and opposition from tribes in Wisconsin

KENOSHA – The governments of two tribes in Wisconsin have expressed support for a Menominee casino in Kenosha while the Potawatomi Tribe strongly opposes the endeavor.

“The Oneida Nation has a successful history of working with other sovereign nations to build and support Indian gaming and other enterprises across the nation,” read a statement from the Oneida Nation Business Committee this month. “Oneida can be proud of supporting the common goals of self-sufficiency, economic expansion and diversification and advocation for tribal sovereignty.”

Officials with the Stockbridge-Munsee Mohican Nation, whose reservation is adjacent to the Menominee Reservation, expressed support for a Menominee Kenosha casino on Saturday.

“The Menominee are our neighbors and share many ties and many of the same needs as our community,” said Stockbridge-Munsee Mohican Nation President Shannon Holsey in a statement. “We fully support their efforts to find the resources to address those needs, which can only help the larger tribal, regional and state communities.”

RELATED: Menominee tribe teaming up with Hard Rock in another bid to open an casino in Kenosha

RELATED: Bristol Village Board approves the $15 million sale of land to company potentially interested in opening a casino in Kenosha

Officials from the Oneida and Mohican tribes cite the fact that the Menominee Nation is one of the poorest tribes in Wisconsin and revenue from a Kenosha casino would allow the tribe to invest in health and education needs and reduce high levels of poverty, hunger and unemployment on the Menominee Reservation.

The Menominee Nation is partnering with Hard Rock International, which is owned by the Seminole Tribe based in Florida, in the Kenosha casino project.

The casino would be on about 60 acres of land on the east and west sides of 122nd Avenue in Kenosha.

The village of Bristol last month agreed to sell the…

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She started an animal food bank. Now this Chippewa teen is pitching to win $25K

Sixteen-year-old Zhawanoogbiik Danielle Riley opened an animal food bank in Chippewas of the Thames near St. Thomas, Ont., after noticing a growing need for pet food and animal care. She's a semifinalist in the Pow Wow Pitch competition from more than 2,400 applicants across North America. (Michelle Both/CBC - image credit)

Sixteen-year-old Zhawanoogbiik Danielle Riley opened an animal food bank in Chippewas of the Thames near St. Thomas, Ont., after noticing a growing need for pet food and animal care. She’s a semifinalist in the Pow Wow Pitch competition from more than 2,400 applicants across North America. (Michelle Both/CBC – image credit)

Since childhood, Zhawanoogbiik Danielle Riley has dreamed of having her own place to care for animals.

It has led the 16-year-old from Chippewas of the Thames, an Anishinaabe First Nations band government just west of St. Thomas, Ont., to become a youth semifinalist in an Indigenous startup competition, with a chance to win $25,000 to grow her business.

Now, she provides free pet food and supplies to those in Chippewas of the Thames, Munsee-Delaware Nation and Oneida Nation of the Thames communities who need it — all while taking care of her ducks, chickens, rabbits, horses, cats and geese at the family’s Riley Ranch On Three Fires, on the property where they also have their home.

Her pitch was selected from more than 2,400 Pow Wow Pitch applicants from across North America after submitting a one-minute video about her project. Winners will be announced during a digitally broadcast awards presentation on Nov. 3.

Need is growing

Riley noticed it was getting harder for people to access pet food and care for their animals during the pandemic, so she decided to do something about it.

Michelle Both/CBCMichelle Both/CBC

Michelle Both/CBC

“People can come and talk to us, say, if they need…

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Microsoft speeds up Xbox Series S|X boot time with shorter animation


There are many reasons to consider a latest-generation games console, but the ability to get quickly into a game ranks as one of the most obvious attractions.

Compared to last-gen hardware, the presence of solid-state storage has transformed the gameplay experience. Tiresome load screens have become a thing of the past, and with the likes of Xbox Quick Resume, it literally takes seconds to pick up where you left off.

Such improvements extend to the console boot sequence, and Xbox Insiders have discovered that Series S|X are starting up some five seconds quicker. What technical wizardry has Microsoft called upon to deliver such gains? Well, sometimes the simplest fixes are the best, and in this instance it is merely a shorter boot animation.

Xbox integrated marketing director Josh Munsee confirmed the tweak on Twitter, stating that the revised animation is shortened in length from nine seconds to just four. A shame for those who enjoy marvelling at the wonder of the Xbox logo and that deafening sound, but great news for everyone eager to get into an actual game.

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Xbox Series S/X Getting Reduced Bootup Animation, Cold Startup Times

Microsoft is reportedly rolling out a test build for Xbox Dashboard that is claimed to reduce the cold boot startup times by up to 5 seconds. The Redmond company has seemingly achieved this feat by shortening the bootup animation to about 4 seconds. A report mentions that this change will purportedly only be noticeable if the console has been set to the Energy Saver mode. Earlier this year, Microsoft reportedly made the Energy Saver mode the default option for Xbox consoles.

Director Integrated Marketing for Xbox Josh Munsee confirmed the update after a keen-eyed Xbox tester noticed the changes. Munsee claims that the bootup animation was reduced to around 4 seconds from the original 9 seconds to improve the overall boot times.

A report by The Verge mentions that Xbox Series S/X owners will supposedly only be able to benefit from this update if they set their consoles to Energy Saver mode. Unlike the Standby mode, the Energy Saver mode completely powers down the console. This mode is said to be energy efficient, albeit at the cost of boot times.

The new Xbox Dashboard update from Microsoft is said to cut the cold boot times to around 15 seconds from around 20 seconds. This improvement is expected to improve the appeal of the Energy Saving mode to gamers. The company has made the Energy Saver mode the default option for Xbox consoles. It also added support for background update downloads with this mode.

Microsoft has not year revealed when this new feature might enjoy a wider release.

In related news, the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S consoles in India have seen around a 6 percent jump in its price. They are reportedly…

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Xbox Series X/S Get Shorter Boot Time in Latest Update

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Xbox Series X update will bring boot-up speeds closer to PS5 and Nintendo Switch

Xbox Insiders are discovering their consoles’ boot times have drastically improved in the latest build of the program.

The Insider program on Xbox Series X|S gives members the chance to road test new features early before they’re released to the public. And it’s Xbox director of integrated marketing, Josh Munsee himself, who revealed that the latest build has targeted faster boot times (thanks, The Shortcut (opens in new tab)).

Munsee replied to Xbox engineering lead Eden Marie on Twitter (opens in new tab), who had noticed the improvement on their console. He explains that the secret lies in a shorter boot animation that shaves off around five seconds total. 

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Give it the boot

This update might not seem particularly significant at first glance. Especially if (like me) you tend to leave your Xbox Series X|S in standby mode instead of shutting it down.

I think it’s a very welcome update, though. The boot animation we have right now is a bit too lavish for its own good, and only really impressive when you turn the console on for the very first time. 

Both the PS5 and the Nintendo Switch‘s boot times are currently much snappier by comparison. And this smart Xbox update will help the console close the gap in that regard, if only by a few seconds.

It seems that Microsoft has duly noted that most gamers want to access their Xbox dashboards as swiftly as possible. And getting to it five seconds quicker is a better quality-of-life update than you might think.

On the one hand, Xbox’s standby features are excellent time savers. Quick…

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Xbox Boot Times Are Being Sped Up By Microsoft

Twitter: @VGChartz

Microsoft is reducing the time it takes for its Xbox consoles to power up.

The cold boot startup time for Xbox Series X/S consoles has been decreased by about 5 seconds in the most recent Xbox Insider test releases of the Xbox dashboard.

Video Courtesy to MEME Lord YT Channel | Xbox Microsoft

Microsoft was able to shorten the bootup animation and speed up the start process.

One of Microsoft’s primary marketing strategies for the most recent console has always been to emphasize the Xbox Series X boot time. But for now, the business wants to improve it. Recently, Xbox testers started noting the quicker boot time. Microsoft didn’t officially acknowledge it until last Friday, though.

The business has improved the boot-up time, according to a tweet posted on Friday by Josh Munsee, director of Xbox integrated marketing. Munsee claims that Microsoft accomplished this by shortening the boot animation. The previous animation lasted about nine seconds, whereas the current one lasts about four.

Microsoft has reduced the animation by about five seconds, which has shortened the Xbox Series X boot time. However, the boot-up was already speedy. Therefore, there isn’t a significant difference in the upgrading between the newer and older Xbox consoles. But if you frequently use your Xbox, you should still be able to tell.

Twitter: @A3rnout

Microsoft acknowledged the modifications on Friday. Recently, Xbox testers noted a quicker bootup speed. The business “developed a shorter boot up animation (4s) from the original boot up animation (9s), helping to lower the overall starting time,” according to Josh Munsee, director of Xbox integrated marketing.

Additionally, the modifications are not just for Xbox Series X or S consoles….

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