Michelle Falkenstein | For The Journal News
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COVID deaths of Native Americans linked to limited access to resources and healthcare
COVID ravaged McKinley County, where roughly 74% of the population is non-Hispanic Native American — mostly Navajo and Zuni — and access to resources is scarce.
Jasper Colt, USA TODAY
ANCRAM, N.Y. — Writer and environmental advocate Jasmine Neosh, a member of the Menominee Nation, laments that her people have forgotten centuries of knowledge about native plants. During the pandemic, she says, this lost wisdom was felt even more acutely.
“Many tribes were hit hard by economic hardship,” says Neosh, a student in the Sustainable Development Institute at the College of Menominee Nation in Wisconsin. “In my panic, I realized that we are going to have to learn how to feed ourselves.” And so, Neosh undertook a project to find out about edible flora on the Menominee reservation.
In recognition of her efforts to create a more sustainable food system for her people, Neosh was named one of four inaugural winners of a Forge Project Fellowship, a program designed to support established and emerging Indigenous leaders working in land justice, education, food security and culture.
The fellowship includes financial support of $25,000 and a residency…