
Fire Damages 10-Unit Endicott Apartment Building

Fire Damages 10-Unit Endicott Apartment Building [] { //console.log(‘[Osano] Initialized’); // Get the user’s jurisdiction const jurisdiction =; // Check the jurisdiction and take action if (jurisdiction && jurisdiction.startsWith(“us-“)) { //console.log(‘[Osano] User is outside the EU. Hiding dialog, Do Not Sell, and Widget…’);;; const osanoWidget = document.getElementsByClassName(“osano-cm-widget”); osanoWidget && osanoWidget[0] && (osanoWidget[0].style.display = “none”); } }); let osanoSaved = 0;//prevent refresh on load because: If the consent has been saved already, the callback will be called immediately.“osano-cm-consent-saved”, (save) => { //console.log(“Osano Saved: ” + osanoSaved); if( osanoSaved > 0 ){ //console.log( “Save Toggled: “, JSON.stringify( save ) ); window.location.reload(); } osanoSaved++; }); ]]> =0&&r<600?"Overnight":r>=600&&r<1e3?"Morning Drive":r>=1e3&&r<1500?"Midday":r>=1500&&r<1900?"Afternoon Drive":r>=1900&&r<2400?"Evening":void 0}(new Date);carbonInitDataLayer.userAgent = navigator.userAgent; w.dataLayer = w.dataLayer || []; w.dataLayer.push( carbonInitDataLayer ); w.dataLayer.push({event: "page_view", viewType: "standard"}); })(window);]]> { window.fbLoaded = () => { (window.FB && !window.FB.__buffer) && (()=>{window.FB.__buffer=true;})(); }; })(document, “script”, “ig-shit”);]]> Continue reading


7 of the Most Charming Towns in Delaware

John James Ingalls, the 17th-century politician, once quipped, “Delaware is a state that has three counties when the tide is out and two when it is in.” Despite its diminutive size, the First State in the Nation is a prime example that good things come in small packages. This compact landscape is a fundamental part of its charm. Home to over 300 of the Fortune 500 businesses in the country, due to its tax-friendly status, employment opportunities abound. With a robust history going back to its Nanticoke and Lenape roots to the comforts of modernity, its appeal is universal. Uncover a few of the most charming towns to explore!

Bethany Beach

Coastline at Bethany Beach, Delaware.Waterfront in Bethany Beach, Delaware.

Located on the Atlantic Coast, this white sandy oasis was originally home to the Nanticoke people. Settled as a Christian campsite in 1901, it has become one of Delaware’s most sought-after family-friendly beaches.

Less crowded than its counterparts, Rehoboth Beach and Ocean City, Maryland, it attracts families with its boardwalk and arcades, including the Shore Fun Family Center. The adults will enjoy visiting the nearby Salted Vines Vineyard & Winery. It offers tours, and the tasting room is the ideal place to chill out and sample its award-winning cabernets.

Everyone should head over to the James Farm Ecological Preserve. A short drive from Bethany Beach, locals refer to it as a wildland oasis. Walk the trails covering multiple types of habitats.

New Castle

Booth House Tavern, New Castle, Delaware.Booth House Tavern, New Castle, Delaware.

Founded in 1651 by Dutch settlers, New Castle is considered part of the Philadelphia Metropolitan area.

Placed on the National Historic Registry in 1967, this sought-after region has a…

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Anglers Cast Their Lines at the 3rd Annual Nanticoke River Invasive Fishing Derby

WICOMICO COUNTY, MD – Fishers cast their lines at the 3rd annual Nanticoke River Invasive Fishing Derby at Cherry Beach Park in Sharptown on Saturday.

The free annual event, presented by Salisbury University, looks to combat invasive species in local waterways. During the derby, fishing hobbyists and professionals alike caught blue catfish and northern snakeheads. 

The derby kicked off at 5AM and participants fished until weigh-ins at 1:30PM. The event included awards, data collection, invasive species educational lessons and more. 

Dr. Noah Bressman, an assistant professor of biology studies at Salisbury University organizes the event every year. Dr. Bressman says that “We really want to spread awareness in local waterway communities about what fish are invasive, and how they can minimize the population to relieve some pressure from striped bass and blue crabs, whose populations are on the decline”. 

A portion of all the blue catfish and northern snakeheads caught in the derby were provided to Dr.Bressman’s lab so continued research can be done to learn more about their effects on the local ecosystem. Their research includes growth speed, reproduction rates, and focusing on diet. 

Third time Invasive Fishing Derby participant, Kristen Lycett spoke to WBOC about the importance of the tournament. Lycett said she knows her rod alone won’t catch all of the invasive fish, but the recent increase in tournaments is exciting for fishers. She said, “we’ve seen an increase in invasive species tournaments and this is one of the first ones that I knew about. I know this year there have already been several and there are still more to go this year so that’s awesome.” Lycett also discussed how the event is fun for anyone looking to get out on the water, “this is a low-stakes fun way to get involved in competitive fishing”…”this is a great place to get started if you’re…

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Captured Cambridge fox heading to rehabilitation facility

A fox caught in a trap by a Preston resident is waiting to be sent to a rehab facility in Nanticoke

Foxes have been a recurring sight over the past few weeks in the Preston area.

Just last night, Connie Bickford posted in the Preston Ontario Facebook group that she had trapped one.

“Unfortunately there are quite a few of the notorious mangy foxes roaming around the Preston area,” Bickford wrote on Facebook.

“We are trying to catch more but have only had luck with this one. We will move the trap and keep trying for next one. Keeping fingers crossed!”

The “mangy” comment refers to people thinking the foxes have mange, an infection that involves mites burrowing into the skin.

The Cambridge and District Humane Society confirmed the capture and is preparing to send the fox to Hobbitstee Wildlife Refuge in Nanticoke for rehabilitation.

“It was tracked last night, so in those cases, the service confirms with me if we can accept it,” Chantal Theijn, authorized wildlife custodian at Hobbitstee, said.

“It should arrive here today by way of a volunteer driver and then we’ll go through its health issues.”

Theijn said mange is typically a health condition that is secondary to another underlying problem, which her team will evaluate once the fox is in their care.

Rehabilitation can take around eight weeks and then the animal will be released back into the area in which it was found.

“For adults, they get released in a suitable habitat that’s within one kilometre,” Theijn said.

“For babies, it’s within 15 kilometres. Cambridge animal services will provide the location to us.”

The Cambridge humane society is urging residents not to approach sick or injured wildlife.

To report an animal in distress, call Animal Services Cambridge at 519-623-7722 extension 231.

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Expansion to Nanticoke community center in Millsboro approved

GEORGETOWN — A proposal to allow the Nanticoke Indian Cultural Community Center in Millsboro to build out its structure and offer more services was approved by Sussex County Council on Tuesday.

“This would double the size of the cultural community center, allow it to have some new restrooms, a food bank, a flex space for children’s areas and classrooms, additional meeting rooms for arts and crafts,” said David Hutt, an attorney representing the Nanticoke Indian Association before the council.

He added that the approval will also permit existing space in the 27073 John J. Williams Highway facility to be redeveloped.

Cultural programs like drum or dance classes can be held more easily in the larger space, Mr. Hutt added, while certain offerings that require more privacy, like internal ceremonies, can also have their own areas in the bigger location.

The expansion will address these issues and more, Chief Avery Johnson said during an earlier interview.

“We have a lot of elders, so we have to make sure we are prepared. We offer financial literacy and financial independence training, computer training, along with other important issues like the domestic violence roundtables and other discussions we have,” he said, explaining the building’s necessity for growth.

Mr. Hutt continued, “The association plans to extensively renovate the existing structure, as well, and to provide outside added parking areas, walkways, native artwork and some new lighting and landscaping.”

To complete these plans, the applicant sought a change to the conditional use of the property, which has limited building size.

In addition to the size restrictions, the parcel on which the center sits has several legal constraints upon it, including a provision that would revert ownership of the land back to the Indian River School District should it ever not be used as a tribal center,…

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Quilts of Valor Chapter honors veterans from Nanticoke, Sugar Notch

 			 				 Submitted photo

Submitted photo

Jose and Margaret Arroyo, of the Hanover Section of Nanticoke, and Dominick Panetta, of Sugar Notch, were recently honored by the Northeast PA Quilts of Valor Chapter at the Plains American Legion Post 365.

Jose Arroyo enlisted in the U.S. Army Reserves in 1989. A two-year veteran, he served as a member of the 340th Military Police, Jamaica, NY. He completed basic training at Fort McClellan, AL and attended U.S. Armor School, served in Germany, and attained Top Security Clearance.

Returning to the United States, his unit was back-up support for Desert Storm/Desert Shield. He was honorably discharged in 1991.

Margaret Arroyo, while a 2002 senior at Greater Nanticoke High School, enlisted in the U.S. Army National Guard at Fort Indiantown Gap, PA. Following basic training at Fort Jackson, SC, she was sent to Fort Lee, VA to begin her training as an aircraft refueler and later training as a helicopter gunner.

Called to active duty as part of Company G104th Aviation, she served for 15 months in both Afghanistan and Kandahar. There the honoree completed 32 missions as both a daytime and night vision door gunner on Chinook helicopters in which they would pick up or drop off infantry and supplies in “hot areas.”

After returning to Indiantown Gap in 2004, she continued serving the National Guard and was honorably discharged in 2007.

Dominick Panetta joined the U.S. Marines in 1962 as a part of the 120-delay program while completing his senior year at Nanticoke High School. Following basic training at Parris Island, SC, he was assigned to Naval Air Station, Lakehurst, NJ training as a parachute rigger. To successfully complete the training, Panetta had to complete…

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Hamilton steelmaker Stelco sold to Cleveland-Cliffs for $3.4B

Hamilton-based steelmaker Stelco Holdings Inc. is set to be acquired by U.S.-based Cleveland-Cliffs Inc. for $3.4 billion Cdn.

Stelco said it has agreed to sell all issued and outstanding common shares for $70 per share to the Ohio-based steel producer.

Stelco chief executive Alan Kestenbaum said he is confident Cleveland-Cliffs will remain a reliable supplier to its customers while maintaining Stelco’s “stature and reputation in Canada and maintaining our Canadian national interests.”

Profile of a manAlan Kestenbaum is the CEO and executive chairman of Stelco. (Bedrock Industries)

Currently, Stelco maintains two major steelmaking facilities in Ontario — one each in Hamilton and Nanticoke.

CBC Hamilton reached out to Stelco for an interview. However, the company said no one was available for comment.

Stelco said in a news release that as part of the agreement, it will keep its headquarters in Hamilton and build on its existing 1,000-employee footprint in Canada. It will also retain Canadian representation on its management team.

The news release also said Cleveland-Cliffs will continue Stelco’s current community commitments, including collaboration with McMaster University and the CanmetMATERIALS research centre, and maintain the existing research chairs with McMaster. The company will also retain its partnership with the Hamilton Tiger-Cats and Forge FC, and its 40 per cent equity interest and the master lease of Tim Hortons Field.

Getting Nanticoke ‘the real gem,’ expert says

Kestenbaum acquired Stelco in 2016 after the company went into creditor protection in 2004 and was sold as a subsidiary to U.S. Steel Co. in 2007. It then returned to creditor protection in 2014 before signing an agreement to be acquired by Kestenbaum’s Bedrock Industries in late 2016.

Cleveland-Cliffs president and CEO Lourenco Goncalves said Kestenbaum was able to turn an “underperforming asset under previous ownership into a very cost-efficient and profit-oriented company.”

He said the deal “keeps national interests at the forefront and recognizes the importance of the workforce,” noting Stelco respects the union representing…

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n}()&&!function(){const e=”windows”==We()&&”windowshp”==(Le&&Le.pagetype)&&(y()?window.location.href:Y().url.href).includes(`${E}`);return e}();return e})),Be=()=>y()&&document&&document.body&&document.body.getElementsByClassName(“peregrine-widgets”).length>0,je=H((()=>te(“prg-1s-workid”)||te(“prg-1s-sm-workid”)||te(“prg-1s-twid”)||te(“prg-1s-mm-wid-t”)));H((()=>We()in Re||He()));function $e(){const e=W;if(e)return L.log(“dual-auth: tryGet1SAuthToken returned…
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Luzerne County Community College announces spring 2024 dean’s, president’s and honors lists

NANTICOKE — Luzerne County Community College announced the following students earned recognition for outstanding academic achievement during the spring 2024 semester.

To qualify for the president’s list, a student must earn a 4.0 cumulative grade point average. Students who attain a grade point average between 3.5 and 3.99 are included on the dean’s list, and those with an average between 3.25 and 3.49 are included on the honors list.

Dean’s list

Ahmed Abdul Qawi, Shavertown

Leslie Abreu, Hazleton

Angel Agojo, Dunmore

Ahleana Albrecht, Bloomsburg

Danielle Alexander, Nescopeck

Trinity Allen, Mountain Top

Victoria Allen, Mountain Top

Leonel Anaya, Wilkes-Barre

Olivia Andress, Shavertown

Ariel Andrew, Glen Lyon

James Antall, Dallas

Logan Antonson, Kingston

Joseph Armitage, Dupont

Michael Artman, Shamokin

Claire Aufiero, Nanticoke

Laura Avery, Shickshinny

Gregory Babarsky, Peckville

Michael Badamo, Wilkes-Barre

Ethan Ballew, West Pittston

Elizabeth Barlet, Sweet Valley

Jahmarley Barnes, Scranton

Taylor Bath, Pittston

Dustin Batista, Hazleton

Rachelle Batista, Hazleton

Kyrianna Baumert, Dornsife

Justin Beltre Baez, West Hazleton

Lynn Benkowski, Kingston

Stephen Berrettini, Hanover Township

Diana Biletskaya, Wilkes-Barre

Noah Billig, Beaver Meadows

Jacob Boedeker, Dupont

Brian Bonsavage, Hudson

Brian Boston, Noxen

Ashley Bowman, Shickshinny

Tammy Bozek, Pittston

Aiden Brannegan, Bloomsburg

Makayla Breslin, Mountain Top

Gina Bretz, Pittston

Lexi Brink, Glen Lyon

Garrison Broennle, Harveys Lake

Ayden Brosius, Shamokin

Eugraine Brown, Turbotville

Lauren Brown, Montgomery

Theodore Brown, Wilkes-Barre

Tianna Brunson, Kingston

Keegan Bucci, Wilkes-Barre

Arianna Bugno, Pittston

Denise Burgos, Nanticoke

Landree Burmeister, Drums

Benjamin Burrell, Bloomsburg

Niko Butczynski, Nanticoke

Rachal Callavini, Shenandoah

Gianna Calovi, Berwick

Wesley Cameron, Nescopeck

John Campano, White Haven

Michael Cangiarella, Duryea

Alan Cardoso, Wilkes-Barre

Ava Carey, Courtdale

Daphine Carey, Luzerne

Madelyne Carmichael, Wapwallopen

Shirley Carver, Swoyersville

Yenifer Casado, Plymouth

Dena Casterline, Wilkes-Barre Township

Abril Castillo, Wilkes-Barre

Kenneth Catena, Sugarloaf

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7 Budget-Friendly Towns in Pennsylvania for Retirees

One of Pennsylvania‘s favorite sons, Fred Rogers, famously said, “Often when you think you’re at the end of something, you’re at the beginning of something else.” Therefore, when it is time to retire, view it through the lens of exciting possibilities. Choosing an environment that benefits your wallet and social life is vital. Pennsylvania provides you with both. All forms of retirement income are tax-free in the Keystone State, and some seniors qualify for rebates on housing costs and property taxes. These perks come in addition to living amongst part of the country’s most beautiful communities.


Penn Square in downtown Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA.Penn Square in downtown Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA. Editorial credit: George Sheldon /

Lancaster is one of the state’s most walkable cities, with easy access to shopping, parks, and medical care. Its median house costs $290,000, and its connection to natural resources is unparalleled. With a vibrant history, this town is one of the most visited in the state. However, its expansive rural farmland maintains residents’ privacy and safety.

Home to the largest Amish community in the US, Lancaster defines benevolence and goodwill toward neighbors. Its proximity to Philadelphia and Baltimore allows residents to experience the urban amenities but return to their quiet oasis at day’s end.

Established in 1730, Lancaster Central Market is the oldest continuously operated shopping area in the country. It is always in need of volunteers to assist, and it is a great place to socialize, make new friends, and find amazing deals.


Aerial view looking southwest of Nanticoke.Aerial view looking southwest of Nanticoke.

Located in Luzerne Township, this historic coal town’s landscape is ideal for individuals seeking to make the most of the next chapter of life….

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