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Category: Nanticoke

Crews responded to the fire just south of Montrose around 5:30 a.m. Monday.
SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY, Pa. — UPDATE: State police fire marshals say they’ve been unable to determine what caused the fire because of the extensive damage. However, the fire is not considered suspicious.
One person is dead after a fire in Susquehanna County.
The flames started around 5:30 a.m. Monday at a home along Ainey Road in Brooklyn Township, south of Montrose.
Jack Sterling lives next door.
“I woke up this morning in the house with a big explosion. My hearing is bad. I knew if I could hear it without my hearing aids, it was bad,” Sterling said.
Sterling said he came outside to find his neighbor’s house filled with flames. A burned woman made her way into his yard. A man inside died.
Hop Bottom Fire Chief Pete Mecca said flames were shooting from the back of the home when he arrived.
“It had a pretty good start, being a mobile home with an addition over it. The steel roof kept the heat inside.”
And there were complications, including vehicles parked in the yard that also caught fire.
With no fire hydrants in this rural area, firefighters laid hundreds of feet of hose from a creek to get water onto the burning house.
“It was full of fire when we got here, so there is no way we can determine where it started offhand,” Chief Mecca said.
Several companies were called in. No firefighters were hurt.
State police fire marshals said extensive damage prevents them from determining a cause. It is not considered suspicous.
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Victories in the Round of 16 for Lake-Lehman’s Alahna Morris and Nanticoke Area’s Sierra Ripka highlighted the day for the Wyoming Valley Conference as the PIAA Wrestling championships opened Thursday at the Giant Center in Hershey.
Four other WVC girls wrestlers will be back on the mats when the first round of consolations picks up on Friday morning, while Morris and Ripka will head to the quarterfinals and remain in the hunt for a state championship.
On the boys’ side, all three WVC wrestlers that qualified for the Class 2A and 3A tournaments were knocked out of championship contention, and only Dallas’ Lucas Tirpak remains alive in the consolation bracket after picking up a win in the first round of consolations on Friday night.
Two weekends ago at the District 2 tournament, Morris etched her name in the books as the first WVC wrestler to win a District 2 Girls wrestling title. In Hershey on Thursday, she did it again, picking up a victory in the Round of 16 to become the first WVC wrestler to win a Girls state tournament match.
Morris went up 2-0 in the first period after a takedown and held on from there, holding off Pine Grove’s Eva Kurtz to win by a 2-0 decision and advance to the 148-pound quarterfinals, where she’ll take on Charlotte Gilfoil from Central Dauphin.
Ripka would follow suit shortly after in the 170-pound field, in dominant fashion: Ripka pinned her opponent in just 42 seconds to earn her spot in the quarterfinals to face Big Spring’s Sarah Lynn.
Wyoming Valley West’s Isabell Seip and Brooke Long, Crestwood’s Rachel Shoemaker and Hazleton Area’s Miah Molinaro were all defeated in their Round of 16 matches and will drop into the first round of…

The Nanticoke/West Nanticoke Bridge dominated Luzerne County Manager Romilda Crocamo’s first town hall meeting Thursday night at Nanticoke City Hall, with questions about which solution will be selected.
County officials are exploring options for the county-owned span over the Susquehanna River, which connects Nanticoke and Plymouth Township, because the bridge was downgraded to a 15-ton weight limit in 2020 due to issues found in an inspection.
The partial replacement recommended by Alfred Benesch and Associates would cost an estimated $39.6 million. The company was hired by the county to study the bridge and determine the “best and most economical option.”
This plan would replace the three truss spans with four new steel bridge spans on new piers, replace the beams and deck on the 21 approaching spans and repair existing piers and abutments. The bridge would be widened to 32 feet and equipped with an added right turning lane onto Route 11. These additions could accommodate potential future industrial development in the area of the bridge, Benesch representatives have said.
The top of piers would be widened to support extra beam lines needed for the wider deck.
Some local officials and residents are pushing for full replacement, which would cost $64 million based on the engineer’s estimate.
The county has access to $55 million from casino gambling revenue, which means another $9 million would have to be found if a council majority chooses a new bridge.
Some council members also have pointed out that using the entire $55 million casino-funded infrastructure pool on the Nanticoke/West Nanticoke bridge would leave no funds to cover other roadway projects that had been on the county’s list for completion if funds remained.
County officials said the partial replacement option recommended by Benesch addresses the same safety…

SCRANTON, PA — A Nanticoke, Pennsylvania resident, 32-year-old Dario George, has been sentenced to a stern 78 months in prison. The sentence came down on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, from U.S. District Court Judge Malachy Mannion, for the charge of possession with intent to distribute more than 40 grams of fentanyl.
George had previously pleaded guilty to distributing between 280 grams and 400 grams of the deadly opioid fentanyl in the Luzerne County area over the course of 2021 and 2022. United States Attorney Gerard M. Karam revealed these details, shedding light on the severity of George’s operation.
The charges hinged on an investigation during which investigators made four separate purchases of fentanyl directly from George. Then, on May 19, 2022, the authorities obtained a search warrant for George’s residence in Nanticoke. The search unearthed a staggering 30,000 individual bags of fentanyl, alongside additional amounts of heroin and cocaine, $8,098 in U.S. currency, and drug packaging materials.
This large-scale operation was brought down thanks to the diligent work of the Pennsylvania State Police, the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General Bureau of Narcotics Investigation, and the FBI Safe Streets Task Force. Assistant United States Attorney Robert J. O’Hara expertly prosecuted the case, leading to this significant sentence.
The case highlights the ongoing battle against drug distribution, particularly the deadly opioid fentanyl, and the commitment of local and federal agencies to keep Pennsylvania communities safe.
For the latest news on everything happening in Chester County and the surrounding area, be sure to follow MyChesCo on Google News.

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Sep. 28—NANTICOKE — Mark Tarnowski hopes to be back in business sooner rather than later after a fire severely damaged his kielbasa store and his daughter’s hair salon business early Wednesday morning.
If the building at 14 E. Union St. can’t be salvaged, Tarnowski — owner of Glen Lyon Bros. Kielbasa — said he’ll have his food truck parked in the driveway selling his popular and well-enjoyed sausage.
“Honestly, I don’t know what we’re going to do,” Tarnowski said while standing in front of his business with his family. “If we can’t get up and running, I’ll have the food truck parked here.”
Nanticoke City firefighters along with firefighters from neighboring municipalities responded to the building at about 2:30 a.m. Flames spread to an adjacent vacant house at 20-22 E. Union St. and heat damaged the exterior siding at 28 E. Union St., which is occupied.
Tarnowski said he has been in business at the East Union Street location for 15 years, as his family has been making kielbasa since the 1940s.
Tarnowski said they were smoking kielbasa for their stand at the Bloomsburg Fair and his son, Erik, went to the store to turn off the smoker at 2:30 a.m.
“We were making kielbasa sticks last night, cleaned up, did the dishes and set the alarm to turn off the smoker,” Tarnowski said. “When my son went to check on the smoker, he found it collapsed. It just started to spread from there.”
No injuries were reported. A state police fire marshal has been called in to investigate the cause.
Tarnowski makes kielbasa in the rear of the building, as his daughter has a hair salon business in front.
Firefighters from Hanover Township, Newport Township, Plymouth, Kingston and Avoca assisted Nanticoke City firefighters.
Neil Elliott 2024, death notice, Canada

Browse the obituary of residing in the province of Ontario for funeral details
Obituary of Neil Elliott
ELLIOTT Neil, passed away at Norfolk General Hospital on Thursday February 29, 2024 with partner in life Mary Dillon at his side. Predeceased by his parents James and Gladys and his younger brother Jim. Will be sadly missed by his sister Margaret Marshall (late Joseph), and many friends, neighbours, and extended family. Neil farmed for many years with his sister in the Jarvis/Port Dover area up until the family farm was sold. He also worked off the farm on the construction of the Big 3 in Nanticoke – Ontario Hydro, Texaco (Esso), and Stelco LEW – retiring from Stelco after 28 years. Away from work standardbred horse racing was a big interest but fishing was his favourite sport. His fishing lure collection was massive as anyone who knew him could attest to. In keeping with Neil’s wishes there will be no visitation or service. Cremation has taken place with internment at a later date. Arrangements entrusted to Thompson Waters Funeral Home 519-583-1530. For those wishing, donations made in Neil’s memory may be made to a local charity of choice. Special thanks to the doctors, nurses, and all healthcare staff at NGH and NHNH for their care and compassion over the past several months. Online donations and or condolences can be made at
Death notice for the town of: Port-Dover, Province: Ontario
death notice Neil Elliott 2024
obituaries notice Neil Elliott 2024
We offer our deepest sympathies to the family and friends of Neil Elliott 2024 and hope that their memory may be a source of comfort during this difficult time. Your thoughts and kind words are greatly appreciated.
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