
Luzerne County Council votes to repair Nanticoke bridge

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Robotics easing surgery at TidalHealth Nanticoke

SEAFORD — Without technology, Dr. William Doran would have to measure by hand while preparing for knee or hip replacement surgeries.

But thanks to the Mako Robotic-Arm, TidalHealth Nanticoke’s Dr. Doran can create a 3D-image of the joint, which includes the bone structure and the surrounding tissues. This robot allows him to plan surgeries down to the millimeter, personalized for each patient.

“There’s no reason for me to pretend that my hands can be as good as this robot,” Dr. Doran said.

Dr. Doran said TidaHealth Nanticoke recently performed its 500th surgery using the Mako Robotic-Arm.

Robotics have played a big role at TidalHealth Nanticoke since it purchased the Mako Robotic-Arm and the da Vinci Surgical System last year. The hospital has performed more than 200 heart and lung surgeries while using the da Vinci Surgical System.

The robots have helped patients with quicker recovery times from surgery and lower costs. They cost about $2.5 million but Dr. Kurt Wehberg said performing surgeries robotically saves the hospital about $100,000 a month.

“These are expensive robots, but in the long run, they save money,” Dr. Wehberg said.

Dr. Wehberg performs minimally invasive lung procedures with the da Vinci Surgical System. The system allows for smaller incision points, which leads to smaller scars and faster healing times.

He said patients typically used to stay in the hospital for up to seven days for recovery from lung surgery. Since TidalHealth started using robotics, however, most patients can go home the same day.

Dr. Wehberg added the mortality rate for lung infections used to be 50% 50 years ago — now it’s 1%.

Patients can also save money because they won’t need as much pain medication, said Dr. Jarrod Buzalewski.

Dr. Buzalewski leads TidalHealth’s bariatric surgery program in Delaware, which has served more than…

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Luzerne County project sees North Cross Valley, Nanticoke span get brighter

 			 				 Luzerne County provided this ‘before’ photo to show the Nanticoke/West Nanticoke Bridge before it switched to brighter LED lighting. Submitted photo

Luzerne County provided this ‘before’ photo to show the Nanticoke/West Nanticoke Bridge before it switched to brighter LED lighting.

Submitted photo

<p>This photo shows the illumination provided by a new LED light at the Route 11 entrance to the Nanticoke/West Nanticoke Bridge.</p>
<p>Submitted photo</p>
<p>” /></a> </p>
<p>This photo shows the illumination provided by a new LED light at the Route 11 entrance to the Nanticoke/West Nanticoke Bridge.</p>
<p>Submitted photo</p>
<p>Luzerne County is nearing completion of an LED lighting conversion project that makes the North Cross Valley Expressway brighter while saving the county money, said county Engineer William McIntosh.</p>
<p>Lighting along the 5.5-mile highway falls under the county’s responsibility due to past agreements with the state, he said.</p>
<p>The highway’s old high-pressure sodium fixtures were more than 30 years old and deteriorating.</p>
<p>The county has replaced most of the 350 light fixtures and will receive 50% state reimbursement toward the $440,000 project, McIntosh said. It included replacement of aging and defective wiring and parts, he said.</p>
<p>Approximately seven remaining scattered light fixtures will be converted to LED when the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation trims trees on the banks that are blocking the lights, McIntosh said. The state indicated it will be completing the trimming soon, he said.</p>
<p>McIntosh noted two recent problems temporarily caused sections to be darkened, but they have been fixed.</p>
<p>PPL recently repaired a power feed malfunction, allowing restoration of a large section of lighting at the River Street exit, he said.</p>
<p>At the Kidder Street exit, bad wiring caused high-tower lighting to go out, he said….</p>
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Honoring a Nanticoke legend | Times Leader

 			 				 Posing with a few of his many firefighting buddies from the Espy Street Station, John ‘Stanky’ Stankovic of Nanticoke is flanked by Brian Zegarski and Matthew Glidden. Known widely for his polka band, Stanky was honored for his 60 years of service as a firefighter in Nanticoke on Wednesday evening. Mary Therese Biebel | Times Leader

Posing with a few of his many firefighting buddies from the Espy Street Station, John ‘Stanky’ Stankovic of Nanticoke is flanked by Brian Zegarski and Matthew Glidden. Known widely for his polka band, Stanky was honored for his 60 years of service as a firefighter in Nanticoke on Wednesday evening.

Mary Therese Biebel | Times Leader

Widely known for his polka band, John ‘Stanky’ Stankovic also is a longtime volunteer firefighter

<p>The family of John ‘Stanky’ Stankovic was pleased to see him honored for his 60 years of service as a firefighter in Nanticoke on Wednesday evening. Stanky, center, is flanked by his daughters Kim Bukowski and Debbie Horoschock, with his wife Dorothy Stankovic and granddaughter Ashley Horoschock on either end.</p>
<p>Mary Therese Biebel | Times Leader</p>
<p>” /></a> </p>
<p>The family of John ‘Stanky’ Stankovic was pleased to see him honored for his 60 years of service as a firefighter in Nanticoke on Wednesday evening. Stanky, center, is flanked by his daughters Kim Bukowski and Debbie Horoschock, with his wife Dorothy Stankovic and granddaughter Ashley Horoschock on either end.</p>
<p>Mary Therese Biebel | Times Leader</p>
<p> <a target=

<p>Nanticoke Fire Chief Mark Boncal praises John ‘Stanky’ Stankovic and thanks him for his 60 years of service to the fire department.</p>
<p>Mary Therese Biebel | Times Leader</p>
<p>” /></a> </p>
<p>Nanticoke Fire Chief Mark…</p>
<p> <a href=Continue reading


07/07/2022 | Wicomico To Expand County Park With Land Acquisition

SALISBURY – A waterfront park in Wicomico will expand with the acquisition of neighboring property.

On Tuesday, the Wicomico County Council voted 6-0, with Councilman Bill McCain abstaining, to acquire three parcels along Cove Road for the purposes of demolishing existing buildings and converting the land back into public open space. Marilyn Williams, the county’s land development coordinator, noted the purchase would allow Wicomico to expand Cove Road Beach, a shoreline park along the Nanticoke River.

“FEMA wants us, and really any municipality that participates in the National Flood Insurance Program, to go after properties like this …,” she said. “It really started out as doing something to remove these structures from the flood insurance program and stop all the repetitive damage to the properties. It never really started out as an acquisition of the Cove Road property.”

Officials noted the three parcels, totaling 29 acres, contained two homes. Williams said the prior owner had initially worked with the county to secure Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grants for the purpose of raising his home.

“His house would flood, and it was becoming more frequently flooded with all of the higher-than-normal tides,” she explained.

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While the owner passed away in 2018, Williams said the county has since received a $188,819 grant from FEMA and a $67,750 grant from Program Open Space to acquire the parcels, remove the existing buildings and convert the property into public open space.

“This is a frequent flooding property and frequently has insurance claims against it,” she said.

In a public hearing this week, nearby residents came before the county council to support the proposed acquisition. Cove Road resident John Laferty noted that the expansion of Cove Road Beach was needed.

“I think the county would be foolish not to purchase those houses,…

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Nanticoke man charged with stomping woman unconscious

A Nanticoke man with a checkered past broke into a woman’s home, dragged her out to the street and kicked her in the head until she stopped moving, according to charges filed by Newport Twp. police.

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Bowman Takes First Action Sprint Tour Win

PORT COLBORNE, Ont. (June 30, 2022) – Mike Bowman took his first career Crate Sprint Car win on Thursday night at Humberstone Speedway. The former 358 Modified champion finished almost three seconds ahead of runner-up Mathieu Bardier in the Action Sprint Tour fueled by Pinty’s A-Main, while Darren Dryden took the final podium spot.

Dryden and Bowman started on the front row for the 25 lap A-Main, but the red flag quickly flew when Jacob Dykstra’s car did a rollover after hard contact with the inside wall in turn one. Dykstra’s crew worked hard to repair the damage and he started at the back of the field for the complete restart, along with AJ Lewis who was also collected in the accident.

Dryden took the early lead after the restart with Bowman in close pursuit, but just as Bowman looked to make a move he slid off the banking in turn two while Dryden streaked away. Bowman got a mulligan for his miscue though, as the lap wasn’t completed before Tyeller Powless spun in turn one and collected Luke Stewart, Seth Roy, and Brian Nanticoke; Stewart’s car suffered the most damage and he wasn’t able to restart.

Dryden kept the lead for a few laps after the restart, but Bowman switched grooves and used the low side to challenge the leader. The pair raced wheel to wheel for several laps with row four starter Mathieu Bardier close behind until Bowman finally edged ahead. Bowman drove away to a large lead while Bardier passed Dryden for second, but Bowman’s advantage was erased when he slid off the track briefly. Bardier got close but Bowman recovered and drove away again to claim the win.

Bardier took the runner-up spot, followed by Dryden, Allan Downey from row eight, and Brett Stratford. Dykstra recovered from his first corner…

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Little League: Back Mountain American hands Sowyersville/West Side first loss

Back Mountain American broke open a tie game by scoring five runs in the top of the third inning,and the held on to defeat Swoyersville/West Side 8-6 Friday in District 31 Little League Major Baseball.

The loss was the first for Swoyersville/West Side (3-1). BMA improved to 1-3.

Mike Viglone struck out six over the first four innings to get the win. Lorenzo Zangardi, who reached base twice, tossed the final two innings to close the game. Zangardi retired the side in order in the bottom of the sixth on four pitches.

George Rolland had two hits for BMA and drove in two runs. Nick Dalessandro had an RBI single in the third.

Ryan Gensel drove in one run with a double for Swoyersville/West Side, while Derek Rukstalis singled in two. Evan Zagorski tripled home two runs in the bottom of the fourth.

Northwest 4, Kingston/Forty Fort 2

Cole Cavuto allowed two runs in 4.2 innings with six strikeouts to pick up the win as Northwest defeated Kingston/Forty Fort.

Devon Albee finished game for save.

Connor Mason led Northwest with two hits. Caleb Ide, Cole Cavuto, Jack Kingsbury and Liam Thomas also contributed with hits.

Damien Eastman led KFF with three hits.



Plains 16, Nanticoke 6

Tyler Daugherty picked up the win in relief as Plains defeated Nanticoke in four innings.

Plains’ bats came alive in the third and fourth innings with Nolan Franchella and Reilly Hossage each had two hits and three RBI. Blake Dunsmuir added two RBI, and Teague Stahovic and Ben Thomas each had two hits for Plains.

For Nanticoke, Joe Korus took the loss. Nanticoke got home runs by Trey Mishanski and Owen Komoroski.

Township 8, Wilkes-Barre 3

Township beat Wilkes Barre as Dominic…

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Mitch Brown Takes First Knights of Thunder Win

PORT COLBORNE, Ont. (June 30, 2022) – Mitch Brown earned his first sword on Thursday night at Humberstone Speedway, withstanding pressure from several challengers to take his first Pinty’s Knights of Thunder 360 Sprint Car A-Main win.

Mitch Brown and Brayden Cooley were on the front row for the 25 lap A-Main, and Brown took the early lead while Mack DeMan and Mikey Kruchka jockeyed for the third spot. DeMan was strong on the high side, especially in turns three and four, and drove around Cooley to take the second position on lap four. Cooley then tried the upper lane, but Kruchka drove around him on the inside to take third.

Brown lived up to his “Downtown” nickname, methodically running the low side lap after lap. DeMan began to track down the leader and was less than half a second behind when the yellow flag came out for Jim Huppunen’s flat tire. Kruchka was still in third at this point, but pulled off the track with brake and rear end problems just as the green flag was about to come back out. Cory Turner inherited the third spot as a result.

Brown held serve again while DeMan and Turner diced for the second spot until another yellow flag appeared for a Dan Nanticoke spin. Aaron Turkey then stopped with a flat tire just as the green flag was about to reappear, and when it finally did Turkey’s teammate Cooley brought out the yellow again with a front suspension problem. Cooley’s bad luck moved Ryan Turner and Travis Cunningham into fourth and fifth, respectively, with Brown, DeMan, and Cory Turner ahead of them.

The green flag stayed out only briefly, as things went from bad to worse for Huppunen, Nanticoke, and Turkey who all tangled in turn one. Huppunen and Nanticoke restarted, but Turkey’s night…

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Leonard H. “Bud” Dykins


Jun 27, 2022

Leonard H. “Bud” Dykins, 93, of Montoursville, passed away peacefully on Wednesday, June 22, 2022, at his residence. He was born March 5, 1929, in Nanticoke, Pa., the son of the late Leonard Joseph and Evelyn Brown Dykins.

Bud graduated from Nanticoke High School in 1946. He also graduated from Bucknell University with a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering in 1950.

He was married to the love of his life, the late Lois Kashner Dykins, for 54 years who passed away Oct. 16, 2011. They were married July 3, 1967.

Bud was employed as a chemical engineer at Merck for 20 years and at DER from where he retired.

He was a lifetime member of the Danville Elks. Bud was also a member of the Nanticoke Mason Lodge #332, the Caldwell Consistory and Faith United Methodist Church of Montoursville.

He enjoyed hunting and music. Bud was an avid New York Yankees and New York Giants fan. Bud loved spending time in the kitchen cooking meals with his family. His greatest enjoyment in life was spending time with his family and friends.

Bud is survived by numerous nieces and nephews.

In addition to his wife, he was preceded in death by his aunts and uncles.

A Celebration of Bud’s life will be held on Wednesday, June 29, 2022 at 11 a.m. at Visneski Funeral Home, Inc., 42 W Mahoning St., Danville, PA 17821 with the Reverend Charles E. Gummo, retired Methodist minister officiating. Friends will be received from 10 to 10:45 a.m. Masonic Rites will be held by the Danville-Mahoning Lodge #224 at 10:45…

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