
Hamilton steelworkers reach contract agreement with Stelco, avert strike threat

Stelco workers in Hamilton have ended a strike threat by voting in favour of a new five-year contract.

More than 82 per cent of the United Steel Workers Local 1005 members who voted approved the contract Wednesday — the same day Stelco’s last Hamilton steelmaking blast furnace was demolished.

The company has not made steel in Hamilton for more than a decade.

But around 600 local Stelco workers continue to operate steel-finishing operations on the bayfront, including a zinc-coating line, as well as an 83-oven battery that makes coke for the company’s integrated steelmaking mill on Lake Erie.

A union memo to members earlier this month said the agreement will include wage increases of $1.05 per year as well as cost-of-living adjustments, pension and benefits improvements.

The Hamilton-based steel company reached a tentative agreement with the union last week, a few days before a legal strike or lockout would have become possible.

The USW local representing 1,000 unionized workers at Stelco’s Nanticoke plant has also reached a tentative agreement with the company, with a vote on that prospective contract scheduled for Friday.

Locally, the union argued during bargaining that Stelco has been “extremely successful and profitable” in recent times, pointing to its recent sale of its Hamilton lands to a developer, investment in the Hamilton Tiger-Cats and announced plans to buy back $1 billion in shares from investors.

Negotiations over the latest local contract came amid a historic ownership change in Stelco’s 324 hectares of bayfront land. Earlier this summer, Stelco sold its Hamilton land to would-be developer Slate Asset Management, which agreed to lease back to the steelmaker the property required to continue local operations.

But The Spectator discovered the company’s lease agreement for coke-making operations appears set to end by 2029 at the latest — leaving the future of that…

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AROUND THE CAMPS: Susquehanna and Montrose ready for the season

SUSQUEHANNA — JJ Rosa hauled in a high-arcing pass, jogged back and gave quarterback Colton Stone a high five. 

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Domestic violence charges dismissed against Nanticoke councilman

Assault charges have been dismissed against a Nanticoke city councilman accused of hitting his wife during an alcohol-fueled domestic dispute, according to court records.

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Obituaries in Binghamton, NY | Press & Sun-Bulletin

Roger H. Calice of Nanticoke, NY, went to be in the arms of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on Monday, August 8th, 2022, at age 79. Roger was born at Binghamton City Hospital, in Binghamton, NY to Amos & Cecilia (Karhan) Calice on September 8, 1942. He graduated from Johnson City High School June 27th, 1960. At the same time, he had enlisted in the United States Navy for 6 years, where he proudly served 2 years of active duty as a Radarman Seaman Apprentice (E-2) aboard the USS Massey, and 4 years in the US Naval Reserves. Roger never boasted about his service in the military or considered himself a “Veteran” he said it was a privilege and an adventure and those that fought in a war, or risked being in danger, they deserved the title of “Veteran.” He was honorably discharged October 15, 1965. After his return from sea, Roger attended Broome Technical Community College where he met the love of his life, received his AAS Degree in Civil Technology and began his career as a Civil Engineer working for McFarland – Johnson, Inc. On August 27, 1966, Roger married his college sweetheart Ann (Fritchley) at Blessed Sacrament, in Johnson City, NY. Their life together was a true blessing and example to all of those around them. On August 8, 1967, Roger began his 36-year career with the NYSDOT. He began in Construction and continued through his career in Design and retired March 27th, 2003, in Right of Way Mapping as a Civil Engineer I. Roger and Ann enjoyed their early years camping, boating, and fishing around New York State and the Thousand Islands in the US and Canada where they made many lifelong friends. They lived in the Binghamton and Chenango Forks area early in his…

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Police searching for missing endangered man

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Deborah L. ‘Debbie’ Tyson Wickham


United States of AmericaUS Virgin IslandsUnited States Minor Outlying IslandsCanadaMexico, United Mexican StatesBahamas, Commonwealth of theCuba, Republic ofDominican RepublicHaiti, Republic ofJamaicaAfghanistanAlbania, People’s Socialist Republic ofAlgeria, People’s Democratic Republic ofAmerican SamoaAndorra, Principality ofAngola, Republic ofAnguillaAntarctica (the territory South of 60 deg S)Antigua and BarbudaArgentina, Argentine RepublicArmeniaArubaAustralia, Commonwealth ofAustria, Republic ofAzerbaijan, Republic ofBahrain, Kingdom ofBangladesh, People’s Republic ofBarbadosBelarusBelgium, Kingdom ofBelizeBenin, People’s Republic ofBermudaBhutan, Kingdom ofBolivia, Republic ofBosnia and HerzegovinaBotswana, Republic ofBouvet Island (Bouvetoya)Brazil, Federative Republic ofBritish Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago)British Virgin IslandsBrunei DarussalamBulgaria, People’s Republic ofBurkina FasoBurundi, Republic ofCambodia, Kingdom ofCameroon, United Republic ofCape Verde, Republic ofCayman IslandsCentral African RepublicChad, Republic ofChile, Republic ofChina, People’s Republic ofChristmas IslandCocos (Keeling) IslandsColombia, Republic ofComoros, Union of theCongo, Democratic Republic ofCongo, People’s Republic ofCook IslandsCosta Rica, Republic ofCote D’Ivoire, Ivory Coast, Republic of theCyprus, Republic ofCzech RepublicDenmark, Kingdom ofDjibouti, Republic ofDominica, Commonwealth ofEcuador, Republic ofEgypt, Arab Republic ofEl Salvador, Republic ofEquatorial Guinea, Republic ofEritreaEstoniaEthiopiaFaeroe IslandsFalkland Islands (Malvinas)Fiji, Republic of the Fiji IslandsFinland, Republic ofFrance, French RepublicFrench GuianaFrench PolynesiaFrench Southern TerritoriesGabon, Gabonese RepublicGambia, Republic of theGeorgiaGermanyGhana, Republic ofGibraltarGreece, Hellenic RepublicGreenlandGrenadaGuadaloupeGuamGuatemala, Republic ofGuinea, Revolutionary People’s Rep’c ofGuinea-Bissau, Republic ofGuyana, Republic ofHeard and McDonald IslandsHoly See (Vatican City State)Honduras, Republic ofHong Kong, Special Administrative Region of ChinaHrvatska (Croatia)Hungary, Hungarian People’s RepublicIceland, Republic ofIndia, Republic ofIndonesia, Republic ofIran, Islamic Republic ofIraq, Republic ofIrelandIsrael, State ofItaly, Italian RepublicJapanJordan, Hashemite Kingdom ofKazakhstan, Republic ofKenya, Republic ofKiribati, Republic ofKorea, Democratic People’s Republic ofKorea, Republic ofKuwait, State ofKyrgyz RepublicLao People’s Democratic RepublicLatviaLebanon, Lebanese RepublicLesotho, Kingdom ofLiberia, Republic ofLibyan Arab JamahiriyaLiechtenstein, Principality ofLithuaniaLuxembourg, Grand Duchy ofMacao, Special Administrative Region of ChinaMacedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic ofMadagascar, Republic ofMalawi, Republic ofMalaysiaMaldives, Republic ofMali, Republic ofMalta, Republic ofMarshall IslandsMartiniqueMauritania, Islamic Republic ofMauritiusMayotteMicronesia, Federated States ofMoldova, Republic ofMonaco, Principality ofMongolia, Mongolian People’s RepublicMontserratMorocco, Kingdom ofMozambique, People’s Republic ofMyanmarNamibiaNauru, Republic ofNepal, Kingdom ofNetherlands AntillesNetherlands, Kingdom…

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Margaret ‘Peggy’ Cornell


United States of AmericaUS Virgin IslandsUnited States Minor Outlying IslandsCanadaMexico, United Mexican StatesBahamas, Commonwealth of theCuba, Republic ofDominican RepublicHaiti, Republic ofJamaicaAfghanistanAlbania, People’s Socialist Republic ofAlgeria, People’s Democratic Republic ofAmerican SamoaAndorra, Principality ofAngola, Republic ofAnguillaAntarctica (the territory South of 60 deg S)Antigua and BarbudaArgentina, Argentine RepublicArmeniaArubaAustralia, Commonwealth ofAustria, Republic ofAzerbaijan, Republic ofBahrain, Kingdom ofBangladesh, People’s Republic ofBarbadosBelarusBelgium, Kingdom ofBelizeBenin, People’s Republic ofBermudaBhutan, Kingdom ofBolivia, Republic ofBosnia and HerzegovinaBotswana, Republic ofBouvet Island (Bouvetoya)Brazil, Federative Republic ofBritish Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago)British Virgin IslandsBrunei DarussalamBulgaria, People’s Republic ofBurkina FasoBurundi, Republic ofCambodia, Kingdom ofCameroon, United Republic ofCape Verde, Republic ofCayman IslandsCentral African RepublicChad, Republic ofChile, Republic ofChina, People’s Republic ofChristmas IslandCocos (Keeling) IslandsColombia, Republic ofComoros, Union of theCongo, Democratic Republic ofCongo, People’s Republic ofCook IslandsCosta Rica, Republic ofCote D’Ivoire, Ivory Coast, Republic of theCyprus, Republic ofCzech RepublicDenmark, Kingdom ofDjibouti, Republic ofDominica, Commonwealth ofEcuador, Republic ofEgypt, Arab Republic ofEl Salvador, Republic ofEquatorial Guinea, Republic ofEritreaEstoniaEthiopiaFaeroe IslandsFalkland Islands (Malvinas)Fiji, Republic of the Fiji IslandsFinland, Republic ofFrance, French RepublicFrench GuianaFrench PolynesiaFrench Southern TerritoriesGabon, Gabonese RepublicGambia, Republic of theGeorgiaGermanyGhana, Republic ofGibraltarGreece, Hellenic RepublicGreenlandGrenadaGuadaloupeGuamGuatemala, Republic ofGuinea, Revolutionary People’s Rep’c ofGuinea-Bissau, Republic ofGuyana, Republic ofHeard and McDonald IslandsHoly See (Vatican City State)Honduras, Republic ofHong Kong, Special Administrative Region of ChinaHrvatska (Croatia)Hungary, Hungarian People’s RepublicIceland, Republic ofIndia, Republic ofIndonesia, Republic ofIran, Islamic Republic ofIraq, Republic ofIrelandIsrael, State ofItaly, Italian RepublicJapanJordan, Hashemite Kingdom ofKazakhstan, Republic ofKenya, Republic ofKiribati, Republic ofKorea, Democratic People’s Republic ofKorea, Republic ofKuwait, State ofKyrgyz RepublicLao People’s Democratic RepublicLatviaLebanon, Lebanese RepublicLesotho, Kingdom ofLiberia, Republic ofLibyan Arab JamahiriyaLiechtenstein, Principality ofLithuaniaLuxembourg, Grand Duchy ofMacao, Special Administrative Region of ChinaMacedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic ofMadagascar, Republic ofMalawi, Republic ofMalaysiaMaldives, Republic ofMali, Republic ofMalta, Republic ofMarshall IslandsMartiniqueMauritania, Islamic Republic ofMauritiusMayotteMicronesia, Federated States ofMoldova, Republic ofMonaco, Principality ofMongolia, Mongolian People’s RepublicMontserratMorocco, Kingdom ofMozambique, People’s Republic ofMyanmarNamibiaNauru, Republic ofNepal, Kingdom ofNetherlands AntillesNetherlands, Kingdom…

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Greater Nanticoke Area hires two new school police officers

 			 				 Superintendent Ron Grevera attended Thursday’s Greater Nanticoke Area School Board meeting virtually via the laptop computer opened in front of his empty chair. Mark Guydish | Times Leader

Superintendent Ron Grevera attended Thursday’s Greater Nanticoke Area School Board meeting virtually via the laptop computer opened in front of his empty chair.

Mark Guydish | Times Leader

NANTICOKE — The Greater Nanticoke Area monthly School Board meeting Thursday opened with a noticeable absence: Superintendent Ron Grevera’s chair was empty, though a laptop computer sat open with the screen facing the chair. Board Vice-President Ken James announced that Grevera was attending remotely while staying in COVID-19 isolation.

James headed the meeting because Board President Tony Prushinski was absent, along with Mark O’Connor. Grevera noted that attending remotely maintained his record of attending every School Board meeting, then gave a quick report, noting the first day of School will be Sept. 6, and that kindergarten students and their families will spend the first three days getting familiar with the school and teachers, then start the first kindergarten class on Sept. 9.

Grevera also said teachers will spend the first two days of September getting to know new safety protocols and undergoing some “trauma-informed training.

And Grevera noted that, with the board voting to hire two new school officers that evening, the district will have three full-time officers on the campus every day. During the voting session, the board voted unanimously to hire Brian Stashak and Christopher Wegrzynowicz as school police officers at $46,000 each for the 2022-23 school year, and rescinded the contract with Joseph Nalepa as school police officer. After the meeting Grevera said the new hires both were trained at the Pennsylvania State…

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Nanticoke school board hires two school police officers; rescinds contract of officer charged with assault

NANTICOKE — The Nanticoke Area School Board approved the hiring of two school police officers on Thursday.

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Nanticoke Indian Tribe to host annual powwow Sept. 10-11

Representatives of the Nanticoke Indian Tribe this week announced additional details for the upcoming 44th annual Powwow, set for Sept. 10-11 at Hudson Fields.

“In the powwow circle, we celebrate life and honorable deeds for both the living and those who have crossed over. We are taught that by honoring individuals, and we encourage the next generation to embrace the unlimited possibilities of the world,” they said.

This year’s powwow will feature authentic native crafts, clothing, jewelry, books and commemorative items of the Nanticoke Tribe that will be available for purchase throughout the weekend, as well as Native American food.

One of the traditional dances at the powwow is the Jingle Dance.

“Known also as the healing dance, the Jingle Dance originated with the Ojibwe in the Great Lakes region. The dress itself is said to have originated as a means of healing a medicine man’s granddaughter. In a dream, the elder was told to construct a jingle dress and have his granddaughter dance in it — and she was healed,” they related.

“The colorful dress is covered with rolled up snuff can lids attached with bright colored ribbons. The jingles are close enough together to hit one another, creating a near musical, happy sound much like rain. Dancers perform simple zigzag steps — no high stepping or fancy footwork — and make the jingles sway. The jingles are attached to soft cloth, such as taffeta or cotton. The dancer is judged by her footwork and grace.”

The 50 Native American crafts and food vendors are open 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. The Powwow is being held at Hudson Fields, 30045 Eagle Crest Road, Milton. Parking is free. For more information, call the Nanticoke Indian Center at (302) 945-3400, the Nanticoke Indian Museum at (302) 945-7022, e-mail, check the…

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