June O. “Bugs” Burton, 88, departed this life peacefully on March 12, 2022, in Wilmington, Del. She was born on Sept. 4, 1933, in Millsboro, Del., daughter to the late Eunice P. Harmon and late Travanian (Buddie) Wright. She had a half-sister, the late Derinda Morris, and a half-brother Travis “Poo” Johnson. She grew up in Millsboro, and believed there was no better place to live and raise a family.
She attended the Nanticoke Indian School, where she completed schooling through the eighth grade. She subsequently left school, like many people of her heritage during that time, to help care for her family. She became a devoted housekeeper, both inside and outside the Harmon household. She quickly learned the truth behind the saying “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger,” as she indeed became stronger.
Burton worked for more than 35 years at Atlantic Sands Hotel in Rehoboth Beach, Del., and worked her way from being a housekeeper to the supervisor of the entire Atlantic Sands cleaning staff. Additionally, she had the responsibility of maintaining and cleaning the homes of the Atlantic Sands’ owners — yes, she was that good. She always worked hard and was known for her reliable work ethic.
Even without a formal education, she was a problem solver who excelled at everything, which included taking care of her loved ones. She was a creative homemaker with a unique eye for decorating and unparalleled cooking skills. She accepted Christ into her life and walked with Jesus as an active member of the Indian Mission United Methodist Church and was a lifelong member of the Nanticoke Indian Association. Her Native American name, given to her on June 9, 1990, was Lonesome Wolf.
Burton married Harry “Clayie” Burton, the love of her life, on June 3, 1954, in Salisbury, Md. During that…