
Water main break in Nanticoke located, water pressure to return to normal

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Dolores Mary Floryshak

Dolores Mary Floryshak, a longtime Glen Lyon and Nanticoke resident, passed away Saturday, Sept. 18, 2021, in Lehigh Valley Hospice, Allentown. Dolores was born in Glen Lyon 93 years ago, the daughter of Michael and Mary Rutkowski Boynoski.

Dolores was a 1945 graduate of Newport Twp. High School. She was a distinguished seamstress, having been professionally trained in New York City. She was employed by the Leslie Fay Dress Company in Glen Lyon for 28 years. She would often be found in her sewing room among the bolts of fabric, spools of thread and hundreds of patterns, creating custom-made clothing for herself and family.

After retiring, she generously volunteered her time to many civic and social organizations: Pi Beta Gamma as a past president, the International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union on the retiree counsel, the Mercy Hospital Auxiliary, Nanticoke and she was a longtime volunteer with John Heinz Rehab Center in Wilkes-Barre.

Dolores married Walter F. Floryshak on Nov. 15, 1947. He was the love of her life and favorite dance partner. They could be found swirling around the dance floor or dancing cheek to cheek in the kitchen. Being around her family brought her the most joy. Traveling to visit relatives and hosting family get-togethers, especially during the holidays, were the most meaningful to her.

In addition to her parents, Dolores was predeceased by her husband, Walter in 2008.

She is survived by her sons, Michael, Vincent and Daniel; seven grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.

A Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday in St. Faustina Kowalska Parish, 520 S. Hanover St., Nanticoke. Family and friends may call from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Thursday at George A. Strish Inc. Funeral Home, 211 W. Main St., Glen Lyon. Interment following the Mass will be in St. John the Baptist Cemetery, Glen Lyon. In…

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Nanticoke powwow celebrates Native American dance, music, food and more


Dancers at the Nanticoke Indian Powwow sport traditional regalia. The 2021 edition of the powwow moved to Hudson Fields near Milton.

Coastal Point | Susan Canfora

As he encouraged those attending this year’s powwow to join dancers from the Nanticoke and other tribes for the Round Dance, emcee Keith Colston promised, “If you come in with a smile, you’ll leave with a smile.”

“Talk to the person next to you. Don’t give up any Social Security numbers, but the rest of that information is good to go,” he said with a smile as he sat on a platform, microphone in hand, explaining that the Round Dance symbolizes unification, and urging even the tentative attending the Nanticoke Indian Tribe’s 44th Annual Powwow to hold hands with others and step to the beat of the drum.

“Come on into the circle. Take advantage of this opportunity. You’ve been sitting in those bleachers and chairs. Please take advantage of this beautiful day, good-looking people all around you,” Colston said.

Later, at the event at Hudson Fields near Milton — a new location for the powwow this year — he introduced dancers who displayed their talent by using multiple hoops, first laying them on the ground then picking them up with their feet, ducking under them, dancing through them and making them into spheres.

“This is one of the most difficult dances done,” Colston said, complimenting the men’s agility.

Drummers and singers provided music, and dancers moved in celebration of their heritage at the powwow, where the types of dance demonstrated included fancy, straight and jingle. This year, the beat came from drum groups Red Blanket of New Jersey and Stoney Creek of North Carolina, both nationally known Native American drum groups.

After being canceled last year due to the coronavirus, the…

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Family, friends plant a silver maple tree in memory of Phylicia Thomas

NANTICOKE — Pauline Bailey still waits for her daughter’s remains to be found so she can have her properly interred ad she can visit the gravesite to hopefully find some closure to the nightmare that began in February 2004.

Bailey’s daughter, Phylicia Thomas, was 22 when she went missing — her mother and family and friends believed she was murdered at a party in Hunlock Township. Her remains have never been found and the case remains unsolved.

On Thursday, Phylicia’s family and friends planted a silver maple tree across the street from Bailey’s Loomis Street home. Two benches will sit on either side of the tree, giving Bailey and her family a place to go and pray and reflect on the last 17 and a half years in hope of a break in the case.

“All I want is for Phylicia to be found so I can bury her,” Bailey said. “I just wish somebody would come forward to tell us where she is so we can go and find her and bring her home.”

Bailey said she has heard nothing new in the 17-year-old case, but she remains hopeful that her daughter’s remains will be found and those responsible will be brought to justice.

Judy Lorah Fisher, a friend of Bailey’s who has taken a major role in trying to locate Phylicia, said the sugar maple tree area will provide a place where they can put flowers and sit on the bench next to the tree and celebrate Phylicia’s life.

“Phylicia used to go run in a field and hug a tree and she loved nature,” Fisher said. “She would stay in a field for hours looking for four leaf clover‘s and say everything was alive.

Fisher said the Phylicia’s sister,…

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Tree planting held for Phylicia Thomas, still missing after 17 years

[]Tree planting held for Phylicia Thomas, still missing after 17 years | WOLFPlease ensure Javascript is enabled for purposes ofwebsite accessibility” } ], “datePublished”: “2021-09-16T18:18:14+00:00”, “dateModified”: “2021-09-17T10:34:02.000-04:00”, “author”: { “@type”: “Person”, “name”: “Melanie Zayas” }, “publisher”: { “@type”: “Organization”, “name”: “WOLF”, “logo”: { “@type”: “ImageObject”, “url”: “” } }, “description”: “Earlier this evening, a tree planting was held for Phylicia Thomas, a presumed murder victim who lived in Nanticoke, that went missing almost two decades ago. Her family and members of the community planted it right across from their home. She was 22 at the time of her disappearance that happened in February 2004. 17 years later, the family of Thomas still wants to shed light on the cold case that is still unsolved. Her body was never found and no arrests have been made in the case.” } ]]>

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Shamokin looks to get back on track against Nanticoke

Shamokin Area will attempt to bounce back from a poor performance last week against Selinsgrove tonight against a winless Greater Nanticoke in a road game that has now taken on big proportion for the 1-2 Indians.

Shamokin cannot afford a third straight loss, especially against a team which has struggled itself in recent years, with much hope of having the kind of season the Indians have envisioned.

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Greater Nanticoke Area names football field after coach Frank Chicknosky

Sep. 10—NANTICOKE — With the new scoreboard poised to be dedicated Sept. 17, the man whose name was on the old board in the days of Lincoln Field, before district mergers, was given the honor of having the football field to be christened “The Frank J. Chicknosky Field.”

With three members absent the Greater Nanticoke Area School Board voted 6-0 to make the name change official. Vice President Ken James, who ran the meeting in the absence of Board President Tony Prushinski, said after the meeting that Chicknosky was a winning coach in the 1930s and ’40s before school district consolidation, and that his name was on the scoreboard of the old Lincoln Field, later moved to the new stadium.

With The Distastio family raising the money to buy a new scoreboard, the board will be dedicated with Coach Dan Distasio’s name. But the district wanted to keep Chicknosky’s memory alive, James said, so the field is being named in his honor. He also noted the board has been working to keep the history of the various districts pre-consolidation in the public eye through various efforts.

During the voting session of the short meeting, the board:

—Accepted the resignation of football strength coach Neal McMahon, and appointed John Pietrzyk Jr. as football strength and conditioning coach.

—Accepted the resignations of five special education aides — Deborah Degosky, Mary Statkiewicz, Anita Bukowski, Chris Salus, and Tara Hughes — and approved advertising for special education aide positions.

—Approved athletic appointments of Eric Spencer as head high school baseball coach, Beth Maney as head cheerleading coach, Anthony Chiarucci as football assistant 2, Carmelo Pioquinto as junior high soccer coach, Joseph Shimko as football assistant 3A, Ron Bruza Sr. as football assistant 4A, Sterling Kepp as football assistant 3B and Ken Kasprzyk as football assistant 4B. The four last football…

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LCCC holds 9/11 remembrance ceremony for 20th anniversary

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H.S. Football: Wyoming Area strikes quickly, rolls past Nanticoke Area

WEST PITTSTON — The good vibrations on the Nanticoke Area sideline lasted all of one play.

The Trojans’ Jaylin Collins returned the opening kick half the length of the field into Wyoming Area territory. From that point, the glimmer of hope turned into an onslaught of despair.

Wyoming Area pounded Nanticoke Area for a 47-13 victory on Friday night. The Warriors remain undefeated through three games on the season.

“We did a great job, spreading the ball around and getting all of our playmakers involved,” Wyoming Area coach Randy Spencer said. “Our skill guys, led by Rocco Pizano, were making big plays in the passing game. It was important for us to build our confidence.”

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The Warriors forced a fumble on the first Nanticoke Area offensive play. On the Wyoming Area’s second play, Pizano caught a 42-yard catch down the field into the red zone. Quarterback Blaise Sokach-Minnick avoided a fleet of Nanticoke Area defenders and flicked a pass in traffic to Aaron Crossley for a 4-yard touchdown.

Sokach-Minnick’s quick thinking and accurate passing kept the Nanticoke Area secondary on its heels. In just one half’s worth of work, the Wyoming Area senior quarterback completed 11 of 14 passes for 208 yards and four touchdowns.

“He was throwing amazing,” Crossley said. “He should have had five honestly! I kind of messed up the last play. But he still got it done.”

All four of his touchdowns were thrown to different Wyoming Area receivers. Pizano found the end zone on a 22-yard pass on the team’s second drive. Usamah Alansari had one of his two touchdowns on the night via a 17-yard connection in the second quarter. Sokach-Minnick closed out his lucrative first half by finding John Morgan in the…

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H.S. Football: Wyoming Area strikes quickly, rolls past Nanticoke Area

WEST PITTSTON — The good vibrations on the Nanticoke Area sideline lasted all of one play.

The Trojans’ Jaylin Collins returned the opening kick half the length of the field into Wyoming Area territory. From that point, the glimmer of hope turned into an onslaught of despair.

Wyoming Area pounded Nanticoke Area for a 47-13 victory on Friday night. The Warriors remain undefeated through three games on the season.

“We did a great job, spreading the ball around and getting all of our playmakers involved,” Wyoming Area coach Randy Spencer said. “Our skill guys, led by Rocco Pizano, were making big plays in the passing game. It was important for us to build our confidence.”

The Warriors forced a fumble on the first Nanticoke Area offensive play. On the Wyoming Area’s second play, Pizano caught a 42-yard catch down the field into the red zone. Quarterback Blaise Sokach-Minnick avoided a fleet of Nanticoke Area defenders and flicked a pass in traffic to Aaron Crossley for a 4-yard touchdown.

Sokach-Minnick’s quick thinking and accurate passing kept the Nanticoke Area secondary on its heels. In just one half’s worth of work, the Wyoming Area senior quarterback completed 11 of 14 passes for 208 yards and four touchdowns.

“He was throwing amazing,” Crossley said. “He should have had five honestly! I kind of messed up the last play. But he still got it done.”

All four of his touchdowns were thrown to different Wyoming Area receivers. Pizano found the end zone on a 22-yard pass on the team’s second drive. Usamah Alansari had one of his two touchdowns on the night via a 17-yard connection in the second quarter. Sokach-Minnick closed out his lucrative first half by finding John Morgan in the corner of the…

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