
New Park on Nanticoke River Protects Bay’s Oldest Ferry Site

One of the Chesapeake Bay’s most pristine rivers has a new park for all to enjoy. Nanticoke Crossing Park opened earlier this month outside Seaford, Del.

Sussex County Land Trust and Chesapeake Conservancy partnered on the newly-named 41-acre park. It includes 29 acres of forest, open areas, and 1,900 feet of shoreline with freshwater tidal wetland plants. The partners say it allows for direct access to the Nanticoke River through an old lagoon that will be revitalized for the public to use.

The preservation of the park site provides more access to the Chesapeake National Historic Trail. Captain John Smith explored the Nanticoke in 1608, encountering the Nanticoke Indians, who had lived there for thousands of years.

It also means that the fourth and final corner surrounding the 1740s Woodland Ferry is now protected. One of the nation’s oldest operating ferries, the ferry has carried passengers across the Nanticoke since 1743 and is listed in the National Register of Historic Places.

It took help from the Mt. Cuba Center and even cooperation by the U.S. Navy to allow the conservancy and the land trust to purchase and preserve the parkland in Woodland.

Nanticoke Crossing Park is just one of the ways Chesapeake Conservancy is working to protect the river—in fact, the nonprofit says the Nanticoke is now 33 percent protected. The new park is just downstream from Oyster House Park in Seaford, which the conservancy is also helping to build.

“The Nanticoke River Watershed is now one of the East coast’s best examples of how to achieve President Biden’s intentions in the America the Beautiful initiative to conserve 30% of lands and waters in the United States by 2030,” says President and CEO Joel Dunn.

In the meantime, plans are underway to further promote Nanticoke Crossing Park as a site for local and regional recreation for water access, hiking, and…

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Nanticoke Crossing Park is a tribute to conservation

Delaware’s conservation leadership on the Nanticoke River is a good model for President Biden’s 30 percent by 2030 conservation initiative.

In Executive Order 14008 on Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad, President Biden set a national goal for land conservation: conserve 30 percent of the nation’s lands and waters by 2030. The intent of this goal is to protect one important aspect of what makes our nation so wonderful: its natural beauty, its wildlife, and the natural resources that sustain nature and the American people. 

This is an ambitious but timely proposal, especially considering the current estimate that just 12 percent of lands in the United States have some level of protection against development. 

Achieving this national 30 by 30 conservation goal to protect America’s nature and wildlife requires us to think and act locally, and to forge partnerships in the community and across government. For a good model to guide his initiative, President Biden need not look further than his own backyard, to the Nanticoke River watershed located in Delaware and Maryland which today is 33 percent protected. 

Considering its natural beauty and largely undeveloped waterfront, the Nanticoke River is one of the most pristine rivers of the entire Chesapeake Bay. Many stretches of the river appear today as they did during the pre-colonial era. 

The Nanticoke River supports abundant fisheries, and the region is also home to the highest concentration of bald eagles in the northeastern United States. 

Take a paddle down river and look just behind the trees – there’s a flurry of activity working to protect the Nanticoke River. Conservation groups, along with the State of Delaware, local governments, the Department of Defense and private philanthropies are working together to ensure that the Nanticoke River watershed remains a natural treasure.

On June 7, Chesapeake…

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Greater Nanticoke Area

170 students graduated from Greater Nanticoke Area High School during commencement ceremonies June 11 on the GNA school campus. Valedictorian is Kayla Eckrote. Salutatorian is Daniel Shevchenko. Class officers are Michael Marcella, president; Taylor Bartle, vice president; Genevieve Nalepa, secretary, and Calvin Brzozowski, treasurer.

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Broome County Highway Work Planned for Week of 6/21

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Police recover body of Seaford man who drowned in Nanticoke River

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Police recover body of Seaford man who drowned in Nanticoke River

Police said the search for John Davis of Seaford, Delaware, had been underway since Sunday. His body was recovered from the Nanticoke River on Tuesday.

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While there’s no way to 100 percent deter car break-ins, there are some steps that you can take to make your vehicle a much less appealing target.

First responders have recovered the body of a Seaford man who drowned in the Nanticoke River, Maryland State Police said.

A Maryland Natural Resources Police helicopter patrolling the area of Cherry Beach Park in Sharptown located 53-year-old John Davis around 7:45 a.m. Tuesday. Police said his body was found in the Nanticoke River about a quarter of a mile from where he was last seen over the weekend.

Troopers from the Salisbury Barrack were called to Cherry Beach Park shortly before 5 p.m. Sunday for a report of a possible drowning.

They arrived to find Maryland Natural Resources Police and the Sharptown Volunteer Fire Department conducting dive operations and searching via boat for Davis.

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Police said Davis had been at the park for a family gathering when he jumped from a boat dock into the Nanticoke River to go swimming. Nearby boaters saw him struggling to keep his head above water, but by the time they…

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Hanover Township police charge Nanticoke man for Lee Park stabbing



HANOVER TWP. — Township police say they charged a Nanticoke man with stabbing another person on Lee Park Avenue last week.

Nicholas Suprum, 20, last known address as West Green Street, is facing charges of aggravated assault, simple assault, reckless endangerment, harassment, disorderly conduct, public drunkenness and underage consumption of alcohol, police said.

Suprum has not been arraigned on the charges as of Tuesday morning.

Last week, township police Chief Al Walker said the incident was a domestic dispute at a residence in Lee Park resulting in the assault outside a store on June 15. The victim, whose name was not released, was treated for several lacerations.

Police said Suprum was recently jailed at the Luzerne County Correctional Facility for lack of $150,000 bail on a separate incident.

The separate incident involves allegations from Suprum’s ex-girlfriend on May 29 claiming he sent her several text messages threatening to kill her and repeatedly contacted her in violation of a protection-from abuse order. Suprum’s ex-girlfriend resides in the Lee Park area.

Court records say Suprum was arrested by police in February 2019 after he assaulted his ex-girlfriend in an incident captured by a surveillance camera on Woodbury Street in Lee Park.

Footage showed Suprum grabbing he girl, throwing her to the ground and dragging her away only to show the girl running and being chased by Suprum, court records say.

Suprum pleaded guilty to simple assault and was sentenced Oct. 25, 2019, by President Judge Michael T. Vough to one-month to 23 months served at the county correctional facility. Prosecutors withdrew several charges against Suprum in a plea deal.

Suprum was also sentenced to six months in…

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Healthwatch 16: Geisinger Wyoming Valley celebrates anniversary, expansion

Back in 1981, three hospitals in Luzerne County merged to create one hospital. It would eventually become Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center.

LUZERNE COUNTY, Pa. — Years ago, it was NPW Medical Center, a consolidation of Nanticoke, Pittston, and Wyoming Valley hospitals.

It’s now Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center in Plains Township, near Wilkes-Barre.

Noreen Diaco has been around for all of those years. Her first day on the job was in July of 1981.

“I’ve grown up here. And it’s amazing. It’s amazing I’m here 40 years,” Diaco said.

Diaco has seen a lot of changes on the hospital’s campus.

“We’ve grown from a very small community hospital to a large system hospital. it has expanded building after building!”

And she’s marking 40 years while watching another expansion: a massive project adding onto the already existing Henry Cancer Center.

“We know that there are a lot of people in the valley with cancer. And they often feel they need to go outside of the area to get world-class care. And that’s not true,” said Dr. Karlyn Paglia, chief medical officer at GWV and Geisinger South Wilkes-Barre.

Dr. Paglia tells us the new project will add 18 beds for the most critical patients and double the size of the infusion center, where services like chemotherapy are administered, among other improvements.

It’s all about stopping for a moment to recognize how far they’ve come but look ahead to the future.

“I think that’s one of the missions of Geisinger, to go out there and seek the best talent, whether that’s nursing students or medical students, and basically train them, grow them into medical providers we want to care for us when we’re in need,” Dr. Paglia added.

That expansion project at the Henry Cancer Center is slated to be complete next…

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Doctors: COVID-19 Delta variant now the greatest threat

Healthcare professionals said the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are protecting against the Delta variant. Those who are unvaccinated are at the greatest risk.

HONESDALE, Pa. — Doctors at Wayne Memorial Hospital in Honesdale said the newly detected Delta variant of COVID-19 is cause for concern.

“It’s the fastest known variant right now in the U.S. making up somewhere between six and 14 percent of cases depending on where you look and what data you look at,” Dr. James Cruse, Medical Director of Wayne Memorial Community Health Centers, said.

Doctors said there are two major worries with this Delta variant. 

It spreads quickly and it’s infecting younger people.

“There’s about 2.5 times the number of teens and adults under the age of 50 that have been affected by this variant compared to prior variants,” Dr. Cruse said.

However, says the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are working against the Delta variant.

“Pfizer is estimated to be about 88% effective against it. We’re mostly seeing cases of the Delta variant in the unvaccinated,” Dr. Cruse said. 

Dr. Cruse said the best way to protect against the Delta variant is to get the shot.

People in Nanticoke say they feel protected after getting the vaccine.

“I got the shot so, I’m hopeful. I got both shots actually, I’m a card-carrying member,” Elsa, who did not want to give her last name, said.

Dr. Cruse warned that going into the summer of last year, Wayne County was seeing about 12 new cases of coronavirus each week.

This summer, we are seeing double that amount.

He hopes more people choose to get the shot before we could see a spike in cases this Fall.

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PROUD PARENTS: Family celebrates as Nanticoke woman graduates from U.S. Military Academy at West Point

NANTICOKE — It’s hard for Luis and Susan Ramos to describe the pride they feel after their daughter, Leandra, recently graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point.

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Nanticoke Police try to get lizard back home

[]Nanticoke Police try to get lizard back home | WOLFPlease ensure Javascript is enabled for purposes ofwebsite accessibility Continue reading