
Meridian Bank House of the Week: 123-Year-Old Converted Farmhouse in Quakertown

By John Fey

Published: 5:26 am EDT September 29, 2023Published: September 29, 2023Updated: 1:56 pm EDT September 28, 2023

A unique estate in Quakertown has recently hit the market, offering a historic property with plenty of modern amenities.



The Historic Mill was originally built in the 1700s and converted to a home in the 1900s on Unami Creek.



The original character of the mill, with its exposed beams and rustic charm, has been retained while incorporating all the modern conveniences for comfortable living.



It’s the perfect place to entertain guests, dine al fresco, or simply unwind in the tranquility of your own oasis.



With four bedrooms and three bathrooms, this home is the perfect size for large families looking to live in luxury.



Read and see more of this house at 2045 Hillcrest Road in Quakertown, listed for $949,000, on

Check out BUCKSCO.Today’s previous Houses of the Week here.

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Johnnie Walker and a Michelin 3-Starred Chef Created a Blue Label Whisky With Umami

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Michelin-starred chef Kei Kobayashi and blended scotch whisky brand Johnnie Walker have collaborated on a new Blue Label release called Elusive Umami. We had a chance to talk to the chef and Johnnie Walker master blender Emma Walker about the new release, the importance of aroma, and how the name of this whisky could cause some confusion.

Kobayashi is the owner of the restaurant Kei in Paris, which earned three Michelin stars in 2020 making him the first Japanese chef to achieve that honor in the City of Light. Robb Report spoke to him over Zoom (with the help of a translator) about this new whisky collaboration and the inspiration behind it. “I feel like there’s a slight misunderstanding of this concept,” he said. “Umami is two words—the word ‘delicious’ and the word ‘taste,’ so it literally means ‘delicious taste.’ I wanted to focus on creating something delicious, not so much umami as a fifth flavor.”

In other words, don’t expect the intensely salty, savory notes you probably associate with anything labeled “umami.” Official tasting notes describe a combination of sweet and savory on the palate along with a bit of smoke and fruit, and a nose full of nutty, salty brine. The nose is of particular importance to Kobayashi, who puts fragrance front and center in his cooking. “As a chef, we have to stimulate all five senses,” he said. “But taste comes last. First is vision and second is aroma. Since whisky combines fragrance with taste, which is my speciality, I focused on how we can have those two elements coexist…

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This Week in DPPA: 26 August

ASG Khaled Khiari called on the Security Council to fund and institutionalize the YPS Agenda 

On 28 August, the Permanent Mission of Ghana hosted an Arria formula meeting of the Security Council on “Reinforcing the implementation of the Youth, Peace and Security Agenda for a peaceful and stable Africa”. The meeting highlighted the increasing efforts to institutionalize the Youth, Peace and Security (YPS) agenda at the national and regional levels and paid tribute to the African Union for its leadership on inclusion of youth. Assistant Secretary-General Khaled Khiari, representing DPPA, called for better financial and political support to the YPS agenda. The meeting also heard from a young woman peacebuilder from the Central African Republic, Chido Mpemba (African Union Youth Envoy) and Farhad Peikar (Special Representative from the World Bank). Several Member States stressed the importance of holding regular Security Council debates on YPS and stepping up the implementation of YPS mandates in UN missions. The importance of ensuring a strong collaboration on YPS with regional organizations, such as the African Union, was also highlighted as a priority. 

Assistant Secretary-General Jenča meets with Cyprus leaders to advance peace efforts

Assistant Secretary-General for Europe, Central Asia and Americas in the Departments of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs and Peace Operations Miroslav Jenča visited Cyprus from 27 to 29 August. The visit was part of the UN’s continued engagement with the parties to explore common ground on the way forward on the Cyprus issue. He met separately with the Greek Cypriot leader, Nikos Christodoulides, and the Turkish Cypriot leader, Ersin Tatar, among others. Recent developments on the ground and operational issues related to the mandate of the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus were also discussed. He also met with…

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JVMI Co-founder Tahar Boumedra: We Must End the Impunity of Iran’s Regime

Tahar BoumedraTahar Boumedra

An international conference was convened on August 21 at the headquarters of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), near Paris, to address the political prisoner massacre that took place during the summer of 1988 in Iran.

Among the distinguished guests and speakers, was the former Chief of UNAMI Human Rights Office in Iraq (2012), Mr. Tahar Boumedra, Director of the Justice for the Victims of the 1988 Massacre in Iran (JVMI).

Drawing from his own experience as the former UNAMI Human Rights Office Chief, Mr. Boumedra recalled his observations and pointed out that during his tenure, he directly witnessed atrocities committed by the pro-Iranian regime government in Baghdad.

He highlighted the government of Nouri al-Maliki deliberately starving and depriving political refugees in Camp Ashraf of necessary medical care while poisoning the potable water with uranium-contaminated substance. Mr. Boumedra stressed that these actions amounted to a blatant crime of denying people sustenance.

The full speech of Mr. Tahar Boumedra’s speech follows:


Madam Rajavi, brothers and sisters, eminents, specialists, here with us. My experience is very hard in Camp Ashraf. And I would like to borrow the statement, Cheller’s statement, that you do not need a PhD to recognize a crime.

What I personally witnessed is that a government decides to starve a population and they do it under the supervision of the United Nations. I witnessed when the convoys bring in provisions to Camp Ashraf, the Iraqi government used to stop the convoy before the camp, expose the provisions, the food, to 50 degrees centigrade sun, three days out of the camp to make sure that the food perishes before they allow it into the camp. So, we…

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Survivor of the Canal Hotel Bombing Reflects on the Attack

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Remarks by Claudio Cordone, Deputy Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Political Affairs and Electoral Assistance, at the Women Political Forum, Al Nahrain Centre for Strategic Studies [EN/AR/KU]


Distinguished participants,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am honored to be speaking at this event, which is coming during the preparations for the conduct of the Provincial Council elections planned for 18 December.

Let me start by stating what should be obvious, that is that women, like men, have equal rights and equal potential to contribute to social development and to political life. However, as we know, women face many challenges when it comes to their role in public life and politics, including participation in elections. It is important that we take the opportunity of the forthcoming elections to promote an environment in which women can achieve their potential and make their own specific contribution.

In this context, we commend the Government of Iraq for establishing the High Committee to Support Women’s Political Participation in the forthcoming Provincial Council elections.

We welcome the recent launching of the Committee’s workplan and look forward to working with the Committee in close coordination with the Independent High Electoral Commission, the institution tasked with overseeing elections which also undertakes initiatives to promote the role of women as candidates and voters.

We are pleased that the High Committee workplan is based on good practices and lessons learnt from the work of the previous committee set up for the October 2021 elections. Good practices include the establishment of hotlines by the Ministry of Interior to receive security-related complaints from women candidates, and the appointment by the Supreme Judicial Council of judicial investigators to examine complaints of violence against women candidates, online and offline.

Dear participants,

UNAMI’s work relating to the elections in Iraq is based on text of UN Security Council resolution 2682 (2023), adopted last May, which requires us to advise, support, and assist the Government of Iraq, the Independent High Electoral Commission and other…

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Remarks by the SRSG for Iraq and Head of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), Ms. Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, at the 9th Annual Commemoration of Victims of the Genocide Against Yazidis and other Iraqi Components [EN/AR/KU]


Prime Minister,


Ladies and gentlemen,

When remembering the untold suffering of the Yazidi community in the district of Sinjar, words come up short.

Too many lives were lost; too many families were ripped apart; and too many traumas were inflicted on people who did not deserve them.

Today, we are listening, and we will hear directly from brave voices and listen to their tragic accounts of what happened. Importantly, we will also listen to their perspectives on what must happen next.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have not forgotten – nor will we forget. To prevent such atrocities from reoccurring, undying memory is a collective duty.

But as I have said many times: this memory must not be static. The most powerful form of remembrance is the one that compels action.

In August 2019, I publicly shared my shock after one of my early visits to Sinjar. Five years after the horrific violence, which culminated in heinous crimes against the Yazidis, and many others, the need for action was still so clearly visible and so painfully palpable.

In other words: while the people of Sinjar urgently needed to rebuild their lives, they were facing immense obstacles. Obstacles due to discord on stable security structures and a unified administration.

In October 2020, so almost three years ago, agreement was reached between Baghdad and Erbil. At last. The Sinjar Agreement, which focused on governance and security arrangements, as well as the much-needed reconstruction of the district, was a first but important step in the right direction.

And, the UN was hopeful. Hopeful that the Agreement would be the start of a new chapter for Sinjar. One in which the interests of the Sinjari people would come first. One in which all actors, no matter their background or affiliation, would stand up…

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US tries to undermine Iran-Iraq economic relations

Kharrazi made the comments in a meeting with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Iraq Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert in Tehran on Monday.

In the meeting, the former Iranian foreign minister pointed to recent Qur’an sacrilege in Sweden and Denmark, calling on the United Nations to clearly define freedom of expression in a resolution.

He further emphasized the need to withdraw foreign military forces from Iraq as soon as possible in accordance with a piece of legislation approved by the Iraqi parliament in early 2020 after the assassination of the anti-terror commanders in a US airstrike.

He also pointed out the Iraqis are able to govern themselves independently and secure their country, highlighting that the Iraqis do not need any foreign troops.

Kharazi also referred to the UN report regarding Iran’s defensive measures against the bases of separatist terrorist groups in northern Iraq and emphasized the need for realism in preparing such reports by the UN.

“Iran, in accordance with its right to legitimate defense and in response to the moves of terrorist groups, has been forced to take action,” he noted.

Elsewhere, Iran’s Foreign Policy Strategic Council further pointed out that the United States attempts to undermine the economic relations between Iran and Iraq, noting that the US pressures to prevent the payment of Iraq’s debt to Iran will only increase the suffering and hardship of the Iraqi people.

Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, for her part, pointed to the security agreement between Iran and Iraq and the two sides’ emphasis on its full implementation and expressed hope that this would prevent such problems from emerging again.

She also expressed her satisfaction with her trip to Iran and appreciated Iran’s positive role in helping Iraq, voicing hope that regional and international actors will help advance the Iraqi government’s plans for political stability, security and prosperity…

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Greencastle man tries to flee DCNR ranger after telling him he was a consulate for Unami Buffalo Nation

27 July 2023- A Greencastle man allegedly now known as Kwame Asher Bey is looking at charges of fleeing officers and fleeing an officer. Byron Anthony Staple is charged with misdemeanor resisting arrest, misdemeanor false identification to a law enforcement officer, misdemeanor fleeing an officer, traffic violations of driving without an inspection, violating camping rules, and summary marijuana possession. Staple is behind bars in Franklin County Jail on a bail of $2,000.

Around 6pm on July 24th, DCNR Rangers were on patrol in the Buchanan State Forest, Todd Township, Fulton County when they allegedly spotted a Honda Pilot parked in a campsite that didn’t have an inspection sticker. After waiting about five minutes to see if the driver was just stopped momentarily, the Ranger approached the sole occupant, now known to be Byron Staple. Staple allegedly explained to officers that his name was “Kwame Asher Bey” and he was a consulate for the “Unami Buffalo Nation”. Staple also allegedly said he was a sovereign citizen.

The Unami Buffalo Nation in Pennsylvania describe themselves online as “the perennial Moors/Muurs, descendants of the Moroccan Empire.” Additionally, they “establish this law of restoration, reinstitution, and reaffirmation of the Moroccan Empire”.

Rangers ran the name Kwame Asher Bey through their system, which yielded no results. They, however, ran plates on the car and found them to be registered to Byron Staple. When Rangers approached Staple with this…

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Former UNAMI Chief Ad Melkert: Regime Change in Iran is Within Reach


Ad Melkert, the former Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General and Head of the UN Assistance Mission to Iraq until 2011, delivered an inspiring speech at the Free Iran World Summit on July 1, 2023. Acknowledging the perseverance and solidarity of the Iranian people, Melkert emphasized that change in Iran is inevitable and should happen sooner rather than later. He praised the courage of the Iranian men and women who have risen against the merciless regime and stood up for a secular and democratic republic. Despite fading media attention, the uprising continues, Melkert said, and he urged the international community to remain vigilant and support the Iranian people’s quest for justice and freedom. He highlighted the importance of the UN’s fact-finding mission to investigate human rights violations and called for determined action to hold oppressors accountable.

The full-text speech of Mr. Ad Melkert follows:

Dear friends and colleagues, Madam Rajavi, it’s a privilege to accompany you since 2009, the horrific attacks at Ashraf at the time in Iraq, on your journey to victory. Today’s meeting serves more than ever as a testimony to perseverance and solidarity as the necessary ingredients to make a change in Iran inevitable. And there are strong reasons to add that this might and should happen rather sooner than later.

These reasons, adding to decades of resistance by countless brave citizens and by the tireless efforts of your movements, have been provided by the courageous women and men in Iran that have stood up in great numbers against a merciless regime after Mahsa Amini fell victim to the so-called morality police. It’s the opposite of morality. It is immorality that serves to back up the dictatorship which for more than four…

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