
UN Iraq mission expresses concern over protests in Baghdad, calls for end to violence

UN Iraq mission expresses concern over protests in Baghdad, calls for end to violence

UN Iraq mission expresses concern over protests in Baghdad, calls for end to violence

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – On Saturday, the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) called for an end to the violence during the political protests in Baghdad. 30 July 2022, Sputnik International





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Early on Saturday, protesters broke into Baghdad’s high-security neighborhood known as the Green Zone, where government buildings and foreign embassies are located, and launched a sit-in at parliament. The prime minister has ordered security forces to maintain order. The Iraqi health ministry said 125 of his people, including 25 security guards, were injured in the disturbance. Supporters of Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr have rallied against the candidacy of Prime Minister Mohammed al-Sudani, who was nominated by the Coordination Framework Alliance, the largest bloc in Iraq’s parliament representing Shia forces. Protesters stormed parliament once last Wednesday, winning parliamentary elections in October, but turned to the opposition in May and were called upon by Al Sadr after resigning in June. After that, I agreed to leave. Several failed attempts to form a government.


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MOSCOW (Sputnik) – On Saturday, the United Nations Assistance Mission to Iraq (UNAMI) called for an end to violence during political protests in Baghdad as people rally against the nomination of a pro-Iranian prime ministerial candidate.

Early on Saturday,…

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UN expresses concern over Baghdad protests

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UN mission, Arab League call for end to escalation amid political protests in Iraq

Baghdad, July 31 The UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) and Arab League have called for an end to the escalation in the country during protests against the nomination of Mohammed Shia’ al-Sudani for the post of Prime Minister.

“The ongoing escalation is extremely concerning. Voices of reason and wisdom are critical to prevent further violence,” the UNAMI said on Twitter on Saturday, encouraging all sides to “de-escalate in the interest of all Iraqis”.

Meanwhile, the Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul-Gheit on Saturday also appealed to all Iraqi political forces to work quickly to stop the escalation and start a real and sincere dialogue, Xinhua news agency reported.

“The Secretary-General stresses that getting things out of control will not be in the interest of Iraq or in the interest of any party,” the Arab League said on Facebook.

On Wednesday, hundreds of followers of Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr broke into the parliament building after the Coordination Framework, an umbrella group of Shia parliamentary parties, nominated al-Sudani on Monday for the post of Prime Minister.

Earlier in the day, al-Sadr’s followers entered the Iraqi parliament building again and started a protest in the building.

The Coordination Framework became the largest alliance in the Iraqi parliament after al-Sadr ordered his followers in the Sadrist Movement, the biggest winner in the elections held on October 10, 2021, with 73 seats, to withdraw from the parliament.

During the past months, the continued dispute among the Shia parties have hampered the formation of a new Iraqi government, as the parliament has been unable to elect a new President by a two-thirds majority of the 329-seat parliament under the constitution.

During the past months, the continued dispute among the Shia parties have hampered the formation of a new Iraqi government, as the parliament has been unable to elect a new President by a two-thirds…

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UN mission, Arab League call for end to escalation amid political protests in Iraq

BAGHDAD, July 30 (Xinhua) — The UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) and Arab League on Saturday called for an end to the escalation in the country during protests against the nomination of Mohammed Shia’ al-Sudani for the post of prime minister.

“The ongoing escalation is extremely concerning. Voices of reason and wisdom are critical to prevent further violence,” the UNAMI said on Twitter, encouraging all sides to “de-escalate in the interest of all Iraqis.”

Meanwhile, the Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul-Gheit also appealed to all Iraqi political forces to work quickly to stop the escalation and start a real and sincere dialogue.

“The Secretary-General stresses that getting things out of control will not be in the interest of Iraq or in the interest of any party,” the Arab League said on Facebook.

On Wednesday, hundreds of followers of Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr broke into the parliament building after the Coordination Framework, an umbrella group of Shiite parliamentary parties, nominated al-Sudani on Monday for the post of prime minister.

Earlier in the day, al-Sadr’s followers entered the Iraqi parliament building again and started an open sit-in in the building.

The Coordination Framework became the largest alliance in the Iraqi parliament after al-Sadr ordered his followers in the Sadrist Movement, the biggest winner in the elections held on Oct. 10, 2021 with 73 seats, to withdraw from the parliament.

During the past months, the continued disputes among the Shiite parties have hampered the formation of a new Iraqi government, as the parliament has been unable to elect a new president by a two-thirds majority of the 329-seat parliament under the constitution.

During the past months, the continued disputes among the Shiite parties have hampered the formation of a new Iraqi government, as the parliament has been unable to elect a new…

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UN mission, Arab League want de-escalation amid political protests in Iraq

Baghdad: The UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) and Arab League have called for an end to the escalation in the country during protests against the nomination of Mohammed Shia’ al-Sudani for the post of Prime Minister.

“The ongoing escalation is extremely concerning. Voices of reason and wisdom are critical to prevent further violence,” the UNAMI said on Twitter on Saturday, encouraging all sides to “de-escalate in the interest of all Iraqis”.

Meanwhile, the Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul-Gheit on Saturday also appealed to all Iraqi political forces to work quickly to stop the escalation and start a real and sincere dialogue, Xinhua news agency reported.

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“The Secretary-General stresses that getting things out of control will not be in the interest of Iraq or in the interest of any party,” the Arab League said on Facebook.

On Wednesday, hundreds of followers of Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr broke into the parliament building after the Coordination Framework, an umbrella group of Shia parliamentary parties, nominated al-Sudani on Monday for the post of Prime Minister.

Earlier in the day, al-Sadr’s followers entered the Iraqi parliament building again and started a protest in the building.

The Coordination Framework became the largest alliance in the Iraqi parliament after al-Sadr ordered his followers in the Sadrist Movement, the biggest winner in the elections held on October 10, 2021, with 73 seats, to withdraw from the parliament.

During the past months, the continued dispute among the Shia parties have hampered the formation of a new Iraqi government, as the parliament has been unable to elect a new President by a two-thirds majority of the 329-seat parliament under the constitution.

The President, if elected, will appoint the Prime Minister nominated by…

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UN mission, Arab League call for end to escalation amid protests in Iraq

The UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) and Arab League have called for an end to the escalation in the country during protests against the nomination of Mohammed Shia’ al-Sudani for the post of Prime Minister.

“The ongoing escalation is extremely concerning. Voices of reason and wisdom are critical to prevent further violence,” the UNAMI said on Twitter on Saturday, encouraging all sides to “de-escalate in the interest of all Iraqis”.

Meanwhile, the Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul-Gheit on Saturday also appealed to all Iraqi political forces to work quickly to stop the escalation and start a real and sincere dialogue, Xinhua news agency reported.

“The Secretary-General stresses that getting things out of control will not be in the interest of Iraq or in the interest of any party,” the Arab League said on Facebook.

On Wednesday, hundreds of followers of Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr broke into the parliament building after the Coordination Framework, an umbrella group of Shia parliamentary parties, nominated al-Sudani on Monday for the post of Prime Minister.

Earlier in the day, al-Sadr’s followers entered the Iraqi parliament building again and started a protest in the building.

The Coordination Framework became the largest alliance in the Iraqi parliament after al-Sadr ordered his followers in the Sadrist Movement, the biggest winner in the elections held on October 10, 2021, with 73 seats, to withdraw from the parliament.

During the past months, the continued dispute among the Shia parties have hampered the formation of a new Iraqi government, as the parliament has been unable to elect a new President by a two-thirds majority of the 329-seat parliament under the constitution.

During the past months, the continued dispute among the Shia parties have hampered the formation of…

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UN chief ‘concerned’ over ongoing Al-Sadr-backed protests in Iraq; calls for de-escalation

The United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) on Saturday voiced “deep concern” over the ongoing escalation of protests in Iraq. In a statement, the UNAMI wrote that the situation was “extremely concerning” after agitators stormed the Iraqi Parliament to demonstrate against the nomination of Mohammed Shia’ al-Sudani for the Prime Ministerial post. The UNAMI called on involved parties to immediately “de-escalate in the interest of all Iraqis.”

“The ongoing escalation is deeply concerning. Voices of reason and wisdom are critical to prevent further violence. All actors are encouraged to de-escalate in the interest of all Iraqis,” the UNAMI said in a Twitter post.

US ‘closely following’ Iraq, asks all parties to abstain from violence

Meanwhile, the US embassy in Baghdad also called on protestors to resort to peaceful demonstrations, expressing concern over reports of violence. In a statement, the US embassy stated that they are “closely monitoring the unrest in Baghdad today and are concerned about reports of violence.” It added, “We join the call by parties across the Iraqi political spectrum to remain calm, abstain from violence, and resolve their political differences through a peaceful process guided by the Iraqi constitution,” as protestors stormed the capital’s fortified Green Zone. The US embassy in Baghdad also urged protestors to refrain from violence and seek a peaceful resolution through dialogue.

On the other hand, the Arab League also appealed to demonstrators to abstain from violence. “The secretary-general (of Arab League- Ahmed Aboul-Gheit) stresses that getting things out of control will not be in the interest of Iraq or…

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Jeanine Plasschaerton (UNAMI) on the situation concerning Iraq

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Deadly strikes blamed on Turkey in Iraq’s Kurdistan draw condemnation

International organizations and world countries have denounced in strongest terms artillery strikes against a tourist resort blamed on Turkey in the semi-autonomous Kurdistan region of northern Iraq, which killed at least nine civilians and wounded more than 20 others.

The UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) roundly condemned the shelling of the northern Iraqi hill village of Parakh in the Zakho district on Wednesday, and expressed its deepest condolences to the families of the victims and wished the injured a speedy recovery.

“Civilians are once again suffering the indiscriminate effects of explosive weapons. Under international law, attacks must not be directed at the civilian population,” the UNAMI said in a statement.

“UNAMI therefore calls for a thorough investigation to determine the circumstances surrounding the attack and emphasizes that the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Iraq must be respected at all times.”

The UN mission then urged all parties engaged in military operations in the region to cease any violations against civilians, without delay.

Arab League condemns ‘Turkish attacks’

Secretary General of the Arab League Ahmed Aboul Gheit said the shelling is an attack on Iraqi sovereignty, and represents a clear violation of international law and a flagrant breach of the principle of good neighborliness.

“The Arab League supports Iraq in rejection and condemnation of Turkish attacks, and that it denounces any encroachment or violation of the sovereignty of any Arab country,” Jamal Rushdie, a spokesperson for the secretary general, quoted Aboul Gheit as saying. 

He called on Ankara to “make recalculations, maintain the principle of good neighborliness in its relations with regional countries, and refrain from carrying out military operations inside the territories of Arab countries under any pretext.”

The Arab Parliament also said it “condemns the brutal Turkish attack on Dohuk province in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, which resulted in the…

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Widespread condemnation by the international community of civilian deaths in Zakho

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Many international powers have published statements in which they condemned the nine civilian deaths that occurred on Wednesday in Zakho (Zaxo), Iraqi Kurdistan.

The Arab Parliament that includes countries like Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Qatar released a statement on Thursday saying “this attack represents a flagrant violation of all international conventions and norms, and a flagrant violation of Iraq’s sovereignty and the principles and rules of good neighbourliness.”

They called Turkey to “stop these hostile acts”.

Meanwhile, the attacks on civilians are completely unacceptable, Germany’s Foreign Ministry said in the statement on Thursday and that “Investigations into the circumstances of and responsibility for this attack must be conducted as a matter of urgency.”

The UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office also shared on Wednesday the UK’s concerns about the attack and said that, “the UK deplores the loss of life and will continue to support the stability of Iraq including the Kurdistan Region of Iraq”.

The United States had condemned the attack on Wednesday saying that the US maintains strong support for Iraq’s national sovereignty and its security, stability, and prosperity, including that of the Iraqi Kurdistan Region, the State Department spokesperson Ned Price said.

Shortly after the attack, the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) had said that the UNAMI strongly condemned the shelling of the mountain resort in the Kurdistan region on Wednesday.

Turkey, on the other hand, rejects responsibility for the attack and said that the attack was an ‘act of terror’.

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