
Unami Skincare launches new products

Press Releases of Tuesday, 19 March 2024

Source: Unami Skincare


Unami Skincare has officially launched a new line of all-natural skincare products Unami Skincare has officially launched a new line of all-natural skincare products

Unami Skincare, formerly known as Nutty Cosmetics, has officially launched a new line of all-natural skincare products.

The company was founded by a US based Ghanaian entrepreneur whose grandmother used to sell shea butter for a living.

Through her grandmother’s shea butter business, her mother, siblings, and herself had the privilege of traveling to America and becoming citizens of America.

Her mother’s story about how her grandmother was able to sell tubs of shea butter, coconut milk, and Kente (an expensive and traditional Ghanaian cloth) to pay for their education inspired her to start her own shea butter business.

With the introduction of her entirely new line of natural skincare products, namely:

– Nutty Peach

– Masked Up

– Lemongrass + Lavender Body Oil

– Sweet Nilla

– Tropical Mango


– Soft Nyash

– I’m That Girl

– It’s Giving

– No Wahala

Josephine Cerwaa Bonsu, CEO of Unami Skincare and a Rutgers University graduate, is also involved in building infrastructure for women who manufacture shea and black soap in Ghana, which has served as a source of motivation for her success in business. She believes that this has helped her grow professionally and personally because giving up would imply giving up on them.

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UNAMI: holding KRI elections is essential


Shafaq News/ On Monday, the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) called the Kurdish parties to prioritize the people interests, considering holding the parliamentary elections “essential.”

“We take note of today’s KDP decision, as we have taken note of the FSC decision last month. We call on all parties to work in the interest of the people, and thus towards solutions, rather than another prolonged impasse. The holding of the 10 June KRI elections is essential.” UNAMI said in a statement.

The Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) declared on Monday its decision to boycott the upcoming parliamentary elections in the Kurdistan Region, warning of potential withdrawal from Iraq’s political process if the State Administration Coalition (SAC) fails to adhere to agreed-upon terms.

The KDP’s Political Bureau released a statement, urging the SAC parties to “fulfill their national responsibilities by upholding the constitution and honoring all provisions of the political and administrative agreement governing the current government led by Mohammed Shia al-Sudani.” Underscoring that “continuing in the political process under the current conditions would be untenable for the KDP.”

In addition, the statement denounced the decisions made by the Iraqi Federal Supreme Court regarding the Kurdistan Region elections.

Last February, Iraq’s Supreme Court issued rulings related to the Kurdistan Region’s election law.

The court declared that a specific article concerning the minority quota in KRG’s provincial election law was deemed “unconstitutional.” This article, part of a law initially adopted in 1992 and revised in 2013, mandates 11 quota seats in the Regional parliament for ethnic and religious minorities. In response, Turkmen and Christian parties withdrew from the elections.

Furthermore, the verdict stated that Iraq’s Independent High Electoral Commission will take over from…

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Accountability for Domestic violence in Iraq: Promoting justice and non-discrimination [EN/AR]

UNAMI/OHCHR Report Calls for Further Measures to Address Domestic Violence in Iraq

Baghdad, 07 March 2024 – Ahead of the International Women’s Day, the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) have jointly released a comprehensive report entitled “Accountability for Domestic violence in Iraq: Promoting justice and non-discrimination.” EN/AR

The findings of the report are derived from a comprehensive analysis of data, including a review of 100 domestic violence court cases in Baghdad, Kirkuk, and Mosul, trial hearing observations, examination of court judgments and meetings with judges, lawyers, prosecutors, government officials, survivors and their families, as well as civil society. A draft of the report was shared with relevant government ministries through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and their comments have been taken into account in the final version.

UNAMI/OHCHR recognize that Iraq has implemented several positive measures to address domestic violence, such as the adoption of two national strategies and the establishment of the Directorate of Family and Child Protection against Domestic Violence, as well as the assignment of specifically nominated judges in misdemeanor courts for domestic violence cases.

However, the report underscores how domestic violence remains a form of discrimination that significantly hinders women’s enjoyment of their rights and freedoms, and emphasizes the impact of social stigma and other barriers preventing survivors from reporting incidents. The report further highlights the limited scope and effectiveness of investigations, which often result in a lack of justice, remedy, or protection for survivors. The absence of a legal protection framework, particularly a law on domestic violence in conformity with international standards, exacerbates the lack of awareness among the public and law enforcement agencies and poses substantial challenges in addressing criminal violence within homes.

In light…

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UN Report Urges Iraq to Enhance Domestic Violence Protections, Highlights Legal Gaps

The United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) have jointly released a pivotal report underlining the urgent need for Iraq to bolster its domestic violence protections. This comprehensive analysis draws from a sweeping review of 100 domestic violence court cases across Baghdad, Kirkuk, and Mosul, alongside observations of trial hearings, examinations of court judgments, and extensive stakeholder interviews.


Current Measures and Persistent Challenges

Iraq has taken significant steps towards addressing domestic violence, including the adoption of national strategies and the establishment of specialized directorates and courtroom positions. Despite these advancements, the report stresses that domestic violence continues to act as a discriminating force, severely limiting women’s rights and freedoms. A critical issue highlighted is the social stigma and various barriers that deter survivors from reporting incidents, compounded by the ineffectiveness of investigations leading to a concerning absence of justice, remedy, or protection for survivors. Additionally, the lack of a comprehensive legal framework on domestic violence in line with international standards is pinpointed as a major hurdle in effectively combating this issue.

Recommendations for a Holistic Approach


The UNAMI/OHCHR report sets forth a series of urgent recommendations aimed at enhancing the judicial process related to domestic violence cases. It calls for the Iraqi government to adopt a comprehensive, survivor-centered approach that includes legislative reforms, specialized training for law enforcement and judicial personnel, improved support services for survivors, and heightened public awareness campaigns. These measures are deemed essential for ensuring effective reporting, protection, and accountability in cases of domestic violence, aligning with international human rights standards.

Future Collaborations and Expectations

In a move towards constructive collaboration, UNAMI/OHCHR express their readiness to work closely with the Iraqi Government in implementing these recommended measures. The goal is…

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Diplomatic missions, back Kurdistan Region’s election date decision


Shafaq News/ The diplomatic missions in Erbil and Baghdad welcomed, on Sunday, the announcement of the date for the Kurdistan Region Parliament elections.

The Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani, said in a statement, “the diplomatic envoys supported holding “free, fair and transparent” elections and urged the political forces in the Kurdistan Region to stick to the final date for the elections.”

The consulates of the US, France, Italy and the Netherlands in Erbil said on Twitter that they supported the election date, and that holding the elections is a way of applying the principles of democracy.

The UN Assistance Mission for Iraq “UNAMI” also said that it supported setting the date for the elections and that it was ready to help.

Claudio Cordone, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General (Political) at UNAMI said, “It’s 10 June for the Kurdistan Parliamentary elections. Looking forward to no more obstacles. UN in Iraq is ready to continue to provide its support as requested.”

Noteworthy, the Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) announced on Sunday, that it opened the registration for the Kurdish political parties and blocs that want to take part in the Kurdistan Region Parliament elections in 2024, from March 5 to March 14, which cannot be extended. The registration will be in Baghdad at the Department of Political Parties and Organizations Affairs and at the electoral offices in the Kurdistan Region provinces.

Earlier today, The Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani signed a regional order that sets the date for the next Kurdistan Region Parliament elections.

The order, which is based on the second paragraph of the first article of the amended Kurdistan Region Presidency Law No. (1) of 2005, sets June 10, 2024…

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Group assails track record of Comelec contractor

group assails track record of comelec contractor

Group assails track record of Comelec contractor

The Commission on Elections (Comelec) is being hounded by questions over the track record of a South Korean company that won the service contract for the 2025 elections.

A group skeptical of the winning bidder cited reports of the company’s machines malfunctioning when used in the elections in two other countries.

Democracy Watch Philippines (DWP) on Friday expressed concern over the awarding of the P17.9 billion vote-counting contract to Miru Systems, given the issues that cropped up during the

2023 elections in Iraq and in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

DWP cited local and international news reports about Miru machines encountering glitches that “resulted in delayed voting, widespread chaos, and worst, massive erosion of public trust.”

Iraq election

Regarding the 2023 elections in Iraq, Miru has already denied the allegations and cited an earlier statement from the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (Unami) that described the elections as “fair and successful.”

But on Dec. 12, 2023, Claudio Cordone, deputy chief of Unami, clarified in a news statement that their mission does not have an electoral monitoring role.

“Unami will not observe or monitor the Dec. 18 elections, and is therefore not in a position to undertake an assessment of the manner in which the elections are conducted,” the news release read.

DWP also noted that Miru had yet to respond to questions from third-party election observers in Kinshasa, such as the National Episcopal Conference of Congo (Cenco) and the Church

of Christ in Congo (ECC).

Congo polls

According to the preliminary election report of Cenco and ECC gathered from the 60,000 nationwide volunteers, about 45.1 percent of the polling stations experienced problems with their


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Speech by Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Iraq, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert | Sixth Baghdad International Dialogue, 24 February 2024 [EN/AR]


Ladies and gentlemen,

I’m glad to be part of this dialogue which explores opportunities to strengthen regional connectivity and integration. A timely gathering, I would say. As always, it is a great honour to be here. In Baghdad. A city steeped in history and tradition. A city I have called my home for over five years now.

Ladies and gentlemen, Iraq’s centrality to regional stability cannot be overstated. For numerous reasons. This is a point I have made many times.

Now, I assume there is no need to spell out the many highs and lows which faced Iraq over the past decades. All of you will already be aware, our Iraqi friends and colleagues most of all.

Instead, I wish to use this opportunity to emphasize that, today, Iraq is increasingly well positioned as an arena for dialogue and investment.

Within this context, domestic stability is (of course) key. Key for the Iraqi people, first and foremost. But also key for people of the region and beyond, as well as key for (for instance) foreign and private investors.

For any country to advance on the global or regional stage, it must be trusted. And, equally important, it must be able to trust others. And yes, that can be easier said than done. As we all know: trust is hard to gain but easy to lose. And nobody denies that legacies from the past can still impact the present. In other words: building trust requires constant and hard work. And that includes the ability to self-reflect.

One thing is for sure: each and every country benefits from being a reliable partner. Why? Because, at the end of the day, everything is connected.

Ladies and gentlemen, the Iraq of today is very different from that of two decades prior. It…

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Iraq to officially investigate UNDP bribery allegations

A meeting organized by the Iraqi National Security Advisory and with the IOM and UNDP is held to discuss the role of community leaders in the return and reintegration of displaced Iraqis, in Irbil, Iraq, on 23 June 2022. [Getty]

The Iraqi Integrity Commission has launched an investigation into corruption allegations linked to the UN’s work in Iraq, following accusations of bribery published earlier this month by British newspaper The Guardian.

The announcement was made on the Commission’s official Facebook page.

The Guardian report alleged UN employees in Iraq working under a United Nations Development (UNDP) programme had accepted bribes from Iraqi businessmen to secure contracts for reconstruction projects.

The Integrity Commission responded by forming a team to investigate the claims and is seeking evidence and clarifications from the newspaper’s editors, according to its statement.

The UN mission in Iraq (UNAMI) confirmed the departure of its Special Representative, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, but distanced itself from the corruption allegations against sister agency UNDP and denied this was linked to the scandal.

UNAMI emphasised its commitment to “accuracy” and urged the media to avoid “misleading information.”

“UNAMI would like to set the record straight regarding the recent circulation of misleading reports in various Iraqi traditional and social media outlets concerning the departure of Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert,” said the UNAMI in a statement on Wednesday.

“UNAMI emphasises that the SRSG’s departure in May aligns with usual practices within the United Nations, including the standard rotation of senior UN officials,” it added. 

Hennis-Plasschaert concluded her five-year term on 6 February, calling for Iraq to remain neutral in regional conflicts.

She faced criticism during her tenure for alleged bias towards certain Iraqi factions, according to our Arabic service Al-Araby Al-Jadeed.

What is the UNDP accused of in Iraq?

According to the investigation by The Guardian,…

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Maraykanka waxa ka go’an Ciraaq xasilloon oo nabad ah

Washington — 

“Maraykanka waxaa weli ka go’an inuu la shaqeeyo dawladda Ciraaq, si loo xoojiyo oo loo sii qoto dheereeyo iskaashiga dawladeed ee muddada dheer soo jireenka ah si aan u raadinno Ciraaq ammaan ah, xasilloon oo madaxbannaan,” ayuu yiri danjire Robert Wood, oo ah ergeyga hawlaha gaarka ah ee Maraykanka u qaabilsan arrimaha siyaasadda ee Arrimaha Qaramada Midoobay.

Nasiib darro, maleeshiyaadka taabacsan Iran ayaa ku hanjabaya inay wiiqi doonaan guulihii adkaa ee Ciraaq laga gaaray tan iyo markii dhulka looga adkaaday Daacish toddobo sano ka hor, ayuu yiri Ambassador Wood.

Tan iyo Oktoobar 2023, kooxahani waxay weerareen ciidamada Maraykanka iyo kuwa isbahaysiga ee Ciraaq, Suuriya iyo Urdun in ka badan 165 jeer. Nasiib darro seddax askari oo Mareykan ah ayaa la dilay, tobanaan kalana waa lagu dhaawacay 28-kii Janaayo markii maleeshiyaadka xulafada la ah Iran ay weerareen ciidamada Mareykanka ee fadhigoodu yahay Jordan si ay uga qeyb qaataan dagaalka ka dhanka ah Daacish. “Khasaaretani waa mid aad u xun, tani waa wax aan la aqbali karin. Weerarradan oo kale ma sii socon karaan.”

Danjire Wood ayaa sheegay in weerarro badan oo kuwan la mid ah oo ka dhacay Ciraaq oo lagu beegsaday ciidamada Mareykanka iyo kuwa isbaheysiga ee lagu martigeliyay saldhigyada Ciraaq ay sababeen khasaare dhimasho iyo dhaawac, oo ay ku jiraan saaxiibada Ciraaq ee leh hindisaha dagaalka wadajirka ah ee ka dhanka ah ISIS:

“Kooxaha hubaysan ee ka hawlgala meel ka baxsan gacanta dawladda waxay caqabad weyn ku yihiin maamulka dawladda Ciraaq iyo dadka Ciraaq, iyagoo ku hanjabaya inay xoojinayaan xasilloonida Ciraaq ay si adag ula dagaallameen si ay u gaaraan.”

Hawlgalka Kaalmaynta Qaramada Midoobay ee Ciraaq, ama UNAMI, waxa ay weli hayaan shaqo muhiim ah oo ay tahay in la qabto, ayuu carrabka ku adkeeyay Danjire Wood:

“UNAMI waxay horey u bixisay kaalmo aad u qiimo badan…

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Abandoned dog found tied to a pole in Cranford

CRANFORD, New Jersey (WABC) — An abandoned dog was found tied to a pole in Cranford, New Jersey Thursday morning.

Around 6 a.m., someone called police after seeing a dog was tied to a pole on Lexington Avenue near Unami Park.

The dog, named Zeus, was left with a sign that said, “Not rabid, no biting, need a home.”

Animal Control Solutions took in the Pit-mix and said he is healthy and warming up with the staff.

Police say the dog was left to fend for himself, cold and alone.

“It was 25, no water, no food around it,” said Captain Matthew Nazzaro with the Cranford Police. “There really is not an excuse for leaving a dog. There may be reasons, but there is not a reason to leave a dog in these extreme temperatures.”

Police were able to figure out the dog was microchipped, and they are now looking for his previous owner.

There is an investigation into Zeus’ abandonment, and Nazzaro says depending on the outcome, the person responsible could face charges.

Police are asking anyone with information about the dog to call 908-272-2222.

ALSO READ | New York City, Tri-State animal shelters at capacity, emblematic of national crisis


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