
Preparations underway for Trump rally in NEPA

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Photos: Valley with a Heart benefit

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Early arrivals line up for best seats at Trump arena rally

WILKES-BARRE TWP. — Police have a warning to those attending Saturday’s rally by former President Donald Trump at the Mohegan Sun Arena: arrive early.

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Osama Bin Laden Kill Team Use Hatchets from ‘Last of the Mohicans’ Knife-Maker

SEAL Team 6, best known for killing Osama bin Laden in 2011, used hatchets made by Daniel Winkler, a North Carolina knife maker who forged blades for the 1992 movie “The Last Mohicans” starring Daniel Dey-Lewis, according to the The New York Times.

The article titled, “The Secret History of SEAL Team 6: Quiet Killings and Blurred Lines,” claims that “during one period, members of Team 6’s Red Squadron — its logo shows crossed tomahawks below the face of a Native American warrior — received a Winkler hatchet after their first year in the squadron.”

In an interview, Winkler refused to say which SEAL units had received his tomahawks, but acknowledged that many were paid for by private donors.

Also Read: Russell Means, ‘Last of the Mohicans’ Star and Activist, Dies at 72

Several former Team 6 members said that some SEAL members carried the hatchets on missions, and at least one killed an enemy fighter with the weapon.

Dom Raso, a former Team 6 member who left the Navy in 2012, said that hatchets were used “for breaching, getting into doors, manipulating small locks, hand-to-hand combat and other things.” He added that hatchet and blade kills occurred during his time with the SEALs.

“Whatever tool you need to protect yourself and your brothers, whether it is a blade or a gun, you are going to use,” said Raso, who has worked with Mr. Winkler in producing a blade.

Also Read: Controversial ‘SEAL Team Six’ Film Gives Nat Geo Highest Ratings in a Year

The article also claims many SEAL operators refused to use tomahawks — because they were too bulky to take into combat and not as effective as firearms.

“It’s a dirty business,” said one former senior enlisted Team 6 member. “What’s the difference between shooting them as…

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TidalHealth’s Anthony passes away suddenly

TidalHealth representatives this week announced the sudden death of Dr. Harry Anthony, a primary-care physician who practiced in Georgetown.

The 53-year-old father of three died unexpectedly on Saturday, Aug. 27, while vacationing with his family, they said.

Anthony had worked for TidalHealth since 1998, and had served as chief medical officer of TidalHealth Nanticoke and for its primary- and specialty-care offices for the past four years.

Patients can call (302) 297-2587 to transition to Dr. Joseph Karnish, Dr. Maritza Parreno or Jessica Baxter, a nurse practitioner, who are all in the Georgetown office.

Anthony was past president of the TidalHealth Nanticoke Medical Staff, in 2009 and 2010, and a former member of the Executive Committee and Quality Control for the Board of Directors, and had served the healthcare team and providers as credentials chair and department chair for Family Practice.

He is survived by his wife, Thiele, daughters Sam and Ariella, and son Dominic.

Funeral information wasn’t yet complete as of Coastal Point press time this week.

“Dr. Anthony’s leadership and vision were essential during some of the most formative years of TidalHealth Nanticoke,” TidalHealth CEO Steve Leonard stated.

“His contributions to our growth and his dedication to his patients consistently defined what a provider should be to his community,” he said.

Penny Short, president of TidalHealth Nanticoke, said the doctor was respected, admired and loved by his peers and patients and that he will “always be remembered as a champion of healthcare for our hospital, health system and community.”

“He welcomed every challenge and accepted every offer to help us improve our delivery of care, our quality and outcomes,” she stated.

Anthony was characterized as the “quintessential family physician always putting his patients first,” by Dr. Karin DiBari, president of TidalHealth Medical Partners.

“He was passionate about quality and provided invaluable leadership to the medical group as…

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Wilkes-Barre Area approves agreements for assessment appeal of Mohegan Sun Pocono casino property

The Wilkes-Barre Area School District has enlisted help in determining what it will claim should be the assessed value of the Mohegan Sun Pocono casino property in Plains Twp.

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Lenni Lenape

Local Event: Leni Lenape: Past and Present

This post was contributed by a community member. The views expressed here are the author’s own.

Leni Lenape: Past and Present

Join a ranger and learn about Lenape history, their creation story, indigenous led conservation, and the importance of land stewardship across the country. 2 miles

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End of summer events planned at Ohio parks

Mohican State ParkMohican State Park, via Ohio Department of Natural Resources. (

COLUMBUS — Ohio State Parks have a full lineup of activities planned for the end of the summer. Admission, parking and programs are free at every Ohio State Park.

Alum Creek State Park

Evening Fishing will be Sept. 2, 3-5 p.m., meeting at the New Galena boat ramp by the pavilion. All equipment and bait are provided.

Later that day is the Owl Prowl and Campfire, 7 p.m., meeting at the nature center. A naturalist will discuss owls and their calls.

The Nature Center Animal Meet and Feed is Sept. 3, 11 a.m. Attendees will meet some of the animals living in the nature center and learn about their care, and help feed them.

A kayaking trip is also planned for Sept. 3, 3-5 p.m., meeting at the campground boat launch ramp. Reservations are required at 740-513-6382. This event is for those 8 and older, and able to kayak by themselves. Attendees will learn the basics of kayaking and then go out to explore coves of Alum Creek Lake.

There will be a kids’ fishing event Sept. 4, 1-3 p.m., meeting at the park office. All equipment and bait are provided, and attendees will learn the basics of fishing.

Beginners archery is Sept. 5, 9-11 a.m., meeting at the camp amphitheater. Attendees will get an introduction to archery, and coffee and donuts will be available from the camp hosts.

A.W. Marion State Park

There will be a Labor Day kayaking trip Sept. 5, from 10 a.m. to noon, meeting at the park marina. This event is recommended for those 13 and older with previous experience. Minors must be accompanied by an adult.

Barkcamp State Park

On Sept. 2, there will be a Creekin’ event at 5 p.m., to explore the creek and find animals there,…

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Here’s Everything to Do Around Delaware This Month

Photo by Kerry Harrison

Mark your calendar for these incredible art events, festivals and more throughout the First State during September.

September 9–11: The fall season starts early with Delaware Saengerbund Oktoberfest presented by Delaware Saengerbund & Library. Enjoy a parade, carnival, traditional Bavarian music and dance performances. Plus, dine on German fare like bratwurst, potato pancakes and handmade pretzels. Newark,

September 10: Pedal through the Amish countryside during the 36th Annual Amish Country Bike Tour. Choose from five different ride lengths—16, 25, 50, 62 or 100 miles. Each route begins and ends on Legislative Mall in Dover. Dover,

September 10–11: The Brandywine Festival of the Arts returns with hundreds of juried artists exhibiting their works and wares. A festival spanning 50-plus years draws a crowd from across the country to shop and dine. Wilmington,

September 10: The Grand kicks off a new season of performances with Brian Stokes Mitchell Featuring Delaware Symphony and Singers from Opera Delaware. Mitchell, a Tony Award winner, creates an evening of music split into two acts. First, enjoy traditional concert music, including Viennese waltzes and polkas. Then, Mitchell celebrates Broadway. Wilmington,

September 11–12: The 44th Annual Nanticoke Powwow hosted by the Nanticoke Indian Tribe honors indigenous people with dancing, songs and family celebration. Plus, shop handmade crafts and artwork while tasting Native and indigenous foods. Milton,

Beginning September 14: Delaware Theatre Company premieres Here You Come Again!, a musical about a washed-up comedian and his admiration for his longtime idol, Dolly Parton. The show celebrates Parton and her inspirational influence. Wilmington,

The Hagley Car Show, celebrating General Motors’ early 20th-century innovations, includes more than 500 antique…

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The Downs at Mohegan Sun Pocono, Entries for Saturday, September 3, 2022


Saturday’s entries; Post time: 1:30 p.m.

First nw9700L5 $12,500 Pace

1. Stretch The Line (Ma Miller) 7-2

2. Big Boss Hill (Ri Warren) 4-1

3. Bell Family (Br Boyd) 3-1

4. Major Show (Ge Napolitano Jr) 9-2

5. Seal O’neill (An Napolitano) 8-1

6. Tray Surreal (Si Allard) 5-1

7. Friskie All Nite (Ty Buter) 12-1

8. Lyons King (Ja Pantaleano) 10-1

Second nw9700L5 $12,500 Pace

1. Caviart Rockland (Ja Pantaleano) 3-1

2. Tony Too Tall (Jo Kakaley) 5-2

3. Certifiable (Ma Miller) 12-1

4. Carlas Mach A (Si Allard) 4-1

5. Ollie’s Ztam (Ge Napolitano Jr) 15-1

6. Tam Major A (Ty Buter) 9-2

7. Aflame Hanover (Br Boyd) 6-1

8. Vanilla Malted (An Napolitano) 10-1

Third nw17500L4 $17,500 Trot

1. Blenheim (An Napolitano) 5-1

2. Rich And Miserable (Ty Buter) 5-2

3. P L Notsonice (Ma Miller) 2-1

4. Miss Mckee (Ja Pantaleano) 6-1

5. Gangster Hanover (Ge Napolitano Jr) 7-2

6. Baldaquin (Si Allard) 10-1

Fourth Mnw4000L5 $8,500 Pace

1. Tigers Watching N (Ja Pantaleano) 9-2

2. Jive Dancing A (Ge Napolitano Jr) 5-2

3. Allmylovin Hanover (Ma Miller) 10-1

4. Brookdale Jessie (Ri Warren) 3-1

5. Culinary Artist (Br Boyd) 4-1

6. Dreaming Image (Si Allard) 15-1

7. Ooh Real Good (An Napolitano) 6-1

8. Abuelita Hanover (Ty Buter) 12-1

Fifth w4-7PM $17,000 Trot

1. Dicentra (Ch Norris) 10-1

2. Hurrikane Willie G (Ja Pantaleano) 5-1

3. Dagon Hanover (Br Boyd) 7-2

4. Speed Away (Si Allard) 3-1

5. Hall It In (Ma Miller) 6-1

6. Ching Ching Lucky (An Napolitano) 12-1

7. Esplosione (Ty Buter) 5-2

Sixth nw17500L4 $17,500 Trot

1. Mushana (Ma Miller) 8-1

2. Kinda Lucky Lindy (Ge Napolitano Jr) 3-1

3. Robbie Pev (Ty Buter) 5-2

4. One After Nine (Ja Pantaleano) 12-1

5. Chapolier (An Napolitano) 7-2

6. Top Me Off (Br Boyd) 9-2

7. Tokyo Seelster (Si Allard) 6-1

Seventh Mnw6800L5 $11,000 Pace

1. Therewasthisgirl (Ma Miller) 9-2

2. A Crafty Lady (Ge Napolitano Jr) 5-1

3. Bettors Heart N (Ty Buter) 3-1

4. Crush Me (Ri Warren) 10-1

5. Shes A Sassy Beach (Si Allard) 4-1

6. Another Beach Day (Br…

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