
5 Things Connecticut Bettors Need to Know about the Oct 19 Sports Betting Launch

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Missing ring returns on mother’s birthday

This is quite a story. A couple months ago, Cyndy Martin Munsee decided to wear her mom’s ring (Lois Martin’s) on a trip to Erie. Later she realized it was gone. After looking everywhere for two months, the other day while making the bed, she noticed something shining on the carpet. It was the missing ring. What was special – it was her mom’s birthday. According to Cyndy, “things happen in mysterious ways.”

It was a double party for Barb Peterson who was celebrating her birthday and retirement.

Dottie Morgan also had a nice retirement party at the Elks Club hosted by here sisters Vickie Stull, Theresa Williams, Barb Chase and Kelly Way plus others, with music by Knuckle Down.

I see that Nikki Arison has taken over for Mary Norton in the junior bowling program at Bowl-Aire Lanes.

Belated 93rd birthday wishes to a special lady, Gerri Cragg, and to her daughter-in-law Rachel Cragg. Celebrating today are Jen Lesher, John Brundage and Becky Frazier (also happy anniversary), tomorrow Ralph Amoroso, Aundrea Proctor, Beth Dolan, Blaine Walp, my aunt Alice McCray and my cousin Dick Root. Monday is special for Dianne Hamilton, Mike Sita, Dennis Kubiak and Lindsay Combs who was in England the last I knew (or perhaps Scotland).

Happy 22nd birthday yesterday to Tyler Burlew. I’ll never forget the night he scored five touchdowns.

The Corry Manor is holding a special trick-or-treat event around the outside of the building so the residents can enjoy looking outside. It’s next Saturday from 2-5 p.m.

Get well wishes to Peggy Kubich who I met when she worked at The Journal way back when.

Skip Laird and I were talking about the state golf tournament and we’re pretty sure that Walt Bowen was Corry High School’s first-ever qualifier, and that Irv Downs was his…

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EU: UN-led multilateralism contributes to global peace

BRUSSELS — The European Union Saturday stressed that multilateralism, with the United Nations at its core, is the most effective way to contribute to global peace, security, human rights and prosperity.

“In a rapidly evolving world, a strong and dynamic partnership between the EU and the UN is more important than ever and it needs to deliver,” said EU High Representative Josep Borrell in a statement to mark the UN Day.

“Together, we must respond to global crises, threats and challenges that cannot be addressed by any country alone, be it climate change and biodiversity loss or the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic,” he said.

Borrell noted that the UN Secretary-General’s report on Our Common Agenda represents a timely opportunity to transform the UN system and gear it towards these objectives.

“On the UN Day, we congratulate the UN and its staff for their vital work across the globe, from Afghanistan to Mali,” he added. United Nations Day, on Oct. 24, marks the anniversary of the day in 1945 when the UN Charter entered into force.

The EU also deplored the recent threats of violence against the personnel of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), the Independent High Electoral Commission and against others, following the publication of preliminary elections results in Iraq held earlier this month.

“Such violent manifestations have no place in a democracy. The EU recalls that voting on Election Day was largely peaceful, orderly and well-organized, and voters were able to freely express their will,” said EU lead spokesman for foreign relations Peter Stano in a statement.

“Any elections-related appeal or complaint should be addressed through existing legal procedures. It is crucial that all parties use these legal means to address any grievances they may have over the outcome of the polls,” he said.

The EU looks forward to working closely with the…

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Chelsea Table & Stage Proudly Presents Global Phenomena Composer Randy Edelman: A Close Relationship Saturday November 27th, 2021 NYC

In a rare, one night only New York performance, on Saturday November 27th @ 9:30 PM, composer, world renowned conductor and master pianist Randy Edelman will grace the stage, and star in “Randy Edelman: A Close Relationship”,  at the “Chelsea Table & Stage”, Manhattan’s newest hot spot for intimate music and dining located at the Hilton Fashion District Hotel West 26th Street, New York, NY 10001.

Randy Edelman will celebrate the sound scape of his musical career through a dazzling, and touching piano concert. He will be transporting his audience to echoes of the familiar with arrangements of his movie scores from “Last of the Mohicans” to “My Cousin Vinny.” He will also sing his new post pandemic anthem heard all over the world “Comin’ Out the Other Side.”Randy will also be sharing hit songs from his solo albums which possess some of the most sensitive lyrics on the planet while he embraces versions of his songs that have been recorded by some of the most popular artists of today including, Barry Manilow, Patti LaBelle, Olivia Newton-John, Nelly, and others.

As a storyteller Randy will present some funny and tender anecdotes about his life experiences as well.The opulence of piano couture Randy Edelman lies not only within his music compositions but also in the romance of his attitude, and the enchantment of the keys when his fingers glance at them often sounding like liquid mathematics, or perfumed smoke or operatic punk rock. His performances are powerful and emotionally charged leaving his audiences entranced and astounded.

Acclaimed globally as master film music scorer Randy Edelman has composed over 100 popular films including: “XXX”, “Gettysburg“, “Anaconda”, “27 Dresses”, “The Mask”, “Ghostbusters ll”, “Kindergarten Cop”, “Twins”, “Dragonheart” and an endless array of others. He is also recognized for…

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Lenni Lenape

Lenape Valley over West Morris- Field hockey recap

For NJ Advance Media

For NJ Advance Media

Ella Gomez’s first quarter goal held up as the game-winner in Lenape Valley’s 1-0 win over West Morris in Stanhope.

Angie Falleni assisted on Gomez’s goal for Lenape Valley (11-3-1). Abby Coppolella made three saves to earn the shutout.

Maddy Cline made four saves for West Morris (9-7).

The N.J. High School Sports newsletter is now appearing in mailboxes 5 days a week. Sign up now and be among the first to get all the boys and girls sports you care about, straight to your inbox each weekday. To add your name, click here.

Note to readers: if you purchase something through one of our affiliate links we may earn a commission.

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Historical Affairs programs in November 2021

(DOVER, Del. — Oct. 18, 2021) — The Delaware Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs will be sponsoring a wide variety of activities during the month of November 2021 including, among others, a concert by singer/songwriter Sug Daniels, and programs celebrating Dutch American Heritage Day and National Native American Heritage Month. Several of these programs will be conducted in front of a live audience, while three will be streamed live on the internet with registration required. A full schedule is included below. All programs are free and open to the public. Go to the following for additional information and reservation instructions:

Photo of Sug DanielsSinger/songwriter Sug Daniels will perform at The Old State House on Nov. 12, 2021.


Delaware Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs programs, November 2021

Tuesdays, Nov. 2, 9 and 16; Fridays, Nov. 5, 12 and 19; Saturday, Nov. 20 Guided visitation to the African burial ground at the John Dickinson Plantation. Guided visitation leads participants to the African burial ground which is believed to be the final resting place for enslaved and free Black men, women and children who died on the plantation. Guests will engage with guides about the historical context and archaeological research of the site. John Dickinson Plantation, 340 Kitts Hummock Road, Dover. Programs at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Visitation recommendations: hat, closed-toed shoes, long pants clothing that accounts for current weather conditions, insect repellant and sunscreen. Admission free but reservations recommended by calling 302-739-3277.

Saturday, Nov. 6, 2021 “18th Century Market Fair.” Day-long series of programs harkens back to an era when The Green served as the focal point of life in Dover as historical interpreters explore the goods, wares and political attitudes of the 1700s. The…

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The 5 Most Popular Sports Teams for Connecticut Fans to Start Betting on

The 5 Most Popular Sports Teams for Connecticut Fans to Start Betting on

© USA Today

Legal Connecticut sports betting sites just went live on Tuesday Oct. 19, following a seven-day soft launch, that started on Tuesday.

Foxwoods Resort Casino and Mohegan Sun opened their retail sportsbooks on Sept. 30 without any issues and the online sports betting soft launch started off smoothly, according to a state spokesperson.

With that being the case, you’ll soon be able to bet on your favorite teams and more at DraftKings Sportsbook, the Moheagan Sun partners and with FanDuel Sportsbook, the Foxwood partner and SugarHouse Sportsbook, the partner of the state lottery.

Bet on Your Favorites Right Here:


FanDuel Sports

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Must be 21+ to participate. T&Cs apply.

One thing to note is that there are rules regarding college sports. You can bet on college teams, but not those based in Connecticut. Therefore, you won’t be able to bet on the UConn Huskies or Sacred Heart’s ice hockey team, for example. The only exception is if those teams are in bracketed tournaments, including the NCAA basketball tournament. So when March Madness arrives, take the Huskies if you want.

With that said, here are five teams on which Connecticut bettors could be interested in placing some wagers.

New England Patriots

It’s not always cool to root for the Patriots. However, they’re part of the New England collective. After winning their last Super Bowl in 2019, the Patriots have rebuilt and are now led by rookie quarterback Mac Jones. With Connecticut online sports betting set to go live before…

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Sorry Iowa: We Aren’t Getting Enough Free Time in Our Day

I’m pretty sure everyone who works wishes they had more free time. And that would definitely be amazing for a little while. But believe it or not, you would eventually get sick of that too. (Shocking, I know!)

You need more free time

I realize as our tremendous Iowa farmers are in the fields, free time seems like a total anomaly. According to a new study out of the University of Pennsylvania and UCLA and published on a website called Boing Boing, the right amount of free time to have is actually a sort of science as it’s oddly specific. You should have exactly the amount of time they suggest each day.

That amount is two-and-a-half hours a day. No less, but also no more. I guess we need to monitor our downtime with a stopwatch?

No more, no less because… why?

If you have less free time than that, it’ll have a negative impact on how satisfied you are with your life. But if you have more free time than that, you’ll eventually feel like you don’t have enough of a purpose and that will also have a negative effect on how satisfied you are with your life.

Here is a challenge, though. During your free time, try putting your smartphone down, and try doing something away from screens. THAT seems like the real challenge. And I’m not saying I’d do well with it either! Also, you wouldn’t be able to read articles like this one so… maybe use your screen time for a bit of that R&R time? Just a bit.

Midwest Home for Sale has Spooky Salesman

Want to sell a home that’s… um, a fixer-upper? “hire” a spooky salesman who matches the mood! Check out a fun-loving realtor that’s done just that!

Fun Facts About All of the 99 Counties in Iowa

Iowa has 99…

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Commissioners clear zoning for sustainable living and farm center at I-69 and Ind. 332

MUNCIE, Ind. — Zoning has been cleared for development of a 180-acre “sustainable living and farm center” that would feature a hotel, a conference center, a restaurant, a brewery, an amphitheater and golf venue among other amenities at the northeast corner of Ind. 332 and Interstate 69.

A closed gas station sits a the front of the site today.

Developer of the project is Munsee Farms Holdings, LLC, which has connections with Munsee Meats in Muncie and Constant Canopy Farms in Gaston, through Jonathan Lamb and Jason Mauck, who are officers in those enterprises. Lamb is an economist and an owner in the companies. Lamb and Mauck practice regenerative agriculture at Constant Canopy.

Lamb, who also ran in the GOP primary for the 6th Congressional District seat in 2020, said the sustainable farm center is still in its early stages of development with no date set for construction. The rezoning application says Munsee Farm Holdings recently acquired multiple adjacent parcels of land at the site with the “intention of developing an East Central Indiana Regenerative Farming Institute.” 

The development, which is near Yorktown town limits, would promote agritourism and sustainable living.

“The carbon negative agricultural technology hub will demonstrate, train and issue certificates in sustainable, regenerative farming practices, renewable energy and livestock management,” according to the application.

More: Munsee Meats looks to disrupt the system as pandemic wreaks havoc on meat industry

Plans call for the development to feature recreation along with education.

“…The proposal calls for a hotel with an event venue, restaurant, welcome center with with gift shop, a small market, brewery, and gathering place for community outreach.” the document states. “However, what sets this development apart is the inclusion of livestock, for food and energy production and agrivoltaic farming. Agrivoltaic farming is a relatively new concept; in simplest terms it takes solar panels and raises them off the ground to create an…

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Security Council Press Statement: United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq, 22 October 2021 [EN/AR]

The members of the Security Council congratulated the Iraqi people and the Government of Iraq on the occasion of their latest elections, held on 10 October 2021. The members of the Security Council welcomed interim reports that the elections proceeded smoothly and featured significant technical and procedural improvements from previous Iraqi elections.

The members of the Security Council commended the Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) for conducting a technically sound election. They commended the Government of Iraq for its election preparations and for preventing violence on election day.

The members of the Security Council commended the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) for providing IHEC the technical assistance and international monitoring team the Government of Iraq requested to strengthen the electoral process and promote transparency. The members of the Security Council thanked UNAMI for its assistance, and commended UNAMI for demonstrating objectivity in its efforts to support Iraq throughout the election process. They welcomed IHEC’s and UNAMI’s efforts to promote women’s political participation.

The members of the Security Council also welcomed the efforts of member states and other international organizations to observe the elections, notably the European Union long-term Election Observation Mission, the Arab League, the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation and others, as well as domestic organisations.

The members of the Security Council deplored the recent threats of violence against UNAMI, IHEC personnel, and others.

The members of the Security Council reiterated the Secretary-General’s call for all stakeholders to show patience and respect for the electoral timeline. The members of the Security Council stressed that any electoral disputes that may arise should be resolved peacefully through established legal channels. Once the results are ratified, the members of the Security Council look forward to the peaceful formation of an inclusive government that reflects the will…

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